blob: bb381a17f40e336ab9a5beb98b04abb0f74b632e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include "bin/dbg_connection.h"
#include "bin/dbg_message.h"
#include "bin/dartutils.h"
#include "bin/socket.h"
#include "bin/thread.h"
#include "bin/utils.h"
#include "platform/globals.h"
#include "platform/json.h"
#include "platform/thread.h"
#include "platform/utils.h"
#include "include/dart_api.h"
int DebuggerConnectionHandler::listener_fd_ = -1;
dart::Monitor DebuggerConnectionHandler::handler_lock_;
// TODO(asiva): Remove this once we have support for multiple debugger
// connections. For now we just store the single debugger connection
// handler in a static variable.
static DebuggerConnectionHandler* singleton_handler = NULL;
class MessageBuffer {
explicit MessageBuffer(int fd);
void ReadData();
bool IsValidMessage() const;
void PopMessage();
int MessageId() const;
char* buf() const { return buf_; }
bool Alive() const { return connection_is_alive_; }
static const int kInitialBufferSize = 256;
char* buf_;
int buf_length_;
int fd_;
int data_length_;
bool connection_is_alive_;
MessageBuffer::MessageBuffer(int fd)
: buf_(NULL),
connection_is_alive_(true) {
buf_ = reinterpret_cast<char*>(malloc(kInitialBufferSize));
if (buf_ == NULL) {
FATAL("Failed to allocate message buffer\n");
buf_length_ = kInitialBufferSize;
buf_[0] = '\0';
data_length_ = 0;
MessageBuffer::~MessageBuffer() {
buf_ = NULL;
fd_ = -1;
bool MessageBuffer::IsValidMessage() const {
if (data_length_ == 0) {
return false;
dart::JSONReader msg_reader(buf_);
return msg_reader.EndOfObject() != NULL;
int MessageBuffer::MessageId() const {
dart::JSONReader r(buf_);
if (r.Type() == dart::JSONReader::kInteger) {
return atoi(r.ValueChars());
} else {
return -1;
void MessageBuffer::ReadData() {
ASSERT(data_length_ >= 0);
ASSERT(data_length_ < buf_length_);
int max_read = buf_length_ - data_length_ - 1;
if (max_read == 0) {
// TODO(hausner):
// Buffer is full. What should we do if there is no valid message
// in the buffer? This might be possible if the client sends a message
// that's larger than the buffer, of if the client sends malformed
// messages that keep piling up.
// TODO(hausner): Handle error conditions returned by Read. We may
// want to close the debugger connection if we get any errors.
int bytes_read = Socket::Read(fd_, buf_ + data_length_, max_read);
if (bytes_read == 0) {
connection_is_alive_ = false;
ASSERT(bytes_read > 0);
data_length_ += bytes_read;
ASSERT(data_length_ < buf_length_);
buf_[data_length_] = '\0';
void MessageBuffer::PopMessage() {
dart::JSONReader msg_reader(buf_);
const char* end = msg_reader.EndOfObject();
if (end != NULL) {
ASSERT(*end == '}');
data_length_ = 0;
while (*end != '\0') {
buf_[data_length_] = *end++;
buf_[data_length_] = '\0';
ASSERT(data_length_ < buf_length_);
static bool IsValidJSON(const char* msg) {
dart::JSONReader r(msg);
return r.EndOfObject() != NULL;
DebuggerConnectionHandler::DebuggerConnectionHandler(int debug_fd)
: debug_fd_(debug_fd), msgbuf_(NULL) {
msgbuf_ = new MessageBuffer(debug_fd_);
DebuggerConnectionHandler::~DebuggerConnectionHandler() {
int DebuggerConnectionHandler::MessageId() {
ASSERT(msgbuf_ != NULL);
return msgbuf_->MessageId();
void DebuggerConnectionHandler::HandleUnknownMsg() {
int msg_id = msgbuf_->MessageId();
ASSERT(msg_id >= 0);
SendError(debug_fd_, msg_id, "unknown debugger command");
typedef void (*CommandHandler)(DbgMessage* msg);
struct JSONDebuggerCommand {
const char* cmd_string;
CommandHandler handler_function;
void DebuggerConnectionHandler::HandleMessages() {
static JSONDebuggerCommand generic_debugger_commands[] = {
{ "interrupt", HandleInterruptCmd },
{ "isolates", HandleIsolatesListCmd },
for (;;) {
// Read a message.
while (!msgbuf_->IsValidMessage() && msgbuf_->Alive()) {
if (!msgbuf_->Alive()) {
// Parse out the command portion from the message.
dart::JSONReader r(msgbuf_->buf());
bool found = r.Seek("command");
if (r.Error()) {
FATAL("Illegal JSON message received");
if (!found) {
printf("'command' not found in JSON message: '%s'\n", msgbuf_->buf());
// Check if this is a generic command (not isolate specific).
int i = 0;
bool is_handled = false;
while (generic_debugger_commands[i].cmd_string != NULL) {
if (r.IsStringLiteral(generic_debugger_commands[i].cmd_string)) {
DbgMessage* msg = new DbgMessage(i,
is_handled = true;
delete msg;
if (!is_handled) {
// Check if this is an isolate specific command.
int32_t cmd_idx = DbgMsgQueueList::LookupIsolateCommand(r.ValueChars(),
if (cmd_idx != DbgMsgQueueList::kInvalidCommand) {
// Get debug message queue corresponding to isolate.
// TODO(asiva): Once we have support for including the isolate id
// in the debug wire protocol we need to read the isolate id and
// pass it down to GetIsolateMsgQueue to get the appropriate debug
// message queue.
DbgMsgQueue* queue =
ASSERT(queue != NULL);
queue->AddMessage(cmd_idx, msgbuf_->buf(), r.EndOfObject(), debug_fd_);
// This is an unrecognized command, report error and move on to next.
printf("unrecognized command received: '%s'\n", msgbuf_->buf());
void DebuggerConnectionHandler::SendError(int debug_fd,
int msg_id,
const char* err_msg) {
dart::TextBuffer msg(64);
msg.Printf("{\"id\": %d, \"error\": \"Error: %s\"}", msg_id, err_msg);
SendMsg(debug_fd, &msg);
void DebuggerConnectionHandler::CloseDbgConnection() {
if (debug_fd_ >= 0) {
// TODO(hausner): need a Socket::Close() function.
if (msgbuf_ != NULL) {
delete msgbuf_;
msgbuf_ = NULL;
// TODO(hausner): Need to tell the VM debugger object to remove all
// breakpoints.
void DebuggerConnectionHandler::StartHandler(const char* address,
int port_number) {
MonitorLocker ml(&handler_lock_);
if (listener_fd_ != -1) {
return; // The debugger connection handler was already started.
// First setup breakpoint, exception and delayed breakpoint handlers.
// Now setup a listener socket and start a thread which will
// listen, accept connections from debuggers, read and handle/dispatch
// debugger commands received on these connections.
ASSERT(listener_fd_ == -1);
listener_fd_ = ServerSocket::CreateBindListen(address, port_number, 1);
void DebuggerConnectionHandler::WaitForConnection() {
MonitorLocker ml(&handler_lock_);
while (!IsConnected()) {
dart::Monitor::WaitResult res = ml.Wait();
ASSERT(res == dart::Monitor::kNotified);
void DebuggerConnectionHandler::SendMsg(int debug_fd, dart::TextBuffer* msg) {
MonitorLocker ml(&handler_lock_);
SendMsgHelper(debug_fd, msg);
void DebuggerConnectionHandler::BroadcastMsg(dart::TextBuffer* msg) {
MonitorLocker ml(&handler_lock_);
// TODO(asiva): Once we support connection to multiple debuggers
// we need to send the message to all of them.
ASSERT(singleton_handler != NULL);
SendMsgHelper(singleton_handler->debug_fd(), msg);
void DebuggerConnectionHandler::SendMsgHelper(int debug_fd,
dart::TextBuffer* msg) {
ASSERT(debug_fd >= 0);
// Sending messages in short pieces can be used to stress test the
// debugger front-end's message handling code.
const bool send_in_pieces = false;
if (send_in_pieces) {
intptr_t remaining = msg->length();
intptr_t sent = 0;
const intptr_t max_piece_len = 122; // Pretty arbitrary, not a power of 2.
dart::Monitor sleep;
while (remaining > 0) {
intptr_t piece_len = remaining;
if (piece_len > max_piece_len) {
piece_len = max_piece_len;
intptr_t written =
Socket::Write(debug_fd, msg->buf() + sent, piece_len);
ASSERT(written == piece_len);
sent += written;
remaining -= written;
// Wait briefly so the OS does not coalesce message fragments.
MonitorLocker ml(&sleep);
intptr_t bytes_written = Socket::Write(debug_fd, msg->buf(), msg->length());
ASSERT(msg->length() == bytes_written);
// TODO(hausner): Error checking. Probably just shut down the debugger
// session if we there is an error while writing.
void DebuggerConnectionHandler::AcceptDbgConnection(int debug_fd) {
MonitorLocker ml(&handler_lock_);
// TODO(asiva): Once we implement support for multiple connections
// we should have a different callback for wakeups on fds which
// are not the listener_fd_.
// In that callback we would lookup the handler object
// corresponding to that fd and invoke HandleMessages on it.
// For now we run that code here.
DebuggerConnectionHandler* handler = GetDebuggerConnectionHandler(debug_fd);
if (handler != NULL) {
delete handler;
void DebuggerConnectionHandler::HandleInterruptCmd(DbgMessage* in_msg) {
MessageParser msg_parser(in_msg->buffer(), in_msg->buffer_len());
int msg_id = msg_parser.MessageId();
Dart_IsolateId isolate_id =
if (isolate_id == ILLEGAL_ISOLATE_ID || Dart_GetIsolate(isolate_id) == NULL) {
in_msg->SendErrorReply(msg_id, "Invalid isolate specified");
DbgMsgQueue* queue = DbgMsgQueueList::GetIsolateMsgQueue(isolate_id);
ASSERT(queue != NULL);
dart::TextBuffer msg(64);
msg.Printf("{ \"id\": %d }", msg_id);
void DebuggerConnectionHandler::HandleIsolatesListCmd(DbgMessage* in_msg) {
MessageParser msg_parser(in_msg->buffer(), in_msg->buffer_len());
int msg_id = msg_parser.MessageId();
ASSERT(msg_id >= 0);
in_msg->SendErrorReply(msg_id, "isolate list command unimplemented");
void DebuggerConnectionHandler::AddNewDebuggerConnection(int debug_fd) {
// TODO(asiva): Support multiple debugger connections, for now we just
// create one handler, store it in a static variable and use it.
ASSERT(singleton_handler == NULL);
singleton_handler = new DebuggerConnectionHandler(debug_fd);
void DebuggerConnectionHandler::RemoveDebuggerConnection(int debug_fd) {
// TODO(asiva): Support multiple debugger connections, for now we just
// set the static handler back to NULL.
ASSERT(singleton_handler != NULL);
singleton_handler = NULL;
DebuggerConnectionHandler::GetDebuggerConnectionHandler(int debug_fd) {
// TODO(asiva): Support multiple debugger connections, for now we just
// return the one static handler that was created.
ASSERT(singleton_handler != NULL);
return singleton_handler;
bool DebuggerConnectionHandler::IsConnected() {
// TODO(asiva): Support multiple debugger connections.
// Return true if a connection has been established.
return singleton_handler != NULL;