blob: 5723e17a4d4534d6594a14483c020b2d8ecdf458 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:collection';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/nullability_suffix.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/type.dart'
show DartType, InterfaceType, FunctionType;
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/type.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/type.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/constant.dart'
show DartObject, DartObjectImpl;
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/constant.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/type_system.dart' show Dart2TypeSystem;
import 'type_utilities.dart';
class Tuple2<T0, T1> {
final T0 e0;
final T1 e1;
Tuple2(this.e0, this.e1);
/// Instantiates [t] with dynamic bounds.
/// Note: this should only be used when the resulting type is later replaced,
/// such as a "deferred supertype" (used to break circularity between the
/// supertype's type arguments and the class definition). Otherwise
/// [instantiateElementTypeToBounds] should be used instead.
InterfaceType fillDynamicTypeArgsForClass(InterfaceType t) {
if (t.typeArguments.isNotEmpty) {
var dyn =
List.filled(t.element.typeParameters.length, DynamicTypeImpl.instance);
return t.element.instantiate(
typeArguments: dyn,
return t;
/// Instantiates the [element] type to bounds.
/// Conceptually this is similar to [Dart2TypeSystem.instantiateToBounds] on
/// `element.type`, but unfortunately typedef elements do not return a
/// meaningful type, so we need to work around that.
DartType instantiateElementTypeToBounds(
Dart2TypeSystem rules, TypeDefiningElement element) {
Element e = element;
if (e is TypeParameterizedElement) {
// TODO(jmesserly): we can't use `instantiateToBounds` because typedefs do
// not include their type parameters, for example:
// typedef void void Func<T>(T x); // Dart 1 syntax.
// typedef void GenericFunc<T> = S Func<S>(T x); // Dart 2 syntax.
// There is no way to get a type that has `<T>` as a type formal from the
// element (without constructing it ourselves).
// Futhermore, the second line is represented by a GenericTypeAliasElement,
// and its type getter does not even include its own type formals `<S>`.
// That has to be worked around using `.function.type`.
DartType type;
if (e is GenericTypeAliasElement) {
type = e.function.type;
} else if (e is FunctionTypedElement) {
type = e.type;
} else if (e is ClassElement) {
type = getLegacyRawClassType(e);
var bounds = rules.instantiateTypeFormalsToBounds(e.typeParameters);
if (bounds == null) return type;
return type.substitute2(
bounds, TypeParameterTypeImpl.getTypes(e.typeParameters));
return getLegacyElementType(element);
/// Given an [element] and a [test] function, returns the first matching
/// constant valued metadata annotation on the element.
/// If the element is a synthetic getter/setter (Analyzer creates these for
/// fields), then this will use the corresponding real element, which will have
/// the metadata annotations.
/// For example if we had the [ClassDeclaration] node for `FontElement`:
/// @js.JS('HTMLFontElement')
/// @deprecated
/// class FontElement { ... }
/// We could match `@deprecated` with a test function like:
/// (v) => == 'Deprecated' && v.type.element.library.isDartCore
DartObject findAnnotation(Element element, bool test(DartObjectImpl value)) {
if (element == null) return null;
var accessor = element;
if (accessor is PropertyAccessorElement && accessor.isSynthetic) {
// Look for metadata on the real element, not the synthetic one.
element = accessor.variable;
for (var metadata in element.metadata) {
var value = metadata.computeConstantValue();
if (value is DartObjectImpl && test(value)) return value;
return null;
/// Searches all supertype, in order of most derived members, to see if any
/// [match] a condition. If so, returns the first match, otherwise returns null.
InterfaceType findSupertype(InterfaceType type, bool match(InterfaceType t)) {
for (var m in type.mixins.reversed) {
if (match(m)) return m;
var s = type.superclass;
if (s == null) return null;
if (match(s)) return type;
return findSupertype(s, match);
//TODO(leafp): Is this really necessary? In theory I think
// the static type should always be filled in for resolved
// ASTs. This may be a vestigial workaround.
DartType getStaticType(Expression e) =>
e.staticType ?? DynamicTypeImpl.instance;
// TODO(leafp) Factor this out or use an existing library
/// Similar to [SimpleIdentifier] inGetterContext, inSetterContext, and
/// inDeclarationContext, this method returns true if [node] is used in an
/// invocation context such as a MethodInvocation.
bool inInvocationContext(Expression node) {
if (node == null) return false;
var parent = node.parent;
while (parent is ParenthesizedExpression) {
node = parent as Expression;
parent = node.parent;
return parent is InvocationExpression && identical(node, parent.function) ||
parent is MethodInvocation && == 'call' &&
bool isInlineJS(Element e) {
if (e != null && == 'JS' && e is FunctionElement) {
var uri = e.librarySource.uri;
return uri.scheme == 'dart' && uri.path == '_foreign_helper';
return false;
bool isLibraryPrefix(Expression node) =>
node is SimpleIdentifier && node.staticElement is PrefixElement;
ExecutableElement getFunctionBodyElement(FunctionBody body) {
var f = body.parent;
if (f is FunctionExpression) {
return f.declaredElement;
} else if (f is MethodDeclaration) {
return f.declaredElement;
} else {
return (f as ConstructorDeclaration).declaredElement;
/// Returns the value of the `name` field from the [match]ing annotation on
/// [element], or `null` if we didn't find a valid match or it was not a string.
/// For example, consider this code:
/// class MyAnnotation {
/// final String name;
/// // ...
/// const MyAnnotation(*, ... other params ... */);
/// }
/// @MyAnnotation('FooBar')
/// main() { ... }
/// If we match the annotation for the `@MyAnnotation('FooBar')` this will
/// return the string 'FooBar'.
String getAnnotationName(Element element, bool match(DartObjectImpl value)) =>
findAnnotation(element, match)?.getField('name')?.toStringValue();
List<ClassElement> getSuperclasses(ClassElement cls) {
var result = <ClassElement>[];
var visited = HashSet<ClassElement>();
while (cls != null && visited.add(cls)) {
for (var mixinType in cls.mixins.reversed) {
var mixin = mixinType.element;
if (mixin != null) result.add(mixin);
var supertype = cls.supertype;
// Object or mixin declaration.
if (supertype == null) break;
cls = supertype.element;
return result;
List<ClassElement> getImmediateSuperclasses(ClassElement c) {
var result = <ClassElement>[];
for (var m in c.mixins.reversed) {
var s = c.supertype;
if (s != null) result.add(s.element);
return result;
/// Returns true if the library [l] is dart:_runtime.
// TODO(jmesserly): unlike other methods in this file, this one wouldn't be
// suitable for upstream to Analyzer, as it's DDC specific.
bool isSdkInternalRuntime(LibraryElement l) {
var uri = l.source.uri;
return uri.scheme == 'dart' && uri.path == '_runtime';
/// Return `true` if the given [classElement] has a noSuchMethod() method
/// distinct from the one declared in class Object, as per the Dart Language
/// Specification (section 10.4).
// TODO(jmesserly): this was taken from error_verifier.dart
bool hasNoSuchMethod(ClassElement classElement) {
// TODO(jmesserly): this is slow in Analyzer. It's a linear scan through all
// methods, up through the class hierarchy.
var method = classElement.lookUpMethod(
FunctionElement.NO_SUCH_METHOD_METHOD_NAME, classElement.library);
var definingClass = method?.enclosingElement;
return definingClass is ClassElement && !definingClass.isDartCoreObject;
/// Returns true if this class is of the form:
/// `class C = Object with M [implements I1, I2 ...];`
/// A mixin alias class is a mixin application, that can also be itself used as
/// a mixin.
bool isMixinAliasClass(ClassElement c) {
return c.isMixinApplication && c.supertype.isObject && c.mixins.length == 1;
bool isCallableClass(ClassElement c) {
// See if we have a "call" with a statically known function type:
// - if it's a method, then it does because all methods do,
// - if it's a getter, check the return type.
// Other cases like a getter returning dynamic/Object/Function will be
// handled at runtime by the dynamic call mechanism. So we only
// concern ourselves with statically known function types.
// We can ignore `noSuchMethod` because:
// * `dynamic d; d();` without a declared `call` method is handled by dcall.
// * for `class C implements Callable { noSuchMethod(i) { ... } }` we find
// the `call` method on the `Callable` interface.
var callMethod =
return callMethod is PropertyAccessorElement
? callMethod.returnType is FunctionType
: callMethod != null;
/// Returns true if [x] and [y] are equal, in other words, `x <: y` and `y <: x`
/// and they have equivalent display form when printed.
// TODO(jmesserly): this exists to work around broken FunctionTypeImpl.== in
// Analyzer. It has two bugs:
// - typeArguments are considered, even though this has no semantic effect.
// For example: `int -> int` that resulted from `(<T>(T) -> T)<int>` will not
// equal another `int -> int`, even though they are the same type.
// - named arguments are incorrectly treated as ordered, see
bool typesAreEqual(DartType x, DartType y) {
if (identical(x, y)) return true;
if (x is FunctionType) {
if (y is FunctionType) {
if (x.typeFormals.length != y.typeFormals.length) {
return false;
// `<T>T -> T` should be equal to `<U>U -> U`
// To test this, we instantiate both types with the same (unique) type
// variables, and see if the result is equal.
if (x.typeFormals.isNotEmpty) {
var fresh = FunctionTypeImpl.relateTypeFormals(
x, y, (t, s, _, __) => typesAreEqual(t, s));
if (fresh == null) {
return false;
return typesAreEqual(x.instantiate(fresh), y.instantiate(fresh));
return typesAreEqual(x.returnType, y.returnType) &&
_argumentsAreEqual(x.normalParameterTypes, y.normalParameterTypes) &&
x.optionalParameterTypes, y.optionalParameterTypes) &&
_namedArgumentsAreEqual(x.namedParameterTypes, y.namedParameterTypes);
} else {
return false;
if (x is InterfaceType) {
return y is InterfaceType &&
x.element == y.element &&
_argumentsAreEqual(x.typeArguments, y.typeArguments);
return x == y;
bool _argumentsAreEqual(List<DartType> first, List<DartType> second) {
if (first.length != second.length) return false;
for (int i = 0; i < first.length; i++) {
if (!typesAreEqual(first[i], second[i])) return false;
return true;
bool _namedArgumentsAreEqual(
Map<String, DartType> xArgs, Map<String, DartType> yArgs) {
if (yArgs.length != xArgs.length) return false;
for (var name in xArgs.keys) {
var x = xArgs[name];
var y = yArgs[name];
if (y == null || !typesAreEqual(x, y)) return false;
return true;
/// Returns a valid hashCode for [t] for use with [typesAreEqual].
int typeHashCode(DartType t) {
// TODO(jmesserly): this is from Analyzer; it's not a great hash function.
// We should at least fix how this combines hashes.
if (t is FunctionType) {
if (t.typeFormals.isNotEmpty) {
// Instantiate the generic function type, so we hash equivalent
// generic function types to the same value. For example, `<X>(X) -> X`
// and `<Y>(Y) -> Y` shouold have the same hash.
// TODO(jmesserly): it would be better to instantiate these with unique
// types for each position, so we can distinguish cases like these:
// <A, B>(A) -> B
// <C, D>(D) -> C // reversed
// <E, F>(E) -> void // uses `void`
// Currently all of those will have the same hash code.
// The choice of `void` is rather arbitrary. Of the types we can easily
// obtain from Analyzer, it should collide a bit less than something like
// `dynamic`.
int code = t.typeFormals.length;
code = (code << 1) +
List.filled(t.typeFormals.length, VoidTypeImpl.instance)));
return code;
int code = typeHashCode(t.returnType);
for (var p in t.normalParameterTypes) {
code = (code << 1) + typeHashCode(p);
for (var p in t.optionalParameterTypes) {
code = (code << 1) + typeHashCode(p);
for (var p in t.namedParameterTypes.values) {
code ^= typeHashCode(p); // xor because named parameters are unordered.
return code;
return t.hashCode;
Uri uriForCompilationUnit(CompilationUnitElement unit) {
if (unit.source.isInSystemLibrary) {
return unit.source.uri;
// TODO(jmesserly): this needs serious cleanup.
// There does appear to be something strange going on with Analyzer
// URIs if we try and use them directly on Windows.
// See also compiler.dart placeSourceMap, which could use cleanup too.
var sourcePath = unit.source.fullName;
return sourcePath.startsWith('package:')
? Uri.parse(sourcePath)
// TODO(jmesserly): shouldn't this be path.toUri?
: Uri.file(sourcePath);
/// Returns true iff this factory constructor just throws [UnsupportedError]/
/// `dart:html` has many of these.
bool isUnsupportedFactoryConstructor(ConstructorDeclaration node) {
var ctorBody = node.body;
var element = node.declaredElement;
if (element.isPrivate &&
element.librarySource.isInSystemLibrary &&
ctorBody is BlockFunctionBody) {
var statements = ctorBody.block.statements;
if (statements.length == 1) {
var statement = statements[0];
if (statement is ExpressionStatement) {
var expr = statement.expression;
if (expr is ThrowExpression &&
expr.expression is InstanceCreationExpression) {
if ( == 'UnsupportedError') {
// HTML adds a lot of private constructors that are unreachable.
// Skip these.
return true;
return false;
bool isBuiltinAnnotation(
DartObjectImpl value, String libraryName, String annotationName) {
var e = value?.type?.element;
if (e?.name != annotationName) return false;
var uri = e.source.uri;
var path = uri.pathSegments[0];
return uri.scheme == 'dart' && path == libraryName;
/// Returns the integer value for [node] as a [BigInt].
/// `node.value` should not be used directly as it depends on platform integers
/// and may be `null` for some valid integer literals (in either an `int` or a
/// `double` context)
BigInt getLiteralBigIntValue(IntegerLiteral node) {
// TODO(jmesserly): workaround for #34360: Analyzer tree does not store
// the BigInt or double value, so we need to re-parse it from the token.
return BigInt.parse(node.literal.lexeme);