blob: 89df98fc5901d9e8057955586a1c9a64f80fac95 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include "platform/assert.h"
#include "vm/allocation.h"
#include "vm/bitfield.h"
#include "vm/datastream.h"
#include "vm/globals.h"
#include "vm/growable_array.h"
#include "vm/hash_map.h"
#include "vm/object.h"
#include "vm/snapshot.h"
namespace dart {
// For full snapshots, we use a clustered snapshot format that trades longer
// serialization time for faster deserialization time and smaller snapshots.
// Objects are clustered by class to allow writing type information once per
// class instead once per object, and to allow filling the objects in a tight
// loop. The snapshot has two major sections: the first describes how to
// allocate the objects and the second describes how to initialize them.
// Deserialization starts by allocating a reference array large enough to hold
// the base objects (objects already available to both the serializer and
// deserializer) and the objects written in the snapshot. The allocation section
// is then read for each cluster, filling the reference array. Then the
// initialization/fill secton is read for each cluster, using the indices into
// the reference array to fill pointers. At this point, every object has been
// touched exactly once and in order, making this approach very cache friendly.
// Finally, each cluster is given an opportunity to perform some fix-ups that
// require the graph has been fully loaded, such as rehashing, though most
// clusters do not require fixups.
// Forward declarations.
class V8SnapshotProfileWriter;
class ImageWriter;
class Heap;
class LoadingUnitSerializationData : public ZoneAllocated {
LoadingUnitSerializationData(intptr_t id,
LoadingUnitSerializationData* parent)
: id_(id), parent_(parent), deferred_objects_(), objects_(nullptr) {}
intptr_t id() const { return id_; }
LoadingUnitSerializationData* parent() const { return parent_; }
void AddDeferredObject(CodePtr obj) {
GrowableArray<Code*>* deferred_objects() { return &deferred_objects_; }
ZoneGrowableArray<Object*>* objects() {
ASSERT(objects_ != nullptr);
return objects_;
void set_objects(ZoneGrowableArray<Object*>* objects) {
ASSERT(objects_ == nullptr);
objects_ = objects;
intptr_t id_;
LoadingUnitSerializationData* parent_;
GrowableArray<Code*> deferred_objects_;
ZoneGrowableArray<Object*>* objects_;
// This class can be used to read version and features from a snapshot before
// the VM has been initialized.
class SnapshotHeaderReader {
static char* InitializeGlobalVMFlagsFromSnapshot(const Snapshot* snapshot);
explicit SnapshotHeaderReader(const Snapshot* snapshot)
: SnapshotHeaderReader(snapshot->kind(),
snapshot->length()) {}
SnapshotHeaderReader(Snapshot::Kind kind,
const uint8_t* buffer,
intptr_t size)
: kind_(kind), stream_(buffer, size) {
void SetCoverageFromSnapshotFeatures(IsolateGroup* isolate_group);
// Verifies the version and features in the snapshot are compatible with the
// current VM. If isolate is non-null it validates isolate-specific features.
// Returns null on success and a malloc()ed error on failure.
// The [offset] will be the next position in the snapshot stream after the
// features.
char* VerifyVersionAndFeatures(IsolateGroup* isolate_group, intptr_t* offset);
char* VerifyVersion();
char* ReadFeatures(const char** features, intptr_t* features_length);
char* VerifyFeatures(IsolateGroup* isolate_group);
char* BuildError(const char* message);
Snapshot::Kind kind_;
ReadStream stream_;
class FullSnapshotWriter {
static constexpr intptr_t kInitialSize = 64 * KB;
FullSnapshotWriter(Snapshot::Kind kind,
NonStreamingWriteStream* vm_snapshot_data,
NonStreamingWriteStream* isolate_snapshot_data,
ImageWriter* vm_image_writer,
ImageWriter* iso_image_writer);
// Writes a full snapshot of the program(VM isolate, regular isolate group).
void WriteFullSnapshot(
GrowableArray<LoadingUnitSerializationData*>* data = nullptr);
void WriteUnitSnapshot(GrowableArray<LoadingUnitSerializationData*>* units,
LoadingUnitSerializationData* unit,
uint32_t program_hash);
intptr_t VmIsolateSnapshotSize() const { return vm_isolate_snapshot_size_; }
intptr_t IsolateSnapshotSize() const { return isolate_snapshot_size_; }
Thread* thread() const { return thread_; }
Zone* zone() const { return thread_->zone(); }
IsolateGroup* isolate_group() const { return thread_->isolate_group(); }
Heap* heap() const { return isolate_group()->heap(); }
// Writes a snapshot of the VM Isolate.
ZoneGrowableArray<Object*>* WriteVMSnapshot();
// Writes a full snapshot of regular Dart isolate group.
void WriteProgramSnapshot(ZoneGrowableArray<Object*>* objects,
GrowableArray<LoadingUnitSerializationData*>* data);
Thread* thread_;
Snapshot::Kind kind_;
NonStreamingWriteStream* const vm_snapshot_data_;
NonStreamingWriteStream* const isolate_snapshot_data_;
intptr_t vm_isolate_snapshot_size_;
intptr_t isolate_snapshot_size_;
ImageWriter* vm_image_writer_;
ImageWriter* isolate_image_writer_;
// Stats for benchmarking.
intptr_t clustered_vm_size_ = 0;
intptr_t clustered_isolate_size_ = 0;
intptr_t mapped_data_size_ = 0;
intptr_t mapped_text_size_ = 0;
intptr_t heap_vm_size_ = 0;
intptr_t heap_isolate_size_ = 0;
V8SnapshotProfileWriter* profile_writer_ = nullptr;
class FullSnapshotReader {
FullSnapshotReader(const Snapshot* snapshot,
const uint8_t* instructions_buffer,
Thread* thread);
~FullSnapshotReader() {}
ApiErrorPtr ReadVMSnapshot();
ApiErrorPtr ReadProgramSnapshot();
ApiErrorPtr ReadUnitSnapshot(const LoadingUnit& unit);
IsolateGroup* isolate_group() const { return thread_->isolate_group(); }
ApiErrorPtr ConvertToApiError(char* message);
void InitializeBSS();
Snapshot::Kind kind_;
Thread* thread_;
const uint8_t* buffer_;
intptr_t size_;
const uint8_t* data_image_;
const uint8_t* instructions_image_;
} // namespace dart