blob: e93365c98c01de8be5e706e2ec1da7d5168320bc [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright (c) 2024, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:expect/expect.dart';
main() {
final bool kTrue = int.parse('1') == 1;
void test1() {
final B0<int> a = kTrue ? B2<String>() : B1<bool, bool>();
Expect.isFalse(a is B2<int>);
Expect.isTrue(a is B2<String>);
void test2() {
final B1<num, num> a = kTrue
? (B1<int, double>() as B1<num, num>)
: (B2<double>() as B1<num, num>);
Expect.isFalse(a is B2<int>);
Expect.isFalse(a is B2<double>);
Expect.isFalse(a is B2<num>); // Should be optimized to cid-range check.
void test3() {
final B1<int, num> a =
kTrue ? (B1<int, double>() as B1<int, num>) : (B2<int>() as B1<int, num>);
Expect.isFalse(a is B2<int>);
Expect.isFalse(a is B2<double>);
Expect.isFalse(a is B2<num>);
void test4() {
final B1<num, num> a = kTrue ? B2<int>() : B1<num, num>();
Expect.isTrue(a is B2<num>); // Should be optimized to cid-range check.
Expect.isTrue(a is B2<int>);
Expect.isFalse(a is B2<double>);
void test5() {
final B1<int, num> a = kTrue ? B2<int>() : B1<int, num>();
Expect.isTrue(a is B2<num>);
Expect.isTrue(a is B2<int>);
Expect.isFalse(a is B2<double>);
void test6() {
final B1<int, int> a = kTrue ? B2<int>() : B1<int, int>();
Expect.isTrue(a is B2<num>); // Should be optimized to cid-range check.
Expect.isTrue(a is B2<int>); // Should be optimized to cid-range check.
Expect.isFalse(a is B2<double>);
void test7() {
final B1<List<int>, List<int>> a =
kTrue ? B2<List<int>>() : B1<List<int>, List<int>>();
Expect.isTrue(a is B2<List<num>>); // Should be optimized to cid-range check.
Expect.isTrue(a is B2<List<int>>); // Should be optimized to cid-range check.
Expect.isFalse(a is B2<List<double>>);
class X<T extends num> {
void test1() {
final B1<T, T> a = kTrue ? B2<T>() : B1<T, T>();
Expect.isTrue(a is B2<T>); // Should be optimized to cid-range check.
Expect.isTrue(a is B2<int>);
Expect.isFalse(a is B2<double>);
void test2() {
final B1<List<T>, List<T>> a =
kTrue ? B2<List<T>>() : B1<List<T>, List<T>>();
Expect.isTrue(a is B2<List<T>>); // Should be optimized to cid-range check.
a is B2<List<num>>); // Should be optimized to cid-range check.
Expect.isTrue(a is B2<List<int>>);
Expect.isFalse(a is B2<List<double>>);
class B0<T> {}
class B1<T, H> extends B0<int> {}
class B2<T> extends B1<T, T> {}