blob: d8e5af640f04bb6fee07cd9ed9fafd34ea1f6b2f [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// TODO(multitest): This was automatically migrated from a multitest and may
// contain strange or dead code.
// Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Dart test program for redirection constructors.
import "package:expect/expect.dart";
class A {
var x;
A(this.x) {}
A.named(x, int y) : this(x + y);
A.named2(int x, int y, z) : this.named(staticFun(x, y), z);
// The following is a bit tricky. It is a compile-time error to
// refer to this (implicitly or explicitly) from an initializer.
// When we remove the line with moreStaticFun, staticFun is really a
// static function and it is legal to call it. This is what will
// happen in the /none version of this test. However, in /01,
// staticFun isn't really a static function and should cause a
// compile-time error.
static int staticFun(int v1, int v2) {
return v1 * v2;
class B extends A {
B(y) : super(y + 1) {}
B.named(y) : super.named(y, y + 1) {}
class C {
final x;
const C(this.x);
const C.named(x, int y) : this(x + y);
class D extends C {
const D(y) : super(y + 1);
const D.named(y) : super.named(y, y + 1);
class ConstructorRedirectTest {
static testMain() {
var a = new A(499);
Expect.equals(499, a.x);
a = new A.named(349, 499);
Expect.equals(349 + 499, a.x);
a = new A.named2(11, 42, 99);
Expect.equals(11 * 42 + 99, a.x);
var b = new B(498);
Expect.equals(499, b.x);
b = new B.named(249);
Expect.equals(499, b.x);
C c = const C(499);
Expect.equals(499, c.x);
c = const C.named(249, 250);
Expect.equals(499, c.x);
D d = const D(498);
Expect.equals(499, d.x);
d = const D.named(249);
Expect.equals(499, d.x);
main() {