blob: 4e0ed4860202ae5b1a6673146a71b3dec6ebbf4c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library EventCustomEventTest;
import '../../pkg/unittest/lib/unittest.dart';
import '../../pkg/unittest/lib/html_config.dart';
import 'dart:html';
// TODO(nweiz): Make this private to testEvents when Frog supports closures with
// optional arguments.
eventTest(String name, Event eventFn(), void validate(Event),
[String type = 'foo']) {
test(name, () {
final el = new Element.tag('div');
var fired = false;
el.on[type].add((ev) {
fired = true;
expect(fired, isTrue, reason: 'Expected event to be dispatched.');
main() {
test('custom events', () {
var provider = new EventStreamProvider<CustomEvent>('foo');
var el = new DivElement();
var fired = false;
provider.forTarget(el).listen((ev) {
fired = true;
expect(ev.detail, 'detail');
var ev = new CustomEvent('foo', canBubble: false, cancelable: false,
detail: 'detail');
expect(fired, isTrue);