blob: 704279121550273cc664d39b0ad4e5676f9593fd [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright (c) 2023, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// This test compiles itself with gen_kernel and invokes the compiled kernel
// file with `, <...>)` and `Isolate.spawn` and
// `Isolate.spawnUri`.
// This tests test including a native asset mapping with a path relative to
// the kernel file.
// OtherResources=asset_relative_test.dart
// OtherResources=helpers.dart
// ignore_for_file: deprecated_member_use
// SharedObjects=ffi_test_functions
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:ffi';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:expect/expect.dart';
import 'helpers.dart';
const runTestsArg = 'run-tests';
void main(List<String> args, Object? message) async {
return await selfInvokingTest(
doOnOuterInvocation: selfInvokes,
doOnProcessInvocation: () async {
await runTests();
await testIsolateSpawn(runTests);
await testIsolateSpawnUri(spawnUri: Platform.script, arguments: args);
doOnSpawnUriInvocation: () async {
await runTests();
await testIsolateSpawn(runTests);
)(args, message);
Future<void> selfInvokes() async {
final selfSourceUri = Platform.script.resolve('asset_relative_test.dart');
await invokeSelf(
selfSourceUri: selfSourceUri,
runtime: Runtime.jit,
kernelCombine: KernelCombine.concatenation,
relativePath: RelativePath.same,
arguments: [runTestsArg],
useSymlink: true,
protobufAwareTreeshaking: true,
await invokeSelf(
selfSourceUri: selfSourceUri,
runtime: Runtime.jit,
relativePath: RelativePath.down,
arguments: [runTestsArg],
useSymlink: true,
protobufAwareTreeshaking: false,
await invokeSelf(
selfSourceUri: selfSourceUri,
runtime: Runtime.aot,
kernelCombine: KernelCombine.concatenation,
(Platform.isLinux || Platform.isMacOS)
? AotCompile.assembly
: AotCompile.elf,
relativePath: RelativePath.up,
arguments: [runTestsArg],
useSymlink: true,
protobufAwareTreeshaking: true,
/// Where asset is compared to kernel file or aot snapshot.
enum RelativePath { same, up, down }
Future<void> invokeSelf({
required Uri selfSourceUri,
required List<String> arguments,
Runtime runtime = Runtime.jit,
KernelCombine kernelCombine = KernelCombine.source,
AotCompile aotCompile = AotCompile.elf,
RelativePath relativePath = RelativePath.same,
bool useSymlink = false,
required bool protobufAwareTreeshaking,
}) async {
await withTempDir((Uri tempUri) async {
final nestedUri = tempUri.resolve('nested/');
await Directory.fromUri(nestedUri).create();
if (relativePath == RelativePath.up) {
tempUri = nestedUri;
final ffiTestFunctionsCopyUriRelative = () {
switch (relativePath) {
case RelativePath.same:
return Uri(path: ffiTestFunctionsFileName);
case RelativePath.up:
return Uri(path: '../$ffiTestFunctionsFileName');
case RelativePath.down:
return Uri(path: 'nested/$ffiTestFunctionsFileName');
final ffiTestFunctionsCopyUriAbsolute = tempUri.resolve(
await File(
final nativeAssetsYaml = createNativeAssetYaml(
asset: selfSourceUri.toString(),
assetMapping: ['relative', ffiTestFunctionsCopyUriRelative.toFilePath()],
await compileAndRun(
tempUri: tempUri,
dartProgramUri: selfSourceUri,
nativeAssetsYaml: nativeAssetsYaml,
runtime: runtime,
kernelCombine: kernelCombine,
protobufAwareTreeshaking: protobufAwareTreeshaking,
aotCompile: aotCompile,
runArguments: arguments,
useSymlink: useSymlink,
if (runtime == Runtime.aot),,
].join(' '),
Future<void> runTests() async {
@Native<Int32 Function(Int32, Int32)>()
external int SumPlus42(int a, int b);
void testFfiTestfunctionsDll() {
final result2 = SumPlus42(2, 3);
Expect.equals(2 + 3 + 42, result2);
final viaAddressOf =
Native.addressOf<NativeFunction<Int32 Function(Int32, Int32)>>(
).asFunction<int Function(int, int)>();
Expect.equals(2 + 3 + 42, viaAddressOf(2, 3));
external int globalInt;
@Native<Int32>(symbol: 'globalInt')
external int get globalIntProcedure;
@Native<Int32>(symbol: 'globalInt')
external set globalIntProcedure(int value);
@Native<Void Function(Int32)>()
external void SetGlobalVar(int value);
@Native<Int32 Function()>()
external int GetGlobalVar();
external final Pointer<Char> globalString;
final class Coord extends Struct {
external double x;
external double y;
external Pointer<Coord> next;
external Coord globalStruct;
external Coord GetGlobalStruct();
external Array<Int> globalArray;
@Array(3, 3)
external final Array<Array<Double>> identity3x3;
void testFfiTestFieldsDll() {
Expect.equals(globalInt, 42);
Expect.equals(globalIntProcedure, 42);
globalInt = 13;
Expect.equals(GetGlobalVar(), 13);
globalIntProcedure = 26;
Expect.equals(GetGlobalVar(), 26);
var readString = utf8.decode(globalString.cast<Uint8>().asTypedList(11));
Expect.equals(readString, 'Hello Dart!');
..x = 1
..y = 2 = nullptr;
final viaFunction = GetGlobalStruct();
Expect.equals(viaFunction.x, 1.0);
Expect.equals(viaFunction.y, 2.0);
Expect.equals(, nullptr);
viaFunction.x *= 2;
viaFunction.y *= 2; = Pointer.fromAddress(0xdeadbeef);
globalStruct = viaFunction;
Expect.equals(globalStruct.x, 2.0);
Expect.equals(globalStruct.y, 4.0);
Expect.equals(, 0xdeadbeef);
Expect.equals(globalArray[0], 1);
Expect.equals(globalArray[1], 2);
Expect.equals(globalArray[2], 3);
globalArray[0] = 42;
Expect.equals(globalArray[0], 42);
globalArray[0] = 1;
for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
for (var j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
if (i == j) {
Expect.equals(identity3x3[i][j], 1);
} else {
Expect.equals(identity3x3[i][j], 0);