blob: 1e194f856c4454f8e16a0b3959b9d47f842a2f94 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:expect/static_type_helper.dart';
class C1<X> {}
class C2 extends C1<C2> {}
var condition = true;
void main() {
void f6<X1 extends FutureOr<X1>>(X1 x1, FutureOr<Object> t2) {
// UP(X1 extends FutureOr<X1> /*B1*/, FutureOr<Object> /*T2*/) =
// T2 if X1 <: T2
// otherwise X1 if T2 <: X1
// otherwise UP(B1a, T2)
// where B1a is the greatest closure of B1 with respect to X1
var z1 = condition ? x1 : ((throw 0) as FutureOr<X1>);
var z2 = condition ? x1 : throw 0;
var z3 = condition ? x1 : t2;
// UP(FutureOr<Object> /*T2*/, X1 extends FutureOr<X1> /*B1*/) =
// X1 if T2 <: X1
// otherwise T2 if X1 <: T2
// otherwise UP(T2, B1a)
// where B1a is the greatest closure of B1 with respect to X1
var z4 = condition ? ((throw 0) as FutureOr<X1>) : x1;
var z5 = condition ? throw 0 : x1;
var z6 = condition ? t2 : x1;
void f7<X1 extends FutureOr<X1?>>(X1 x1, FutureOr<Object> t2) {
// UP(X1 extends FutureOr<X1?> /*B1*/, FutureOr<Object> /*T2*/) =
// T2 if X1 <: T2
// otherwise X1 if T2 <: X1
// otherwise UP(B1a, T2)
// where B1a is the greatest closure of B1 with respect to X1
var z1 = condition ? x1 : ((throw 0) as FutureOr<X1?>);
var z2 = condition ? x1 : throw 0;
var z3 = condition ? x1 : t2;
// UP(FutureOr<Object> /*T2*/, X1 extends FutureOr<X1?> /*B1*/) =
// X1 if T2 <: X1
// otherwise T2 if X1 <: T2
// otherwise UP(T2, B1a)
// where B1a is the greatest closure of B1 with respect to X1
var z4 = condition ? ((throw 0) as FutureOr<X1?>) : x1;
var z5 = condition ? throw 0 : x1;
var z6 = condition ? t2 : x1;