blob: e8172425e4f81484b3f652ef052aa6984fc79acd [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright (c) 2023, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Tests that inherited abstract fields are properly accounted for when deciding
// whether a `noSuchMethod` suppresses field promotion.
import "package:expect/static_type_helper.dart";
class A {
final int? _f1;
final int? _f2;
final int? _f3;
final int? _f4;
final int? _f5;
A(int? i)
: _f1 = i,
_f2 = i,
_f3 = i,
_f4 = i,
_f5 = i;
abstract class B {
abstract final int? _f1;
abstract int? _f2;
abstract class C {
abstract final int? _f3;
abstract int? _f4;
class D extends C implements B {
noSuchMethod(_) => 0;
testFinalAbstractFieldImpliesInterfaceGetter(A a) {
// Class `D` has an `_f1` getter in its interface, inherited from `B`. `D` has
// a non-default `noSuchMethod` method, but it neither inherits nor declares
// any implementation of `_f1`. Because of that, `D` introduces an implicit
// and concrete `noSuchMethod`-forwarding `_f1` getter implementation, and the
// presence of an implicit forwarding concrete getter with the same name
// inhibits promotion of `A._f1`.
if (a._f1 != null) {
testNonFinalAbstractFieldImpliesInterfaceGetter(A a) {
// Class `D` has an `_f2` getter in its interface, inherited from `B`. `D` has
// a non-default `noSuchMethod` method, but it neither inherits nor declares
// any implementation of `_f2`. Because of that, `D` introduces an implicit
// and concrete `noSuchMethod`-forwarding `_f2` getter implementation, and the
// presence of an implicit forwarding concrete getter with the same name
// inhibits promotion of `A._f2`.
if (a._f2 != null) {
testFinalAbstractFieldDoesNotImplyImplementationField(A a) {
// Class `D` has an `_f3` getter in its interface, inherited from `C`. `D` has
// a non-default `noSuchMethod` method, but it neither inherits nor declares
// any implementation of `_f3`. Because of that, `D` introduces an implicit
// and concrete `noSuchMethod`-forwarding `_f3` getter implementation, and the
// presence of an implicit forwarding concrete getter with the same name
// inhibits promotion of `A._f3`.
if (a._f3 != null) {
testNonFinalAbstractFieldDoesNotImplyImplementationField(A a) {
// Class `D` has an `_f4` getter in its interface, inherited from `C`. `D` has
// a non-default `noSuchMethod` method, but it neither inherits nor declares
// any implementation of `_f4`. Because of that, `D` introduces an implicit
// and concrete `noSuchMethod`-forwarding `_f4` getter implementation, and the
// presence of an implicit forwarding concrete getter with the same name
// inhibits promotion of `A._f4`.
if (a._f4 != null) {
testBasicPromotion(A a) {
// Since all of the above tests check that field promotion *fails*, if we've
// made a mistake causing field promotion to be completely disabled in this
// file, all the tests will continue to pass. So to verify that we haven't
// made such a mistake, verify that field promotion works under ordinary
// circumstances.
if (a._f5 != null) {
main() {
for (var a in [A(null), A(0)]) {