blob: beb90d0230d21cfc7eded12859df45d9ef51dc04 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:dartfix/src/options.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'test_context.dart';
main() {
TestContext context;
TestLogger logger;
setUp(() {
context = TestContext();
logger = TestLogger();
String p(String filePath) => context.convertPath(filePath);
Options parse(
List<String> args, {
String errorOut,
int exitCode,
bool force = false,
List<String> includeFixes = const <String>[],
List<String> excludeFixes = const <String>[],
bool showHelp = false,
String normalOut,
bool pedanticFixes = false,
bool requiredFixes = false,
String outputDir,
bool overwrite = false,
String serverSnapshot,
List<String> targetSuffixes,
bool verbose = false,
}) {
Options options;
int actualExitCode;
try {
options = Options.parse(args, context, logger);
} on TestExit catch (e) {
actualExitCode = e.code;
errorOut != null ? contains(errorOut) : isEmpty);
normalOut != null ? contains(normalOut) : isEmpty);
if (exitCode != null) {
expect(actualExitCode, exitCode, reason: 'exit code');
return null;
} else {
expect(actualExitCode, isNull, reason: 'exit code');
expect(options.force, force);
expect(options.pedanticFixes, pedanticFixes);
expect(options.requiredFixes, requiredFixes);
expect(options.outputDir, outputDir);
expect(options.overwrite, overwrite);
expect(options.serverSnapshot, serverSnapshot);
expect(options.showHelp, showHelp);
expect(options.includeFixes, includeFixes);
expect(options.excludeFixes, excludeFixes);
expect(options.verbose, verbose);
expect(path.isAbsolute(options.sdkPath), isTrue, reason: options.sdkPath);
for (String target in options.targets) {
expect(target, isNotNull);
expect(path.isAbsolute(target), isTrue, reason: '$target');
if (targetSuffixes != null) {
for (String suffix in targetSuffixes) {
expectContains(options.targets, suffix);
return options;
test('exclude fix', () {
parse(['--excludeFix', 'c', '--excludeFix', 'd', 'foo'],
excludeFixes: ['c', 'd'], targetSuffixes: ['foo']);
test('force', () {
parse(['--force', 'foo'], force: true, targetSuffixes: ['foo']);
test('help explicit', () {
parse(['--help'], normalOut: 'Display this help message', showHelp: true);
test('help implicit', () {
parse([], normalOut: 'Display this help message', showHelp: true);
test('include fix', () {
parse(['--fix', 'a', '--fix', 'b', 'foo'],
includeFixes: ['a', 'b'], targetSuffixes: ['foo']);
test('invalid option', () {
errorOut: 'Could not find an option named "foo"', exitCode: 17);
test('invalid option no logger', () {
try {
Options.parse(['--foo'], context, null);
fail('Expected exception');
} on TestExit catch (e) {
expect(e.code, 17, reason: 'exit code');
test('invalid target', () {
errorOut: 'Expected directory, but found', exitCode: 21);
test('outputDir', () {
parse(['--outputDir=bar', 'foo'], outputDir: 'bar');
test('overwrite', () {
parse(['--overwrite', 'foo'], overwrite: true, targetSuffixes: ['foo']);
test('pedantic fixes', () {
parse(['--pedantic', 'foo'], pedanticFixes: true);
test('required fixes', () {
parse(['--required', 'foo'], requiredFixes: true);
test('server snapshot', () {
parse(['--server', 'some/path', 'foo'], serverSnapshot: 'some/path');
test('simple', () {
parse(['foo'], targetSuffixes: ['foo']);
test('two targets', () {
parse([p('one/foo'), p('two/bar')],
targetSuffixes: [p('one/foo'), p('two/bar')]);
test('verbose', () {
parse(['--verbose', 'foo'], verbose: true);
void expectContains(Iterable<String> collection, String suffix) {
for (String elem in collection) {
if (elem.endsWith(suffix)) {
fail('Expected one of $collection\n to end with "$suffix"');
void expectOneFileTarget(Options options, String fileName) {
expect(options.targets, hasLength(1));
final target = options.targets[0];
expect(target.endsWith(fileName), isTrue);