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git-svn-id: 260f80e4-7a28-3924-810f-c04153c831b5
diff --git a/sdk/lib/async/signal.dart b/sdk/lib/async/signal.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 723de38..0000000
--- a/sdk/lib/async/signal.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-// part of dart.async;
- *  A basic asynchronous notification.
- */
-abstract class Signal {
-  factory Signal.delayed(int milliseconds) {
-    var completer = new SignalCompleter();
-    new Timer(milliseconds, (_) => completer.complete());
-    return completer.signal;
-  }
-  /**
-   * The [onComplete] handler is called when the signal completes.
-   *
-   * If the signal is already complete, the [onComplete] handler is called
-   * as soon as possible, but no sooner than the next time an event is fired.
-   */
-  void then(void onComplete());
-typedef _SignalCompleteHandler();
- * Simple [Signal] controller that creates a [Signal] and allows completing it.
- */
-class SignalCompleter {
-  final Signal signal;
-  SignalCompleter() : signal = new _SignalImpl();
-  void complete() {
-    _SignalImpl mySignal = signal;
-    mySignal._complete();
-  }
- * Simple Signal implementation receiving its completion from a
- * [SignalCompleter].
- */
-class _SignalImpl implements Signal {
-  /** Single-linked list of "done" event handlers to notify. */
-  _SignalListener _listeners = null;
-  /** Whether the signal is already completed. */
-  bool _isComplete = false;
-  void then(void onComplete()) {
-    _listeners = new _SignalListener(_listeners, onComplete);
-    if (_isComplete) {
-      // Schedule the done events as soon as the event queue is ready.
-      new Timer(0, (Timer timer) { _sendDone(); });
-    }
-  }
-  /**
-   * Complete the signal.
-   *
-   * This immediately notifies all listeners on the signal.
-   */
-  void _complete() {
-    assert(!_isComplete);  // Only complete once.
-    _isComplete = true;
-    _sendDone();
-  }
-  /**
-   * Notify all listeners.
-   */
-  void _sendDone() {
-    while (_listeners != null) {
-      _DoneHandler onDone = _listeners.listener;
-      _listeners =;
-      try {
-        onDone();
-      } catch (e, s) {
-        new AsyncError(e, s).throwDelayed();
-      }
-    }
-  }
-/** Single-linked list element of the listeners on a [_SignalImpl]. */
-class _SignalListener {
-  _SignalListener next;
-  _SignalCompleteHandler listener;
-  _SignalListener(, this.listener);
diff --git a/tests/lib/async/future2_test.dart b/tests/lib/async/future2_test.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index f1ae866..0000000
--- a/tests/lib/async/future2_test.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,593 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
-// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-// TODO(ajohnsen): This test needs to be updated.
-//                 Can Dart2JS on V8 somehow run it?
-// Tests for Future.immediate
-import 'dart:async';
-import 'dart:isolate';
-testImmediate() {
-  final future = new Future<String>.immediate("42");
-  future.then((x) => Expect.equals("42", x));
-// Tests for getters (value, exception, isComplete, isValue)
-testNeverComplete() {
-  final completer = new Completer<int>();
-  final future = completer.future;
-  future.then((v) => Except.fails("Value not expected"));
-  future.catchError((e) => Except.fails("Value not expected"));
-testComplete() {
-  final completer = new Completer<int>();
-  final future = completer.future;
-  completer.complete(3);
-  future.then((v) => Expect.equals(3, v));
-// Tests for [then]
-testCompleteWithSuccessHandlerBeforeComplete() {
-  final completer = new Completer<int>();
-  final future = completer.future;
-  int before;
-  future.then((int v) { before = v; });
-  Expect.isNull(before);
-  completer.complete(3);
-  Expect.equals(3, before);
-testCompleteWithSuccessHandlerAfterComplete() {
-  final completer = new Completer<int>();
-  final future = completer.future;
-  int after;
-  completer.complete(3);
-  Expect.isNull(after);
-  future.then((int v) { after = v; });
-  Expect.equals(3, after);
-testCompleteManySuccessHandlers() {
-  final completer = new Completer<int>();
-  final future = completer.future;
-  int before;
-  int after1;
-  int after2;
-  future.then((int v) { before = v; });
-  completer.complete(3);
-  future.then((int v) { after1 = v; });
-  future.then((int v) { after2 = v; });
-  Expect.equals(3, before);
-  Expect.equals(3, after1);
-  Expect.equals(3, after2);
-// Tests for [handleException]
-testException() {
-  final completer = new Completer<int>();
-  final future = completer.future;
-  final ex = new Exception();
-//  future.catchError((e) => print("got error"));//Expect.equals(e, ex));
-  future.then((v) {print(v);})
-        .catchError((e) => Expect.equals(e.error, ex));
-  completer.completeError(ex);
-testExceptionNoSuccessListeners() {
-  final completer = new Completer<int>();
-  final future = completer.future;
-  final ex = new Exception();
-  completer.completeException(ex); // future.then is not called, so no exception
-testExceptionHandler() {
-  final completer = new Completer<int>();
-  final future = completer.future;
-  final ex = new Exception();
-  var ex2;
-  future.catchError((e) { ex2 = e.error; });
-  completer.completeError(ex);
-  Expect.equals(ex, ex2);
-testExceptionHandlerReturnsTrue() {
-  final completer = new Completer<int>();
-  final future = completer.future;
-  final ex = new Exception();
-  bool reached = false;
-  future.catchError((e) { });
-  future.catchError((e) { reached = true; }, test: (e) => false)
-        .catchError((e) {});
-  completer.completeError(ex);
-  Expect.isFalse(reached);
-testExceptionHandlerReturnsTrue2() {
-  final completer = new Completer<int>();
-  final future = completer.future;
-  final ex = new Exception();
-  bool reached = false;
-  future.catchError((e) { }, test: (e) => false)
-        .catchError((e) { reached = true; });
-  completer.completeError(ex);
-  Expect.isTrue(reached);
-testExceptionHandlerReturnsFalse() {
-  final completer = new Completer<int>();
-  final future = completer.future;
-  final ex = new Exception();
-  bool reached = false;
-  future.catchError((e) { });
-  future.catchError((e) { reached = true; }, test: (e) => false)
-        .catchError((e) { });
-  completer.completeError(ex);
-  Expect.isFalse(reached);
-testExceptionHandlerReturnsFalse2() {
-  final completer = new Completer<int>();
-  final future = completer.future;
-  final ex = new Exception();
-  bool reached = false;
-  future.handleException((e) { return false; });
-  future.handleException((e) { reached = true; return false; }); // overshadowed
-  completer.completeException(ex); // future.then is not called, so no exception
-  Expect.isTrue(reached);
-testExceptionHandlerAfterCompleteThenNotCalled() {
-  final completer = new Completer<int>();
-  final future = completer.future;
-  final ex = new Exception();
-  var ex2;
-  completer.completeException(ex);
-  future.handleException((e) { ex2 = e; return true; });
-  future.then((e) { });
-  Expect.equals(ex, ex2);
-testExceptionHandlerAfterCompleteReturnsFalseThenThrows() {
-  final completer = new Completer<int>();
-  final future = completer.future;
-  final ex = new Exception();
-  var ex2;
-  completer.completeException(ex);
-  future.handleException((e) { ex2 = e; return false; });
-  Expect.throws(() { future.then((e) { }); });
-  Expect.equals(ex, ex2);
-// Tests for accessing the exception call stack.
-testCallStackThrowsIfNotComplete() {
-  var exception;
-  try {
-    new Completer().future.stackTrace;
-  } catch (ex) {
-    exception = ex;
-  }
-  Expect.isTrue(exception is FutureNotCompleteException);
-testCallStackIsNullIfCompletedSuccessfully() {
-  Expect.isNull(new Future.immediate('blah').stackTrace);
-testCallStackReturnsCallstackPassedToCompleteException() {
-  final completer = new Completer();
-  final future = completer.future;
-  final stackTrace = 'fake stack trace';
-  completer.completeException(new Exception(), stackTrace);
-  Expect.equals(stackTrace, future.stackTrace);
-testCallStackIsCapturedIfTransformCallbackThrows() {
-  final completer = new Completer();
-  final transformed = completer.future.then((_) {
-    throw 'whoops!';
-  });
-  final stackTrace = 'fake stack trace';
-  completer.complete('blah');
-  Expect.isNotNull(transformed.stackTrace);
-testCallStackIsCapturedIfChainCallbackThrows() {
-  final completer = new Completer();
-  final chained = completer.future.chain((_) {
-    throw 'whoops!';
-  });
-  final stackTrace = 'fake stack trace';
-  completer.complete('blah');
-  Expect.isNotNull(chained.stackTrace);
-testCallStackIsPreservedIfExceptionIsRethrownInTransformException() {
-  final completer = new Completer();
-  var chained = completer.future.chain((_) {
-    throw 'whoops!';
-  });
-  var transformed = chained.transformException((e) {
-    throw e;
-  });
-  completer.complete('blah');
-  Expect.equals(transformed.stackTrace, chained.stackTrace);
-// Tests for mixed usage of [onComplete], [then], and [handleException]
-testCompleteWithCompletionAndSuccessHandlers() {
-  final completer = new Completer<int>();
-  final future = completer.future;
-  var valueFromSuccessHandler;
-  var valueFromCompletionHandler;
-  future.onComplete((f) {
-    Expect.isNotNull(valueFromSuccessHandler);
-    valueFromCompletionHandler = f.value;
-  });
-  future.then((v) {
-    Expect.isNull(valueFromCompletionHandler);
-    valueFromSuccessHandler = v;
-  });
-  completer.complete(42);
-  Expect.equals(42, valueFromSuccessHandler);
-  Expect.equals(42, valueFromCompletionHandler);
-  Expect.equals(42, future.value);
-testExceptionWithCompletionAndSuccessHandlers() {
-  final completer = new Completer<int>();
-  final future = completer.future;
-  final ex = new Exception();
-  var exceptionFromCompleteHandler;
-  future.onComplete((f) {
-    Expect.equals(future, f);
-    Expect.isFalse(f.hasValue);
-    exceptionFromCompleteHandler = f.exception;
-  });
-  future.then((v) =>"Should not succeed"));
-  Expect.throws(() => completer.completeException(ex), (e) => e.source == ex);
-  Expect.equals(ex, exceptionFromCompleteHandler);
-testExceptionWithCompletionAndSuccessAndExceptionHandlers() {
-  final completer = new Completer<int>();
-  final future = completer.future;
-  final ex = new Exception();
-  var exceptionFromCompleteHandler;
-  var exceptionFromExceptionHandler;
-  future.onComplete((f) {
-    Expect.equals(future, f);
-    Expect.isFalse(f.hasValue);
-    exceptionFromCompleteHandler = f.exception;
-  });
-  future.handleException((e) {
-    exceptionFromExceptionHandler = e;
-    return true;
-  });
-  future.then((v) =>"Should not succeed"));
-  completer.completeException(ex);
-  Expect.equals(ex, exceptionFromCompleteHandler);
-  Expect.equals(ex, exceptionFromExceptionHandler);
-// Tests for Future.transform
-testTransformSuccess() {
-  final completer = new Completer<String>();
-  final transformedFuture = completer.future.then((x) => "** $x **");
-  Expect.isFalse(transformedFuture.isComplete);
-  completer.complete("42");
-  Expect.equals("** 42 **", transformedFuture.value);
-testTransformFutureFails() {
-  final completer = new Completer<String>();
-  final error = new Exception("Oh no!");
-  final transformedFuture = completer.future.then((x) {
-"transformer shouldn't be called");
-  });
-  Expect.isFalse(transformedFuture.isComplete);
-  completer.completeException(error);
-  Expect.equals(error, transformedFuture.exception);
-testTransformTransformerFails() {
-  final completer = new Completer<String>();
-  final error = new Exception("Oh no!");
-  final transformedFuture = completer.future.then((x) { throw error; });
-  Expect.isFalse(transformedFuture.isComplete);
-  transformedFuture.then((v) => null);
-  Expect.throws(() => completer.complete("42"), (e) => e.source == error);
-  Expect.equals(error, transformedFuture.exception);
-// Tests for Future.chain
-testChainSuccess() {
-  final completerA = new Completer<String>();
-  final completerB = new Completer<String>();
-  final chainedFuture = completerA.future.chain((x) {
-    Expect.equals("42", x);
-    return completerB.future;
-  });
-  Expect.isFalse(chainedFuture.isComplete);
-  completerA.complete("42");
-  Expect.isFalse(chainedFuture.isComplete);
-  completerB.complete("43");
-  Expect.equals("43", chainedFuture.value);
-testChainFirstFutureFails() {
-  final completerA = new Completer<String>();
-  final error = new Exception("Oh no!");
-  final chainedFuture = completerA.future.chain((x) {
-"transformer shouldn't be called");
-  });
-  Expect.isFalse(chainedFuture.isComplete);
-  completerA.completeException(error);
-  Expect.equals(error, chainedFuture.exception);
-testChainTransformerFails() {
-  final completerA = new Completer<String>();
-  final error = new Exception("Oh no!");
-  final chainedFuture = completerA.future.chain((x) {
-    Expect.equals("42", x);
-    throw error;
-  });
-  chainedFuture.then((v) => null);
-  Expect.isFalse(chainedFuture.isComplete);
-  Expect.throws(() => completerA.complete("42"), (e) => e.source == error);
-  Expect.equals(error, chainedFuture.exception);
-testChainSecondFutureFails() {
-  final completerA = new Completer<String>();
-  final completerB = new Completer<String>();
-  final error = new Exception("Oh no!");
-  final chainedFuture = completerA.future.chain((x) {
-    Expect.equals("42", x);
-    return completerB.future;
-  });
-  Expect.isFalse(chainedFuture.isComplete);
-  completerA.complete("42");
-  Expect.isFalse(chainedFuture.isComplete);
-  completerB.completeException(error);
-  Expect.equals(error, chainedFuture.exception);
-// Tests for Future.transformException
-testTransformExceptionCompletesNormally() {
-  final completer = new Completer<String>();
-  var called = false;
-  final transformedFuture = completer.future.transformException((ex) {
-"should not get here");
-  });
-  completer.complete("value");
-  Expect.isTrue(transformedFuture.isComplete);
-  Expect.equals("value", transformedFuture.value);
-testTransformExceptionThrows() {
-  final completer = new Completer<String>();
-  var called = false;
-  final transformedFuture = completer.future.transformException((ex) {
-    Expect.equals("original error", ex);
-    called = true;
-    throw "transformed error";
-  });
-  completer.completeException("original error");
-  Expect.isTrue(called);
-  Expect.isTrue(transformedFuture.isComplete);
-  Expect.equals("transformed error", transformedFuture.exception);
-testTransformExceptionReturns() {
-  final completer = new Completer<String>();
-  var called = false;
-  final transformedFuture = completer.future.transformException((ex) {
-    Expect.equals("original error", ex);
-    called = true;
-    return "transformed value";
-  });
-  completer.completeException("original error");
-  Expect.isTrue(called);
-  Expect.isTrue(transformedFuture.isComplete);
-  Expect.equals("transformed value", transformedFuture.value);
-testTransformExceptionReturnsAFuture() {
-  final completer = new Completer<String>();
-  var called = false;
-  final returnedCompleter = new Completer<String>();
-  final transformedFuture = completer.future.transformException((ex) {
-    Expect.equals("original error", ex);
-    called = true;
-    return returnedCompleter.future;
-  });
-  completer.completeException("original error");
-  Expect.isTrue(called);
-  Expect.isFalse(transformedFuture.isComplete);
-  returnedCompleter.complete("transformed value");
-  Expect.isTrue(transformedFuture.isComplete);
-  Expect.equals("transformed value", transformedFuture.value);
-// Tests for branching exceptions
-testExceptionTravelsAlongBothBranches() {
-  var results = <int>[];
-  var completer = new Completer();
-  var branch1 = completer.future.then((_) => null);
-  var branch2 = completer.future.then((_) => null);
-  branch1.handleException((e) {
-    results.add(1);
-    return true;
-  });
-  branch2.handleException((e) {
-    results.add(2);
-    return true;
-  });
-  completer.completeException("error");
-  Expect.setEquals([1, 2], results);
-testExceptionTravelsAlongBothBranchesAfterComplete() {
-  var results = <int>[];
-  var completer = new Completer();
-  completer.completeException("error");
-  var branch1 = completer.future.then((_) => null);
-  var branch2 = completer.future.then((_) => null);
-  branch1.handleException((e) {
-    results.add(1);
-    return true;
-  });
-  branch2.handleException((e) {
-    results.add(2);
-    return true;
-  });
-  Expect.setEquals([1, 2], results);
-testExceptionIsHandledInBaseAndBranch() {
-  var results = <String>[];
-  var completer = new Completer();
-  var branch = completer.future.then((_) => null);
-  completer.future.handleException((e) {
-    results.add("base");
-    return true;
-  });
-  branch.handleException((e) {
-    results.add("branch");
-    return true;
-  });
-  completer.completeException("error");
-  Expect.setEquals(["base", "branch"], results);
-testExceptionIsHandledInBaseAndBranchAfterComplete() {
-  var results = <String>[];
-  var completer = new Completer();
-  completer.completeException("error");
-  var branch = completer.future.then((_) => null);
-  completer.future.handleException((e) {
-    results.add("base");
-    return true;
-  });
-  branch.handleException((e) {
-    results.add("branch");
-    return true;
-  });
-  Expect.setEquals(["base", "branch"], results);
-main() {
-//  /*
-  testImmediate();
-  testNeverComplete();
-  testComplete();
-  testCompleteWithSuccessHandlerBeforeComplete();
-  testCompleteWithSuccessHandlerAfterComplete();
-  testCompleteManySuccessHandlers();
-  testException();
-  testExceptionHandler();
-  testExceptionHandlerReturnsTrue();
-  testExceptionHandlerReturnsTrue2();
-  testExceptionHandlerReturnsFalse();
-//  */
-  /*
-  */
-  /*
-  testExceptionHandlerReturnsFalse2();
-  testExceptionHandlerAfterCompleteThenNotCalled();
-  testExceptionHandlerAfterCompleteReturnsFalseThenThrows();
-  testCallStackThrowsIfNotComplete();
-  testCallStackIsNullIfCompletedSuccessfully();
-  testCallStackReturnsCallstackPassedToCompleteException();
-  testCallStackIsCapturedIfTransformCallbackThrows();
-  testCallStackIsCapturedIfChainCallbackThrows();
-  testCallStackIsPreservedIfExceptionIsRethrownInTransformException();
-  testCompleteWithCompletionAndSuccessHandlers();
-  testExceptionWithCompletionAndSuccessHandlers();
-  testExceptionWithCompletionAndSuccessAndExceptionHandlers();
-  testTransformSuccess();
-  testTransformFutureFails();
-  testTransformTransformerFails();
-  testChainSuccess();
-  testChainFirstFutureFails();
-  testChainTransformerFails();
-  testChainSecondFutureFails();
-  testTransformExceptionCompletesNormally();
-  testTransformExceptionThrows();
-  testTransformExceptionReturns();
-  testTransformExceptionReturnsAFuture();
-  testExceptionTravelsAlongBothBranches();
-  testExceptionTravelsAlongBothBranchesAfterComplete();
-  testExceptionIsHandledInBaseAndBranch();
-  testExceptionIsHandledInBaseAndBranchAfterComplete();
-  */
diff --git a/tools/VERSION b/tools/VERSION
index 41335ff..bfd7fdf 100644
--- a/tools/VERSION
+++ b/tools/VERSION
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@