blob: 9e1742109c8efcf7fb3db3d9deeb5a8828220b5c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library dart2js.js_model.type_recipe;
import '../elements/entities.dart' show ClassEntity;
import '../elements/types.dart';
import '../diagnostics/invariant.dart';
import '../diagnostics/spannable.dart' show CURRENT_ELEMENT_SPANNABLE;
abstract class TypeRecipeDomain {
/// Detect if a recipe evaluates to its input environment.
/// Returns `true` if [recipe] evaluates in an environment with [structure] to
/// the environment. This is typically a recipe that selects the entire input.
bool isIdentity(TypeRecipe recipe, TypeEnvironmentStructure structure);
/// Detect if a recipe evaluates to its input environment.
/// Returns `true` if [recipe] evaluates in an environment with
/// [environmentStructure] to the environment, where the environment is known
/// to be an instance type of exactly the class [classEntity].
/// This is a special case of [isIdentity] where we have additional
/// information about the input environment that is not encoded in the
/// environment structure.
// TODO(sra): Consider extending TypeEnvironmentStructure to encode when the
// classType is an exact type. Then the [classEntity] parameter would not be
// needed.
bool isReconstruction(ClassEntity classEntity,
TypeEnvironmentStructure environmentStructure, TypeRecipe recipe);
/// Tries to evaluate [recipe] against a fixed environment [environmentRecipe]
/// having structure [environmentStructure].
/// May return `null` if the evaluation is too complex.
TypeRecipe foldLoadEval(TypeRecipe environmentRecipe,
TypeEnvironmentStructure environmentStructure, TypeRecipe recipe);
/// Partial constant folding of a type expression when the environment is
/// created by binding a ground term.
/// An 'original' environment is extended with [bindArgument] to produce an
/// intermediate environment with structure [environmentStructure]. [recipe]
/// is evaluated against this intermediate environment to produce a result.
/// Returns the structure of the 'original' environment and a recipe that
/// evaluates against that structure to produce the same result.
/// [bindArgument] must be a ground term, i.e. have no type variables.
TypeRecipeAndEnvironmentStructure foldBindLoadEval(
TypeRecipe bindArgument,
TypeEnvironmentStructure environmentStructure,
TypeRecipe recipe,
/// Combines [recipe1] and [recipe2] into a single recipe that can be
/// evaluated against [environmentStructure1]. ([recipe1] produces an
/// intermediate type or environment value that conforms to the layout
/// described by [environmentStructure2].)
TypeRecipeAndEnvironmentStructure foldEvalEval(
TypeEnvironmentStructure environmentStructure1,
TypeRecipe recipe1,
TypeEnvironmentStructure environmentStructure2,
TypeRecipe recipe2,
/// A type recipe and the structure of the type environment against which it is
/// evaluated.
class TypeRecipeAndEnvironmentStructure {
final TypeRecipe recipe;
final TypeEnvironmentStructure environmentStructure;
TypeRecipeAndEnvironmentStructure(this.recipe, this.environmentStructure);
/// A TypeEnvironmentStructure describes the shape or layout of a reified type
/// environment.
/// A type environment maps type parameter variables to type values. The type
/// variables are mostly elided in the runtime representation, replaced by
/// indexes into the reified environment.
abstract class TypeEnvironmentStructure {
/// Structural equality on [TypeEnvironmentStructure].
static bool same(TypeEnvironmentStructure a, TypeEnvironmentStructure b) {
if (a is SingletonTypeEnvironmentStructure) {
if (b is SingletonTypeEnvironmentStructure) {
return a.variable == b.variable;
return false;
return _sameFullStructure(a, b);
static bool _sameFullStructure(
FullTypeEnvironmentStructure a, FullTypeEnvironmentStructure b) {
if (a.classType != b.classType) return false;
List<TypeVariableType> aBindings = a.bindings;
List<TypeVariableType> bBindings = b.bindings;
if (aBindings.length != bBindings.length) return false;
for (int i = 0; i < aBindings.length; i++) {
if (aBindings[i] != bBindings[i]) return false;
return true;
/// A singleton type environment maps a binds a single value.
class SingletonTypeEnvironmentStructure extends TypeEnvironmentStructure {
final TypeVariableType variable;
String toString() => 'SingletonTypeEnvironmentStructure($variable)';
/// A type environment containing an interface type and/or a tuple of function
/// type parameters.
class FullTypeEnvironmentStructure extends TypeEnvironmentStructure {
final InterfaceType classType;
final List<TypeVariableType> bindings;
FullTypeEnvironmentStructure({this.classType, this.bindings = const []});
String toString() => 'FullTypeEnvironmentStructure($classType, $bindings)';
/// A TypeRecipe is evaluated against a type environment to produce either a
/// type, or another type environment.
abstract class TypeRecipe {
/// Returns `true` is [recipeB] evaluated in an environment described by
/// [structureB] gives the same type as [recipeA] evaluated in environment
/// described by [structureA].
static bool yieldsSameType(
TypeRecipe recipeA,
TypeEnvironmentStructure structureA,
TypeRecipe recipeB,
TypeEnvironmentStructure structureB) {
if (recipeA == recipeB &&
TypeEnvironmentStructure.same(structureA, structureB)) {
return true;
// TODO(sra): Type recipes that are different but equal modulo naming also
// yield the same type, e.g. `List<X> @X` and `List<Y> @Y`.
return false;
/// A recipe that yields a reified type.
class TypeExpressionRecipe extends TypeRecipe {
final DartType type;
bool operator ==(other) {
return other is TypeExpressionRecipe && type == other.type;
String toString() => 'TypeExpressionRecipe($type)';
/// A recipe that yields a reified type environment.
abstract class TypeEnvironmentRecipe extends TypeRecipe {}
/// A recipe that yields a reified type environment that binds a single generic
/// function type parameter.
class SingletonTypeEnvironmentRecipe extends TypeEnvironmentRecipe {
final DartType type;
bool operator ==(other) {
return other is SingletonTypeEnvironmentRecipe && type == other.type;
String toString() => 'SingletonTypeEnvironmentRecipe($type)';
/// A recipe that yields a reified type environment that binds a class instance
/// type and/or a tuple of types, usually generic function type arguments.
/// With no class is also used as a tuple of types.
class FullTypeEnvironmentRecipe extends TypeEnvironmentRecipe {
/// Type expression for the interface type of a class scope. `null` for
/// environments outside a class scope or a class scope where no supertype is
/// generic, or where optimization has determined that no use of the
/// environment requires any of the class type variables.
final InterfaceType classType;
// Type expressions for the tuple of function type arguments.
final List<DartType> types;
FullTypeEnvironmentRecipe({this.classType, this.types = const []});
bool operator ==(other) {
return other is FullTypeEnvironmentRecipe && _equal(this, other);
static bool _equal(FullTypeEnvironmentRecipe a, FullTypeEnvironmentRecipe b) {
if (a.classType != b.classType) return false;
List<DartType> aTypes = a.types;
List<DartType> bTypes = b.types;
if (aTypes.length != bTypes.length) return false;
for (int i = 0; i < aTypes.length; i++) {
if (aTypes[i] != bTypes[i]) return false;
return true;
String toString() => 'FullTypeEnvironmentRecipe($classType, $types)';
class TypeRecipeDomainImpl implements TypeRecipeDomain {
bool isIdentity(TypeRecipe recipe, TypeEnvironmentStructure structure) {
if (structure is SingletonTypeEnvironmentStructure &&
recipe is TypeExpressionRecipe) {
if (structure.variable == recipe.type) return true;
return false;
bool isReconstruction(ClassEntity classEntity,
TypeEnvironmentStructure environmentStructure, TypeRecipe recipe) {
if (environmentStructure is FullTypeEnvironmentStructure &&
environmentStructure.bindings.isEmpty) {
InterfaceType classType = environmentStructure.classType;
if (classType.element == classEntity) {
if (recipe is TypeExpressionRecipe && recipe.type == classType) {
return true;
return false;
TypeRecipe foldLoadEval(TypeRecipe environmentRecipe,
TypeEnvironmentStructure environmentStructure, TypeRecipe recipe) {
if (environmentStructure is SingletonTypeEnvironmentStructure) {
if (environmentRecipe is TypeExpressionRecipe) {
List<TypeVariableType> variables = [environmentStructure.variable];
List<DartType> replacements = [environmentRecipe.type];
return _Substitution(null, null, variables, replacements)
'Expected a TypeExpressionRecipe: $environmentRecipe');
return null;
if (environmentStructure is FullTypeEnvironmentStructure) {
if (environmentStructure.classType != null) {
if (environmentRecipe is TypeExpressionRecipe) {
return _Substitution(environmentStructure.classType,
environmentRecipe.type, null, null)
return null;
if (environmentRecipe is TypeExpressionRecipe) {
// Is this possible?
return null;
if (environmentRecipe is FullTypeEnvironmentRecipe) {
return _Substitution(
return null;
'Unknown environmentStructure: $environmentStructure');
return null;
TypeRecipeAndEnvironmentStructure foldBindLoadEval(TypeRecipe bindArgument,
TypeEnvironmentStructure environmentStructure, TypeRecipe recipe) {
// 'Bind' adds variables to the environment. We fold 'bind' of a ground type
// by removing the added variables and replacing them in the recipe with the
// constant type values.
if (environmentStructure is FullTypeEnvironmentStructure) {
List<DartType> replacements;
if (bindArgument is TypeExpressionRecipe) {
// Bind call adds a single binding.
replacements = [bindArgument.type];
} else if (bindArgument is FullTypeEnvironmentRecipe) {
replacements = bindArgument.types;
} else {
'Unexpected bindArgument: $bindArgument');
List<TypeVariableType> bindings = environmentStructure.bindings;
int index = bindings.length - replacements.length;
List<TypeVariableType> replacedVariables = bindings.sublist(index);
List<TypeVariableType> remainingVariables = bindings.sublist(0, index);
TypeRecipe newRecipe =
_Substitution(null, null, replacedVariables, replacements)
if (newRecipe == null) return null;
TypeEnvironmentStructure newEnvironmentStructure =
classType: environmentStructure.classType,
bindings: remainingVariables);
return TypeRecipeAndEnvironmentStructure(
newRecipe, newEnvironmentStructure);
'unexpected bind on environment with structure $environmentStructure');
return null;
TypeRecipeAndEnvironmentStructure foldEvalEval(
TypeEnvironmentStructure environmentStructure1,
TypeRecipe recipe1,
TypeEnvironmentStructure environmentStructure2,
TypeRecipe recipe2) {
if (environmentStructure2 is SingletonTypeEnvironmentStructure &&
recipe1 is TypeExpressionRecipe) {
TypeRecipe newRecipe = _Substitution(
null, null, [environmentStructure2.variable], [recipe1.type])
if (newRecipe == null) return null;
return TypeRecipeAndEnvironmentStructure(
newRecipe, environmentStructure1);
if (environmentStructure2 is FullTypeEnvironmentStructure &&
recipe1 is TypeExpressionRecipe) {
TypeRecipe newRecipe = _Substitution(
environmentStructure2.classType, recipe1.type, null, null)
if (newRecipe == null) return null;
return TypeRecipeAndEnvironmentStructure(
newRecipe, environmentStructure1);
if (environmentStructure2 is FullTypeEnvironmentStructure &&
recipe1 is FullTypeEnvironmentRecipe) {
TypeRecipe newRecipe = _Substitution(environmentStructure2.classType,
recipe1.classType, environmentStructure2.bindings, recipe1.types)
if (newRecipe == null) return null;
return TypeRecipeAndEnvironmentStructure(
newRecipe, environmentStructure1);
return null;
/// Substitution algorithm for transforming a TypeRecipe by substitution of
/// bindings of a type environment.
/// Since the general case of a type environment has class type variables (bound
/// by a class instance type) and method type variable bindings, both are
/// provided. The class type variables can be implicit (e.g. CodeUnits defines
/// ListMixin.E), whereas the method type variables are always bound explicitly.
/// A [_Substitution] contains the bindings and the state required to perform
/// a single substitution.
class _Substitution extends DartTypeSubstitutionVisitor<Null> {
final Map<DartType, DartType> _lookupCache = {};
final Map<DartType, int> _counts = {};
bool _failed = false;
final InterfaceType _classEnvironment;
final InterfaceType _classValue;
final List<TypeVariableType> _variables;
final List<DartType> _replacements;
_Substitution(this._classEnvironment, this._classValue, this._variables,
: assert(_variables?.length == _replacements?.length);
// Returns `null` if declined.
TypeRecipe substituteRecipe(TypeRecipe recipe) {
if (recipe is TypeExpressionRecipe) {
DartType result = _substituteType(recipe.type);
if (_failed) return null;
return TypeExpressionRecipe(result);
if (recipe is FullTypeEnvironmentRecipe) {
DartType newClass = _substitutePossiblyNullType(recipe.classType);
List<DartType> newTypes =;
if (_failed) return null;
return FullTypeEnvironmentRecipe(classType: newClass, types: newTypes);
failedAt(CURRENT_ELEMENT_SPANNABLE, 'Unexpected recipe: $recipe');
return null;
DartType _substituteType(DartType type) => visit(type, null);
DartType _substitutePossiblyNullType(DartType type) =>
type == null ? null : visit(type, null);
// Returns `null` if not bound.
DartType _lookupTypeVariableType(TypeVariableType type) {
if (_variables != null) {
int index = _variables.indexOf(type);
if (index >= 0) return _replacements[index];
if (_classEnvironment == null) return null;
if (_classEnvironment.element == _classValue.element) {
int index = _classEnvironment.typeArguments.indexOf(type);
if (index >= 0) return _classValue.typeArguments[index];
return null;
// TODO(sra): Lookup type variable of supertype (e.g. ListMixin.E of
// CodeUnits).
_failed = true;
return null;
DartType substituteTypeVariableType(
TypeVariableType variable, Null argument, bool freshReference) {
DartType replacement =
_lookupCache[variable] ??= _lookupTypeVariableType(variable);
if (replacement == null) return variable; // not substituted.
if (!freshReference) return replacement;
int count = _counts[variable] = (_counts[variable] ?? 0) + 1;
if (count > 1) {
// If the replacement is 'big', duplicating it can grow the term, perhaps
// exponentially given a sufficently pathological input.
// TODO(sra): Fix exponential terms by encoding a DAG in recipes to avoid
// linearization.
if (replacement is FunctionType ||
replacement is InterfaceType &&
replacement.typeArguments.isNotEmpty ||
replacement is FutureOrType) {
_failed = true;
return replacement;