blob: 14d7e6df6f15a712c41109e6bbdc2e82aa3136ba [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Dart test program for testing argument definition test.
int test(int a, {int b: 2, int c: 3}) {
int result = 0;
?result; /// 01: compile-time error
if (?a) {
result += 100;
if (?b) {
result += 20;
if (?c) {
var b; ?b; /// 02: compile-time error
result += 3;
if ((!?a?!?b:!?c) == (?a??b:?c)) {
result += 200;
if (!?a?!?b:!?c == ?a??b:?c) {
result += 400;
return result;
closure_test(int a, {int b: 2, int c: 3}) {
var x = 0;
return () {
int result = 0;
?result; /// 03: compile-time error
?x; /// 04: compile-time error
if (?a) {
result += 100;
if (?b) {
result += 20;
if (?c) {
var b; ?b; /// 05: compile-time error
result += 3;
// Equivalent to: (!?c) == ?b.
if ((!?a?!?b:!?c) == (?a??b:?c)) {
result += 200;
// Equivalent to: (!?c) ? ?b : ?c.
if (!?a?!?b:!?c == ?a??b:?c) {
result += 400;
return result;
tl_test([a]) => ?a;
main() {
// Use a loop to test optimized version as well.
for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
Expect.equals(100, test(1));
Expect.equals(720, test(1, b: 2));
Expect.equals(523, test(1, b: 2, c: 3));
Expect.equals(703, test(1, c: 3));
Expect.equals(100, closure_test(1)());
Expect.equals(720, closure_test(1, b: 2)());
Expect.equals(523, closure_test(1, b: 2, c: 3)());
Expect.equals(703, closure_test(1, c: 3)());
Expect.equals(true, tl_test(0));
Expect.equals(false, tl_test());