blob: a5fa6ac000d43a625faf368aa97a025d3516b0ed [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Interface for decoders decoding binary data into string data. The
// decoder keeps track of line breaks during decoding.
abstract class _StringDecoder {
// Add more binary data to be decoded. The ownership of the buffer
// is transfered to the decoder and the caller most not modify it any more.
int write(List<int> buffer);
// Returns whether any decoded data is available.
bool isEmpty();
// Returns the number of available decoded characters.
int available();
// Get the number of line breaks present in the current decoded
// data.
int get lineBreaks;
// Get up to [len] characters of string data decoded since the last
// call to [decode] or [decodeLine]. Returns null if no decoded data
// is available. If [len] is not specified all decoded characters
// are returned.
String decoded([int len]);
// Get the string data decoded since the last call to [decode] or
// [decodeLine] up to the next line break present. Returns null if
// no line break is present. The line break character sequence is
// discarded.
String get decodedLine;
class _StringDecoders {
static _StringDecoder decoder(Encoding encoding) {
if (encoding == Encoding.UTF_8) {
return new _UTF8Decoder();
} else if (encoding == Encoding.ISO_8859_1) {
return new _Latin1Decoder();
} else if (encoding == Encoding.ASCII) {
return new _AsciiDecoder();
} else {
if (encoding is Encoding) {
throw new StreamException("Unsupported encoding ${}");
} else {
throw new StreamException("Unsupported encoding ${encoding}");
class DecoderException implements Exception {
const DecoderException([String this.message]);
String toString() => "DecoderException: $message";
final String message;
// Utility class for decoding UTF-8 from data delivered as a stream of
// bytes.
class _StringDecoderBase implements _StringDecoder {
: _bufferList = new _BufferList(),
_result = new List<int>(),
_lineBreakEnds = new Queue<int>();
int write(List<int> buffer) {
// Decode as many bytes into characters as possible.
while (_bufferList.length > 0) {
if (!_processNext()) {
return buffer.length;
bool isEmpty() => _result.isEmpty();
int get lineBreaks => _lineBreaks;
String decoded([int len]) {
if (isEmpty()) return null;
String result;
if (len !== null && len < available()) {
result = new String.fromCharCodes(_result.getRange(_resultOffset, len));
} else {
if (_resultOffset == 0) {
result = new String.fromCharCodes(_result);
} else {
result =
new String.fromCharCodes(
_result.length - _resultOffset));
_resultOffset += result.length;
while (!_lineBreakEnds.isEmpty() &&
_lineBreakEnds.first() < _charOffset + _resultOffset) {
if (_result.length == _resultOffset) _resetResult();
return result;
String get decodedLine {
if (_lineBreakEnds.isEmpty()) return null;
int lineEnd = _lineBreakEnds.removeFirst();
int terminationSequenceLength = 1;
if (_result[lineEnd - _charOffset] == LF &&
lineEnd > _charOffset &&
_resultOffset < lineEnd &&
_result[lineEnd - _charOffset - 1] == CR) {
terminationSequenceLength = 2;
var lineLength =
lineEnd - _charOffset - _resultOffset - terminationSequenceLength + 1;
String result =
new String.fromCharCodes(_result.getRange(_resultOffset, lineLength));
_resultOffset += (lineLength + terminationSequenceLength);
if (_result.length == _resultOffset) _resetResult();
return result;
// Add another decoded character.
void addChar(int charCode) {
// Check for line ends (\r, \n and \r\n).
if (charCode == LF) {
_recordLineBreakEnd(_charCount - 1);
} else if (_lastCharCode == CR) {
_recordLineBreakEnd(_charCount - 2);
_lastCharCode = charCode;
int available() => _result.length - _resultOffset;
void _recordLineBreakEnd(int charPos) {
void _resetResult() {
_charOffset += _result.length;
_result = new List<int>();
_resultOffset = 0;
abstract bool _processNext();
_BufferList _bufferList;
int _resultOffset = 0;
List<int> _result;
int _lineBreaks = 0; // Number of line breaks in the current list.
// The positions of the line breaks are tracked in terms of absolute
// character positions from the begining of the decoded data.
Queue<int> _lineBreakEnds; // Character position of known line breaks.
int _charOffset = 0; // Character number of the first character in the list.
int _charCount = 0; // Total number of characters decoded.
int _lastCharCode = -1;
final int LF = 10;
final int CR = 13;
// Utility class for decoding UTF-8 from data delivered as a stream of
// bytes.
class _UTF8Decoder extends _StringDecoderBase {
// Process the next UTF-8 encoded character.
bool _processNext() {
// Peek the next byte to calculate the number of bytes required for
// the next character.
int value = _bufferList.peek() & 0xFF;
if ((value & 0x80) == 0x80) {
int additionalBytes;
if ((value & 0xe0) == 0xc0) { // 110xxxxx
value = value & 0x1F;
additionalBytes = 1;
} else if ((value & 0xf0) == 0xe0) { // 1110xxxx
value = value & 0x0F;
additionalBytes = 2;
} else { // 11110xxx
value = value & 0x07;
additionalBytes = 3;
// Check if there are enough bytes to decode the character. Otherwise
// return false.
if (_bufferList.length < additionalBytes + 1) {
return false;
// Remove the value peeked from the buffer list.;
for (int i = 0; i < additionalBytes; i++) {
int byte =;
value = value << 6 | (byte & 0x3F);
} else {
// Remove the value peeked from the buffer list.;
return true;
// Utility class for decoding ascii data delivered as a stream of
// bytes.
class _AsciiDecoder extends _StringDecoderBase {
// Process the next ascii encoded character.
bool _processNext() {
while (_bufferList.length > 0) {
int byte =;
if (byte > 127) {
throw new DecoderException("Illegal ASCII character $byte");
return true;
// Utility class for decoding Latin-1 data delivered as a stream of
// bytes.
class _Latin1Decoder extends _StringDecoderBase {
// Process the next Latin-1 encoded character.
bool _processNext() {
while (_bufferList.length > 0) {
int byte =;
return true;
// Interface for encoders encoding string data into binary data.
abstract class _StringEncoder {
List<int> encodeString(String string);
// Utility class for encoding a string into UTF-8 byte stream.
class _UTF8Encoder implements _StringEncoder {
List<int> encodeString(String string) {
int size = _encodingSize(string);
List<int> result = new Uint8List(size);
_encodeString(string, result);
return result;
static int _encodingSize(String string) => _encodeString(string, null);
static int _encodeString(String string, List<int> buffer) {
int pos = 0;
int length = string.length;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
int additionalBytes;
int charCode = string.charCodeAt(i);
if (charCode <= 0x007F) {
additionalBytes = 0;
if (buffer != null) buffer[pos] = charCode;
} else if (charCode <= 0x07FF) {
// 110xxxxx (xxxxx is top 5 bits).
if (buffer != null) buffer[pos] = ((charCode >> 6) & 0x1F) | 0xC0;
additionalBytes = 1;
} else if (charCode <= 0xFFFF) {
// 1110xxxx (xxxx is top 4 bits)
if (buffer != null) buffer[pos] = ((charCode >> 12) & 0x0F)| 0xE0;
additionalBytes = 2;
} else {
// 11110xxx (xxx is top 3 bits)
if (buffer != null) buffer[pos] = ((charCode >> 18) & 0x07) | 0xF0;
additionalBytes = 3;
if (buffer != null) {
for (int i = additionalBytes; i > 0; i--) {
// 10xxxxxx (xxxxxx is next 6 bits from the top).
buffer[pos++] = ((charCode >> (6 * (i - 1))) & 0x3F) | 0x80;
} else {
pos += additionalBytes;
return pos;
// Utility class for encoding a string into a Latin1 byte stream.
class _Latin1Encoder implements _StringEncoder {
List<int> encodeString(String string) {
List<int> result = new Uint8List(string.length);
for (int i = 0; i < string.length; i++) {
int charCode = string.charCodeAt(i);
if (charCode > 255) {
throw new EncoderException(
"No ISO_8859_1 encoding for code point $charCode");
result[i] = charCode;
return result;
// Utility class for encoding a string into an ASCII byte stream.
class _AsciiEncoder implements _StringEncoder {
List<int> encodeString(String string) {
List<int> result = new Uint8List(string.length);
for (int i = 0; i < string.length; i++) {
int charCode = string.charCodeAt(i);
if (charCode > 127) {
throw new EncoderException(
"No ASCII encoding for code point $charCode");
result[i] = charCode;
return result;
class _StringEncoders {
static _StringEncoder encoder(Encoding encoding) {
if (encoding == Encoding.UTF_8) {
return new _UTF8Encoder();
} else if (encoding == Encoding.ISO_8859_1) {
return new _Latin1Encoder();
} else if (encoding == Encoding.ASCII) {
return new _AsciiEncoder();
} else {
throw new StreamException("Unsupported encoding ${}");
class EncoderException implements Exception {
const EncoderException([String this.message]);
String toString() => "EncoderException: $message";
final String message;
class _StringInputStream implements StringInputStream {
_StringInputStream(InputStream this._input, Encoding this._encoding) {
_decoder = _StringDecoders.decoder(encoding);
_input.onData = _onData;
_input.onClosed = _onClosed;
String read([int len]) {
String result = _decoder.decoded(len);
return result;
String readLine() {
String decodedLine = _decoder.decodedLine;
if (decodedLine == null) {
if (_inputClosed) {
// Last line might not have a line separator.
decodedLine = _decoder.decoded();
if (decodedLine != null &&
decodedLine[decodedLine.length - 1] == '\r') {
decodedLine = decodedLine.substring(0, decodedLine.length - 1);
return decodedLine;
int available() => _decoder.available();
Encoding get encoding => _encoding;
bool get closed => _inputClosed && _decoder.isEmpty();
void set onData(void callback()) {
_clientDataHandler = callback;
_clientLineHandler = null;
void set onLine(void callback()) {
_clientLineHandler = callback;
_clientDataHandler = null;
void set onClosed(void callback()) {
_clientCloseHandler = callback;
void set onError(void callback(e)) {
_input.onError = callback;
void _onData() {
if (!_decoder.isEmpty() && _clientDataHandler !== null) {
if (_decoder.lineBreaks > 0 && _clientLineHandler !== null) {
void _onClosed() {
_inputClosed = true;
if (_decoder.isEmpty() && _clientCloseHandler != null) {
_closed = true;
} else {
void _readData() {
List<int> data =;
if (data !== null) {
void _checkInstallDataHandler() {
if (_inputClosed ||
(_clientDataHandler === null && _clientLineHandler === null)) {
_input.onData = null;
} else if (_clientDataHandler !== null) {
if (_decoder.isEmpty()) {
_input.onData = _onData;
} else {
_input.onData = null;
} else {
assert(_clientLineHandler !== null);
if (_decoder.lineBreaks == 0) {
_input.onData = _onData;
} else {
_input.onData = null;
// TODO(sgjesse): Find a better way of scheduling callbacks from
// the event loop.
void _checkScheduleCallback() {
void issueDataCallback(Timer timer) {
_scheduledDataCallback = null;
if (_clientDataHandler !== null) {
void issueLineCallback(Timer timer) {
_scheduledLineCallback = null;
if (_clientLineHandler !== null) {
void issueCloseCallback(Timer timer) {
_scheduledCloseCallback = null;
if (!_closed) {
if (_clientCloseHandler !== null) _clientCloseHandler();
_closed = true;
if (!_closed) {
// Schedule data callback if string data available.
if (_clientDataHandler != null &&
!_decoder.isEmpty() &&
_scheduledDataCallback == null) {
if (_scheduledLineCallback != null) {
_scheduledDataCallback = new Timer(0, issueDataCallback);
// Schedule line callback if a line is available.
if (_clientLineHandler != null &&
(_decoder.lineBreaks > 0 || (!_decoder.isEmpty() && _inputClosed)) &&
_scheduledLineCallback == null) {
if (_scheduledDataCallback != null) {
_scheduledLineCallback = new Timer(0, issueLineCallback);
// Schedule close callback if no more data and input is closed.
if (_decoder.isEmpty() &&
_inputClosed &&
_scheduledCloseCallback == null) {
_scheduledCloseCallback = new Timer(0, issueCloseCallback);
InputStream _input;
Encoding _encoding;
_StringDecoder _decoder;
bool _inputClosed = false; // Is the underlying input stream closed?
bool _closed = false; // Is this stream closed.
bool _eof = false; // Has all data been read from the decoder?
Timer _scheduledDataCallback;
Timer _scheduledLineCallback;
Timer _scheduledCloseCallback;
Function _clientDataHandler;
Function _clientLineHandler;
Function _clientCloseHandler;