blob: 0335f232f5d1d06cc030410c22b297d53b3f54fc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library fasta.procedure_builder;
import 'dart:core' hide MapEntry;
import 'package:front_end/src/fasta/kernel/kernel_api.dart';
import 'package:kernel/ast.dart' hide Variance;
import 'package:kernel/type_algebra.dart';
import '../../base/common.dart';
import 'builder.dart'
import 'extension_builder.dart';
import 'type_variable_builder.dart';
import '../../scanner/token.dart' show Token;
import '../constant_context.dart' show ConstantContext;
import '../kernel/body_builder.dart' show BodyBuilder;
import '../kernel/expression_generator_helper.dart'
show ExpressionGeneratorHelper;
import '../kernel/kernel_builder.dart'
import '../kernel/kernel_shadow_ast.dart' show VariableDeclarationImpl;
import '../kernel/redirecting_factory_body.dart' show RedirectingFactoryBody;
import '../loader.dart' show Loader;
import '../messages.dart'
import '../problems.dart' show unexpected;
import '../source/source_library_builder.dart' show SourceLibraryBuilder;
import '../type_inference/type_inference_engine.dart'
show IncludesTypeParametersNonCovariantly, Variance;
/// Common base class for constructor and procedure builders.
abstract class FunctionBuilder extends MemberBuilder {
final List<MetadataBuilder> metadata;
final int modifiers;
final TypeBuilder returnType;
final String name;
final List<TypeVariableBuilder> typeVariables;
final List<FormalParameterBuilder> formals;
/// If this procedure is an extension instance member, [_extensionThis] holds
/// the synthetically added `this` parameter.
VariableDeclaration _extensionThis;
/// If this procedure is an extension instance member,
/// [_extensionTypeParameters] holds the type parameters copied from the
/// extension declaration.
List<TypeParameter> _extensionTypeParameters;
LibraryBuilder compilationUnit,
int charOffset,
: super(compilationUnit, charOffset) {
if (formals != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < formals.length; i++) {
formals[i].parent = this;
String get debugName => "FunctionBuilder";
AsyncMarker get asyncModifier;
ProcedureKind get kind;
bool get isConstructor => false;
bool get isRegularMethod => identical(ProcedureKind.Method, kind);
bool get isGetter => identical(ProcedureKind.Getter, kind);
bool get isSetter => identical(ProcedureKind.Setter, kind);
bool get isOperator => identical(ProcedureKind.Operator, kind);
bool get isFactory => identical(ProcedureKind.Factory, kind);
/// This is the formal parameter scope as specified in the Dart Programming
/// Language Specification, 4th ed, section 9.2.
Scope computeFormalParameterScope(Scope parent) {
if (formals == null) return parent;
Map<String, Builder> local = <String, Builder>{};
for (FormalParameterBuilder formal in formals) {
if (!isConstructor || !formal.isInitializingFormal) {
local[] = formal;
return new Scope(
local: local,
parent: parent,
debugName: "formal parameter",
isModifiable: false);
Scope computeFormalParameterInitializerScope(Scope parent) {
// From
// [dartLangSpec.tex](../../../../../../docs/language/dartLangSpec.tex) at
// revision 94b23d3b125e9d246e07a2b43b61740759a0dace:
// When the formal parameter list of a non-redirecting generative
// constructor contains any initializing formals, a new scope is
// introduced, the _formal parameter initializer scope_, which is the
// current scope of the initializer list of the constructor, and which is
// enclosed in the scope where the constructor is declared. Each
// initializing formal in the formal parameter list introduces a final
// local variable into the formal parameter initializer scope, but not into
// the formal parameter scope; every other formal parameter introduces a
// local variable into both the formal parameter scope and the formal
// parameter initializer scope.
if (formals == null) return parent;
Map<String, Builder> local = <String, Builder>{};
for (FormalParameterBuilder formal in formals) {
local[] = formal.forFormalParameterInitializerScope();
return new Scope(
local: local,
parent: parent,
debugName: "formal parameter initializer",
isModifiable: false);
/// This scope doesn't correspond to any scope specified in the Dart
/// Programming Language Specification, 4th ed. It's an unspecified extension
/// to support generic methods.
Scope computeTypeParameterScope(Scope parent) {
if (typeVariables == null) return parent;
Map<String, Builder> local = <String, Builder>{};
for (TypeVariableBuilder variable in typeVariables) {
local[] = variable;
return new Scope(
local: local,
parent: parent,
debugName: "type parameter",
isModifiable: false);
FormalParameterBuilder getFormal(String name) {
if (formals != null) {
for (FormalParameterBuilder formal in formals) {
if ( == name) return formal;
return null;
final String nativeMethodName;
FunctionNode function;
Statement _body;
FunctionBuilder get actualOrigin;
void set body(Statement newBody) {
// if (newBody != null) {
// if (isAbstract) {
// // TODO(danrubel): Is this check needed?
// return internalProblem(messageInternalProblemBodyOnAbstractMethod,
// newBody.fileOffset, fileUri);
// }
// }
_body = newBody;
if (function != null) {
// A forwarding semi-stub is a method that is abstract in the source code,
// but which needs to have a forwarding stub body in order to ensure that
// covariance checks occur. We don't want to replace the forwarding stub
// body with null.
TreeNode parent = function.parent;
if (!(newBody == null &&
parent is Procedure &&
parent.isForwardingSemiStub)) {
function.body = newBody;
newBody?.parent = function;
void setRedirectingFactoryBody(Member target, List<DartType> typeArguments) {
if (_body != null) {
unexpected("null", "${_body.runtimeType}", charOffset, fileUri);
_body = new RedirectingFactoryBody(target, typeArguments);
function.body = _body;
_body?.parent = function;
if (isPatch) {
actualOrigin.setRedirectingFactoryBody(target, typeArguments);
Statement get body => _body ??= new EmptyStatement();
bool get isNative => nativeMethodName != null;
FunctionNode buildFunction(LibraryBuilder library) {
assert(function == null);
FunctionNode result = new FunctionNode(body, asyncMarker: asyncModifier);
IncludesTypeParametersNonCovariantly needsCheckVisitor;
if (!isConstructor && !isFactory && parent is ClassBuilder) {
ClassBuilder enclosingClassBuilder = parent;
Class enclosingClass = enclosingClassBuilder.cls;
if (enclosingClass.typeParameters.isNotEmpty) {
needsCheckVisitor = new IncludesTypeParametersNonCovariantly(
// We are checking the parameter types which are in a
// contravariant position.
initialVariance: Variance.contravariant);
if (typeVariables != null) {
for (TypeVariableBuilder t in typeVariables) {
TypeParameter parameter = t.parameter;
if (needsCheckVisitor != null) {
if (parameter.bound.accept(needsCheckVisitor)) {
parameter.isGenericCovariantImpl = true;
setParents(result.typeParameters, result);
if (formals != null) {
for (FormalParameterBuilder formal in formals) {
VariableDeclaration parameter =, 0);
if (needsCheckVisitor != null) {
if (parameter.type.accept(needsCheckVisitor)) {
parameter.isGenericCovariantImpl = true;
if (formal.isNamed) {
} else {
parameter.parent = result;
if (formal.isRequired) {
if (!isExtensionInstanceMember &&
isSetter &&
(formals?.length != 1 || formals[0].isOptional)) {
// Replace illegal parameters by single dummy parameter.
// Do this after building the parameters, since the diet listener
// assumes that parameters are built, even if illegal in number.
VariableDeclaration parameter =
new VariableDeclarationImpl("#synthetic", 0);
parameter.parent = result;
result.requiredParameterCount = 1;
if (returnType != null) {
result.returnType =;
if (!isConstructor &&
!isDeclarationInstanceMember &&
parent is ClassBuilder) {
ClassBuilder enclosingClassBuilder = parent;
List<TypeParameter> typeParameters =
if (typeParameters.isNotEmpty) {
Map<TypeParameter, DartType> substitution;
DartType removeTypeVariables(DartType type) {
if (substitution == null) {
substitution = <TypeParameter, DartType>{};
for (TypeParameter parameter in typeParameters) {
substitution[parameter] = const DynamicType();
messageNonInstanceTypeVariableUse, charOffset, noLength, fileUri);
return substitute(type, substitution);
Set<TypeParameter> set = typeParameters.toSet();
for (VariableDeclaration parameter in result.positionalParameters) {
if (containsTypeVariable(parameter.type, set)) {
parameter.type = removeTypeVariables(parameter.type);
for (VariableDeclaration parameter in result.namedParameters) {
if (containsTypeVariable(parameter.type, set)) {
parameter.type = removeTypeVariables(parameter.type);
if (containsTypeVariable(result.returnType, set)) {
result.returnType = removeTypeVariables(result.returnType);
if (isExtensionInstanceMember) {
ExtensionBuilder extensionBuilder = parent;
_extensionThis = result.positionalParameters.first;
if (extensionBuilder.typeParameters != null) {
int count = extensionBuilder.typeParameters.length;
_extensionTypeParameters = new List<TypeParameter>(count);
for (int index = 0; index < count; index++) {
_extensionTypeParameters[index] = result.typeParameters[index];
return function = result;
/// Returns the [index]th parameter of this function.
/// The index is the syntactical index, including both positional and named
/// parameter in the order they are declared, and excluding the synthesized
/// this parameter on extension instance members.
VariableDeclaration getFormalParameter(int index) {
if (isExtensionInstanceMember) {
return formals[index + 1].variable;
} else {
return formals[index].variable;
/// If this is an extension instance method, the tear off closure parameter
/// corresponding to the [index]th parameter on the instance method is
/// returned.
/// This is used to update the default value for the closure parameter when
/// it has been computed for the original parameter.
VariableDeclaration getExtensionTearOffParameter(int index) => null;
/// Returns the parameter for 'this' synthetically added to extension
/// instance members.
VariableDeclaration get extensionThis {
assert(_extensionThis != null || !isExtensionInstanceMember,
"ProcedureBuilder.extensionThis has not been set.");
return _extensionThis;
/// Returns a list of synthetic type parameters added to extension instance
/// members.
List<TypeParameter> get extensionTypeParameters {
// Use [_extensionThis] as marker for whether extension type parameters have
// been computed.
assert(_extensionThis != null || !isExtensionInstanceMember,
"ProcedureBuilder.extensionTypeParameters has not been set.");
return _extensionTypeParameters;
Member build(SourceLibraryBuilder library);
void buildOutlineExpressions(LibraryBuilder library) {
member, metadata, library, isClassMember ? parent : null, this);
if (formals != null) {
// For const constructors we need to include default parameter values
// into the outline. For all other formals we need to call
// buildOutlineExpressions to clear initializerToken to prevent
// consuming too much memory.
for (FormalParameterBuilder formal in formals) {
void becomeNative(Loader loader) {
MemberBuilder constructor = loader.getNativeAnnotation();
Arguments arguments =
new Arguments(<Expression>[new StringLiteral(nativeMethodName)]);
Expression annotation;
if (constructor.isConstructor) {
annotation = new ConstructorInvocation(constructor.member, arguments)
..isConst = true;
} else {
annotation = new StaticInvocation(constructor.member, arguments)
..isConst = true;
bool checkPatch(FunctionBuilder patch) {
if (!isExternal) {
messagePatchNonExternal, patch.charOffset, noLength, patch.fileUri,
context: [
fileUri, charOffset, noLength)
return false;
return true;
void reportPatchMismatch(Builder patch) {
library.addProblem(messagePatchDeclarationMismatch, patch.charOffset,
noLength, patch.fileUri, context: [
messagePatchDeclarationOrigin.withLocation(fileUri, charOffset, noLength)
class ProcedureBuilder extends FunctionBuilder {
final Procedure _procedure;
final int charOpenParenOffset;
final ProcedureKind kind;
ProcedureBuilder patchForTesting;
AsyncMarker actualAsyncModifier = AsyncMarker.Sync;
ProcedureBuilder actualOrigin;
Procedure get actualProcedure => _procedure;
bool hadTypesInferred = false;
/// If this is an extension instance method then [_extensionTearOff] holds
/// the synthetically created tear off function.
Procedure _extensionTearOff;
/// If this is an extension instance method then
/// [_extensionTearOffParameterMap] holds a map from the parameters of
/// the methods to the parameter of the closure returned in the tear-off.
/// This map is used to set the default values on the closure parameters when
/// these have been built.
Map<VariableDeclaration, VariableDeclaration> _extensionTearOffParameterMap;
List<MetadataBuilder> metadata,
int modifiers,
TypeBuilder returnType,
String name,
List<TypeVariableBuilder> typeVariables,
List<FormalParameterBuilder> formals,
SourceLibraryBuilder compilationUnit,
int startCharOffset,
int charOffset,
int charEndOffset,
[String nativeMethodName])
: _procedure =
new Procedure(null, kind, null, fileUri: compilationUnit?.fileUri)
..startFileOffset = startCharOffset
..fileOffset = charOffset
..fileEndOffset = charEndOffset,
super(metadata, modifiers, returnType, name, typeVariables, formals,
compilationUnit, charOffset, nativeMethodName);
ProcedureBuilder get origin => actualOrigin ?? this;
AsyncMarker get asyncModifier => actualAsyncModifier;
Statement get body {
if (_body == null && !isAbstract && !isExternal) {
_body = new EmptyStatement();
return _body;
void set asyncModifier(AsyncMarker newModifier) {
actualAsyncModifier = newModifier;
if (function != null) {
// No parent, it's an enum.
function.asyncMarker = actualAsyncModifier;
function.dartAsyncMarker = actualAsyncModifier;
bool get isEligibleForTopLevelInference {
if (isDeclarationInstanceMember) {
if (returnType == null) return true;
if (formals != null) {
for (FormalParameterBuilder formal in formals) {
if (formal.type == null) return true;
return false;
/// Returns `true` if this procedure is declared in an extension declaration.
bool get isExtensionMethod {
return parent is ExtensionBuilder;
Procedure build(SourceLibraryBuilder libraryBuilder) {
// TODO(ahe): I think we may call this twice on parts. Investigate.
if ( == null) {
_procedure.function = buildFunction(libraryBuilder);
_procedure.function.parent = _procedure;
_procedure.function.fileOffset = charOpenParenOffset;
_procedure.function.fileEndOffset = _procedure.fileEndOffset;
_procedure.isAbstract = isAbstract;
_procedure.isExternal = isExternal;
_procedure.isConst = isConst;
if (isExtensionMethod) {
ExtensionBuilder extensionBuilder = parent;
_procedure.isExtensionMember = true;
_procedure.isStatic = true;
String kindInfix = '';
if (isExtensionInstanceMember) {
// Instance getter and setter are converted to methods so we use an
// infix to make their names unique.
switch (kind) {
case ProcedureKind.Getter:
kindInfix = 'get#';
case ProcedureKind.Setter:
kindInfix = 'set#';
case ProcedureKind.Method:
case ProcedureKind.Operator:
kindInfix = '';
case ProcedureKind.Factory:
throw new UnsupportedError(
'Unexpected extension method kind ${kind}');
_procedure.kind = ProcedureKind.Method;
} = new Name(
} else {
_procedure.isStatic = isStatic; = new Name(name, libraryBuilder.library);
if (extensionTearOff != null) {
_buildExtensionTearOff(libraryBuilder, parent);
return _procedure;
/// Creates a top level function that creates a tear off of an extension
/// instance method.
/// For this declaration
/// extension E<T> on A<T> {
/// X method<S>(S s, Y y) {}
/// }
/// we create the top level function
/// X E|method<T, S>(A<T> #this, S s, Y y) {}
/// and the tear off function
/// X Function<S>(S, Y) E|get#method<T>(A<T> #this) {
/// return (S s, Y y) => E|method<T, S>(#this, s, y);
/// }
void _buildExtensionTearOff(
SourceLibraryBuilder libraryBuilder, ExtensionBuilder extensionBuilder) {
_extensionTearOff != null, "No extension tear off created for $this.");
if ( != null) return;
_extensionTearOffParameterMap = {};
int fileOffset = _procedure.fileOffset;
int extensionTypeParameterCount =
extensionBuilder.typeParameters?.length ?? 0;
List<TypeParameter> typeParameters = <TypeParameter>[];
Map<TypeParameter, DartType> substitutionMap = {};
List<DartType> typeArguments = <DartType>[];
for (TypeParameter typeParameter in function.typeParameters) {
TypeParameter newTypeParameter = new TypeParameter(;
typeArguments.add(substitutionMap[typeParameter] =
new TypeParameterType(newTypeParameter));
List<TypeParameter> tearOffTypeParameters = <TypeParameter>[];
List<TypeParameter> closureTypeParameters = <TypeParameter>[];
Substitution substitution = Substitution.fromMap(substitutionMap);
for (int index = 0; index < typeParameters.length; index++) {
TypeParameter newTypeParameter = typeParameters[index];
newTypeParameter.bound =
newTypeParameter.defaultType = function.typeParameters[index].defaultType;
if (index < extensionTypeParameterCount) {
} else {
VariableDeclaration copyParameter(
VariableDeclaration parameter, DartType type,
{bool isOptional}) {
VariableDeclaration newParameter = new VariableDeclaration(,
type: type, isFinal: parameter.isFinal)
..fileOffset = parameter.fileOffset;
_extensionTearOffParameterMap[parameter] = newParameter;
return newParameter;
VariableDeclaration extensionThis = copyParameter(
isOptional: false);
DartType closureReturnType =
List<VariableDeclaration> closurePositionalParameters = [];
List<Expression> closurePositionalArguments = [];
for (int position = 0;
position < function.positionalParameters.length;
position++) {
VariableDeclaration parameter = function.positionalParameters[position];
if (position == 0) {
/// Pass `this` as a captured variable.
.add(new VariableGet(extensionThis)..fileOffset = fileOffset);
} else {
DartType type = substitution.substituteType(parameter.type);
VariableDeclaration newParameter = copyParameter(parameter, type,
isOptional: position >= function.requiredParameterCount);
.add(new VariableGet(newParameter)..fileOffset = fileOffset);
List<VariableDeclaration> closureNamedParameters = [];
List<NamedExpression> closureNamedArguments = [];
for (VariableDeclaration parameter in function.namedParameters) {
DartType type = substitution.substituteType(parameter.type);
VariableDeclaration newParameter =
copyParameter(parameter, type, isOptional: true);
closureNamedArguments.add(new NamedExpression(,
new VariableGet(newParameter)..fileOffset = fileOffset));
Statement closureBody = new ReturnStatement(
new StaticInvocation(
new Arguments(closurePositionalArguments,
types: typeArguments, named: closureNamedArguments))
..fileOffset = fileOffset)
..fileOffset = fileOffset;
FunctionExpression closure = new FunctionExpression(new FunctionNode(
typeParameters: closureTypeParameters,
positionalParameters: closurePositionalParameters,
namedParameters: closureNamedParameters,
requiredParameterCount: _procedure.function.requiredParameterCount - 1,
returnType: closureReturnType,
asyncMarker: _procedure.function.asyncMarker,
dartAsyncMarker: _procedure.function.dartAsyncMarker))
..fileOffset = fileOffset;
_extensionTearOff = new Name(
'${}|get#${name}', libraryBuilder.library)
..function = new FunctionNode(
new ReturnStatement(closure)..fileOffset = fileOffset,
typeParameters: tearOffTypeParameters,
positionalParameters: [extensionThis],
requiredParameterCount: 1,
returnType: closure.function.functionType)
..fileUri = fileUri
..fileOffset = fileOffset;
_extensionTearOff.function.parent = _extensionTearOff;
VariableDeclaration getExtensionTearOffParameter(int index) {
if (_extensionTearOffParameterMap != null) {
return _extensionTearOffParameterMap[getFormalParameter(index)];
return null;
/// The [Procedure] built by this builder.
Procedure get procedure => isPatch ? origin.procedure : _procedure;
/// If this is an extension instance method then [_extensionTearOff] holds
/// the synthetically created tear off function.
Procedure get extensionTearOff {
if (isExtensionInstanceMember && kind == ProcedureKind.Method) {
_extensionTearOff ??= new Procedure(null, ProcedureKind.Method, null,
isStatic: true, isExtensionMember: true);
return _extensionTearOff;
Member get member => procedure;
int finishPatch() {
if (!isPatch) return 0;
// TODO(ahe): restore file-offset once we track both origin and patch file
// URIs. See
origin.procedure.fileUri = fileUri;
origin.procedure.startFileOffset = _procedure.startFileOffset;
origin.procedure.fileOffset = _procedure.fileOffset;
origin.procedure.fileEndOffset = _procedure.fileEndOffset;
.forEach((m) => m.fileOffset = _procedure.fileOffset);
origin.procedure.isAbstract = _procedure.isAbstract;
origin.procedure.isExternal = _procedure.isExternal;
origin.procedure.function = _procedure.function;
origin.procedure.function.parent = origin.procedure;
return 1;
void becomeNative(Loader loader) {
_procedure.isExternal = true;
void applyPatch(Builder patch) {
if (patch is ProcedureBuilder) {
if (checkPatch(patch)) {
patch.actualOrigin = this;
if (retainDataForTesting) {
patchForTesting = patch;
} else {
// TODO(ahe): Move this to own file?
class ConstructorBuilder extends FunctionBuilder {
final Constructor _constructor;
final int charOpenParenOffset;
bool hasMovedSuperInitializer = false;
SuperInitializer superInitializer;
RedirectingInitializer redirectingInitializer;
Token beginInitializers;
ConstructorBuilder actualOrigin;
ConstructorBuilder patchForTesting;
Constructor get actualConstructor => _constructor;
List<MetadataBuilder> metadata,
int modifiers,
TypeBuilder returnType,
String name,
List<TypeVariableBuilder> typeVariables,
List<FormalParameterBuilder> formals,
SourceLibraryBuilder compilationUnit,
int startCharOffset,
int charOffset,
int charEndOffset,
[String nativeMethodName])
: _constructor = new Constructor(null, fileUri: compilationUnit?.fileUri)
..startFileOffset = startCharOffset
..fileOffset = charOffset
..fileEndOffset = charEndOffset,
super(metadata, modifiers, returnType, name, typeVariables, formals,
compilationUnit, charOffset, nativeMethodName);
ConstructorBuilder get origin => actualOrigin ?? this;
bool get isDeclarationInstanceMember => false;
bool get isClassInstanceMember => false;
bool get isConstructor => true;
AsyncMarker get asyncModifier => AsyncMarker.Sync;
ProcedureKind get kind => null;
bool get isRedirectingGenerativeConstructor {
return isRedirectingGenerativeConstructorImplementation(_constructor);
bool get isEligibleForTopLevelInference {
if (formals != null) {
for (FormalParameterBuilder formal in formals) {
if (formal.type == null && formal.isInitializingFormal) return true;
return false;
Member build(SourceLibraryBuilder libraryBuilder) {
if ( == null) {
_constructor.function = buildFunction(libraryBuilder);
_constructor.function.parent = _constructor;
_constructor.function.fileOffset = charOpenParenOffset;
_constructor.function.fileEndOffset = _constructor.fileEndOffset;
_constructor.function.typeParameters = const <TypeParameter>[];
_constructor.isConst = isConst;
_constructor.isExternal = isExternal; = new Name(name, libraryBuilder.library);
if (isEligibleForTopLevelInference) {
for (FormalParameterBuilder formal in formals) {
if (formal.type == null && formal.isInitializingFormal) {
formal.variable.type = null;
libraryBuilder.loader.typeInferenceEngine.toBeInferred[_constructor] =
return _constructor;
void buildOutlineExpressions(LibraryBuilder library) {
// For modular compilation purposes we need to include initializers
// for const constructors into the outline.
if (isConst && beginInitializers != null) {
ClassBuilder classBuilder = parent;
BodyBuilder bodyBuilder = library.loader
library, classBuilder, this, classBuilder.scope, fileUri);
bodyBuilder.constantContext = ConstantContext.required;
beginInitializers = null;
FunctionNode buildFunction(LibraryBuilder library) {
// According to the specification §9.3 the return type of a constructor
// function is its enclosing class.
FunctionNode functionNode = super.buildFunction(library);
ClassBuilder enclosingClassBuilder = parent;
Class enclosingClass = enclosingClassBuilder.cls;
List<DartType> typeParameterTypes = new List<DartType>();
for (int i = 0; i < enclosingClass.typeParameters.length; i++) {
TypeParameter typeParameter = enclosingClass.typeParameters[i];
typeParameterTypes.add(new TypeParameterType(typeParameter));
functionNode.returnType =
new InterfaceType(enclosingClass, typeParameterTypes);
return functionNode;
/// The [Constructor] built by this builder.
Constructor get constructor => isPatch ? origin.constructor : _constructor;
Member get member => constructor;
void injectInvalidInitializer(
Message message, int charOffset, ExpressionGeneratorHelper helper) {
List<Initializer> initializers = _constructor.initializers;
Initializer lastInitializer = initializers.removeLast();
assert(lastInitializer == superInitializer ||
lastInitializer == redirectingInitializer);
Initializer error = helper.buildInvalidInitializer(
helper.buildProblem(message, charOffset, noLength));
initializers.add(error..parent = _constructor);
void addInitializer(
Initializer initializer, ExpressionGeneratorHelper helper) {
List<Initializer> initializers = _constructor.initializers;
if (initializer is SuperInitializer) {
if (superInitializer != null || redirectingInitializer != null) {
initializer.fileOffset, helper);
} else {
initializers.add(initializer..parent = _constructor);
superInitializer = initializer;
} else if (initializer is RedirectingInitializer) {
if (superInitializer != null || redirectingInitializer != null) {
initializer.fileOffset, helper);
} else if (_constructor.initializers.isNotEmpty) {
Initializer first = _constructor.initializers.first;
Initializer error = helper.buildInvalidInitializer(helper.buildProblem(
messageThisInitializerNotAlone, first.fileOffset, noLength));
initializers.add(error..parent = _constructor);
} else {
initializers.add(initializer..parent = _constructor);
redirectingInitializer = initializer;
} else if (redirectingInitializer != null) {
messageThisInitializerNotAlone, initializer.fileOffset, helper);
} else if (superInitializer != null) {
messageSuperInitializerNotLast, superInitializer.fileOffset, helper);
} else {
initializers.add(initializer..parent = _constructor);
int finishPatch() {
if (!isPatch) return 0;
// TODO(ahe): restore file-offset once we track both origin and patch file
// URIs. See
origin.constructor.fileUri = fileUri;
origin.constructor.startFileOffset = _constructor.startFileOffset;
origin.constructor.fileOffset = _constructor.fileOffset;
origin.constructor.fileEndOffset = _constructor.fileEndOffset;
.forEach((m) => m.fileOffset = _constructor.fileOffset);
origin.constructor.isExternal = _constructor.isExternal;
origin.constructor.function = _constructor.function;
origin.constructor.function.parent = origin.constructor;
origin.constructor.initializers = _constructor.initializers;
setParents(origin.constructor.initializers, origin.constructor);
return 1;
void becomeNative(Loader loader) {
_constructor.isExternal = true;
void applyPatch(Builder patch) {
if (patch is ConstructorBuilder) {
if (checkPatch(patch)) {
patch.actualOrigin = this;
if (retainDataForTesting) {
patchForTesting = patch;
} else {
void prepareInitializers() {
// For const constructors we parse initializers already at the outlining
// stage, there is no easy way to make body building stage skip initializer
// parsing, so we simply clear parsed initializers and rebuild them
// again.
// Note: this method clears both initializers from the target Kernel node
// and internal state associated with parsing initializers.
if (constructor.isConst) {
constructor.initializers.length = 0;
redirectingInitializer = null;
superInitializer = null;
hasMovedSuperInitializer = false;
class RedirectingFactoryBuilder extends ProcedureBuilder {
final ConstructorReferenceBuilder redirectionTarget;
List<DartType> typeArguments;
List<MetadataBuilder> metadata,
int modifiers,
TypeBuilder returnType,
String name,
List<TypeVariableBuilder> typeVariables,
List<FormalParameterBuilder> formals,
SourceLibraryBuilder compilationUnit,
int startCharOffset,
int charOffset,
int charOpenParenOffset,
int charEndOffset,
[String nativeMethodName,
: super(
Statement get body => _body;
void setRedirectingFactoryBody(Member target, List<DartType> typeArguments) {
if (_body != null) {
unexpected("null", "${_body.runtimeType}", charOffset, fileUri);
// Ensure that constant factories only have constant targets/bodies.
if (isConst && !target.isConst) {
library.addProblem(messageConstFactoryRedirectionToNonConst, charOffset,
noLength, fileUri);
_body = new RedirectingFactoryBody(target, typeArguments);
function.body = _body;
_body?.parent = function;
if (isPatch) {
if (function.typeParameters != null) {
Map<TypeParameter, DartType> substitution = <TypeParameter, DartType>{};
for (int i = 0; i < function.typeParameters.length; i++) {
substitution[function.typeParameters[i]] =
new TypeParameterType(actualOrigin.function.typeParameters[i]);
List<DartType> newTypeArguments =
new List<DartType>(typeArguments.length);
for (int i = 0; i < newTypeArguments.length; i++) {
newTypeArguments[i] = substitute(typeArguments[i], substitution);
typeArguments = newTypeArguments;
actualOrigin.setRedirectingFactoryBody(target, typeArguments);
Procedure build(SourceLibraryBuilder library) {
Procedure result =;
result.isRedirectingFactoryConstructor = true;
if (redirectionTarget.typeArguments != null) {
typeArguments =
new List<DartType>(redirectionTarget.typeArguments.length);
for (int i = 0; i < typeArguments.length; i++) {
typeArguments[i] = redirectionTarget.typeArguments[i].build(library);
return result;
int finishPatch() {
if (!isPatch) return 0;
if (origin is RedirectingFactoryBuilder) {
RedirectingFactoryBuilder redirectingOrigin = origin;
redirectingOrigin.typeArguments = typeArguments;
return 1;