blob: a2eaee0e0c7a26f551fc0567a1fa6e4d00a19448 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:collection' show IterableBase, MapBase;
import '../elements/entities.dart' show ClassEntity;
import '../elements/indexed.dart' show IndexedClass;
import '../serialization/serialization.dart';
import '../util/enumset.dart' show EnumSet;
/// Enum for the different kinds of instantiation of a class.
enum Instantiation {
/// Node for [cls] in a tree forming the subclass relation of [ClassEntity]s.
/// This is used by the [ClosedWorld] to perform queries on subclass and subtype
/// relations.
/// For this class hierarchy:
/// class A {}
/// class B extends A {}
/// class C extends A {}
/// class D extends B {}
/// class E extends D {}
/// the [ClassHierarchyNode]s form this subclass tree:
/// Object
/// |
/// A
/// / \
/// B C
/// |
/// D
/// |
/// E
class ClassHierarchyNode {
/// Tag used for identifying serialized [ClassHierarchyNode] objects in a
/// debugging data stream.
static const String tag = 'class-hierarchy-node';
/// Enum set for selecting instantiated classes in
/// [ClassHierarchyNode.subclassesByMask],
/// [ClassHierarchyNode.subclassesByMask] and [ClassSet.subtypesByMask].
static final EnumSet<Instantiation> INSTANTIATED =
new EnumSet<Instantiation>.fromValues(const <Instantiation>[
], fixed: true);
/// Enum set for selecting directly and abstractly instantiated classes in
/// [ClassHierarchyNode.subclassesByMask],
/// [ClassHierarchyNode.subclassesByMask] and [ClassSet.subtypesByMask].
static final EnumSet<Instantiation> EXPLICITLY_INSTANTIATED =
new EnumSet<Instantiation>.fromValues(const <Instantiation>[
], fixed: true);
/// Enum set for selecting all classes in
/// [ClassHierarchyNode.subclassesByMask],
/// [ClassHierarchyNode.subclassesByMask] and [ClassSet.subtypesByMask].
static final EnumSet<Instantiation> ALL =
new EnumSet<Instantiation>.fromValues(Instantiation.values, fixed: true);
/// Creates an enum set for selecting the returned classes in
/// [ClassHierarchyNode.subclassesByMask],
/// [ClassHierarchyNode.subclassesByMask] and [ClassSet.subtypesByMask].
static EnumSet<Instantiation> createMask(
{bool includeDirectlyInstantiated: true,
bool includeIndirectlyInstantiated: true,
bool includeUninstantiated: true,
bool includeAbstractlyInstantiated: true}) {
EnumSet<Instantiation> mask = new EnumSet<Instantiation>();
if (includeDirectlyInstantiated) {
if (includeIndirectlyInstantiated) {
if (includeUninstantiated) {
if (includeAbstractlyInstantiated) {
return mask;
final ClassHierarchyNode parentNode;
final EnumSet<Instantiation> _mask = new EnumSet<Instantiation>.fromValues(
const <Instantiation>[Instantiation.UNINSTANTIATED]);
final IndexedClass cls;
final int hierarchyDepth;
ClassEntity _leastUpperInstantiatedSubclass;
int _instantiatedSubclassCount = 0;
/// `true` if [cls] has been directly instantiated.
/// For instance `C` but _not_ `B` in:
/// class B {}
/// class C extends B {}
/// main() => new C();
bool get isDirectlyInstantiated =>
void set isDirectlyInstantiated(bool value) {
if (value != isDirectlyInstantiated) {
add: value);
/// `true` if [cls] has been abstractly instantiated. This means that at
/// runtime instances of [cls] or unknown subclasses of [cls] are assumed to
/// exist.
/// This is used to mark native and/or reflectable classes as instantiated.
/// For native classes we do not know the exact class that instantiates [cls]
/// so [cls] here represents the root of the subclasses. For reflectable
/// classes we need event abstract classes to be 'live' even though they
/// cannot themselves be instantiated.
bool get isAbstractlyInstantiated =>
void set isAbstractlyInstantiated(bool value) {
if (value != isAbstractlyInstantiated) {
add: value);
/// `true` if [cls] is either directly or abstractly instantiated.
bool get isExplicitlyInstantiated =>
isDirectlyInstantiated || isAbstractlyInstantiated;
void _updateParentInstantiatedSubclassCount(Instantiation instantiation,
{bool add}) {
ClassHierarchyNode parent = parentNode;
if (add) {
while (parent != null) {
parent = parent.parentNode;
} else {
if (_mask.isEmpty) {
while (parent != null) {
parent = parent.parentNode;
/// `true` if [cls] has been instantiated through subclasses.
/// For instance `A` and `B` but _not_ `C` in:
/// class A {}
/// class B extends A {}
/// class C extends B {}
/// main() => [new B(), new C()];
bool get isIndirectlyInstantiated => _instantiatedSubclassCount > 0;
/// The number of strict subclasses that are directly or indirectly
/// instantiated.
int get instantiatedSubclassCount => _instantiatedSubclassCount;
void _updateInstantiatedSubclassCount(int change) {
bool before = isIndirectlyInstantiated;
_instantiatedSubclassCount += change;
bool after = isIndirectlyInstantiated;
if (before != after) {
if (after) {
} else {
if (_mask.isEmpty) {
/// The nodes for the direct subclasses of [cls].
List<ClassHierarchyNode> _directSubclasses = <ClassHierarchyNode>[];
ClassHierarchyNode(this.parentNode, this.cls, this.hierarchyDepth) {
if (parentNode != null) {
/// Deserializes a [ClassHierarchyNode] object from [source].
factory ClassHierarchyNode.readFromDataSource(
DataSource source, Map<ClassEntity, ClassHierarchyNode> nodeMap) {
IndexedClass cls = source.readClass();
ClassHierarchyNode parentNode;
IndexedClass superclass = source.readClassOrNull();
if (superclass != null) {
parentNode = nodeMap[superclass];
assert(parentNode != null,
"No ClassHierarchyNode for superclass $superclass.");
int maskValue = source.readInt();
int hierarchyDepth = source.readInt();
int instantiatedSubclassCount = source.readInt();
return new ClassHierarchyNode(parentNode, cls, hierarchyDepth)
.._instantiatedSubclassCount = instantiatedSubclassCount
.._mask.value = maskValue;
/// Serializes this [ClassHierarchyNode] to [sink].
void writeToDataSink(DataSink sink) {
/// Adds [subclass] as a direct subclass of [cls].
void addDirectSubclass(ClassHierarchyNode subclass) {
Iterable<ClassHierarchyNode> get directSubclasses => _directSubclasses;
/// Returns `true` if [other] is contained in the subtree of this node.
/// This means that [other] is a subclass of [cls].
bool contains(ClassHierarchyNode other) {
while (other != null) {
if (cls == other.cls) return true;
if (hierarchyDepth >= other.hierarchyDepth) return false;
other = other.parentNode;
return false;
/// Returns `true` if `other.cls` is a subclass of [cls].
bool hasSubclass(ClassHierarchyNode other) {
return contains(other);
/// `true` if [cls] has been directly, indirectly, or abstractly instantiated.
bool get isInstantiated =>
isExplicitlyInstantiated || isIndirectlyInstantiated;
/// Returns an [Iterable] of the subclasses of [cls] possibly including [cls].
/// Subclasses are included if their instantiation properties intersect with
/// their corresponding [Instantiation] values in [mask]. If [strict] is
/// `true`, [cls] itself is _not_ returned.
Iterable<ClassEntity> subclassesByMask(EnumSet<Instantiation> mask,
{bool strict: false}) {
return new ClassHierarchyNodeIterable(this, mask, includeRoot: !strict);
/// Applies [predicate] to each subclass of [cls] matching the criteria
/// specified by [mask] and [strict]. If [predicate] returns `true` on a
/// class, visitation is stopped immediately and the function returns `true`.
/// [predicate] is applied to subclasses if their instantiation properties
/// intersect with their corresponding [Instantiation] values in [mask]. If
/// [strict] is `true`, [predicate] is _not_ called on [cls] itself.
bool anySubclass(bool predicate(ClassEntity cls), EnumSet<Instantiation> mask,
{bool strict: false}) {
IterationStep wrapper(ClassEntity cls) {
return predicate(cls) ? IterationStep.STOP : IterationStep.CONTINUE;
return forEachSubclass(wrapper, mask, strict: strict) == IterationStep.STOP;
/// Applies [f] to each subclass of [cls] matching the criteria specified by
/// [mask] and [strict].
/// [f] is a applied to subclasses if their instantiation properties intersect
/// with their corresponding [Instantiation] values in [mask]. If [strict] is
/// `true`, [f] is _not_ called on [cls] itself.
/// The visitation of subclasses can be cut short by the return value of [f].
/// If [ForEach.STOP] is returned, no further classes are visited and the
/// function stops immediately. If [ForEach.SKIP_SUBCLASSES] is returned, the
/// subclasses of the last visited class are skipped, but visitation
/// continues. The return value of the function is either [ForEach.STOP], if
/// visitation was stopped, or [ForEach.CONTINUE] if visitation continued to
/// the end.
IterationStep forEachSubclass(ForEachFunction f, EnumSet<Instantiation> mask,
{bool strict: false}) {
IterationStep nextStep;
if (!strict && mask.intersects(_mask)) {
nextStep = f(cls);
// Interpret `forEach == null` as `forEach == ForEach.CONTINUE`.
nextStep ??= IterationStep.CONTINUE;
if (nextStep == IterationStep.CONTINUE) {
if (mask.contains(Instantiation.UNINSTANTIATED) || isInstantiated) {
for (ClassHierarchyNode subclass in _directSubclasses) {
IterationStep subForEach = subclass.forEachSubclass(f, mask);
if (subForEach == IterationStep.STOP) {
return subForEach;
if (nextStep == IterationStep.STOP) {
return nextStep;
return IterationStep.CONTINUE;
/// Returns the most specific subclass of [cls] (including [cls]) that is
/// directly instantiated or a superclass of all directly instantiated
/// subclasses. If [cls] is not instantiated, `null` is returned.
ClassEntity getLubOfInstantiatedSubclasses() {
if (!isInstantiated) return null;
if (_leastUpperInstantiatedSubclass == null) {
_leastUpperInstantiatedSubclass =
return _leastUpperInstantiatedSubclass;
ClassEntity _computeLeastUpperInstantiatedSubclass() {
if (isExplicitlyInstantiated) {
return cls;
if (!isInstantiated) {
return null;
ClassHierarchyNode subclass;
for (ClassHierarchyNode node in _directSubclasses) {
if (node.isInstantiated) {
if (subclass == null) {
subclass = node;
} else {
return cls;
if (subclass != null) {
return subclass.getLubOfInstantiatedSubclasses();
return cls;
void printOn(StringBuffer sb, String indentation,
{bool instantiatedOnly: false,
bool sorted: true,
ClassEntity withRespectTo}) {
bool isRelatedTo(ClassEntity _subclass) {
return true;
// TODO(johnniwinther): Support this for kernel based elements:
// return subclass == withRespectTo ||
// subclass.implementsInterface(withRespectTo);
if (cls.isAbstract) {
sb.write('abstract ');
sb.write('class ${}:');
if (isDirectlyInstantiated) {
sb.write(' directly');
if (isIndirectlyInstantiated) {
sb.write(' indirectly');
if (isAbstractlyInstantiated) {
sb.write(' abstractly');
sb.write(' [');
if (_directSubclasses.isEmpty) {
} else {
dynamic subclasses = _directSubclasses;
if (sorted) {
subclasses = _directSubclasses.toList()
..sort((a, b) {
bool needsComma = false;
for (ClassHierarchyNode child in subclasses) {
if (instantiatedOnly && !child.isInstantiated) {
if (withRespectTo != null &&
!child.anySubclass(isRelatedTo, ClassHierarchyNode.ALL)) {
if (needsComma) {
} else {
child.printOn(sb, '$indentation ',
instantiatedOnly: instantiatedOnly,
sorted: sorted,
withRespectTo: withRespectTo);
needsComma = true;
if (needsComma) {
} else {
String dump(
{String indentation: '',
bool instantiatedOnly: false,
ClassEntity withRespectTo}) {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
printOn(sb, indentation,
instantiatedOnly: instantiatedOnly, withRespectTo: withRespectTo);
return sb.toString();
String toString() => cls.toString();
/// Object holding the subclass and subtype relation for a single
/// [ClassEntity].
/// The subclass relation for a class `C` is modelled through a reference to
/// the [ClassHierarchyNode] for `C` in the global [ClassHierarchyNode] tree
/// computed in [World].
/// The subtype relation for a class `C` is modelled through a collection of
/// disjoint [ClassHierarchyNode] subtrees. The subclasses of `C`, modelled
/// through the aforementioned [ClassHierarchyNode] pointer, are extended with
/// the subtypes that do not extend `C` through a list of additional
/// [ClassHierarchyNode] nodes. This list is normalized to contain only the
/// nodes for the topmost subtypes and is furthermore ordered in increasing
/// hierarchy depth order.
/// For this class hierarchy:
/// class A {}
/// class B extends A {}
/// class C implements B {}
/// class D implements A {}
/// class E extends D {}
/// class F implements D {}
/// the [ClassHierarchyNode] tree is
/// Object
/// / | | \
/// A C D F
/// | |
/// B E
/// and the [ClassSet] for `A` holds these [ClassHierarchyNode] nodes:
/// A -> [C, D, F]
/// The subtypes `B` and `E` are not directly modeled because they are implied
/// by their subclass relation to `A` and `D`, respectively. This can be seen
/// if we expand the subclass subtrees:
/// A -> [C, D, F]
/// | |
/// B E
class ClassSet {
/// Tag used for identifying serialized [ClassSet] objects in a debugging
/// data stream.
static const String tag = 'class-set';
final ClassHierarchyNode node;
ClassEntity _leastUpperInstantiatedSubtype;
/// A list of the class hierarchy nodes for the subtypes that declare a
/// subtype relationship to [cls] either directly or indirectly.
/// For instance
/// class A {}
/// class B extends A {}
/// class C implements B {}
/// class D implements A {}
/// class E extends D {}
/// The class hierarchy nodes for classes `C` and `D` are in [_subtypes]. `C`
/// because it implements `A` through `B` and `D` because it implements `A`
/// directly. `E` also implements `A` through its extension of `D` and it is
/// therefore included through the class hierarchy node for `D`.
List<ClassHierarchyNode> _subtypes;
/// A list of the class hierarchy nodes for the class that directly mix in
/// [cls].
/// For instance
/// class A {}
/// class B extends Object with A {}
/// class C = Object with A;
/// class D extends B {}
/// class E extends C {}
/// The class hierarchy nodes for the unnamed mixin application `Object+A` and
/// the named mixin application `C` are in [_mixinApplications].
List<ClassHierarchyNode> _mixinApplications;
/// Deserializes a [ClassSet] object from [source].
factory ClassSet.readFromDataSource(
DataSource source, Map<ClassEntity, ClassHierarchyNode> nodeMap) {
ClassHierarchyNode node = nodeMap[source.readClass()];
List<ClassHierarchyNode> subtypes = source.readList(() {
return nodeMap[source.readClass()];
}, emptyAsNull: true);
List<ClassHierarchyNode> mixinApplications = source.readList(() {
return nodeMap[source.readClass()];
}, emptyAsNull: true);
return new ClassSet(node)
.._subtypes = subtypes
.._mixinApplications = mixinApplications;
/// Serializes this [ClassSet] to [sink].
void writeToDataSink(DataSink sink) {
sink.writeList(_subtypes, (ClassHierarchyNode node) {
}, allowNull: true);
sink.writeList(_mixinApplications, (ClassHierarchyNode node) {
}, allowNull: true);
ClassEntity get cls => node.cls;
/// Returns `true` if `other.cls` is a subclass of [cls].
bool hasSubclass(ClassHierarchyNode other) => node.hasSubclass(other);
/// Returns `true` if `other.cls` is a subtype of [cls].
bool hasSubtype(ClassHierarchyNode other) {
if (hasSubclass(other)) return true;
if (_subtypes != null) {
for (ClassHierarchyNode subtypeNode in _subtypes) {
if (subtypeNode.hasSubclass(other)) return true;
return false;
/// Returns the number of directly instantiated subtypes of [cls].
int get instantiatedSubtypeCount {
int count = node.instantiatedSubclassCount;
if (_subtypes != null) {
for (ClassHierarchyNode subtypeNode in _subtypes) {
if (subtypeNode.isExplicitlyInstantiated) {
count += subtypeNode.instantiatedSubclassCount;
return count;
/// Returns `true` if all instantiated subtypes of [cls] are subclasses of
/// [cls].
bool get hasOnlyInstantiatedSubclasses {
if (_subtypes != null) {
for (ClassHierarchyNode subtypeNode in _subtypes) {
if (subtypeNode.isInstantiated) {
return false;
return true;
/// Returns an [Iterable] of the classes that implement [cls] directly or
/// through supertypes.
/// A class that implements [cls] through its superclasses is not included in
/// the iterable.
Iterable<ClassHierarchyNode> get subtypeNodes {
return _subtypes ?? const <ClassHierarchyNode>[];
/// Returns an [Iterable] of the classes that mix in [cls] directly.
Iterable<ClassHierarchyNode> get mixinApplicationNodes {
return _mixinApplications ?? const <ClassHierarchyNode>[];
/// Returns an [Iterable] of the subclasses of [cls] possibly including [cls].
/// Subclasses are included if their instantiation properties intersect with
/// their corresponding [Instantiation] values in [mask]. If [strict] is
/// `true`, [cls] itself is _not_ returned.
Iterable<ClassEntity> subclassesByMask(EnumSet<Instantiation> mask,
{bool strict: false}) {
return node.subclassesByMask(mask, strict: strict);
/// Returns an [Iterable] of the subtypes of [cls] possibly including [cls].
/// The directly instantiated, indirectly instantiated and uninstantiated
/// subtypes of [cls] are returned if [includeDirectlyInstantiated],
/// [includeIndirectlyInstantiated], and [includeUninstantiated] are `true`,
/// respectively. If [strict] is `true`, [cls] itself is _not_ returned.
Iterable<ClassEntity> subtypes(
{bool includeDirectlyInstantiated: true,
bool includeIndirectlyInstantiated: true,
bool includeUninstantiated: true,
bool strict: false}) {
EnumSet<Instantiation> mask = ClassHierarchyNode.createMask(
includeDirectlyInstantiated: includeDirectlyInstantiated,
includeIndirectlyInstantiated: includeIndirectlyInstantiated,
includeUninstantiated: includeUninstantiated);
return subtypesByMask(mask, strict: strict);
/// Returns an [Iterable] of the subtypes of [cls] possibly including [cls].
/// Subtypes are included if their instantiation properties intersect with
/// their corresponding [Instantiation] values in [mask]. If [strict] is
/// `true`, [cls] itself is _not_ returned.
Iterable<ClassEntity> subtypesByMask(EnumSet<Instantiation> mask,
{bool strict: false}) {
if (_subtypes == null) {
return node.subclassesByMask(mask, strict: strict);
return new SubtypesIterable.SubtypesIterator(this, mask,
includeRoot: !strict);
/// Applies [predicate] to each subclass of [cls] matching the criteria
/// specified by [mask] and [strict]. If [predicate] returns `true` on a
/// class, visitation is stopped immediately and the function returns `true`.
/// [predicate] is applied to subclasses if their instantiation properties
/// intersect with their corresponding [Instantiation] values in [mask]. If
/// [strict] is `true`, [predicate] is _not_ called on [cls] itself.
bool anySubclass(bool predicate(ClassEntity cls), EnumSet<Instantiation> mask,
{bool strict: false}) {
return node.anySubclass(predicate, mask, strict: strict);
/// Applies [f] to each subclass of [cls] matching the criteria specified by
/// [mask] and [strict].
/// [f] is a applied to subclasses if their instantiation properties intersect
/// with their corresponding [Instantiation] values in [mask]. If [strict] is
/// `true`, [f] is _not_ called on [cls] itself.
/// The visitation of subclasses can be cut short by the return value of [f].
/// If [ForEach.STOP] is returned, no further classes are visited and the
/// function stops immediately. If [ForEach.SKIP_SUBCLASSES] is returned, the
/// subclasses of the last visited class are skipped, but visitation
/// continues. The return value of the function is either [ForEach.STOP], if
/// visitation was stopped, or [ForEach.CONTINUE] if visitation continued to
/// the end.
IterationStep forEachSubclass(ForEachFunction f, EnumSet<Instantiation> mask,
{bool strict: false}) {
return node.forEachSubclass(f, mask, strict: strict);
/// Applies [predicate] to each subtype of [cls] matching the criteria
/// specified by [mask] and [strict]. If [predicate] returns `true` on a
/// class, visitation is stopped immediately and the function returns `true`.
/// [predicate] is applied to subtypes if their instantiation properties
/// intersect with their corresponding [Instantiation] values in [mask]. If
/// [strict] is `true`, [predicate] is _not_ called on [cls] itself.
bool anySubtype(bool predicate(ClassEntity cls), EnumSet<Instantiation> mask,
{bool strict: false}) {
IterationStep wrapper(ClassEntity cls) {
return predicate(cls) ? IterationStep.STOP : IterationStep.CONTINUE;
return forEachSubtype(wrapper, mask, strict: strict) == IterationStep.STOP;
/// Applies [f] to each subtype of [cls] matching the criteria specified by
/// [mask] and [strict].
/// [f] is a applied to subtypes if their instantiation properties intersect
/// with their corresponding [Instantiation] values in [mask]. If [strict] is
/// `true`, [f] is _not_ called on [cls] itself.
/// The visitation of subtypes can be cut short by the return value of [f].
/// If [ForEach.STOP] is returned, no further classes are visited and the
/// function stops immediately. If [ForEach.SKIP_SUBCLASSES] is returned, the
/// subclasses of the last visited class are skipped, but visitation
/// continues. The return value of the function is either [ForEach.STOP], if
/// visitation was stopped, or [ForEach.CONTINUE] if visitation continued to
/// the end.
IterationStep forEachSubtype(ForEachFunction f, EnumSet<Instantiation> mask,
{bool strict: false}) {
IterationStep nextStep =
node.forEachSubclass(f, mask, strict: strict) ?? IterationStep.CONTINUE;
if (nextStep == IterationStep.CONTINUE && _subtypes != null) {
for (ClassHierarchyNode subclass in _subtypes) {
IterationStep subForEach = subclass.forEachSubclass(f, mask);
if (subForEach == IterationStep.STOP) {
return subForEach;
assert(nextStep != IterationStep.SKIP_SUBCLASSES);
return nextStep;
/// Adds [subtype] as a subtype of [cls].
void addSubtype(ClassHierarchyNode subtype) {
if (node.contains(subtype)) {
if (_subtypes == null) {
_subtypes = <ClassHierarchyNode>[subtype];
} else {
int hierarchyDepth = subtype.hierarchyDepth;
List<ClassHierarchyNode> newSubtypes = <ClassHierarchyNode>[];
bool added = false;
for (ClassHierarchyNode otherSubtype in _subtypes) {
int otherHierarchyDepth = otherSubtype.hierarchyDepth;
if (hierarchyDepth == otherHierarchyDepth) {
if (subtype == otherSubtype) {
} else {
// [otherSubtype] is unrelated to [subtype].
} else if (hierarchyDepth > otherSubtype.hierarchyDepth) {
// [otherSubtype] could be a superclass of [subtype].
if (otherSubtype.contains(subtype)) {
// [subtype] is already in this set.
} else {
// [otherSubtype] is unrelated to [subtype].
} else {
if (!added) {
// Insert [subtype] before other subtypes of higher hierarchy depth.
added = true;
// [subtype] could be a superclass of [otherSubtype].
if (subtype.contains(otherSubtype)) {
// Replace [otherSubtype].
} else {
if (!added) {
_subtypes = newSubtypes;
/// Adds [mixinApplication] as a class that mixes in [cls].
void addMixinApplication(ClassHierarchyNode mixinApplication) {
if (_mixinApplications == null) {
_mixinApplications = <ClassHierarchyNode>[mixinApplication];
} else {
/// Returns the most specific subtype of [cls] (including [cls]) that is
/// directly instantiated or a superclass of all directly instantiated
/// subtypes. If no subtypes of [cls] are instantiated, `null` is returned.
ClassEntity getLubOfInstantiatedSubtypes() {
if (_leastUpperInstantiatedSubtype == null) {
_leastUpperInstantiatedSubtype = _computeLeastUpperInstantiatedSubtype();
return _leastUpperInstantiatedSubtype;
ClassEntity _computeLeastUpperInstantiatedSubtype() {
if (node.isExplicitlyInstantiated) {
return cls;
if (_subtypes == null) {
return node.getLubOfInstantiatedSubclasses();
ClassHierarchyNode subtype;
if (node.isInstantiated) {
subtype = node;
for (ClassHierarchyNode subnode in _subtypes) {
if (subnode.isInstantiated) {
if (subtype == null) {
subtype = subnode;
} else {
return cls;
if (subtype != null) {
return subtype.getLubOfInstantiatedSubclasses();
return null;
String toString() {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
node.printOn(sb, ' ');
if (_subtypes != null) {
sb.write(' subtypes:\n');
for (ClassHierarchyNode node in _subtypes) {
node.printOn(sb, ' ');
if (_mixinApplications != null) {
sb.write(' mixin-applications:\n');
for (ClassHierarchyNode node in _mixinApplications) {
node.printOn(sb, ' ');
return sb.toString();
/// Iterable for subclasses of a [ClassHierarchyNode].
class ClassHierarchyNodeIterable extends IterableBase<ClassEntity> {
final ClassHierarchyNode root;
final EnumSet<Instantiation> mask;
final bool includeRoot;
ClassHierarchyNodeIterable(this.root, this.mask, {this.includeRoot: true}) {
if (root == null) throw new StateError("No root for iterable.");
Iterator<ClassEntity> get iterator {
return new ClassHierarchyNodeIterator(this);
/// Iterator for subclasses of a [ClassHierarchyNode].
/// Classes are returned in pre-order DFS fashion.
class ClassHierarchyNodeIterator implements Iterator<ClassEntity> {
final ClassHierarchyNodeIterable iterable;
/// The class node holding the [current] class.
/// This is `null` before the first call to [moveNext] and at the end of
/// iteration, i.e. after [moveNext] has returned `false`.
ClassHierarchyNode currentNode;
/// Stack of pending class nodes.
/// This is `null` before the first call to [moveNext].
List<ClassHierarchyNode> stack;
ClassHierarchyNode get root => iterable.root;
bool get includeRoot => iterable.includeRoot;
EnumSet<Instantiation> get mask => iterable.mask;
bool get includeUninstantiated {
return mask.contains(Instantiation.UNINSTANTIATED);
ClassEntity get current {
return currentNode != null ? currentNode.cls : null;
bool moveNext() {
if (stack == null) {
// First call to moveNext
stack = [root];
return _findNext();
} else {
// Initialized state.
if (currentNode == null) return false;
return _findNext();
/// Find the next class using the [stack].
bool _findNext() {
while (true) {
if (stack.isEmpty) {
// No more classes. Set [currentNode] to `null` to signal the end of
// iteration.
currentNode = null;
return false;
currentNode = stack.removeLast();
if (!includeUninstantiated && !currentNode.isInstantiated) {
// We're only iterating instantiated classes so there is no use in
// visiting the current node and its subtree.
// Add direct subclasses in reverse order so will visit them in the list
// order.
for (int i = currentNode._directSubclasses.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (_isValid(currentNode)) {
return true;
/// Returns `true` if the class of [node] is a valid result for this iterator.
bool _isValid(ClassHierarchyNode node) {
if (!includeRoot && node == root) return false;
return mask.intersects(node._mask);
/// Iterable for the subtypes in a [ClassSet].
class SubtypesIterable extends IterableBase<ClassEntity> {
final ClassSet subtypeSet;
final EnumSet<Instantiation> mask;
final bool includeRoot;
SubtypesIterable.SubtypesIterator(this.subtypeSet, this.mask,
{this.includeRoot: true});
Iterator<ClassEntity> get iterator => new SubtypesIterator(this);
/// Iterator for the subtypes in a [ClassSet].
class SubtypesIterator extends Iterator<ClassEntity> {
final SubtypesIterable iterable;
Iterator<ClassEntity> elements;
Iterator<ClassHierarchyNode> hierarchyNodes;
bool get includeRoot => iterable.includeRoot;
EnumSet<Instantiation> get mask => iterable.mask;
ClassEntity get current {
if (elements != null) {
return elements.current;
return null;
bool moveNext() {
if (elements == null && hierarchyNodes == null) {
// Initial state. Iterate through subclasses.
elements = iterable.subtypeSet.node
.subclassesByMask(mask, strict: !includeRoot)
if (elements != null && elements.moveNext()) {
return true;
if (hierarchyNodes == null) {
// Start iterating through subtypes.
hierarchyNodes = iterable.subtypeSet._subtypes.iterator;
while (hierarchyNodes.moveNext()) {
elements = hierarchyNodes.current.subclassesByMask(mask).iterator;
if (elements.moveNext()) {
return true;
return false;
/// Enum values returned from the [ForEachFunction] provided to the `forEachX`
/// functions of [ClassHierarchyNode] and [ClassSet]. The value is used to
/// control the continued iteration.
enum IterationStep {
/// Iteration continues.
/// Iteration stops immediately.
/// Iteration skips the subclasses of the current class.
/// Visiting function used for the `forEachX` functions of [ClassHierarchyNode]
/// and [ClassSet]. The return value controls the continued iteration. If `null`
/// is returned, iteration continues to the end.
typedef IterationStep ForEachFunction(ClassEntity cls);
/// Singleton map implemented as a field on the key.
class ClassHierarchyNodesMap extends MapBase<ClassEntity, ClassHierarchyNode> {
ClassHierarchyNode operator [](Object cls) {
// TODO(sra): Change the key type to `covariant ClassHierarchyNodesMapKey`.
if (cls is ClassHierarchyNodesMapKey) {
return cls._classHierarchyNode;
throw new UnimplementedError('ClassHierarchyNodesMap for $cls');
operator []=(Object cls, ClassHierarchyNode node) {
// TODO(sra): Change the key type to `covariant ClassHierarchyNodesMapKey`.
if (cls is ClassHierarchyNodesMapKey) {
cls._classHierarchyNode = node;
throw new UnimplementedError('ClassHierarchyNodesMap for $cls');
ClassHierarchyNode putIfAbsent(
ClassEntity cls, ClassHierarchyNode ifAbsent()) {
return this[cls] ??= ifAbsent();
Iterable<ClassEntity> get keys {
throw new UnimplementedError('ClassHierarchyNodesMap.keys');
ClassHierarchyNode remove(Object key) {
throw new UnimplementedError('ClassHierarchyNodesMap.remove');
void clear() {
throw new UnimplementedError('ClassHierarchyNodesMap.clear');
abstract class ClassHierarchyNodesMapKey implements ClassEntity {
ClassHierarchyNode _classHierarchyNode;