blob: 174936773674eb167e548ccb4602f7200d2213b5 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include "bin/builtin.h"
#include "bin/dartutils.h"
#include "bin/namespace.h"
#include "bin/reference_counting.h"
#include "platform/syslog.h"
#include "platform/utils.h"
namespace dart {
namespace bin {
// Forward declaration.
class FileHandle;
class MappedMemory {
MappedMemory(void* address, intptr_t size, bool should_unmap = true)
: should_unmap_(should_unmap), address_(address), size_(size) {}
~MappedMemory() {
if (should_unmap_) Unmap();
void* address() const { return address_; }
intptr_t size() const { return size_; }
uword start() const { return reinterpret_cast<uword>(address()); }
void Leak() { should_unmap_ = false; }
void Unmap();
// False for mappings which reside inside another, and will be removed when
// the outer mapping is removed.
bool should_unmap_;
void* address_;
intptr_t size_;
class File : public ReferenceCounted<File> {
enum FileOpenMode {
kRead = 0,
kWrite = 1,
kTruncate = 1 << 2,
kWriteOnly = 1 << 3,
kWriteTruncate = kWrite | kTruncate,
kWriteOnlyTruncate = kWriteOnly | kTruncate
// These values have to be kept in sync with the mode values of
// FileMode.READ, FileMode.WRITE, FileMode.APPEND,
// FileMode.WRITE_ONLY and FileMode.WRITE_ONLY_APPEND in file.dart.
enum DartFileOpenMode {
kDartRead = 0,
kDartWrite = 1,
kDartAppend = 2,
kDartWriteOnly = 3,
kDartWriteOnlyAppend = 4
enum Type {
kIsFile = 0,
kIsDirectory = 1,
kIsLink = 2,
kIsSock = 3, // Unix Domain Socket.
kIsPipe = 4, // FIFO/Pipe.
kDoesNotExist = 5
enum Identical { kIdentical = 0, kDifferent = 1, kError = 2 };
enum StdioHandleType {
// These match the constants in stdio.dart.
kTerminal = 0,
kPipe = 1,
kFile = 2,
kSocket = 3,
kOther = 4,
kTypeError = 5
enum FileStat {
// These match the constants in FileStat in file_system_entity.dart.
kType = 0,
kCreatedTime = 1,
kModifiedTime = 2,
kAccessedTime = 3,
kMode = 4,
kSize = 5,
kStatSize = 6
enum LockType {
// These match the constants in FileStat in file_impl.dart.
kLockMin = 0,
kLockUnlock = 0,
kLockShared = 1,
kLockExclusive = 2,
kLockBlockingShared = 3,
kLockBlockingExclusive = 4,
kLockMax = 4
intptr_t GetFD();
enum MapType {
kReadOnly = 0,
kReadExecute = 1,
kReadWrite = 2,
/// Maps or copies the file into memory.
/// 'position' and 'length' should be page-aligned.
/// If 'start' is zero, allocates virtual memory for the mapping. When the
/// returned 'MappedMemory' is destroyed, the mapping is removed.
/// If 'start' is non-zero, it must point within a suitably sized existing
/// mapping. The returned 'MappedMemory' will not remove the mapping when it
/// is destroyed; rather, the mapping will be removed when the enclosing
/// mapping is removed. This mode is not supported on Fuchsia.
/// If 'type' is 'kReadWrite', writes to the mapping are *not* copied back to
/// the file.
/// 'position' + 'length' may be larger than the file size. In this case, the
/// extra memory is zero-filled.
MappedMemory* Map(MapType type,
int64_t position,
int64_t length,
void* start = nullptr);
// Read at most 'num_bytes' from the file. It may read less than 'num_bytes'
// even when EOF is not encountered. If no data is available then `Read`
// will block waiting for input (e.g. if the file represents a pipe that
// contains no unread data). A positive return value indicates the number of
// bytes read. Zero indicates an attempt to read past the end-of-file. -1
// indicates an error.
int64_t Read(void* buffer, int64_t num_bytes);
// Attempt to write 'num_bytes' bytes from 'buffer'. It returns the number
// of bytes written.
int64_t Write(const void* buffer, int64_t num_bytes);
// ReadFully and WriteFully do attempt to transfer num_bytes to/from
// the buffer. In the event of short accesses they will loop internally until
// the whole buffer has been transferred or an error occurs. If an error
// occurred the result will be set to false.
bool ReadFully(void* buffer, int64_t num_bytes);
bool WriteFully(const void* buffer, int64_t num_bytes);
bool WriteByte(uint8_t byte) { return WriteFully(&byte, 1); }
bool Print(const char* format, ...) PRINTF_ATTRIBUTE(2, 3) {
va_list args;
va_start(args, format);
bool result = VPrint(format, args);
return result;
bool VPrint(const char* format, va_list args);
// Get the length of the file. Returns a negative value if the length cannot
// be determined (e.g. not seekable device).
int64_t Length();
// Get the current position in the file.
// Returns a negative value if position cannot be determined.
int64_t Position();
// Set the byte position in the file.
bool SetPosition(int64_t position);
// Truncate (or extend) the file to the given length in bytes.
bool Truncate(int64_t length);
// Flush contents of file.
bool Flush();
// Lock range of a file.
bool Lock(LockType lock, int64_t start, int64_t end);
// Returns whether the file has been closed.
bool IsClosed();
// Calls the platform-specific functions to close the file.
void Close();
// Returns the finalizable handle for the File's Dart wrapper.
Dart_FinalizableHandle FinalizableHandle() const {
return finalizable_handle_;
// Set the finalizable handle for the File's Dart wrapper.
void SetFinalizableHandle(Dart_FinalizableHandle handle) {
ASSERT(finalizable_handle_ == nullptr);
finalizable_handle_ = handle;
// Deletes the finalizable handle for the File's Dart wrapper. Call
// when the file is explicitly closed and the finalizer is no longer
// needed.
void DeleteFinalizableHandle(Dart_Isolate isolate, Dart_Handle strong_ref) {
Dart_DeleteFinalizableHandle(finalizable_handle_, strong_ref);
finalizable_handle_ = nullptr;
// Open the file with the given path. The file is always opened for
// reading. If mode contains kWrite the file is opened for both
// reading and writing. If mode contains kWrite and the file does
// not exist the file is created. The file is truncated to length 0 if
// mode contains kTruncate.
static File* Open(Namespace* namespc, const char* path, FileOpenMode mode);
// Same as [File::Open], but attempts to convert uri to path before opening
// the file. If conversion fails, uri is treated as a path.
static File* OpenUri(Namespace* namespc, const char* uri, FileOpenMode mode);
// Attempts to convert the given [uri] to a file path.
static CStringUniquePtr UriToPath(const char* uri);
// Create a file object for the specified stdio file descriptor
// (stdin, stout or stderr).
static File* OpenStdio(int fd);
static File* OpenFD(int fd);
static bool Exists(Namespace* namespc, const char* path);
static bool ExistsUri(Namespace* namespc, const char* uri);
static bool Create(Namespace* namespc, const char* path, bool exclusive);
static bool CreateLink(Namespace* namespc,
const char* path,
const char* target);
static bool CreatePipe(Namespace* namespc, File** readPipe, File** writePipe);
static bool Delete(Namespace* namespc, const char* path);
static bool DeleteLink(Namespace* namespc, const char* path);
static bool Rename(Namespace* namespc,
const char* old_path,
const char* new_path);
static bool RenameLink(Namespace* namespc,
const char* old_path,
const char* new_path);
static bool Copy(Namespace* namespc,
const char* old_path,
const char* new_path);
static int64_t LengthFromPath(Namespace* namespc, const char* path);
static void Stat(Namespace* namespc, const char* path, int64_t* data);
static time_t LastModified(Namespace* namespc, const char* path);
static bool SetLastModified(Namespace* namespc,
const char* path,
int64_t millis);
static time_t LastAccessed(Namespace* namespc, const char* path);
static bool SetLastAccessed(Namespace* namespc,
const char* path,
int64_t millis);
static bool IsAbsolutePath(const char* path);
static const char* PathSeparator();
static const char* StringEscapedPathSeparator();
static Type GetType(const wchar_t* path, bool follow_links);
static Type GetType(Namespace* namespc, const char* path, bool follow_links);
static Identical AreIdentical(Namespace* namespc_1,
const char* file_1,
Namespace* namespc_2,
const char* file_2);
static StdioHandleType GetStdioHandleType(int fd);
// LinkTarget, GetCanonicalPath, and ReadLink may call Dart_ScopeAllocate.
// If dest and its size are provided, Dart String will not be created.
// The result will be populated into dest.
static const char* LinkTarget(Namespace* namespc,
const char* pathname,
char* dest = nullptr,
int dest_size = 0);
static const char* GetCanonicalPath(Namespace* namespc,
const char* path,
char* dest = nullptr,
int dest_size = 0);
// Link LinkTarget, but pathname must be absolute.
static const char* ReadLink(const char* pathname);
static intptr_t ReadLinkInto(const char* pathname,
char* result,
size_t result_size);
// Cleans an input path, transforming it to out, according to the rules
// defined by "Lexical File Names in Plan 9 or Getting Dot-Dot Right",
// accessible at:
// Returns -1 if out isn't big enough, and the length of out otherwise.
static intptr_t CleanUnixPath(const char* in, char* out, intptr_t outlen);
static FileOpenMode DartModeToFileMode(DartFileOpenMode mode);
static CObject* ExistsRequest(const CObjectArray& request);
static CObject* CreateRequest(const CObjectArray& request);
static CObject* CreatePipeRequest(const CObjectArray& request);
static CObject* DeleteRequest(const CObjectArray& request);
static CObject* RenameRequest(const CObjectArray& request);
static CObject* CopyRequest(const CObjectArray& request);
static CObject* OpenRequest(const CObjectArray& request);
static CObject* ResolveSymbolicLinksRequest(const CObjectArray& request);
static CObject* CloseRequest(const CObjectArray& request);
static CObject* PositionRequest(const CObjectArray& request);
static CObject* SetPositionRequest(const CObjectArray& request);
static CObject* TruncateRequest(const CObjectArray& request);
static CObject* LengthRequest(const CObjectArray& request);
static CObject* LengthFromPathRequest(const CObjectArray& request);
static CObject* LastModifiedRequest(const CObjectArray& request);
static CObject* SetLastModifiedRequest(const CObjectArray& request);
static CObject* LastAccessedRequest(const CObjectArray& request);
static CObject* SetLastAccessedRequest(const CObjectArray& request);
static CObject* FlushRequest(const CObjectArray& request);
static CObject* ReadByteRequest(const CObjectArray& request);
static CObject* WriteByteRequest(const CObjectArray& request);
static CObject* ReadRequest(const CObjectArray& request);
static CObject* ReadIntoRequest(const CObjectArray& request);
static CObject* WriteFromRequest(const CObjectArray& request);
static CObject* CreateLinkRequest(const CObjectArray& request);
static CObject* DeleteLinkRequest(const CObjectArray& request);
static CObject* RenameLinkRequest(const CObjectArray& request);
static CObject* LinkTargetRequest(const CObjectArray& request);
static CObject* TypeRequest(const CObjectArray& request);
static CObject* IdenticalRequest(const CObjectArray& request);
static CObject* StatRequest(const CObjectArray& request);
static CObject* LockRequest(const CObjectArray& request);
explicit File(FileHandle* handle)
: ReferenceCounted(), handle_(handle), finalizable_handle_(nullptr) {}
static File* FileOpenW(const wchar_t* system_name, FileOpenMode mode);
static constexpr int kClosedFd = -1;
// FileHandle is an OS specific class which stores data about the file.
FileHandle* handle_; // OS specific handle for the file.
// We retain the finalizable handle because we can do cleanup eagerly when
// Dart code calls closeSync(). In that case, we delete the finalizable
// handle so that the finalizer doesn't run.
Dart_FinalizableHandle finalizable_handle_;
friend class ReferenceCounted<File>;
class UriDecoder {
explicit UriDecoder(const char* uri);
const char* decoded() const { return decoded_; }
bool HexCharPairToByte(const char* pch, char* dest);
char* decoded_;
const char* uri_;
} // namespace bin
} // namespace dart