blob: b6caf441f41ce92b24dff61b773e1a8333ad250f [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include <functional>
#include "platform/globals.h"
#include "vm/class_id.h"
#include "vm/compiler/assembler/disassembler.h"
#include "vm/compiler/runtime_api.h"
#include "vm/hash_map.h"
#include "vm/longjump.h"
#include "vm/object_store.h"
#include "vm/stub_code.h"
#include "vm/timeline.h"
#include "vm/type_testing_stubs.h"
#include "vm/zone_text_buffer.h"
#include "vm/compiler/backend/flow_graph_compiler.h"
#include "vm/compiler/backend/il_printer.h"
#endif // !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
#define __ assembler->
namespace dart {
: lib_(Library::Handle()),
string_(String::Handle()) {}
const char* TypeTestingStubNamer::StubNameForType(
const AbstractType& type) const {
ZoneTextBuffer buffer(Thread::Current()->zone());
WriteStubNameForTypeTo(&buffer, type);
return buffer.buffer();
void TypeTestingStubNamer::WriteStubNameForTypeTo(
BaseTextBuffer* buffer,
const AbstractType& type) const {
StringifyTypeTo(buffer, type);
void TypeTestingStubNamer::StringifyTypeTo(BaseTextBuffer* buffer,
const AbstractType& type) const {
NoSafepointScope no_safepoint;
if (type.IsType()) {
const intptr_t cid = Type::Cast(type).type_class_id();
ClassTable* class_table = IsolateGroup::Current()->class_table();
klass_ = class_table->At(cid);
lib_ = klass_.library();
if (!lib_.IsNull()) {
string_ = lib_.url();
} else {
buffer->Printf("nolib%" Pd "_", nonce_++);
auto& type_arguments = TypeArguments::Handle(Type::Cast(type).arguments());
if (!type_arguments.IsNull()) {
for (intptr_t i = 0, n = type_arguments.Length(); i < n; ++i) {
type_ = type_arguments.TypeAt(i);
StringifyTypeTo(buffer, type_);
} else if (type.IsTypeParameter()) {
} else if (type.IsRecordType()) {
const RecordType& rec = RecordType::Cast(type);
const intptr_t num_fields = rec.NumFields();
const auto& field_names =
const intptr_t num_positional_fields = num_fields - field_names.Length();
const auto& field_types = Array::Handle(rec.field_types());
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < num_fields; ++i) {
type_ ^= field_types.At(i);
StringifyTypeTo(buffer, type_);
if (i >= num_positional_fields) {
string_ ^= field_names.At(i - num_positional_fields);
} else {
void TypeTestingStubNamer::MakeNameAssemblerSafe(BaseTextBuffer* buffer) {
char* cursor = buffer->buffer();
while (*cursor != '\0') {
char c = *cursor;
if (!((c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') ||
(c >= '0' && c <= '9') || (c == '_'))) {
*cursor = '_';
CodePtr TypeTestingStubGenerator::DefaultCodeForType(
const AbstractType& type,
bool lazy_specialize /* = true */) {
// During bootstrapping we have no access to stubs yet, so we'll just return
// `null` and patch these later in `Object::FinishInit()`.
if (!StubCode::HasBeenInitialized()) {
const classid_t cid = type.type_class_id();
ASSERT(cid == kDynamicCid || cid == kVoidCid);
return Code::null();
if (type.IsTopTypeForSubtyping()) {
return StubCode::TopTypeTypeTest().ptr();
if (type.IsTypeParameter()) {
const bool nullable = Instance::NullIsAssignableTo(type);
if (nullable) {
return StubCode::NullableTypeParameterTypeTest().ptr();
} else {
return StubCode::TypeParameterTypeTest().ptr();
if (type.IsFunctionType()) {
const bool nullable = Instance::NullIsAssignableTo(type);
return nullable ? StubCode::DefaultNullableTypeTest().ptr()
: StubCode::DefaultTypeTest().ptr();
if (type.IsType() || type.IsRecordType()) {
const bool should_specialize = !FLAG_precompiled_mode && lazy_specialize;
const bool nullable = Instance::NullIsAssignableTo(type);
if (should_specialize) {
return nullable ? StubCode::LazySpecializeNullableTypeTest().ptr()
: StubCode::LazySpecializeTypeTest().ptr();
} else {
return nullable ? StubCode::DefaultNullableTypeTest().ptr()
: StubCode::DefaultTypeTest().ptr();
return StubCode::UnreachableTypeTest().ptr();
CodePtr TypeTestingStubGenerator::SpecializeStubFor(Thread* thread,
const AbstractType& type) {
HierarchyInfo hi(thread);
TypeTestingStubGenerator generator;
return generator.OptimizedCodeForType(type);
: object_store_(IsolateGroup::Current()->object_store()) {}
CodePtr TypeTestingStubGenerator::OptimizedCodeForType(
const AbstractType& type) {
#if !defined(TARGET_ARCH_IA32)
if (type.IsTypeParameter()) {
return TypeTestingStubGenerator::DefaultCodeForType(
type, /*lazy_specialize=*/false);
if (type.IsTopTypeForSubtyping()) {
return StubCode::TopTypeTypeTest().ptr();
if (type.IsCanonical()) {
// When adding any new types that can have specialized TTSes, also update
// CollectTypes::VisitObject appropriately.
if (type.IsType() || type.IsRecordType()) {
const Code& code =
if (!code.IsNull()) {
return code.ptr();
const Error& error = Error::Handle(Thread::Current()->StealStickyError());
if (!error.IsNull()) {
if (error.ptr() == Object::out_of_memory_error().ptr()) {
} else {
// Fall back to default.
// In the precompiled runtime we cannot lazily create new optimized type
// testing stubs, so if we cannot find one, we'll just return the default
// one.
#endif // !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
#endif // !defined(TARGET_ARCH_IA32)
return TypeTestingStubGenerator::DefaultCodeForType(
type, /*lazy_specialize=*/false);
#if !defined(TARGET_ARCH_IA32)
static CodePtr RetryCompilationWithFarBranches(
Thread* thread,
std::function<CodePtr(compiler::Assembler&)> fun) {
volatile intptr_t far_branch_level = 0;
while (true) {
LongJumpScope jump;
if (setjmp(*jump.Set()) == 0) {
// To use the already-defined __ Macro !
compiler::Assembler assembler(nullptr, far_branch_level);
return fun(assembler);
} else {
// We bailed out or we encountered an error.
const Error& error = Error::Handle(thread->StealStickyError());
if (error.ptr() == Object::branch_offset_error().ptr()) {
ASSERT(far_branch_level < 2);
far_branch_level = far_branch_level + 1;
} else if (error.ptr() == Object::out_of_memory_error().ptr()) {
return Code::null();
} else {
CodePtr TypeTestingStubGenerator::BuildCodeForType(const AbstractType& type) {
auto thread = Thread::Current();
auto zone = thread->zone();
HierarchyInfo* hi = thread->hierarchy_info();
ASSERT(hi != nullptr);
if (!hi->CanUseSubtypeRangeCheckFor(type) &&
!hi->CanUseGenericSubtypeRangeCheckFor(type) &&
!hi->CanUseRecordSubtypeRangeCheckFor(type)) {
return Code::null();
auto& slow_tts_stub = Code::ZoneHandle(zone);
if (FLAG_precompiled_mode) {
slow_tts_stub = thread->isolate_group()->object_store()->slow_tts_stub();
CompilerState compiler_state(thread, /*is_aot=*/FLAG_precompiled_mode,
const Code& code = Code::Handle(
thread, [&](compiler::Assembler& assembler) {
compiler::UnresolvedPcRelativeCalls unresolved_calls;
BuildOptimizedTypeTestStub(&assembler, &unresolved_calls,
slow_tts_stub, hi, type);
const auto& static_calls_table = Array::Handle(
zone, compiler::StubCodeCompiler::BuildStaticCallsTable(
zone, &unresolved_calls));
const char* name = namer_.StubNameForType(type);
const auto pool_attachment =
FLAG_precompiled_mode ? Code::PoolAttachment::kNotAttachPool
: Code::PoolAttachment::kAttachPool;
Code& code = Code::Handle(thread->zone());
auto install_code_fun = [&]() {
code = Code::FinalizeCode(nullptr, &assembler, pool_attachment,
/*optimized=*/false, /*stats=*/nullptr);
if (!static_calls_table.IsNull()) {
// We have to ensure no mutators are running, because:
// a) We allocate an instructions object, which might cause us to
// temporarily flip page protections from (RX -> RW -> RX).
SafepointWriteRwLocker ml(thread,
Code::NotifyCodeObservers(name, code, /*optimized=*/false);
#ifndef PRODUCT
if (FLAG_support_disassembler && FLAG_disassemble_stubs) {
LogBlock lb;
THR_Print("Code for stub '%s' (type = %s): {\n", name,
DisassembleToStdout formatter;
const ObjectPool& object_pool =
if (!object_pool.IsNull()) {
#endif // !PRODUCT
return code.ptr();
return code.ptr();
void TypeTestingStubGenerator::BuildOptimizedTypeTestStub(
compiler::Assembler* assembler,
compiler::UnresolvedPcRelativeCalls* unresolved_calls,
const Code& slow_type_test_stub,
HierarchyInfo* hi,
const AbstractType& type) {
BuildOptimizedTypeTestStubFastCases(assembler, hi, type);
__ Jump(compiler::Address(
THR, compiler::target::Thread::slow_type_test_entry_point_offset()));
void TypeTestingStubGenerator::BuildOptimizedTypeTestStubFastCases(
compiler::Assembler* assembler,
HierarchyInfo* hi,
const AbstractType& type) {
// These are handled via the TopTypeTypeTestStub!
if (type.IsObjectType()) {
compiler::Label is_null;
__ CompareObject(TypeTestABI::kInstanceReg, Object::null_object());
__ BranchIf(EQUAL, &is_null, compiler::Assembler::kNearJump);
__ Ret();
__ Bind(&is_null);
return; // No further checks needed.
// Fast case for 'int' and '_Smi' (which can appear in core libraries).
if (type.IsIntType() || type.IsSmiType()) {
compiler::Label non_smi_value;
__ BranchIfNotSmi(TypeTestABI::kInstanceReg, &non_smi_value,
__ Ret();
__ Bind(&non_smi_value);
} else {
// TODO(kustermann): Make more fast cases, e.g. Type::Number()
// is implemented by Smi.
// Check the cid ranges which are a subtype of [type].
if (hi->CanUseSubtypeRangeCheckFor(type)) {
const Class& type_class = Class::Handle(type.type_class());
const CidRangeVector& ranges = hi->SubtypeRangesForClass(
compiler::Label is_subtype, is_not_subtype;
const bool smi_is_ok =
Type::Handle(Type::SmiType()).IsSubtypeOf(type, Heap::kNew);
if (smi_is_ok) {
__ LoadClassIdMayBeSmi(TTSInternalRegs::kScratchReg,
} else {
__ BranchIfSmi(TypeTestABI::kInstanceReg, &is_not_subtype);
__ LoadClassId(TTSInternalRegs::kScratchReg, TypeTestABI::kInstanceReg);
BuildOptimizedSubtypeRangeCheck(assembler, ranges,
TTSInternalRegs::kScratchReg, &is_subtype,
__ Bind(&is_subtype);
__ Ret();
__ Bind(&is_not_subtype);
} else if (hi->CanUseGenericSubtypeRangeCheckFor(type)) {
const Class& type_class = Class::Handle(type.type_class());
assembler, hi, Type::Cast(type), type_class);
} else if (hi->CanUseRecordSubtypeRangeCheckFor(type)) {
BuildOptimizedRecordSubtypeRangeCheck(assembler, hi,
} else {
if (Instance::NullIsAssignableTo(type)) {
// Fast case for 'null'.
compiler::Label non_null;
__ CompareObject(TypeTestABI::kInstanceReg, Object::null_object());
__ BranchIf(NOT_EQUAL, &non_null, compiler::Assembler::kNearJump);
__ Ret();
__ Bind(&non_null);
static void CommentCheckedClasses(compiler::Assembler* assembler,
const CidRangeVector& ranges) {
if (!assembler->EmittingComments()) return;
Thread* const thread = Thread::Current();
ClassTable* const class_table = thread->isolate_group()->class_table();
Zone* const zone = thread->zone();
if (ranges.is_empty()) {
__ Comment("No valid cids to check");
if ((ranges.length() == 1) && ranges[0].IsSingleCid()) {
const auto& cls = Class::Handle(zone, class_table->At(ranges[0].cid_start));
__ Comment("Checking for cid %" Pd " (%s)",,
__ Comment("Checking for concrete finalized classes:");
auto& cls = Class::Handle(zone);
for (const auto& range : ranges) {
for (classid_t cid = range.cid_start; cid <= range.cid_end; cid++) {
// Invalid entries can be included to keep range count low.
if (!class_table->HasValidClassAt(cid)) continue;
cls = class_table->At(cid);
if (cls.is_abstract()) continue; // Only output concrete classes.
__ Comment(" * %" Pd32 " (%s)", cid, cls.ScrubbedNameCString());
// Represents the following needs for runtime checks to see if an instance of
// [cls] is a subtype of [type] that has type class [type_class]:
// * kCannotBeChecked: Instances of [cls] cannot be checked with any of the
// currently implemented runtime checks, so must fall back on the runtime.
// * kNotSubtype: A [cls] instance is guaranteed to not be a subtype of [type]
// regardless of any instance type arguments.
// * kCidCheckOnly: A [cls] instance is guaranteed to be a subtype of [type]
// regardless of any instance type arguments.
// * kNeedsFinalization: Checking that an instance of [cls] is a subtype of
// [type] requires instance type arguments, but [cls] is not finalized, and
// so the appropriate type arguments field offset cannot be determined.
// * kInstanceTypeArgumentsAreSubtypes: [cls] implements a fully uninstantiated
// type with type class [type_class] which can be directly instantiated with
// the instance type arguments. Thus, each type argument of [type] should be
// compared with the corresponding (index-wise) instance type argument.
enum class CheckType {
// Returns a CheckType describing how to check instances of [to_check] as
// subtypes of [type].
static CheckType SubtypeChecksForClass(Zone* zone,
const Type& type,
const Class& type_class,
const Class& to_check) {
ASSERT(AbstractType::Handle(zone, to_check.RareType())
.IsSubtypeOf(AbstractType::Handle(zone, type_class.RareType()),
if (!type_class.IsGeneric()) {
// All instances of [to_check] are subtypes of [type].
return CheckType::kCidCheckOnly;
if (to_check.FindInstantiationOf(zone, type_class,
/*only_super_classes=*/true)) {
// No need to check for type argument consistency, as [to_check] is the same
// as or a subclass of [type_class].
return to_check.is_finalized()
? CheckType::kInstanceTypeArgumentsAreSubtypes
: CheckType::kCannotBeChecked;
auto& calculated_type =
Type::Handle(zone, to_check.GetInstantiationOf(zone, type_class));
if (calculated_type.IsInstantiated()) {
if (type.IsInstantiated()) {
return calculated_type.IsSubtypeOf(type, Heap::kNew)
? CheckType::kCidCheckOnly
: CheckType::kNotSubtype;
// TODO( Requires walking both types, checking
// corresponding instantiated parts at compile time (assuming uninstantiated
// parts check successfully) and then creating appropriate runtime checks
// for uninstantiated parts of [type].
return CheckType::kCannotBeChecked;
if (!to_check.is_finalized()) {
return CheckType::kNeedsFinalization;
ASSERT(to_check.NumTypeArguments() > 0);
ASSERT(compiler::target::Class::TypeArgumentsFieldOffset(to_check) !=
// If the calculated type arguments are a prefix of the declaration type
// arguments, then we can just treat the instance type arguments as if they
// were used to instantiate the type class during checking.
const auto& decl_type_args = TypeArguments::Handle(
zone, to_check.GetDeclarationInstanceTypeArguments());
const auto& calculated_type_args = TypeArguments::Handle(
zone, calculated_type.GetInstanceTypeArguments(Thread::Current(),
const bool type_args_consistent = calculated_type_args.IsSubvectorEquivalent(
decl_type_args, 0, type_class.NumTypeArguments(),
// TODO( Currently we require subtyping to be checkable
// by comparing the instance type arguments against the type arguments of
// [type] piecewise, but we could check other cases as well.
return type_args_consistent ? CheckType::kInstanceTypeArgumentsAreSubtypes
: CheckType::kCannotBeChecked;
static void CommentSkippedClasses(compiler::Assembler* assembler,
const Type& type,
const Class& type_class,
const CidRangeVector& ranges) {
if (!assembler->EmittingComments() || ranges.is_empty()) return;
if (ranges.is_empty()) return;
__ Comment("Not checking the following concrete implementors of %s:",
Thread* const thread = Thread::Current();
auto* const class_table = thread->isolate_group()->class_table();
Zone* const zone = thread->zone();
auto& cls = Class::Handle(zone);
auto& calculated_type = Type::Handle(zone);
for (const auto& range : ranges) {
for (classid_t cid = range.cid_start; cid <= range.cid_end; cid++) {
// Invalid entries can be included to keep range count low.
if (!class_table->HasValidClassAt(cid)) continue;
cls = class_table->At(cid);
if (cls.is_abstract()) continue; // Only output concrete classes.
TextBuffer buffer(128);
buffer.Printf(" * %" Pd32 "(%s): ", cid, cls.ScrubbedNameCString());
switch (SubtypeChecksForClass(zone, type, type_class, cls)) {
case CheckType::kCannotBeChecked:
calculated_type = cls.GetInstantiationOf(zone, type_class);
buffer.AddString("cannot check that ");
calculated_type.PrintName(Object::kScrubbedName, &buffer);
buffer.AddString(" is a subtype of ");
type.PrintName(Object::kScrubbedName, &buffer);
case CheckType::kNotSubtype:
calculated_type = cls.GetInstantiationOf(zone, type_class);
calculated_type.PrintName(Object::kScrubbedName, &buffer);
buffer.AddString(" is not a subtype of ");
type.PrintName(Object::kScrubbedName, &buffer);
case CheckType::kNeedsFinalization:
buffer.AddString("is not finalized");
case CheckType::kInstanceTypeArgumentsAreSubtypes:
buffer.AddString("was not finalized during class splitting");
// Either the CheckType was kCidCheckOnly, which should never happen
// since it only requires type finalization, or a new CheckType has
// been added.
__ Comment("%s", buffer.buffer());
// Builds a cid range check for the concrete subclasses and implementors of
// type. Falls through or jumps to check_succeeded if the range contains the
// cid, else jumps to check_failed.
// Returns whether class_id_reg is clobbered.
bool TypeTestingStubGenerator::BuildOptimizedSubtypeRangeCheck(
compiler::Assembler* assembler,
const CidRangeVector& ranges,
Register class_id_reg,
compiler::Label* check_succeeded,
compiler::Label* check_failed) {
CommentCheckedClasses(assembler, ranges);
return FlowGraphCompiler::GenerateCidRangesCheck(
assembler, class_id_reg, ranges, check_succeeded, check_failed, true);
void TypeTestingStubGenerator::
compiler::Assembler* assembler,
HierarchyInfo* hi,
const Type& type,
const Class& type_class) {
compiler::Label check_failed, load_succeeded;
// a) First we perform subtype cid-range checks and load the instance type
// arguments based on which check succeeded.
if (BuildLoadInstanceTypeArguments(assembler, hi, type, type_class,
&load_succeeded, &check_failed)) {
// Only build type argument checking if any checked cid ranges require it.
__ Bind(&load_succeeded);
// The rare type of the class is guaranteed to be a supertype of the
// runtime type of any instance..
const Type& rare_type = Type::Handle(type_class.RareType());
// If the rare type is a subtype of the type being checked, then the runtime
// type of the instance is also a subtype and we shouldn't need to perform
// checks for the instance type arguments.
ASSERT(!rare_type.IsSubtypeOf(type, Heap::kNew));
// b) We check if the type arguments of the rare type are all dynamic
// (that is, the type arguments vector is null).
if (rare_type.arguments() == TypeArguments::null()) {
// If it is, then the instance could have a null instance TAV. However,
// if the instance TAV is null, then the runtime type of the instance is
// the rare type, which means it cannot be a subtype of the checked type.
__ CompareObject(TTSInternalRegs::kInstanceTypeArgumentsReg,
__ BranchIf(EQUAL, &check_failed);
} else {
// If the TAV of the rare type is not null, at least one type argument
// of the rare type is a non-top type. This means no instance can have
// a null instance TAV, as the dynamic type cannot be a subtype of
// a non-top type and each type argument of an instance must be
// a subtype of the corresponding type argument for the rare type.
#if defined(DEBUG)
// Add the check for null in DEBUG mode, but instead of failing, create a
// breakpoint to make it obvious that the assumption above has failed.
__ CompareObject(TTSInternalRegs::kInstanceTypeArgumentsReg,
compiler::Label check_instance_tav;
__ BranchIf(NOT_EQUAL, &check_instance_tav,
__ Breakpoint();
__ Bind(&check_instance_tav);
// c) Then we'll check each value of the type argument.
compiler::Label pop_saved_registers_on_failure;
const RegisterSet saved_registers(
TTSInternalRegs::kSavedTypeArgumentRegisters, /*fpu_registers=*/0);
__ PushRegisters(saved_registers);
AbstractType& type_arg = AbstractType::Handle();
const TypeArguments& ta = TypeArguments::Handle(type.arguments());
const intptr_t num_type_parameters = type_class.NumTypeParameters();
const intptr_t num_type_arguments = type_class.NumTypeArguments();
ASSERT(ta.Length() == num_type_parameters);
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < num_type_parameters; ++i) {
const intptr_t type_param_value_offset_i =
num_type_arguments - num_type_parameters + i;
type_arg = ta.TypeAt(i);
ASSERT(type_arg.IsTypeParameter() ||
if (type_arg.IsTypeParameter()) {
assembler, hi, TypeParameter::Cast(type_arg),
type_param_value_offset_i, &pop_saved_registers_on_failure);
} else {
assembler, hi, Type::Cast(type_arg), type_param_value_offset_i,
__ PopRegisters(saved_registers);
__ Ret();
__ Bind(&pop_saved_registers_on_failure);
__ PopRegisters(saved_registers);
// If anything fails.
__ Bind(&check_failed);
void TypeTestingStubGenerator::BuildOptimizedRecordSubtypeRangeCheck(
compiler::Assembler* assembler,
HierarchyInfo* hi,
const RecordType& type) {
compiler::Label is_subtype, is_not_subtype;
Zone* zone = Thread::Current()->zone();
__ BranchIfSmi(TypeTestABI::kInstanceReg, &is_not_subtype);
__ LoadClassId(TTSInternalRegs::kScratchReg, TypeTestABI::kInstanceReg);
if (Instance::NullIsAssignableTo(type)) {
__ CompareImmediate(TTSInternalRegs::kScratchReg, kNullCid);
__ BranchIf(EQUAL, &is_subtype);
__ CompareImmediate(TTSInternalRegs::kScratchReg, kRecordCid);
__ BranchIf(NOT_EQUAL, &is_not_subtype);
__ LoadCompressedSmi(
__ CompareImmediate(TTSInternalRegs::kScratchReg,
__ BranchIf(NOT_EQUAL, &is_not_subtype);
auto& field_type = AbstractType::Handle(zone);
auto& field_type_class = Class::Handle(zone);
const auto& smi_type = Type::Handle(zone, Type::SmiType());
for (intptr_t i = 0, n = type.NumFields(); i < n; ++i) {
compiler::Label next;
field_type = type.FieldTypeAt(i);
__ LoadCompressedFieldFromOffset(TTSInternalRegs::kScratchReg,
field_type_class = field_type.type_class();
const CidRangeVector& ranges = hi->SubtypeRangesForClass(
const bool smi_is_ok = smi_type.IsSubtypeOf(field_type, Heap::kNew);
__ BranchIfSmi(TTSInternalRegs::kScratchReg,
smi_is_ok ? &next : &is_not_subtype);
__ LoadClassId(TTSInternalRegs::kScratchReg, TTSInternalRegs::kScratchReg);
BuildOptimizedSubtypeRangeCheck(assembler, ranges,
TTSInternalRegs::kScratchReg, &next,
__ Bind(&next);
__ Bind(&is_subtype);
__ Ret();
__ Bind(&is_not_subtype);
// Splits [ranges] into multiple ranges in [output], where the concrete,
// finalized classes in each range share the same type arguments field offset.
// The first range in [output] contains [type_class], if any do, and otherwise
// prioritizes ranges that include predefined cids before ranges that only
// contain user-defined classes.
// Any cids that do not have valid class table entries, correspond to abstract
// or unfinalized classes, or have no TAV field offset are treated as don't
// cares, in that the cid may appear in any of the CidRangeVectors as needed to
// reduce the number of ranges.
// Note that CidRangeVectors are MallocGrowableArrays, so the elements in
// output must be freed after use!
static void SplitByTypeArgumentsFieldOffset(
Thread* T,
const Class& type_class,
const CidRangeVector& ranges,
GrowableArray<CidRangeVector*>* output) {
ASSERT(output != nullptr);
Zone* const Z = T->zone();
ClassTable* const class_table = T->isolate_group()->class_table();
IntMap<CidRangeVector*> offset_map(Z);
IntMap<intptr_t> predefined_offsets(Z);
IntMap<intptr_t> user_defined_offsets(Z);
auto add_to_vector = [&](intptr_t tav_offset, const CidRange& range) {
if (range.cid_start == -1) return;
ASSERT(tav_offset != compiler::target::Class::kNoTypeArguments);
if (CidRangeVector* vector = offset_map.Lookup(tav_offset)) {
} else {
vector = new CidRangeVector(1);
offset_map.Insert(tav_offset, vector);
auto increment_count = [&](intptr_t cid, intptr_t tav_offset) {
if (cid <= kNumPredefinedCids) {
{tav_offset, predefined_offsets.Lookup(tav_offset) + 1});
} else if (auto* const kv = predefined_offsets.LookupPair(tav_offset)) {
predefined_offsets.Update({kv->key, kv->value + 1});
} else {
{tav_offset, user_defined_offsets.Lookup(tav_offset) + 1});
// First populate offset_map.
auto& cls = Class::Handle(Z);
for (const auto& range : ranges) {
intptr_t last_offset = compiler::target::Class::kNoTypeArguments;
intptr_t cid_start = -1;
intptr_t cid_end = -1;
for (intptr_t cid = range.cid_start; cid <= range.cid_end; cid++) {
if (!class_table->HasValidClassAt(cid)) continue;
cls = class_table->At(cid);
if (cls.is_abstract()) continue;
// Only finalized concrete classes are present due to the conditions on
// returning kInstanceTypeArgumentsAreSubtypes in SubtypeChecksForClass.
const intptr_t tav_offset =
if (tav_offset == compiler::target::Class::kNoTypeArguments) continue;
if (tav_offset == last_offset && cid_start >= 0) {
cid_end = cid;
increment_count(cid, tav_offset);
add_to_vector(last_offset, {cid_start, cid_end});
last_offset = tav_offset;
cid_start = cid_end = cid;
increment_count(cid, tav_offset);
add_to_vector(last_offset, {cid_start, cid_end});
// Add the CidRangeVector for the type_class's offset, if it has one.
if (!type_class.is_abstract() && type_class.is_finalized()) {
const intptr_t type_class_offset =
ASSERT(predefined_offsets.LookupPair(type_class_offset) != nullptr ||
user_defined_offsets.LookupPair(type_class_offset) != nullptr);
CidRangeVector* const vector = offset_map.Lookup(type_class_offset);
ASSERT(vector != nullptr);
// Remove this CidRangeVector from consideration in the following loops.
// Now add CidRangeVectors that include predefined cids.
// For now, we do this in an arbitrary order, but we could use the counts
// to prioritize offsets that are more shared if desired.
auto predefined_it = predefined_offsets.GetIterator();
while (auto* const kv = predefined_it.Next()) {
CidRangeVector* const vector = offset_map.Lookup(kv->key);
ASSERT(vector != nullptr);
// Finally, add CidRangeVectors that only include user-defined cids.
// For now, we do this in an arbitrary order, but we could use the counts
// to prioritize offsets that are more shared if desired.
auto user_defined_it = user_defined_offsets.GetIterator();
while (auto* const kv = user_defined_it.Next()) {
CidRangeVector* const vector = offset_map.Lookup(kv->key);
ASSERT(vector != nullptr);
ASSERT(output->length() > 0);
// Given [type], its type class [type_class], and a CidRangeVector [ranges],
// populates the output CidRangeVectors from cids in [ranges], based on what
// runtime checks are needed to determine whether the runtime type of
// an instance is a subtype of [type].
// Concrete, type finalized classes whose cids are added to [cid_check_only]
// implement a particular instantiation of [type_class] that is guaranteed to
// be a subtype of [type]. Thus, these instances do not require any checking
// of type arguments.
// Concrete, finalized classes whose cids are added to [type_argument_checks]
// implement a fully uninstantiated version of [type_class] that can be directly
// instantiated with the type arguments of the class's instance. Thus, each
// type argument of [type] should be checked against the corresponding
// instance type argument.
// Classes whose cids are in [not_checked]:
// * Instances of the class are guaranteed to not be a subtype of [type].
// * The class is not finalized.
// * The subtype relation cannot be checked with our current approach and
// thus the stub must fall back to the STC/VM runtime.
// Any cids that do not have valid class table entries or correspond to
// abstract classes are treated as don't cares, in that the cid may or may not
// appear as needed to reduce the number of ranges.
static void SplitOnTypeArgumentTests(HierarchyInfo* hi,
const Type& type,
const Class& type_class,
const CidRangeVector& ranges,
CidRangeVector* cid_check_only,
CidRangeVector* type_argument_checks,
CidRangeVector* not_checked) {
ASSERT(type_class.is_implemented()); // No need to split if not implemented.
ClassTable* const class_table = hi->thread()->isolate_group()->class_table();
Zone* const zone = hi->thread()->zone();
auto& to_check = Class::Handle(zone);
auto add_cid_range = [&](CheckType check, const CidRange& range) {
if (range.cid_start == -1) return;
switch (check) {
case CheckType::kCidCheckOnly:
case CheckType::kInstanceTypeArgumentsAreSubtypes:
for (const auto& range : ranges) {
CheckType last_check = CheckType::kCannotBeChecked;
classid_t cid_start = -1, cid_end = -1;
for (classid_t cid = range.cid_start; cid <= range.cid_end; cid++) {
// Invalid entries can be included to keep range count low.
if (!class_table->HasValidClassAt(cid)) continue;
to_check = class_table->At(cid);
if (to_check.is_abstract()) continue;
const CheckType current_check =
SubtypeChecksForClass(zone, type, type_class, to_check);
ASSERT(current_check != CheckType::kInstanceTypeArgumentsAreSubtypes ||
if (last_check == current_check && cid_start >= 0) {
cid_end = cid;
add_cid_range(last_check, {cid_start, cid_end});
last_check = current_check;
cid_start = cid_end = cid;
add_cid_range(last_check, {cid_start, cid_end});
bool TypeTestingStubGenerator::BuildLoadInstanceTypeArguments(
compiler::Assembler* assembler,
HierarchyInfo* hi,
const Type& type,
const Class& type_class,
const Register class_id_reg,
const Register instance_type_args_reg,
compiler::Label* load_succeeded,
compiler::Label* load_failed) {
const CidRangeVector& ranges =
hi->SubtypeRangesForClass(type_class, /*include_abstract=*/false,
if (ranges.is_empty()) {
// Fall through and signal type argument checks should not be generated.
CommentCheckedClasses(assembler, ranges);
return false;
if (!type_class.is_implemented()) {
const intptr_t tav_offset =
compiler::Label is_subtype;
__ LoadClassIdMayBeSmi(class_id_reg, TypeTestABI::kInstanceReg);
BuildOptimizedSubtypeRangeCheck(assembler, ranges, class_id_reg,
&is_subtype, load_failed);
__ Bind(&is_subtype);
if (tav_offset != compiler::target::Class::kNoTypeArguments) {
// The class and its subclasses have trivially consistent type arguments.
__ LoadCompressedFieldFromOffset(instance_type_args_reg,
TypeTestABI::kInstanceReg, tav_offset);
return true;
} else {
// Not a generic type, so cid checks are sufficient.
__ Ret();
return false;
Thread* const T = hi->thread();
Zone* const Z = T->zone();
CidRangeVector cid_checks_only, type_argument_checks, not_checked;
SplitOnTypeArgumentTests(hi, type, type_class, ranges, &cid_checks_only,
&type_argument_checks, &not_checked);
ASSERT(!CidRangeVectorUtils::ContainsCid(type_argument_checks, kSmiCid));
const bool smi_valid =
CidRangeVectorUtils::ContainsCid(cid_checks_only, kSmiCid);
// If we'll generate any cid checks and Smi isn't a valid subtype, then
// do a single Smi check here, since each generated check requires a fresh
// load of the class id. Otherwise, we'll generate the Smi check as part of
// the cid checks only block.
if (!smi_valid &&
(!cid_checks_only.is_empty() || !type_argument_checks.is_empty())) {
__ BranchIfSmi(TypeTestABI::kInstanceReg, load_failed);
// Ensure that if the cid checks only block is skipped, the first iteration
// of the type arguments check will generate a cid load.
bool cid_needs_reload = true;
if (!cid_checks_only.is_empty()) {
compiler::Label is_subtype, keep_looking;
compiler::Label* check_failed =
type_argument_checks.is_empty() ? load_failed : &keep_looking;
if (smi_valid) {
__ LoadClassIdMayBeSmi(class_id_reg, TypeTestABI::kInstanceReg);
} else {
__ LoadClassId(class_id_reg, TypeTestABI::kInstanceReg);
cid_needs_reload = BuildOptimizedSubtypeRangeCheck(
assembler, cid_checks_only, class_id_reg, &is_subtype, check_failed);
__ Bind(&is_subtype);
__ Ret();
__ Bind(&keep_looking);
if (!type_argument_checks.is_empty()) {
GrowableArray<CidRangeVector*> vectors;
SplitByTypeArgumentsFieldOffset(T, type_class, type_argument_checks,
ASSERT(vectors.length() > 0);
ClassTable* const class_table = T->isolate_group()->class_table();
auto& cls = Class::Handle(Z);
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < vectors.length(); i++) {
CidRangeVector* const vector = vectors[i];
const intptr_t first_cid = vector->At(0).cid_start;
cls = class_table->At(first_cid);
const intptr_t tav_offset =
compiler::Label load_tav, keep_looking;
// For the last vector, just jump to load_failed if the check fails
// and avoid emitting a jump to load_succeeded.
compiler::Label* check_failed =
i < vectors.length() - 1 ? &keep_looking : load_failed;
if (cid_needs_reload) {
__ LoadClassId(class_id_reg, TypeTestABI::kInstanceReg);
cid_needs_reload = BuildOptimizedSubtypeRangeCheck(
assembler, *vector, class_id_reg, &load_tav, check_failed);
__ Bind(&load_tav);
__ LoadCompressedFieldFromOffset(instance_type_args_reg,
TypeTestABI::kInstanceReg, tav_offset);
if (i < vectors.length() - 1) {
__ Jump(load_succeeded);
__ Bind(&keep_looking);
// Free the CidRangeVector allocated by SplitByTypeArgumentsFieldOffset.
delete vector;
if (!not_checked.is_empty()) {
CommentSkippedClasses(assembler, type, type_class, not_checked);
return !type_argument_checks.is_empty();
void TypeTestingStubGenerator::BuildOptimizedTypeParameterArgumentValueCheck(
compiler::Assembler* assembler,
HierarchyInfo* hi,
const TypeParameter& type_param,
intptr_t type_param_value_offset_i,
compiler::Label* check_failed) {
if (assembler->EmittingComments()) {
TextBuffer buffer(128);
buffer.Printf("Generating check for type argument %" Pd ": ",
type_param.PrintName(Object::kScrubbedName, &buffer);
__ Comment("%s", buffer.buffer());
const Register kTypeArgumentsReg =
? TypeTestABI::kInstantiatorTypeArgumentsReg
: TypeTestABI::kFunctionTypeArgumentsReg;
compiler::Label is_subtype;
// TODO( Currently only canonical equality (identity)
// and some top and bottom types are checked.
__ CompareObject(kTypeArgumentsReg, Object::null_object());
__ BranchIf(EQUAL, &is_subtype);
__ LoadCompressedFieldFromOffset(
TTSInternalRegs::kSuperTypeArgumentReg, kTypeArgumentsReg,
__ LoadCompressedFieldFromOffset(
__ CompareRegisters(TTSInternalRegs::kSuperTypeArgumentReg,
__ BranchIf(EQUAL, &is_subtype);
__ Comment("Checking instantiated type parameter for possible top types");
compiler::Label check_subtype_type_class_ids;
__ LoadClassId(TTSInternalRegs::kScratchReg,
__ CompareImmediate(TTSInternalRegs::kScratchReg, kTypeCid);
__ BranchIf(NOT_EQUAL, &check_subtype_type_class_ids);
__ LoadTypeClassId(TTSInternalRegs::kScratchReg,
__ CompareImmediate(TTSInternalRegs::kScratchReg, kDynamicCid);
__ BranchIf(EQUAL, &is_subtype);
__ CompareImmediate(TTSInternalRegs::kScratchReg, kVoidCid);
__ BranchIf(EQUAL, &is_subtype);
__ CompareImmediate(TTSInternalRegs::kScratchReg, kInstanceCid);
__ BranchIf(NOT_EQUAL, &check_subtype_type_class_ids);
// If non-nullable Object, then the subtype must be legacy or non-nullable.
__ CompareAbstractTypeNullabilityWith(
__ BranchIf(NOT_EQUAL, &is_subtype);
__ Comment("Checking for legacy or non-nullable instance type argument");
__ CompareAbstractTypeNullabilityWith(
__ BranchIf(EQUAL, check_failed);
__ Jump(&is_subtype);
__ Bind(&check_subtype_type_class_ids);
__ Comment("Checking instance type argument for possible bottom types");
// Nothing else to check for non-Types, so fall back to the slow stub.
__ LoadClassId(TTSInternalRegs::kScratchReg,
__ CompareImmediate(TTSInternalRegs::kScratchReg, kTypeCid);
__ BranchIf(NOT_EQUAL, check_failed);
__ LoadTypeClassId(TTSInternalRegs::kScratchReg,
__ CompareImmediate(TTSInternalRegs::kScratchReg, kNeverCid);
__ BranchIf(EQUAL, &is_subtype);
__ CompareImmediate(TTSInternalRegs::kScratchReg, kNullCid);
// Last possible check, so fall back to slow stub on failure.
__ BranchIf(NOT_EQUAL, check_failed);
// Only nullable or legacy types can be a supertype of Null.
__ Comment("Checking for legacy or nullable instantiated type parameter");
__ CompareAbstractTypeNullabilityWith(
__ BranchIf(EQUAL, check_failed);
__ Bind(&is_subtype);
// Generate code to verify that instance's type argument is a subtype of
// 'type_arg'.
void TypeTestingStubGenerator::BuildOptimizedTypeArgumentValueCheck(
compiler::Assembler* assembler,
HierarchyInfo* hi,
const Type& type,
intptr_t type_param_value_offset_i,
compiler::Label* check_failed) {
if (type.IsTopTypeForSubtyping()) {
ASSERT(!type.IsObjectType() || type.IsNonNullable());
if (assembler->EmittingComments()) {
TextBuffer buffer(128);
buffer.Printf("Generating check for type argument %" Pd ": ",
type.PrintName(Object::kScrubbedName, &buffer);
__ Comment("%s", buffer.buffer());
compiler::Label is_subtype, sub_is_type;
__ LoadCompressedFieldFromOffset(
__ LoadClassId(TTSInternalRegs::kScratchReg,
if (type.IsObjectType() || type.IsDartFunctionType() ||
type.IsDartRecordType()) {
__ CompareImmediate(TTSInternalRegs::kScratchReg, kTypeCid);
__ BranchIf(EQUAL, &sub_is_type);
if (type.IsDartFunctionType()) {
__ Comment("Checks for Function type");
__ CompareImmediate(TTSInternalRegs::kScratchReg, kFunctionTypeCid);
__ BranchIf(NOT_EQUAL, check_failed);
} else if (type.IsDartRecordType()) {
__ Comment("Checks for Record type");
__ CompareImmediate(TTSInternalRegs::kScratchReg, kRecordTypeCid);
__ BranchIf(NOT_EQUAL, check_failed);
} else {
__ Comment("Checks for Object type");
if (type.IsNonNullable()) {
// Nullable types cannot be a subtype of a non-nullable type.
__ CompareAbstractTypeNullabilityWith(
__ BranchIf(EQUAL, check_failed);
// No further checks needed for non-nullable Object, Function or Record.
__ Jump(&is_subtype, compiler::Assembler::kNearJump);
} else {
// Don't fall back to cid tests for record and function types. Instead,
// just let the STC/runtime handle any possible false negatives here.
__ CompareImmediate(TTSInternalRegs::kScratchReg, kTypeCid);
__ BranchIf(NOT_EQUAL, check_failed);
__ Comment("Checks for Type");
__ Bind(&sub_is_type);
if (type.IsNonNullable()) {
// Nullable types cannot be a subtype of a non-nullable type in strict mode.
__ CompareAbstractTypeNullabilityWith(
__ BranchIf(EQUAL, check_failed);
// Fall through to bottom type checks.
// No further checks needed for non-nullable object.
if (!type.IsObjectType()) {
__ LoadTypeClassId(TTSInternalRegs::kScratchReg,
const bool null_is_assignable = Instance::NullIsAssignableTo(type);
// Check bottom types.
__ CompareImmediate(TTSInternalRegs::kScratchReg, kNeverCid);
__ BranchIf(EQUAL, &is_subtype);
if (null_is_assignable) {
__ CompareImmediate(TTSInternalRegs::kScratchReg, kNullCid);
__ BranchIf(EQUAL, &is_subtype);
// Not a bottom type, so check cid ranges.
const Class& type_class = Class::Handle(type.type_class());
const CidRangeVector& ranges =
BuildOptimizedSubtypeRangeCheck(assembler, ranges,
TTSInternalRegs::kScratchReg, &is_subtype,
__ Bind(&is_subtype);
void RegisterTypeArgumentsUse(const Function& function,
TypeUsageInfo* type_usage_info,
const Class& klass,
Definition* type_arguments) {
// The [type_arguments] can, in the general case, be any kind of [Definition]
// but generally (in order of expected frequency)
// Case a)
// type_arguments <- Constant(#null)
// type_arguments <- Constant(#TypeArguments: [ ... ])
// Case b)
// type_arguments <- InstantiateTypeArguments(ita, fta, uta)
// (where uta may not be a constant non-null TypeArguments object)
// Case c)
// type_arguments <- LoadField(vx)
// type_arguments <- LoadField(vx T{_ABC})
// type_arguments <- LoadField(vx T{Type: class: '_ABC'})
// Case d, e)
// type_arguments <- LoadIndexedUnsafe(rbp[vx + 16]))
// type_arguments <- Parameter(0)
if (ConstantInstr* constant = type_arguments->AsConstant()) {
const Object& object = constant->value();
ASSERT(object.IsNull() || object.IsTypeArguments());
const TypeArguments& type_arguments =
type_usage_info->UseTypeArgumentsInInstanceCreation(klass, type_arguments);
} else if (InstantiateTypeArgumentsInstr* instantiate =
type_arguments->AsInstantiateTypeArguments()) {
if (instantiate->type_arguments()->BindsToConstant() &&
!instantiate->type_arguments()->BoundConstant().IsNull()) {
const auto& ta =
type_usage_info->UseTypeArgumentsInInstanceCreation(klass, ta);
} else if (LoadFieldInstr* load_field = type_arguments->AsLoadField()) {
Definition* instance = load_field->instance()->definition();
intptr_t cid = instance->Type()->ToNullableCid();
if (cid == kDynamicCid) {
// This is an approximation: If we only know the type, but not the cid, we
// might have a this-dispatch where we know it's either this class or any
// subclass.
// We try to strengthen this assumption further down by checking the
// offset of the type argument vector, but generally speaking this could
// be a false-positive, which is still ok!
const AbstractType& type = *instance->Type()->ToAbstractType();
if (type.IsType()) {
const Class& type_class = Class::Handle(type.type_class());
if (type_class.NumTypeArguments() >= klass.NumTypeArguments()) {
cid =;
if (cid != kDynamicCid) {
const Class& instance_klass =
if (load_field->slot().IsTypeArguments() && instance_klass.IsGeneric() &&
compiler::target::Class::TypeArgumentsFieldOffset(instance_klass) ==
load_field->slot().offset_in_bytes()) {
// This is a subset of Case c) above, namely forwarding the type
// argument vector.
// We use the declaration type arguments for the instance creation,
// which is a non-instantiated, expanded, type arguments vector.
TypeArguments& declaration_type_args = TypeArguments::Handle(
klass, declaration_type_args);
} else if (type_arguments->IsParameter() ||
type_arguments->IsLoadIndexedUnsafe()) {
// This happens in constructors with non-optional/optional parameters
// where we forward the type argument vector to object allocation.
// Theoretically this could be a false-positive, which is still ok, but
// practically it's guaranteed that this is a forward of a type argument
// vector passed in by the caller.
if (function.IsFactory()) {
const Class& enclosing_class = Class::Handle(function.Owner());
TypeArguments& declaration_type_args = TypeArguments::Handle(
klass, declaration_type_args);
} else {
// It can also be a phi node where the inputs are any of the above,
// or it could be the result of _prependTypeArguments call.
ASSERT(type_arguments->IsPhi() || type_arguments->IsStaticCall());
#endif // !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
#else // !defined(TARGET_ARCH_IA32)
void RegisterTypeArgumentsUse(const Function& function,
TypeUsageInfo* type_usage_info,
const Class& klass,
Definition* type_arguments) {
// We only have a [TypeUsageInfo] object available durin AOT compilation.
#endif // !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
#endif // !defined(TARGET_ARCH_IA32)
#undef __
TypeUsageInfo::TypeUsageInfo(Thread* thread)
: ThreadStackResource(thread),
new TypeArgumentsSet
klass_(Class::Handle(zone_)) {
TypeUsageInfo::~TypeUsageInfo() {
delete[] instance_creation_arguments_;
void TypeUsageInfo::UseTypeInAssertAssignable(const AbstractType& type) {
if (!assert_assignable_types_.HasKey(&type)) {
AddTypeToSet(&assert_assignable_types_, &type);
void TypeUsageInfo::UseTypeArgumentsInInstanceCreation(
const Class& klass,
const TypeArguments& ta) {
if (ta.IsNull() || ta.IsCanonical()) {
// The Dart VM performs an optimization where it re-uses type argument
// vectors if the use-site needs a prefix of an already-existent type
// arguments vector.
// For example:
// class Foo<K, V> {
// foo() => new Bar<K>();
// }
// So the length of the type arguments vector can be longer than the number
// of type arguments the class expects.
ASSERT(ta.IsNull() || klass.NumTypeArguments() <= ta.Length());
// If this is a non-instantiated [TypeArguments] object, then it refers to
// type parameters. We need to ensure the type parameters in [ta] only
// refer to type parameters in the class.
if (!ta.IsNull() && !ta.IsInstantiated()) {
klass_ = klass.ptr();
while (klass_.NumTypeArguments() > 0) {
const intptr_t cid =;
TypeArgumentsSet& set = instance_creation_arguments_[cid];
if (!set.HasKey(&ta)) {
set.Insert(&TypeArguments::ZoneHandle(zone_, ta.ptr()));
klass_ = klass_.SuperClass();
void TypeUsageInfo::BuildTypeUsageInformation() {
ClassTable* class_table = thread()->isolate_group()->class_table();
const intptr_t cid_count = class_table->NumCids();
// Step 1) Collect the type parameters we're interested in.
TypeParameterSet parameters_tested_against;
// Step 2) Add all types which flow into a type parameter we test against to
// the set of types tested against.
UpdateAssertAssignableTypes(class_table, cid_count,
void TypeUsageInfo::CollectTypeParametersUsedInAssertAssignable(
TypeParameterSet* set) {
TypeParameter& param = TypeParameter::Handle(zone_);
auto it = assert_assignable_types_.GetIterator();
for (const AbstractType** type = it.Next(); type != nullptr;
type = it.Next()) {
AddToSetIfParameter(set, *type, &param);
void TypeUsageInfo::UpdateAssertAssignableTypes(
ClassTable* class_table,
intptr_t cid_count,
TypeParameterSet* parameters_tested_against) {
Class& klass = Class::Handle(zone_);
TypeParameter& param = TypeParameter::Handle(zone_);
AbstractType& type = AbstractType::Handle(zone_);
// Because Object/dynamic are common values for type parameters, we add them
// eagerly and avoid doing it down inside the loop.
type = Type::DynamicType();
type = Type::ObjectType(); // TODO(regis): Add nullable Object?
for (intptr_t cid = 0; cid < cid_count; ++cid) {
if (!class_table->IsValidIndex(cid) || !class_table->HasValidClassAt(cid)) {
klass = class_table->At(cid);
if (klass.NumTypeArguments() <= 0) {
const intptr_t num_parameters = klass.NumTypeParameters();
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < num_parameters; ++i) {
param = klass.TypeParameterAt(i);
if (parameters_tested_against->HasKey(&param)) {
TypeArgumentsSet& ta_set = instance_creation_arguments_[cid];
auto it = ta_set.GetIterator();
for (const TypeArguments** ta = it.Next(); ta != nullptr;
ta = it.Next()) {
// We only add instantiated types to the set (and dynamic/Object were
// already handled above).
if (!(*ta)->IsNull()) {
type = (*ta)->TypeAt(i);
if (type.IsInstantiated()) {
void TypeUsageInfo::AddToSetIfParameter(TypeParameterSet* set,
const AbstractType* type,
TypeParameter* param) {
if (type->IsTypeParameter()) {
*param ^= type->ptr();
if (!param->IsNull() && !set->HasKey(param)) {
set->Insert(&TypeParameter::Handle(zone_, param->ptr()));
void TypeUsageInfo::AddTypeToSet(TypeSet* set, const AbstractType* type) {
if (!set->HasKey(type)) {
set->Insert(&AbstractType::ZoneHandle(zone_, type->ptr()));
bool TypeUsageInfo::IsUsedInTypeTest(const AbstractType& type) {
if (type.IsFinalized()) {
return assert_assignable_types_.HasKey(&type);
return false;
#if !defined(PRODUCT) && !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
void DeoptimizeTypeTestingStubs() {
class CollectTypes : public ObjectVisitor {
CollectTypes(Zone* zone, GrowableArray<AbstractType*>* types)
: zone_(zone), types_(types), cache_(SubtypeTestCache::Handle(zone)) {}
void VisitObject(ObjectPtr object) {
// Only types and record types may have optimized TTSes,
// see TypeTestingStubGenerator::OptimizedCodeForType.
if (object->IsType() || object->IsRecordType()) {
types_->Add(&AbstractType::CheckedHandle(zone_, object));
} else if (object->IsSubtypeTestCache()) {
cache_ ^= object;
Zone* const zone_;
GrowableArray<AbstractType*>* const types_;
TypeTestingStubGenerator generator_;
SubtypeTestCache& cache_;
Thread* thread = Thread::Current();
TIMELINE_DURATION(thread, Isolate, "DeoptimizeTypeTestingStubs");
Zone* zone = thread->zone();
GrowableArray<AbstractType*> types(zone, 0);
HeapIterationScope iter(thread);
CollectTypes visitor(zone, &types);
auto& stub = Code::Handle(zone);
for (auto* const type : types) {
stub = TypeTestingStubGenerator::DefaultCodeForType(*type);
#endif // !defined(PRODUCT) && !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
} // namespace dart