blob: ef6b1e354f269885e0ce247815cf6d01cbf3d876 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef VM_UNICODE_H_
#define VM_UNICODE_H_
#include "vm/allocation.h"
#include "vm/globals.h"
namespace dart {
class String;
class Utf8 : AllStatic {
static const intptr_t kMaxOneByteChar = 0x7F;
static const intptr_t kMaxTwoByteChar = 0x7FF;
static const intptr_t kMaxThreeByteChar = 0xFFFF;
static const intptr_t kMaxFourByteChar = 0x10FFFF;
static intptr_t CodePointCount(const char* str, intptr_t* width);
static bool IsValid(const char* src);
static intptr_t Length(int32_t ch);
static intptr_t Length(const String& str);
static intptr_t Encode(int32_t ch, char* dst);
static intptr_t Encode(const String& src, char* dst, intptr_t len);
static intptr_t Decode(const char*, int32_t* ch);
static bool Decode(const char* src, uint8_t* dst, intptr_t len);
static bool Decode(const char* src, uint16_t* dst, intptr_t len);
static bool Decode(const char* src, uint32_t* dst, intptr_t len);
class CaseMapping : AllStatic {
// Maps a code point to uppercase.
static int32_t ToUpper(int32_t code_point) {
return Convert(code_point, kUppercase);
// Maps a code point to lowercase.
static int32_t ToLower(int32_t code_point) {
return Convert(code_point, kLowercase);
// Property is a delta to the uppercase mapping.
static const int32_t kUppercase = 1;
// Property is a delta to the uppercase mapping.
static const int32_t kLowercase = 2;
// Property is an index into the exception table.
static const int32_t kException = 3;
// Type bit-field parameters
static const int32_t kTypeShift = 2;
static const int32_t kTypeMask = 3;
// The size of the stage 1 index.
// TODO(cshapiro): improve indexing so this value is unnecessary.
static const int kStage1Size = 261;
// The size of a stage 2 block in bytes.
static const int kBlockSizeLog2 = 8;
static const int kBlockSize = 1 << kBlockSizeLog2;
static int32_t Convert(int32_t ch, int32_t mapping) {
if (ch <= 0xFF) {
int32_t info = stage2_[ch];
if ((info & kTypeMask) == mapping) {
ch += info >> kTypeShift;
} else if (ch <= (kStage1Size << kBlockSizeLog2)) {
int16_t offset = stage1_[ch >> kBlockSizeLog2] << kBlockSizeLog2;
int32_t info = stage2_[offset + (ch & (kBlockSize - 1))];
int32_t type = info & kTypeMask;
if (type == mapping) {
ch += (info >> kTypeShift);
} else if (type == kException) {
ch += stage2_exception_[info >> kTypeShift][mapping - 1];
return ch;
// Index into the data array.
static const uint8_t stage1_[];
// Data for small code points with one mapping
static const int16_t stage2_[];
// Data for large code points or code points with both mappings.
static const int32_t stage2_exception_[][2];
} // namespace dart
#endif // VM_UNICODE_H_