blob: 0c351deab55c76b2782f309733c3ea2f179fa2ac [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright (c) 2022, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Test errors required by new enhanced enum syntax.
// Classes which implement `Enum`, but are not `enum` declarations,
// have extra requirements.
// Such a class is assumed to be either an interface intended to be
// implemented by an `enum` declaration,
// or a mixin intended to be mixed into an `enum` declaration.
// As such, we enforce restrictions which would definitely make
// that `enum` declaration invalid.
// * Such a class cannot be non-abstract.
// * It cannot implement `index`, `hashCode`, `==` or `values`.
class NonAbstract implements Enum {
// ^
// [cfe] Non-abstract class 'NonAbstract' has 'Enum' as a superinterface.
// ^^^^
int get index => 42;
// ^
// [cfe] 'NonAbstract' has 'Enum' as a superinterface and can't contain non-static members with name 'index'.
// Cannot contain a `values` member
abstract class AbstractImplementsWithValues implements Enum {
int get values => 42;
// ^^^^^^
// [cfe] 'AbstractImplementsWithValues' has 'Enum' as a superinterface and can't contain non-static member with name 'values'.
abstract class AbstractExtendsWithValues extends Enum {
// ^
// [cfe] The class 'Enum' can't be extended outside of its library because it's an interface class.
int get values => 42;
// ^^^^^^
// [cfe] 'AbstractExtendsWithValues' has 'Enum' as a superinterface and can't contain non-static member with name 'values'.
abstract class AbstractImplementsWithIndex implements Enum {
int get index => 42;
// ^^^^^
// [cfe] 'AbstractImplementsWithIndex' has 'Enum' as a superinterface and can't contain non-static members with name 'index'.
abstract class AbstractExtendsWithIndex extends Enum {
// ^
// [cfe] The class 'Enum' can't be extended outside of its library because it's an interface class.
int get index => 42;
// ^^^^^
// [cfe] 'AbstractExtendsWithIndex' has 'Enum' as a superinterface and can't contain non-static members with name 'index'.
mixin MixinWithIndex on Enum {
int get index => 42;
// ^^^^^
// [cfe] 'MixinWithIndex' has 'Enum' as a superinterface and can't contain non-static members with name 'index'.
mixin MixinWithIndex2 implements Enum {
int get index => 42;
// ^^^^^
// [cfe] 'MixinWithIndex2' has 'Enum' as a superinterface and can't contain non-static members with name 'index'.
mixin MixinWithValues on Enum {
int get values => 42;
// ^^^^^^
// [cfe] 'MixinWithValues' has 'Enum' as a superinterface and can't contain non-static member with name 'values'.
mixin MixinWithValues2 implements Enum {
int get values => 42;
// ^^^^^^
// [cfe] 'MixinWithValues2' has 'Enum' as a superinterface and can't contain non-static member with name 'values'.
// Can't implement Enum and declare hashCode/==.
abstract class ClassWithEquals implements Enum {
bool operator ==(Object other) => true;
// ^^
// [cfe] 'ClassWithEquals' has 'Enum' as a superinterface and can't contain non-static members with name '=='.
mixin MixinWithEquals implements Enum {
bool operator ==(Object other) => true;
// ^^
// [cfe] 'MixinWithEquals' has 'Enum' as a superinterface and can't contain non-static members with name '=='.
abstract class ClassWithHashCode implements Enum {
int get hashCode => 0;
// ^^^^^^^^
// [cfe] 'ClassWithHashCode' has 'Enum' as a superinterface and can't contain non-static members with name 'hashCode'.
mixin MixinWithHashCode implements Enum {
int get hashCode => 0;
// ^^^^^^^^
// [cfe] 'MixinWithHashCode' has 'Enum' as a superinterface and can't contain non-static members with name 'hashCode'.
abstract class SuperclassWithEquals {
bool operator ==(Object other) => true;
abstract class SuperclassWithHashCode {
int get hashCode => 0;
// Can't implement `Enum` and inherit concrete hashCode/==.
abstract class ClassSuperEquals extends SuperclassWithEquals implements Enum {
// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
// [cfe] A concrete instance member named '==' can't be inherited from 'SuperclassWithEquals' in a class that implements 'Enum'.
abstract class ClassSuperHash extends SuperclassWithHashCode implements Enum {
// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
// [cfe] A concrete instance member named 'hashCode' can't be inherited from 'SuperclassWithHashCode' in a class that implements 'Enum'.
// No class can implement an actual enum.
abstract class ExtendsEnum extends MyEnum {
// ^
// [cfe] 'MyEnum' is an enum and can't be extended or implemented.
// [cfe] The superclass, 'MyEnum', has no unnamed constructor that takes no arguments.
// ^^^^^^
abstract class ImplementsEnum implements MyEnum {
// ^
// [cfe] 'MyEnum' is an enum and can't be extended or implemented.
// ^^^^^^
// It's not a mixin!
abstract class MixesInEnum with MyEnum {
// ^
// [cfe] 'MyEnum' is an enum and can't be extended or implemented.
// [cfe] Can't use 'MyEnum' as a mixin because it has constructors.
// ^^^^^^
// [cfe] The class 'MyEnum' can't be used as a mixin because it extends a class other than 'Object'.
// [cfe] The class 'MyEnum' can't be used as a mixin because it isn't a mixin class nor a mixin.
mixin MixinImplementsEnum implements MyEnum {
// ^
// [cfe] 'MyEnum' is an enum and can't be extended or implemented.
// ^^^^^^
mixin MixinOnEnum on MyEnum {
// ^
// [cfe] 'MyEnum' is an enum and can't be extended or implemented.
// ^^^^^^
enum EnumImplementsEnum implements MyEnum {
// ^
// [cfe] 'MyEnum' is an enum and can't be extended or implemented.
// ^^^^^^
enum EnumMixesInEnum with MyEnum {
// ^
// [cfe] 'MyEnum' is an enum and can't be extended or implemented.
// [cfe] Can't use 'MyEnum' as a mixin because it has constructors.
// ^^^^^^
// [cfe] The class 'MyEnum' can't be used as a mixin because it extends a class other than 'Object'.
// [cfe] The class 'MyEnum' can't be used as a mixin because it isn't a mixin class nor a mixin.
void main() {}
enum MyEnum {