blob: dd1e7e007c33053472cd53cc69af2950301a9e61 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright (c) 2023, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// This file should be standalone (ignoring packages) because it is copied
// with // OtherResources and used for compiling snapshots.
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:ffi';
import 'dart:io';
import 'dart:isolate';
import 'package:expect/expect.dart';
final _dylibExtension = () {
if (Platform.isLinux || Platform.isAndroid || Platform.isFuchsia)
return '.so';
if (Platform.isMacOS) return '.dylib';
if (Platform.isWindows) return '.dll';
throw Exception('Platform not implemented.');
final _dylibPrefix = Platform.isWindows ? '' : 'lib';
String dylibName(String name) => '$_dylibPrefix$name$_dylibExtension';
final ffiTestFunctionsFileName = dylibName('ffi_test_functions');
final cwdUri = Directory.current.uri;
final platformExecutableUriAbsolute = cwdUri.resolve(
Platform.executable.replaceAll('\\', '/'),
/// The build folder on desktop platforms.
final buildUriAbsolute = platformExecutableUriAbsolute.parent;
final ffiTestFunctionsUriAbsolute = buildUriAbsolute.resolve(
/// The sdk folder on desktop platforms.
final sdkUriAbsolute = buildUriAbsolute.parent.parent;
final standaloneExtension = (Platform.isWindows ? '.bat' : '');
final standaloneExtensionExe = (Platform.isWindows ? '.exe' : '');
final genKernelUri = sdkUriAbsolute.resolve(
final protobufAwareTreeshakerUri = sdkUriAbsolute.resolve(
final genSnapshotUri = buildUriAbsolute.resolve(
final dartUri = buildUriAbsolute.resolve('dart$standaloneExtensionExe');
final dartPrecompiledRuntimeUri = buildUriAbsolute.resolve(
final platformDillUri = buildUriAbsolute.resolve('vm_platform_strong.dill');
final packageConfigUri = sdkUriAbsolute.resolve(
extension on Uri {
Uri get parent {
return File(this.toFilePath()).parent.uri;
Future<void> withTempDir(
Future<void> fun(Uri tempUri), {
String prefix = 'tests_ffi_native_assets_',
}) async {
final tempDir = await Directory.systemTemp.createTemp(prefix);
final tempDirResolved = Directory(await tempDir.resolveSymbolicLinks());
try {
await fun(tempDirResolved.uri);
} finally {
if (!Platform.environment.containsKey(keepTempKey) ||
Platform.environment[keepTempKey]!.isEmpty) {
await tempDirResolved.delete(recursive: true);
} else {
print('Keeping $tempDirResolved');
/// Runs process, pipes prints exit code, stdout, and stderr, and throws on
/// exit code not zero.
Future<void> runProcess({
required String executable,
required List<String> arguments,
Uri? workingDirectory,
bool printProcessOutput = false,
}) async {
final result = await
stdoutEncoding: utf8,
stderrEncoding: utf8,
workingDirectory: workingDirectory?.toFilePath(),
if (printProcessOutput || result.exitCode != 0) {
final processOutputString = '''
invocation : $executable ${arguments.join(' ')}
dir : ${workingDirectory?.toFilePath() ?? Directory.current.path}
exitCode : ${result.exitCode}
stdout : ${result.stdout}
stderr : ${result.stderr}''';
if (result.exitCode != 0) {
throw Exception(processOutputString);
enum KernelCombine { source, concatenation }
enum Runtime { aot, appjit, jit }
enum AotCompile { assembly, elf }
Future<void> runGenKernel({
required Runtime runtime,
required Uri outputUri,
Uri? inputUri,
Uri? nativeAssetsUri,
}) => runProcess(
executable: genKernelUri.toFilePath(),
arguments: [
if (runtime == Runtime.aot) '--aot',
if (nativeAssetsUri != null) ...[
if (inputUri != null) inputUri.toFilePath(),
Future<void> createDillFile({
required Uri outputUri,
required Uri tempUri,
required Uri dartProgramUri,
required Uri nativeAssetsUri,
required Runtime runtime,
required KernelCombine kernelCombine,
required bool protobufAwareTreeshaking,
}) async {
final preTreeshakenDill = tempUri.resolve('pre_treeshaken.dill');
switch (kernelCombine) {
case KernelCombine.source:
await runGenKernel(
runtime: runtime,
outputUri: protobufAwareTreeshaking ? preTreeshakenDill : outputUri,
inputUri: dartProgramUri,
nativeAssetsUri: nativeAssetsUri,
case KernelCombine.concatenation:
final programDillUri = tempUri.resolve('program.dill');
final nativeAssetsDillUri = tempUri.resolve('native_assets.dill');
await Future.wait([
runtime: runtime,
outputUri: programDillUri,
inputUri: dartProgramUri,
runtime: runtime,
outputUri: nativeAssetsDillUri,
nativeAssetsUri: nativeAssetsUri,
final programKernelBytes =
await File.fromUri(programDillUri).readAsBytes();
final nativeAssetKernelBytes =
await File.fromUri(nativeAssetsDillUri).readAsBytes();
await File.fromUri(
protobufAwareTreeshaking ? preTreeshakenDill : outputUri,
], flush: true);
if (protobufAwareTreeshaking) {
await runDart(
scriptUri: protobufAwareTreeshakerUri,
arguments: [
if (runtime == Runtime.aot) '--aot',
/*<input.dill>*/ preTreeshakenDill.toFilePath(),
/*<output.dill>*/ outputUri.toFilePath(),
Future<void> runGenSnapshot({
required Uri tempUri,
required Uri dillUri,
required Uri outputUri,
required AotCompile aotCompile,
}) async {
switch (aotCompile) {
case AotCompile.elf:
await runProcess(
executable: genSnapshotUri.toFilePath(),
arguments: [
case AotCompile.assembly:
if (!(Platform.isLinux || Platform.isMacOS)) {
// Windows doesn't support assembly snapshots.
throw UnsupportedError('Not yet implemented for MSVC');
final assemblyUri = tempUri.resolve('out.S');
await runProcess(
executable: genSnapshotUri.toFilePath(),
arguments: [
if (!await File.fromUri(assemblyUri).exists()) {
throw Error();
// Executables and arguments taken from
// pkg/test_runner/lib/src/compiler_configuration.dart
// `computeAssembleCommand`.
if (Platform.isMacOS) {
await runProcess(
executable: 'clang',
arguments: [
} else if (Platform.isLinux) {
await runProcess(
executable: 'gcc',
arguments: [
Future<void> runDart({
required Uri scriptUri,
List<String> arguments = const [],
Uri? workingDirectory,
Uri? packageConfigUri,
List<String> toolArgs = const [],
}) => runProcess(
executable: dartUri.toFilePath(),
arguments: [
// Prevent subprocesses holding on to [workingDirectory] on Windows.
if (packageConfigUri != null) '--packages=${packageConfigUri.toFilePath()}',
workingDirectory: workingDirectory,
Future<void> runDartKernelSnapshot({
required Uri outputUri,
required Uri inputUri,
Uri? packageConfigUri,
Uri? workingDirectory,
}) => runDart(
workingDirectory: workingDirectory,
toolArgs: ['--snapshot-kind=kernel', '--snapshot=${outputUri.toFilePath()}'],
packageConfigUri: packageConfigUri,
scriptUri: inputUri,
Future<void> runDartAotRuntime({
required Uri aotSnapshotUri,
List<String> arguments = const [],
}) => runProcess(
executable: dartPrecompiledRuntimeUri.toFilePath(),
arguments: [aotSnapshotUri.toFilePath(), ...arguments],
Future<void> testIsolateSpawnUri({
required Uri spawnUri,
required List<String> arguments,
}) async {
final receivePort = ReceivePort();
await Isolate.spawnUri(spawnUri, arguments, receivePort.sendPort);
final result = await receivePort.first;
if (result != null) {
/// Compiles and runs the provided script.
/// Runs both through `Isolate.spawnUri` and ``.
Future<void> compileAndRun({
required Uri tempUri,
required Uri dartProgramUri,
required String nativeAssetsYaml,
required Runtime runtime,
required KernelCombine kernelCombine,
required bool protobufAwareTreeshaking,
AotCompile aotCompile = AotCompile.elf,
required List<String> runArguments,
bool useSymlink = false,
}) async {
final nativeAssetsUri = tempUri.resolve('native_assets.yaml');
await File(nativeAssetsUri.toFilePath()).writeAsString(nativeAssetsYaml);
final outDillUri = tempUri.resolve('out.dill');
await createDillFile(
outputUri: outDillUri,
tempUri: tempUri,
dartProgramUri: dartProgramUri,
nativeAssetsUri: nativeAssetsUri,
runtime: runtime,
kernelCombine: kernelCombine,
protobufAwareTreeshaking: protobufAwareTreeshaking,
switch (runtime) {
case Runtime.aot:
final snapshotUri = tempUri.resolve('out.snapshot');
await runGenSnapshot(
tempUri: tempUri,
dillUri: outDillUri,
outputUri: snapshotUri,
aotCompile: aotCompile,
if (useSymlink) {
await withTempDir(prefix: 'link dir', (tempDir) async {
final link = Link.fromUri(tempDir.resolve('my_link'));
await link.create(snapshotUri.toFilePath());
await runDartAotRuntime(
aotSnapshotUri: link.uri,
arguments: runArguments,
} else {
await runDartAotRuntime(
aotSnapshotUri: snapshotUri,
arguments: runArguments,
case Runtime.appjit:
final outJitUri = tempUri.resolve('out.jit');
await runDart(
toolArgs: [
scriptUri: outDillUri,
arguments: runArguments,
if (useSymlink) {
await withTempDir(prefix: 'link dir', (tempDir) async {
final link = Link.fromUri(tempDir.resolve('my_link'));
await link.create(outDillUri.toFilePath());
await runDart(scriptUri: link.uri, arguments: runArguments);
} else {
await runDart(scriptUri: outJitUri, arguments: runArguments);
case Runtime.jit:
if (useSymlink) {
await withTempDir(prefix: 'link dir', (tempDir) async {
final link = Link.fromUri(tempDir.resolve('my_link'));
await link.create(outDillUri.toFilePath());
await runDart(scriptUri: link.uri, arguments: runArguments);
} else {
await runDart(scriptUri: outDillUri, arguments: runArguments);
/// [target] defaults to `Abi.current().toString()`.
/// [asset] defaults to `'file://${Platform.script.toFilePath()}'`. This works
/// for tests invoking themselves.
/// [assetMapping] is automatically json encoded.
String createNativeAssetYaml({
String? target,
required String asset,
required List<String> assetMapping,
String? asset2,
List<String>? asset2Mapping,
}) {
target ??= Abi.current().toString();
return jsonEncode({
'format-version': [1, 0, 0],
'native-assets': {
target: {
asset: assetMapping,
if (asset2 != null && asset2Mapping != null) asset2: asset2Mapping,
Future<void> invokeSelf({
required Uri selfSourceUri,
required List<String> arguments,
required String nativeAssetsYaml,
Runtime runtime = Runtime.jit,
KernelCombine kernelCombine = KernelCombine.source,
AotCompile aotCompile = AotCompile.elf,
bool protobufAwareTreeshaking = false,
}) async {
await withTempDir((Uri tempUri) async {
await compileAndRun(
tempUri: tempUri,
dartProgramUri: selfSourceUri,
nativeAssetsYaml: nativeAssetsYaml,
runtime: runtime,
kernelCombine: kernelCombine,
protobufAwareTreeshaking: protobufAwareTreeshaking,
aotCompile: aotCompile,
runArguments: arguments,
print([selfSourceUri.toFilePath(),, 'done'].join(' '));
/// Spawns an isolate running [fun] and fails with [Expect] if any
/// [Exception]s are thrown, including [Expect] failures.
Future<void> testIsolateSpawn(Future Function() fun) async {
const successMessage = 'success';
final receivePort = ReceivePort();
await Isolate.spawn((SendPort sendPort) async {
try {
await fun();
} catch (e) {
}, receivePort.sendPort);
final isolateResult = await receivePort.first;
Expect.equals(successMessage, isolateResult);
/// Scaffold for a test that invokes itself in multiple ways.
/// This test can be run in multiple modes from
/// 1. On development machines, it will likely be run in JIT mode.
/// 2. On CI bots, it will likely only be run in AOT mode, because these are the
/// configurations that are guaranteed to have a `gen_kernel`, and
/// `gen_snapshot`, etc.
/// The test scaffold distinguishes between three types of invocation.
/// 1. The [doOnOuterInvocation]. In this, we do not have control over whether
/// we're running in JIT or AOT mode. In this we can call [runGenKernel] and
/// [runGenSnapshot] to create snapshots and either [runDart] and
/// [runDartAotRuntime] with these snapshots.
/// For the purpose of native asset tests we will create these snapshots
/// _with_ a native asset mapping.
/// 2. The [doOnProcessInvocation]. In this, we know that we have a snapshot
/// from the outer invocation and are in the corresponding Dart runtime.
/// This means we have an asset mapping and can use `@Native` bindings.
/// In this invocation, we can call [Isolate.spawn] which should then reuse
/// native asset mapping, because this mapping is shared among the isolate
/// group.
/// Moreover, we can call [Isolate.spawnUri] with [Platform.script], because
/// we know that snapshot lines up with the runtime. (If we tried to do this
/// in 1, we could try to run an aot snapshot with the JIT runtime.)
/// 3. The [doOnSpawnUriInvocation]. In this, we have been invoked with
/// [Isolate.spawnUri], so we can run our tests (again).
/// It uses the `main`s' `args` and `message` for distinguishing these
/// invocations.
Future<void> Function(List<String> args, Object? message) selfInvokingTest({
required Future<void> Function() doOnOuterInvocation,
required Future<void> Function() doOnProcessInvocation,
required Future<void> Function() doOnSpawnUriInvocation,
bool verbose = false,
}) => (List<String> args, Object? message) async {
if (verbose) print('main');
if (args.isEmpty) {
if (verbose) print('doOnOuterInvocation');
// Outer invocation: compile and run this file.
// We're likely in `dartaotruntime` when running tests on the bot, because
// those configurations are guaranteed to have the dartaotruntime available.
// However we might be in JIT mode when tests are run locally.
// This means, we cannot call `Isolate.spawnUri` on the snapshots we
// create directly.
await doOnOuterInvocation();
if (verbose) print('doOnOuterInvocation done');
final sendPort = message as SendPort?;
if (sendPort == null) {
// First self-invocation, we are now guaranteed to be in the right runtime:
// `Platform.resolvedExecutable` will be dartaotruntime if the
// `Platform.script` is an aot snapshot. So, it's valid to call
// `Isolate.spawnUri` with `Platform.script`.
if (verbose) print('doOnProcessInvocation');
await doOnProcessInvocation();
if (verbose) print('doOnProcessInvocation done');
// Second self-invocation. This time through `Isolate.spawnUri`.
try {
if (verbose) print('doOnSpawnUriInvocation');
await doOnSpawnUriInvocation();
if (verbose) print('doOnSpawnUriInvocation done');
} catch (e, st) {
sendPort.send([e.toString(), st.toString()]);
// Done, no errors.
const doesNotExistName = 'doesnotexist92304';
@Native<Int32 Function(Int32, Int32)>()
external int doesnotexist92304(int a, int b);
void testNonExistingFunction() {
final argumentError2 = Expect.throws<ArgumentError>(() {
doesnotexist92304(2, 3);
Expect.contains(doesNotExistName, argumentError2.message);
Expect.contains('No asset with id', argumentError2.message);
Expect.contains('Available native assets: ', argumentError2.message);
'Attempted to fallback to process lookup.',
final addressOfError = Expect.throws<ArgumentError>(() {
Native.addressOf<NativeFunction<Int32 Function(Int32, Int32)>>(
Expect.contains(doesNotExistName, addressOfError.message);
Expect.contains('No asset with id', addressOfError.message);
Expect.contains('Available native assets: ', addressOfError.message);
'Attempted to fallback to process lookup.',