blob: 9536c083c60f3a5648b0a1dc80da9e7344cbed5e [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright (c) 2024, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Tests multiple wildcard function parameters.
// SharedOptions=--enable-experiment=wildcard-variables
import 'package:expect/expect.dart';
class Constructor {
final _;
// TODO(kallentu): Update this once the behaviour of super._ is finalized.
Constructor.multiple(_, this._, void _()) {}
Constructor.parameter(_, _, this._) {}
Constructor.functionType(this._, void _(), void _()) {}
bool topLevelFunction(int _, int _) => true;
bool topLevelFunction2(_, _) => true;
bool topLevelFunction_functionType(void _(), void _()) => true;
class InstanceMethod {
bool instanceMethod(int _, int _) => true;
bool instanceMethod2(_, _) => true;
bool instanceMethod_functionType(void _(), void _()) => true;
// User-defined operators
int operator +(int _) => 42;
void operator []=(int _, _) {}
// Inherited `Object` methods
dynamic noSuchMethod(Invocation _) => true;
bool operator ==(Object _) => true;
abstract class AbstractMethod {
bool abstractMethod(int _, int _);
bool abstractMethod2(_, _);
bool abstractMethod_functionType(void _(), void _());
class AbstractMethodSubclass extends AbstractMethod {
bool abstractMethod(int _, int _) => true;
bool abstractMethod2(_, _) => true;
bool abstractMethod_functionType(void _(), void _()) => true;
class Setter {
int _x;
int get x => _x;
set x(int _) => _x = 2;
class StaticMethod {
static int staticMethod(int _, int _) => 2;
static int staticMethod2(_, _) => 2;
static int staticMethod_functionType(void _(), void _()) => 2;
static int staticMethod_functionTypeNested(
void _(_, _), void _(int _, int _)) =>
static int staticMethod_functionTypeNew(
void Function(int _, int _) _, void Function(int _, int _) _) =>
static int staticMethod_functionTypeGeneric(
void Function<_, _>(int _, int _) _, void _<_>(_, _)) =>
void main() {
// Function expression
var list = [true];
(_, [_]) => true,
// Abstract methods
var abstractMethod = AbstractMethodSubclass();
abstractMethod.abstractMethod(1, 2);
abstractMethod.abstractMethod2(1, 2);
abstractMethod.abstractMethod_functionType(() {}, () {});
// Static methods
StaticMethod.staticMethod(1, 2);
StaticMethod.staticMethod2(1, 2);
StaticMethod.staticMethod_functionType(() {}, () {});
StaticMethod.staticMethod_functionTypeNested((e, x) {}, (e, x) {});
StaticMethod.staticMethod_functionTypeNew((e, x) {}, (e, x) {});
StaticMethod.staticMethod_functionTypeNested((_, _) {}, (_, _) {});
StaticMethod.staticMethod_functionTypeNew((_, _) {}, (_, _) {});
// Top level functions
topLevelFunction(1, 2);
topLevelFunction2(1, 2);
topLevelFunction_functionType(() {}, () {});
// Instance methods
var instanceMethod = InstanceMethod();
instanceMethod.instanceMethod(1, 2);
instanceMethod.instanceMethod2(1, 2);
instanceMethod.instanceMethod_functionType(() {}, () {});
Expect.equals(42, instanceMethod + 2);
instanceMethod[1] = 2;
Expect.isTrue(instanceMethod == 2);
Expect.isTrue((instanceMethod as dynamic).noMethod());
// Constructor
Constructor.multiple(1, 2, () {});
Constructor.parameter(1, 2, 3);
Constructor.functionType(() {}, () {}, () {});
// Setter
var setter = Setter(1);
setter.x = 2;