blob: 18ffb1a94fa19ecb6770c5e1e1ba54fc4bc60c68 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright (c) 2024, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// Implementation of the [TargetExecutor] for the Dart AOT runtime.
import 'dart:io';
import '../common/testing.dart' as helper;
import 'model.dart';
import 'util.dart';
import 'target.dart';
/// Logic to build and execute dynamic modules in Dart AOT.
/// In particular:
/// * The initial app is built as a regular AOT target, except that
/// a dynamic interface is used to retain any API that may be used by
/// dynamic modules.
/// * For dynamic modules, code is compiled to bytecode and we validate that
/// the module only accesses what's allowed by the dynamic interface.
/// * Unlike DDC, we don't use the embedder to load dynamic code, but include
/// the logic for that as part of the Dart application.
/// Note: this assumes that [Platform.resolvedExecutable] is a VM built with the
/// `--dart_dynamic_modules` build flag.
class AotExecutor implements TargetExecutor {
static const rootScheme = 'dev-dart-app';
late final bool _shouldCleanup;
late final Directory _tmp;
final Logger _logger;
AotExecutor(this._logger) {
/// Allow using an environment variable to run tests on a fixed directory.
/// This prevents the directory from getting deleted too.
var path = Platform.environment['TMP_DIR'] ?? '';
if (path.isEmpty) {
_tmp = Directory.systemTemp.createTempSync('_dynamic_module-');
_shouldCleanup = true;
} else {
_tmp = Directory(path);
if (!_tmp.existsSync()) _tmp.createSync();
_shouldCleanup = false;
Future<void> suiteComplete() async {
if (!_shouldCleanup) return;
try {
_tmp.delete(recursive: true);
} on FileSystemException {
// Windows bots sometimes fail to delete folders, and can make tests
// flaky. It is OK in those cases to leak some files in the tmp folder,
// these will eventually be cleared when a new bot instance is created.
_logger.warning('Error trying to delete $_tmp');
Future _buildKernel(
String testName, String source, Uri sourceDir, bool isAot) async {
assert(source == 'main.dart');
var testDir = _tmp.uri.resolve(testName).toFilePath();
var aotTag = isAot ? "aot" : "no_aot";
var args = [
if (isAot) '--aot' else '--no-aot',
await runProcess(aotRuntimeBin.toFilePath(), args, testDir, _logger,
'kernel $aotTag $testName/$source');
Future compileApplication(DynamicModuleTest test) async {
_ensureDirectory(;'Compile ${} app');
await _buildKernel(, test.main, test.folder, true);
await _buildKernel(, test.main, test.folder, false);
var testDir = _tmp.uri.resolve(;
var args = [
await runProcess(genSnapshotBin.toFilePath(), args, testDir, _logger,
'aot snapshot ${}/${test.main}');
Future compileDynamicModule(DynamicModuleTest test, String name) async {'Compile module ${}.$name');
var testDir = _tmp.uri.resolve(;
var source = test.dynamicModules[name]!;
var args = [
await runProcess(aotRuntimeBin.toFilePath(), args, testDir, _logger,
'compile bytecode ${}/$source');
Future executeApplication(DynamicModuleTest test) async {'Execute ${}');
// We generate a self contained script that loads necessary preambles,
// ddc module loader, the necessary modules (the SDK and the main module),
// and finally launches the app.
var testDir = _tmp.uri.resolve('${}/');
var result = await runProcess(
'executable test ${test.main}.exe');
var stdout = result.stdout as String;
if (!stdout.contains(helper.successToken)) {
_logger.error('Error: test didn\'t complete as expected.\n'
'Make sure the test finishes and calls `helper.done()`.\n'
'Test output:\n$stdout');
throw Exception('missing helper.done');
void _ensureDirectory(String name) {
var dir = Directory.fromUri(_tmp.uri.resolve(name));
if (!dir.existsSync()) {