blob: 245d18f68899947980fd898a526bbfffc63650a2 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
#if defined(__linux__) || defined(__FreeBSD__) /* HOST_OS_LINUX */
.globl ClobberAndCall
.type ClobberAndCall, @function
#else /* HOST_OS_MACOS */
.globl _ClobberAndCall
/* Clobber all volatile registers and call the nullary function which is
passed in as the first argument. */
addi sp, sp, -64
sw ra, 60(sp)
sw fp, 56(sp)
addi fp, sp, 64
sw s1, 40(sp)
sw s2, 36(sp)
sw s3, 32(sp)
sw s4, 28(sp)
sw s5, 24(sp)
sw s6, 20(sp)
sw s7, 16(sp)
sw s8, 12(sp)
sw s9, 8(sp)
sw s10, 4(sp)
sw s11, 0(sp)
li ra, 1
li a1, 1
li a2, 1
li a3, 1
li a4, 1
li a5, 1
li a6, 1
li a7, 1
li t0, 1
li t1, 1
li t2, 1
li t3, 1
li t4, 1
li t5, 1
li t6, 1
li s1, 1
li s2, 1
li s3, 1
li s4, 1
li s5, 1
li s6, 1
li s7, 1
li s8, 1
li s9, 1
li s10, 1
li s11, 1
jalr a0
lw s11, 0(sp)
lw s10, 4(sp)
lw s9, 8(sp)
lw s8, 12(sp)
lw s7, 16(sp)
lw s6, 20(sp)
lw s5, 24(sp)
lw s4, 28(sp)
lw s3, 32(sp)
lw s2, 36(sp)
lw s1, 40(sp)
lw fp, 56(sp)
lw ra, 60(sp)
addi sp, sp, 64