blob: f29c07488feb5529ade05849391c3a0d632a7e2b [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright (c) 2023, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
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// Test errors for incorrect usage of 'weak-tearoff-reference' pragma.
Function? validWeakRef(Function? x) => x;
Function? weakRef1({Function? x}) => x;
// ^
// [cfe] Weak reference should take one required positional argument.
Function? weakRef2({required Function? x}) => x;
// ^
// [cfe] Weak reference should take one required positional argument.
Function? weakRef3([Function? x]) => x;
// ^
// [cfe] Weak reference should take one required positional argument.
Function? weakRef4(Function? x, int y) => x;
// ^
// [cfe] Weak reference should take one required positional argument.
Function? weakRef5(Function? x, {int? y}) => x;
// ^
// [cfe] Weak reference should take one required positional argument.
Function weakRef6(Function x) => x;
// ^
// [cfe] Return type of a weak reference should be nullable.
Function weakRef7(Function x) => x;
// ^
// [cfe] Return type of a weak reference should be nullable.
dynamic validWeakRef8(dynamic x) => x;
Function? weakRef9(void Function() x) => x;
// ^
// [cfe] Return and argument types of a weak reference should match.
Function? weakRef10(Function x) => x;
// ^
// [cfe] Return and argument types of a weak reference should match.
class A {
external static T Function()? validWeakReference11<T>(T Function()? x);
external T Function()? weakReference12<T>(T Function()? x);
// ^
// [cfe] Weak reference pragma can be used on a static method only.
class B {
static int validTarget() => 42;
factory B.baz() => B();
int instanceMethod() => 42;
static int arg1(int x) => 42;
static int arg2([int? x]) => 42;
static int arg3({int? x}) => 42;
static int arg4<T>() => 42;
void main() {
validWeakRef(B.validTarget); // OK
// [cfe] The target of weak reference should be a tearoff of a static method.
// [cfe] The target of weak reference should be a tearoff of a static method.
// [cfe] The target of weak reference should be a tearoff of a static method.
// [cfe] The target of weak reference should be a tearoff of a static method.
final x = B.validTarget;
// [cfe] The target of weak reference should be a tearoff of a static method.
const y = B.validTarget;
validWeakRef(y); // OK
// [cfe] The target of weak reference should not take parameters.
// [cfe] The target of weak reference should not take parameters.
// [cfe] The target of weak reference should not take parameters.
// [cfe] The target of weak reference should not take parameters.