blob: 562aca371d6a7e68f53913be9c7e1176cd4f1929 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Test least upper bound through type checking of conditionals.
class A {
var a;
class B {
var b;
class C extends B {
var c;
class D extends B {
var d;
class E<T> {
T e;
class F<T> extends E<T> {
T f;
F(T f)
: this.f = f,
void main() {
testAB(new A(), new B());
testBC(new C(), new C());
testCD(new C(), new D());
testEE(new F<C>(new C()), new F<C>(new C()));
testEF(new F<C>(new C()), new F<C>(new C()));
void testAB(A a, B b) {
A r1 = true ? a : b;
// ^^^^^^^^^^^^
// ^
// [cfe] A value of type 'Object' can't be assigned to a variable of type 'A'.
B r2 = false ? a : b;
// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
// ^
// [cfe] A value of type 'Object' can't be assigned to a variable of type 'B'.
(true ? a : b).a = 0;
// ^
// [cfe] The setter 'a' isn't defined for the class 'Object'.
(false ? a : b).b = 0;
// ^
// [cfe] The setter 'b' isn't defined for the class 'Object'.
var c = new C();
(true ? a as dynamic : c).a = 0;
(false ? c : b).b = 0;
void testBC(B b, C c) {
B r1 = true ? b : c;
C r2 = false ? b : c;
// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
// ^
// [cfe] A value of type 'B' can't be assigned to a variable of type 'C'.
(true ? b : c).b = 0;
(false ? b : c).c = 0;
// ^
// [cfe] The setter 'c' isn't defined for the class 'B'.
var a = null;
(true ? b : a).b = 0;
(false ? a : b).c = 0;
(true ? c : a).b = 0;
(false ? a : c).c = 0;
void testCD(C c, D d) {
C r1 = true ? c : d;
// ^^^^^^^^^^^^
// ^
// [cfe] A value of type 'B' can't be assigned to a variable of type 'C'.
D r2 = false ? c : d;
// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
// ^
// [cfe] A value of type 'B' can't be assigned to a variable of type 'D'.
(true ? c : d).b = 0;
(false ? c : d).b = 0;
(true ? c : d).c = 0;
// ^
// [cfe] The setter 'c' isn't defined for the class 'B'.
(false ? c : d).d = 0;
// ^
// [cfe] The setter 'd' isn't defined for the class 'B'.
void testEE(E<B> e, E<C> f) {
// The least upper bound of E<B> and E<C> is E<B>.
E<B> r1 = true ? e : f;
F<C> r2 = false ? e : f;
// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
// ^
// [cfe] A value of type 'E<B>' can't be assigned to a variable of type 'F<C>'.
A r3 = true ? e : f;
// ^^^^^^^^^^^^
// ^
// [cfe] A value of type 'E<B>' can't be assigned to a variable of type 'A'.
B r4 = false ? e : f;
// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
// ^
// [cfe] A value of type 'E<B>' can't be assigned to a variable of type 'B'.
(true ? e : f).e = C();
(false ? e : f).e = C();
void testEF(E<B> e, F<C> f) {
// The least upper bound of E<B> and F<C> is E<B>.
E<B> r1 = true ? e : f;
F<C> r2 = false ? e : f;
// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
// ^
// [cfe] A value of type 'E<B>' can't be assigned to a variable of type 'F<C>'.
A r3 = true ? e : f;
// ^^^^^^^^^^^^
// ^
// [cfe] A value of type 'E<B>' can't be assigned to a variable of type 'A'.
B r4 = false ? e : f;
// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
// ^
// [cfe] A value of type 'E<B>' can't be assigned to a variable of type 'B'.
var r5;
r5 = (true ? e : f).e;
r5 = (false ? e : f).f;
// ^
// [cfe] The getter 'f' isn't defined for the class 'E<B>'.