blob: 70d13455b0d36716abcac0541b6178155fd44b08 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Dart test program for testing that isolates can communicate to isolates
// other than the main isolate.
library CrossIsolateMessageTest;
import 'dart:isolate';
import '../../pkg/unittest/lib/unittest.dart';
* Everything starts in the main-isolate (in the main-method).
* The main isolate spawns two isolates: isolate1 (with entry point
* 'crossIsolate1') and isolate2 (with entry point 'crossIsolate2').
* The main-isolate creates a new message-box and sends its sink to both
* isolates. Whenever isolate1 or isolate2 send something to the main-isolate
* they will use this sink.
* Isolate2 stores the sink and replies with a new sink (sink2b) it created.
* Isolate1 stores the sink and waits for another message.
* Main receives isolate2's sink2b and sends it to isolate1.
* Isolate1 stores this sink as "otherIsolate" and send a new sink (sink1b) to
* the main isolate.
* Main receives sink1b and sents a message "fromMain, 42" to sink1b.
* isolate1 receives this message, modifies it (adding 58 to 42) and forwards
* it to isolate2 (otherIsolate).
* isolate2 receives the message, modifies it (adding 399), and sends it to
* the main isolate.
* The main-isolate receives it, verifies that the result is 499 and ends the
* test.
void crossIsolate1() {
bool first = true;
IsolateSink mainIsolate;
var subscription = stream.listen((msg) {
if (first) {
first = false;
mainIsolate = msg;
IsolateSink otherIsolate = msg;
MessageBox box = new MessageBox(); {
expect(msg[0], "fromMain");
otherIsolate.add(["fromIsolate1", msg[1] + 58]); // 100;
mainIsolate.add(['ready1', box.sink]);
void crossIsolate2() {
var subscription;
subscription = stream.listen((msg) {
IsolateSink mainIsolate = msg;
MessageBox box = new MessageBox(); {
expect(msg[0], "fromIsolate1");
mainIsolate.add(["fromIsolate2", msg[1] + 399]); // 499;
mainIsolate.add(['ready2', box.sink]);
main() {
test("share sink, and send message cross isolates ", () {
IsolateSink sink1 = streamSpawnFunction(crossIsolate1);
IsolateSink sink2 = streamSpawnFunction(crossIsolate2);
// Create a new sink and send it to isolate2.
MessageBox box = new MessageBox();
int msgNumber = 0;
bool isReady1 = false;
bool isReady2 = false;
bool hasSentMessage = false;
Function ready1 = expectAsync0(() => isReady1 = true);
Function ready2 = expectAsync0(() => isReady2 = true);
Function fromIsolate2 = expectAsync1((data) {
expect(data, 499);
IsolateSink sink1b;
IsolateSink sink2b; {
switch (msg[0]) {
case 'ready1': ready1(); sink1b = msg[1]; break;
case 'ready2':
sink2b = msg[1];
case 'fromIsolate2': fromIsolate2(msg[1]); break;
default: throw "bad message";
if (isReady1 && isReady2 && !hasSentMessage) {
hasSentMessage = true;
sink1b.add(["fromMain", 42]);