blob: 46b6591f498236999a28e29e7cf5ac09661cfdf6 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import "package:expect/expect.dart";
// Tests that inference can solve for T? ~ dynamic or void.
class C<T extends Object> {
final T? value;
const C(this.value);
C.list(List<T?> list) : value = list.first;
void set nonNullValue(T value) {}
List<T> foo<T extends Object>(T? value) => [value!];
List<T> bar<T extends Object>(List<T?> value) => [
for (var element in value)
if (element != null) element
extension Ext<T extends Object> on List<T?> {
List<T> whereNotNull() => [
for (var element in this)
if (element != null) element
main() {
// Testing for dynamic.
const dynamic o = 42;
var c = const C(o);
var f = foo(o);
var l = [o].whereNotNull();
Expect.type<C<Object>>(c); // Run-time type is subtype of C<Object>.
c.nonNullValue = Object(); // And supertype.
Expect.type<List<Object>>(f); // Run-time type is subtype of List<Object>.
f[0] = Object(); // And supertype.
Expect.type<List<Object>>(l); // Run-time type is subtype of List<Object>.
l[0] = Object(); // And supertype.
// Testing for void
List<void> o = <void>[42];
var c = C.list(o);
var f = bar(o);
var l = o.whereNotNull();
Expect.type<C<Object>>(c); // Run-time type is subtype of C<Object>.
c.nonNullValue = Object(); // And supertype.
Expect.type<List<Object>>(f); // Run-time type is subtype of List<Object>.
f[0] = Object(); // And supertype.
Expect.type<List<Object>>(l); // Run-time type is subtype of List<Object>.
l[0] = Object(); // And supertype.
// Captures and checks static type of expression.
extension TypeCheck<T> on T {
T expectStaticType<R extends Exactly<T>>() {
return this;
typedef Exactly<T> = T Function(T);