blob: a8e1f25d02119a5231e3ede54ee7779a1534add5 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Tests erroneous upper and lower bounds computation with respect to
// variance modifiers.
// SharedOptions=--enable-experiment=variance
class Covariant<out T> {}
class Contravariant<in T> {}
class Invariant<inout T> {}
class LegacyCovariant<T> {}
class Multi<out T, inout U, in V> {}
class Exactly<inout T> {}
Exactly<T> exactly<T>(T x) => new Exactly<T>();
class Upper {}
class Middle extends Upper {}
class Lower extends Middle {}
main() {
bool condition = true;
var contraLowerActual =
exactly(condition ? Contravariant<Upper>() : Contravariant<Lower>());
Exactly<Contravariant<Upper>> contraUpperExpected = contraLowerActual;
// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
// [cfe] A value of type 'Exactly<Contravariant<Lower>>' can't be assigned to a variable of type 'Exactly<Contravariant<Upper>>'.
var contraMiddleActual =
exactly(condition ? Contravariant<Upper>() : Contravariant<Middle>());
contraUpperExpected = contraMiddleActual;
// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
// [cfe] A value of type 'Exactly<Contravariant<Middle>>' can't be assigned to a variable of type 'Exactly<Contravariant<Upper>>'.
var covMiddleActual =
exactly(condition ? Covariant<Middle>() : Covariant<Lower>());
Exactly<Covariant<Lower>> covLowerExpected = covMiddleActual;
// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
// [cfe] A value of type 'Exactly<Covariant<Middle>>' can't be assigned to a variable of type 'Exactly<Covariant<Lower>>'.
var covUpperActual =
exactly(condition ? Covariant<Upper>() : Covariant<Lower>());
covLowerExpected = covUpperActual;
// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
// [cfe] A value of type 'Exactly<Covariant<Upper>>' can't be assigned to a variable of type 'Exactly<Covariant<Lower>>'.
var invObjectActual =
exactly(condition ? Invariant<Upper>() : Invariant<Middle>());
Exactly<Invariant<Middle>> invMiddleExpected = invObjectActual;
// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
// [cfe] A value of type 'Exactly<Object>' can't be assigned to a variable of type 'Exactly<Invariant<Middle>>'.
Exactly<Invariant<Upper>> invUpperExpected = invObjectActual;
// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
// [cfe] A value of type 'Exactly<Object>' can't be assigned to a variable of type 'Exactly<Invariant<Upper>>'.
var legacyCovMiddleActual =
exactly(condition ? LegacyCovariant<Middle>() : LegacyCovariant<Lower>());
Exactly<LegacyCovariant<Lower>> legacyCovLowerExpected =
// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
// [cfe] A value of type 'Exactly<LegacyCovariant<Middle>>' can't be assigned to a variable of type 'Exactly<LegacyCovariant<Lower>>'.
var legacyCovUpperActual =
exactly(condition ? LegacyCovariant<Upper>() : LegacyCovariant<Lower>());
legacyCovLowerExpected = legacyCovUpperActual;
// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
// [cfe] A value of type 'Exactly<LegacyCovariant<Upper>>' can't be assigned to a variable of type 'Exactly<LegacyCovariant<Lower>>'.
var multiActual = exactly(condition
? Multi<Middle, Middle, Middle>()
: Multi<Lower, Middle, Lower>());
Exactly<Multi<Lower, Middle, Lower>> multiExpected = multiActual;
// ^^^^^^^^^^^
// [cfe] A value of type 'Exactly<Multi<Middle, Middle, Lower>>' can't be assigned to a variable of type 'Exactly<Multi<Lower, Middle, Lower>>'.
var multiActual2 = exactly(
condition ? Multi<Middle, int, Middle>() : Multi<Lower, Middle, Lower>());
Exactly<Multi<Middle, Object, Lower>> multiObjectExpected = multiActual2;
// ^^^^^^^^^^^^
// [cfe] A value of type 'Exactly<Object>' can't be assigned to a variable of type 'Exactly<Multi<Middle, Object, Lower>>'.
var multiActual3 = exactly(
condition ? Multi<int, Middle, Middle>() : Multi<Lower, Middle, Lower>());
Exactly<Object> multiObjectExpected2 = multiActual3;
// ^^^^^^^^^^^^
// [cfe] A value of type 'Exactly<Multi<Object, Middle, Lower>>' can't be assigned to a variable of type 'Exactly<Object>'.