blob: 16967039b92d38fb301a9292a6540788c5318ff8 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import "package:expect/expect.dart";
class ParameterInitializerTest {
static testMain() {
var obj = new Foo.untyped(1);
Expect.equals(1, obj.x);
obj = new Foo.subtype(7);
Expect.equals(7, obj.x);
obj = new Foo.optional(111);
Expect.equals(111, obj.x);
obj = new Foo.optional();
Expect.equals(5, obj.x);
obj = new Foo(1);
Expect.equals(2, obj.x);
obj = new SubFoo(42);
Expect.equals(1, obj.x);
obj = new SubSubFoo(42);
Expect.equals(1, obj.x);
class Foo {
Foo(num this.x) {
// Reference to x must resolve to the field.
Expect.equals(this.x, x);
Foo.untyped(this.x) {}
Foo.subtype(int this.x) {}
Foo.optional([this.x = 5]) {}
num x;
class SubFoo extends Foo {
SubFoo(num y)
: x_ = 0,
super(y) {
// Subfoo.setter of x has been invoked in the Foo constructor.
Expect.equals(x, 1);
Expect.equals(x_, 1);
// The super.x will resolved to the field in Foo.
Expect.equals(super.x, y);
get x {
return x_;
set x(num val) {
x_ = val;
num x_;
class SubSubFoo extends SubFoo {
SubSubFoo(num y) : super(y) {
// Subfoo.setter of x has been invoked in the Foo constructor.
Expect.equals(x, 1);
Expect.equals(x_, 1);
// There is no way to get to the field in Foo.
Expect.equals(super.x, 1);
main() {