blob: c28e3c54379d3d5d4afbbedee371e34c853e73b7 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
* for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
* BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* This file has been automatically generated. Please do not edit it manually.
* To regenerate the file, use the script "pkg/analysis_server/tool/spec/generate_files".
package org.dartlang.analysis.server.protocol;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.builder.HashCodeBuilder;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
* A property of a Flutter widget.
* @coverage dart.server.generated.types
public class FlutterWidgetProperty {
public static final FlutterWidgetProperty[] EMPTY_ARRAY = new FlutterWidgetProperty[0];
public static final List<FlutterWidgetProperty> EMPTY_LIST = Lists.newArrayList();
* The documentation of the property to show to the user. Omitted if the server does not know the
* documentation, e.g. because the corresponding field is not documented.
private final String documentation;
* If the value of this property is set, the Dart code of the expression of this property.
private final String expression;
* The unique identifier of the property, must be passed back to the server when updating the
* property value. Identifiers become invalid on any source code change.
private final int id;
* True if the property is required, e.g. because it corresponds to a required parameter of a
* constructor.
private final boolean isRequired;
* If the property expression is a concrete value (e.g. a literal, or an enum constant), then it is
* safe to replace the expression with another concrete value. In this case this field is true.
* Otherwise, for example when the expression is a reference to a field, so that its value is
* provided from outside, this field is false.
private final boolean isSafeToUpdate;
* The name of the property to display to the user.
private final String name;
* The list of children properties, if any. For example any property of type EdgeInsets will have
* four children properties of type double - left / top / right / bottom.
private final List<FlutterWidgetProperty> children;
* The editor that should be used by the client. This field is omitted if the server does not know
* the editor for this property, for example because it does not have one of the supported types.
private final FlutterWidgetPropertyEditor editor;
* If the expression is set, and the server knows the value of the expression, this field is set.
private final FlutterWidgetPropertyValue value;
* Constructor for {@link FlutterWidgetProperty}.
public FlutterWidgetProperty(String documentation, String expression, int id, boolean isRequired, boolean isSafeToUpdate, String name, List<FlutterWidgetProperty> children, FlutterWidgetPropertyEditor editor, FlutterWidgetPropertyValue value) {
this.documentation = documentation;
this.expression = expression; = id;
this.isRequired = isRequired;
this.isSafeToUpdate = isSafeToUpdate; = name;
this.children = children;
this.editor = editor;
this.value = value;
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (obj instanceof FlutterWidgetProperty) {
FlutterWidgetProperty other = (FlutterWidgetProperty) obj;
ObjectUtilities.equals(other.documentation, documentation) &&
ObjectUtilities.equals(other.expression, expression) && == id &&
other.isRequired == isRequired &&
other.isSafeToUpdate == isSafeToUpdate &&
ObjectUtilities.equals(, name) &&
ObjectUtilities.equals(other.children, children) &&
ObjectUtilities.equals(other.editor, editor) &&
ObjectUtilities.equals(other.value, value);
return false;
public static FlutterWidgetProperty fromJson(JsonObject jsonObject) {
String documentation = jsonObject.get("documentation") == null ? null : jsonObject.get("documentation").getAsString();
String expression = jsonObject.get("expression") == null ? null : jsonObject.get("expression").getAsString();
int id = jsonObject.get("id").getAsInt();
boolean isRequired = jsonObject.get("isRequired").getAsBoolean();
boolean isSafeToUpdate = jsonObject.get("isSafeToUpdate").getAsBoolean();
String name = jsonObject.get("name").getAsString();
List<FlutterWidgetProperty> children = jsonObject.get("children") == null ? null : FlutterWidgetProperty.fromJsonArray(jsonObject.get("children").getAsJsonArray());
FlutterWidgetPropertyEditor editor = jsonObject.get("editor") == null ? null : FlutterWidgetPropertyEditor.fromJson(jsonObject.get("editor").getAsJsonObject());
FlutterWidgetPropertyValue value = jsonObject.get("value") == null ? null : FlutterWidgetPropertyValue.fromJson(jsonObject.get("value").getAsJsonObject());
return new FlutterWidgetProperty(documentation, expression, id, isRequired, isSafeToUpdate, name, children, editor, value);
public static List<FlutterWidgetProperty> fromJsonArray(JsonArray jsonArray) {
if (jsonArray == null) {
return EMPTY_LIST;
ArrayList<FlutterWidgetProperty> list = new ArrayList<FlutterWidgetProperty>(jsonArray.size());
Iterator<JsonElement> iterator = jsonArray.iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
return list;
* The list of children properties, if any. For example any property of type EdgeInsets will have
* four children properties of type double - left / top / right / bottom.
public List<FlutterWidgetProperty> getChildren() {
return children;
* The documentation of the property to show to the user. Omitted if the server does not know the
* documentation, e.g. because the corresponding field is not documented.
public String getDocumentation() {
return documentation;
* The editor that should be used by the client. This field is omitted if the server does not know
* the editor for this property, for example because it does not have one of the supported types.
public FlutterWidgetPropertyEditor getEditor() {
return editor;
* If the value of this property is set, the Dart code of the expression of this property.
public String getExpression() {
return expression;
* The unique identifier of the property, must be passed back to the server when updating the
* property value. Identifiers become invalid on any source code change.
public int getId() {
return id;
* True if the property is required, e.g. because it corresponds to a required parameter of a
* constructor.
public boolean isRequired() {
return isRequired;
* If the property expression is a concrete value (e.g. a literal, or an enum constant), then it is
* safe to replace the expression with another concrete value. In this case this field is true.
* Otherwise, for example when the expression is a reference to a field, so that its value is
* provided from outside, this field is false.
public boolean isSafeToUpdate() {
return isSafeToUpdate;
* The name of the property to display to the user.
public String getName() {
return name;
* If the expression is set, and the server knows the value of the expression, this field is set.
public FlutterWidgetPropertyValue getValue() {
return value;
public int hashCode() {
HashCodeBuilder builder = new HashCodeBuilder();
return builder.toHashCode();
public JsonObject toJson() {
JsonObject jsonObject = new JsonObject();
if (documentation != null) {
jsonObject.addProperty("documentation", documentation);
if (expression != null) {
jsonObject.addProperty("expression", expression);
jsonObject.addProperty("id", id);
jsonObject.addProperty("isRequired", isRequired);
jsonObject.addProperty("isSafeToUpdate", isSafeToUpdate);
jsonObject.addProperty("name", name);
if (children != null) {
JsonArray jsonArrayChildren = new JsonArray();
for (FlutterWidgetProperty elt : children) {
jsonObject.add("children", jsonArrayChildren);
if (editor != null) {
jsonObject.add("editor", editor.toJson());
if (value != null) {
jsonObject.add("value", value.toJson());
return jsonObject;
public String toString() {
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
builder.append(documentation + ", ");
builder.append(expression + ", ");
builder.append(id + ", ");
builder.append(isRequired + ", ");
builder.append(isSafeToUpdate + ", ");
builder.append(name + ", ");
builder.append(StringUtils.join(children, ", ") + ", ");
builder.append(editor + ", ");
return builder.toString();