blob: 3bd7efb169b095307d89646a428f397700369566 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of testrunner;
* Read the contents of a file [fileName] into a [List] of [String]s.
* If the file does not exist and [errorIfNoFile] is true, throw an
* exception, else return an empty list.
List<String> getFileContents(String filename, bool errorIfNoFile) {
File f = new File(filename);
if (!f.existsSync()) {
if (errorIfNoFile) {
throw new Exception('Config file $filename not found.');
} else {
return new List();
return f.readAsLinesSync();
* Given a file path [path], make it absolute if it is relative,
* and return the result.
String makePathAbsolute(String path) {
var p = new Path(path).canonicalize();
if (p.isAbsolute) {
return p.toString();
} else {
var cwd = new Path((new Directory.current()).path);
return cwd.join(p).toString();
* Create the list of all the files in a set of directories
* ([dirs]) whose names match [filePat]. If [recurse] is true
* look at subdirectories too. Once they have all been enumerated,
* call [onComplete]. An optional [excludePat] can be supplied
* and files or directories that match that will be excluded.
// TODO(gram): The key thing here is we want to avoid package
// directories, which have symlinks. excludePat was added for
// that but can't currently be used because the symlinked files
// have canonicalized paths. So instead we exploit that fact and
// assert that every file must have a prefix that matches the
// directory. If this changes then we will need to switch to using
// the exclude pattern or some other mechanism.
void buildFileList(List dirs, RegExp filePat, bool recurse,
Function onComplete,
[RegExp excludePat, bool includeSymLinks = false]) {
var files = new List();
var dirCount = 1;
for (var i = 0; i < dirs.length; i++) {
var path = dirs[i];
if (excludePat != null && excludePat.hasMatch(path)) {
// Is this a regular file?
File f = new File(path);
if (f.existsSync()) {
if (filePat.hasMatch(path)) {
} else { // Try treat it as a directory.
path = makePathAbsolute(path);
Directory d = new Directory(path);
if (d.existsSync()) {
d.list(recursive: recurse).listen(
(entity) {
if (entity is File) {
var file =;
if (filePat.hasMatch(file)) {
if (excludePat == null || !excludePat.hasMatch(file)) {
if (includeSymLinks || file.startsWith(path)) {
onDone: () {
if (complete && --dirCount == 0) {
} else { // Does not exist.
print('$path does not exist.');
if (--dirCount == 0) {
* Get the directory that testrunner lives in; we need it to import
* support files into the generated scripts.
String get runnerDirectory {
var libDirectory = makePathAbsolute(new Options().script);
return libDirectory.substring(0,