blob: b340cfef2e9149ebf2ae2781c45bac42dc58873e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:analysis_server/protocol/protocol.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/protocol/protocol_generated.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:test_reflective_loader/test_reflective_loader.dart';
import '../analysis_abstract.dart';
import '../mocks.dart';
main() {
defineReflectiveSuite(() {
class AnalysisHoverTest extends AbstractAnalysisTest {
Future<HoverInformation> prepareHover(String search) {
int offset = findOffset(search);
return prepareHoverAt(offset);
Future<HoverInformation> prepareHoverAt(int offset) async {
await waitForTasksFinished();
Request request =
new AnalysisGetHoverParams(testFile, offset).toRequest('0');
Response response = await waitResponse(request);
var result = new AnalysisGetHoverResult.fromResponse(response);
List<HoverInformation> hovers = result.hovers;
return hovers.isNotEmpty ? hovers.first : null;
void setUp() {
test_class_declaration() async {
class A<E> {}
class I1<K, V> {}
class I2<E> {}
class M1 {}
class M2<E> {}
class B<T> extends A<T> with M1, M2<int> implements I1<int, String>, I2 {}
HoverInformation hover = await prepareHover('B<T>');
'class B<T> extends A<T> with M1, M2<int> '
'implements I1<int, String>, I2');
expect(hover.staticType, isNull);
expect(hover.propagatedType, isNull);
test_class_declaration_abstract() async {
class A {}
abstract class B extends A {}
HoverInformation hover = await prepareHover('B extends');
expect(hover.elementDescription, 'abstract class B extends A');
expect(hover.staticType, isNull);
expect(hover.propagatedType, isNull);
test_constructor_named() async {
library my.library;
class A {
/// my doc
A.named() {}
main() {
new A.named();
void onConstructor(HoverInformation hover) {
// range
expect(hover.offset, findOffset('new A') + 'new '.length);
expect(hover.length, 'A.named'.length);
// element
expect(hover.dartdoc, 'my doc');
expect(hover.elementDescription, 'A A.named()');
expect(hover.elementKind, 'constructor');
HoverInformation hover = await prepareHover('new A');
HoverInformation hover = await prepareHover('named();');
test_constructor_noKeyword_const() async {
library my.library;
class A {
const A(int i);
main() {
const a = A(0);
HoverInformation hover = await prepareHover('A(0)');
// range
expect(hover.offset, findOffset('A(0)'));
expect(hover.length, 'A'.length);
// element
expect(hover.containingLibraryName, 'bin/test.dart');
expect(hover.containingLibraryPath, testFile);
expect(hover.dartdoc, isNull);
expect(hover.elementDescription, '(const) A A(int i)');
expect(hover.elementKind, 'constructor');
// types
expect(hover.staticType, isNull);
expect(hover.propagatedType, isNull);
// no parameter
expect(hover.parameter, isNull);
test_constructor_noKeyword_new() async {
library my.library;
class A {}
main() {
var a = A();
HoverInformation hover = await prepareHover('A()');
// range
expect(hover.offset, findOffset('A()'));
expect(hover.length, 'A'.length);
// element
expect(hover.containingLibraryName, 'bin/test.dart');
expect(hover.containingLibraryPath, testFile);
expect(hover.dartdoc, isNull);
expect(hover.elementDescription, '(new) A A()');
expect(hover.elementKind, 'constructor');
// types
expect(hover.staticType, isNull);
expect(hover.propagatedType, isNull);
// no parameter
expect(hover.parameter, isNull);
test_constructor_synthetic() async {
library my.library;
class A {
main() {
new A();
HoverInformation hover = await prepareHover('new A');
// range
expect(hover.offset, findOffset('new A') + 'new '.length);
expect(hover.length, 'A'.length);
// element
expect(hover.containingLibraryName, 'bin/test.dart');
expect(hover.containingLibraryPath, testFile);
expect(hover.dartdoc, isNull);
expect(hover.elementDescription, 'A A()');
expect(hover.elementKind, 'constructor');
// types
expect(hover.staticType, isNull);
expect(hover.propagatedType, isNull);
// no parameter
expect(hover.parameter, isNull);
test_constructor_synthetic_withTypeArgument() async {
library my.library;
class A<T> {}
main() {
new A<String>();
void onConstructor(HoverInformation hover) {
// range
expect(hover.offset, findOffset('A<String>'));
expect(hover.length, 'A<String>'.length);
// element
expect(hover.containingLibraryName, 'bin/test.dart');
expect(hover.containingLibraryPath, testFile);
expect(hover.dartdoc, isNull);
expect(hover.elementDescription, 'A<String> A()');
expect(hover.elementKind, 'constructor');
// types
expect(hover.staticType, isNull);
expect(hover.propagatedType, isNull);
// no parameter
expect(hover.parameter, isNull);
HoverInformation hover = await prepareHover('new A');
HoverInformation hover = await prepareHover('A<String>()');
HoverInformation hover = await prepareHover('String>');
expect(hover.containingLibraryName, 'dart:core');
expect(hover.offset, findOffset('String>'));
expect(hover.length, 'String'.length);
expect(hover.elementKind, 'class');
test_dartdoc_block() async {
* doc aaa
* doc bbb
main() {
HoverInformation hover = await prepareHover('main() {');
expect(hover.dartdoc, '''doc aaa\ndoc bbb''');
test_dartdoc_inherited_fromInterface() async {
class A {
/// my doc
m() {} // in A
class B implements A {
m() {} // in B
HoverInformation hover = await prepareHover('m() {} // in B');
expect(hover.dartdoc, '''my doc\n\nCopied from `A`.''');
test_dartdoc_inherited_fromSuper_direct() async {
class A {
/// my doc
m() {} // in A
class B extends A {
m() {} // in B
HoverInformation hover = await prepareHover('m() {} // in B');
expect(hover.dartdoc, '''my doc\n\nCopied from `A`.''');
test_dartdoc_inherited_fromSuper_indirect() async {
class A {
/// my doc
m() {}
class B extends A {
m() {}
class C extends B {
m() {} // in C
HoverInformation hover = await prepareHover('m() {} // in C');
expect(hover.dartdoc, '''my doc\n\nCopied from `A`.''');
test_dartdoc_inherited_preferSuper() async {
class A {
/// my doc
m() {}
class B extends A {
class I {
// wrong doc
m() {}
class C extends B implements I {
m() {} // in C
HoverInformation hover = await prepareHover('m() {} // in C');
expect(hover.dartdoc, '''my doc\n\nCopied from `A`.''');
test_dartdoc_line() async {
/// doc aaa
/// doc bbb
main() {
HoverInformation hover = await prepareHover('main() {');
expect(hover.dartdoc, '''doc aaa\ndoc bbb''');
test_enum_declaration() async {
enum MyEnum {AAA, BBB, CCC}
HoverInformation hover = await prepareHover('MyEnum');
expect(hover.elementDescription, 'enum MyEnum');
expect(hover.staticType, isNull);
expect(hover.propagatedType, isNull);
test_extensionDeclaration() async {
createAnalysisOptionsFile(experiments: ['extension-methods']);
class A {}
/// Comment
extension E on A {}
HoverInformation hover = await prepareHover('E');
expect(hover.elementDescription, 'extension E on A');
expect(hover.dartdoc, 'Comment');
expect(hover.staticType, isNull);
expect(hover.propagatedType, isNull);
test_function_topLevel_declaration() async {
library my.library;
/// doc aaa
/// doc bbb
List<String> fff(int a, String b) {
HoverInformation hover = await prepareHover('fff(int a');
// element
expect(hover.containingLibraryName, 'bin/test.dart');
expect(hover.containingLibraryPath, testFile);
expect(hover.containingClassDescription, isNull);
expect(hover.dartdoc, '''doc aaa\ndoc bbb''');
expect(hover.elementDescription, 'List<String> fff(int a, String b)');
expect(hover.elementKind, 'function');
// types
expect(hover.staticType, isNull);
expect(hover.propagatedType, isNull);
// no parameter
expect(hover.parameter, isNull);
test_getter_synthetic() async {
library my.library;
class A {
/// doc aaa
/// doc bbb
String fff;
main(A a) {
HoverInformation hover = await prepareHover('fff);');
// element
expect(hover.containingLibraryName, 'bin/test.dart');
expect(hover.containingLibraryPath, testFile);
expect(hover.containingClassDescription, 'A');
expect(hover.dartdoc, '''doc aaa\ndoc bbb''');
expect(hover.elementDescription, 'String fff');
expect(hover.elementKind, 'field');
// types
expect(hover.staticType, 'String');
expect(hover.propagatedType, isNull);
test_integerLiteral() async {
main() {
foo(Object myParameter) {}
HoverInformation hover = await prepareHover('123');
// range
expect(hover.offset, findOffset('123'));
expect(hover.length, 3);
// element
expect(hover.containingClassDescription, isNull);
expect(hover.containingLibraryName, isNull);
expect(hover.containingLibraryPath, isNull);
expect(hover.dartdoc, isNull);
expect(hover.elementDescription, isNull);
expect(hover.elementKind, isNull);
// types
expect(hover.staticType, 'int');
expect(hover.propagatedType, isNull);
// parameter
expect(hover.parameter, 'Object myParameter');
test_integerLiteral_promoted() async {
main() {
foo(double myParameter) {}
HoverInformation hover = await prepareHover('123');
// range
expect(hover.offset, findOffset('123'));
expect(hover.length, 3);
// element
expect(hover.containingClassDescription, isNull);
expect(hover.containingLibraryName, isNull);
expect(hover.containingLibraryPath, isNull);
expect(hover.dartdoc, isNull);
expect(hover.elementDescription, isNull);
expect(hover.elementKind, isNull);
// types
expect(hover.staticType, 'double');
expect(hover.propagatedType, isNull);
// parameter
expect(hover.parameter, 'double myParameter');
test_invalidFilePathFormat_notAbsolute() async {
var request = new AnalysisGetHoverParams('test.dart', 0).toRequest('0');
var response = await waitResponse(request);
isResponseFailure('0', RequestErrorCode.INVALID_FILE_PATH_FORMAT),
test_invalidFilePathFormat_notNormalized() async {
var request =
new AnalysisGetHoverParams(convertPath('/foo/../bar/test.dart'), 0)
var response = await waitResponse(request);
isResponseFailure('0', RequestErrorCode.INVALID_FILE_PATH_FORMAT),
test_localVariable_declaration() async {
library my.library;
class A {
m() {
num vvv = 42;
HoverInformation hover = await prepareHover('vvv = 42');
// element
expect(hover.containingLibraryName, isNull);
expect(hover.containingLibraryPath, isNull);
expect(hover.containingClassDescription, isNull);
expect(hover.dartdoc, isNull);
expect(hover.elementDescription, 'num vvv');
expect(hover.elementKind, 'local variable');
// types
expect(hover.staticType, 'num');
expect(hover.propagatedType, null);
// no parameter
expect(hover.parameter, isNull);
test_localVariable_reference_withPropagatedType() async {
library my.library;
main() {
var vvv = 123;
HoverInformation hover = await prepareHover('vvv);');
// element
expect(hover.containingLibraryName, isNull);
expect(hover.containingLibraryPath, isNull);
expect(hover.containingClassDescription, isNull);
expect(hover.dartdoc, isNull);
expect(hover.elementDescription, 'int vvv');
expect(hover.elementKind, 'local variable');
// types
expect(hover.staticType, 'int');
expect(hover.propagatedType, null);
test_method_declaration() async {
library my.library;
class A {
/// doc aaa
/// doc bbb
List<String> mmm(int a, String b) {
HoverInformation hover = await prepareHover('mmm(int a');
// element
expect(hover.containingLibraryName, 'bin/test.dart');
expect(hover.containingLibraryPath, testFile);
expect(hover.containingClassDescription, 'A');
expect(hover.dartdoc, '''doc aaa\ndoc bbb''');
expect(hover.elementDescription, 'List<String> mmm(int a, String b)');
expect(hover.elementKind, 'method');
// types
expect(hover.staticType, isNull);
expect(hover.propagatedType, isNull);
// no parameter
expect(hover.parameter, isNull);
test_method_reference() async {
library my.library;
class A {
List<String> mmm(int a, String b) {
main(A a) {
a.mmm(42, 'foo');
HoverInformation hover = await prepareHover('mm(42, ');
// range
expect(hover.offset, findOffset('mmm(42, '));
expect(hover.length, 'mmm'.length);
// element
expect(hover.containingLibraryName, 'bin/test.dart');
expect(hover.containingLibraryPath, testFile);
expect(hover.elementDescription, 'List<String> mmm(int a, String b)');
expect(hover.elementKind, 'method');
expect(hover.isDeprecated, isFalse);
// types
expect(hover.staticType, 'List<String> Function(int, String)');
expect(hover.propagatedType, isNull);
// no parameter
expect(hover.parameter, isNull);
test_method_reference_deprecated() async {
class A {
static void test() {}
main() {
HoverInformation hover = await prepareHover('test();');
// element
expect(hover.containingLibraryPath, testFile);
expect(hover.elementDescription, 'void test()');
expect(hover.elementKind, 'method');
expect(hover.isDeprecated, isTrue);
test_method_reference_genericMethod() async {
library my.library;
abstract class Stream<T> {
Stream<S> transform<S>(StreamTransformer<T, S> streamTransformer);
abstract class StreamTransformer<T, S> {}
f(Stream<int> s) {
HoverInformation hover = await prepareHover('nsform(n');
// range
expect(hover.offset, findOffset('transform(n'));
expect(hover.length, 'transform'.length);
// element
expect(hover.containingLibraryName, 'bin/test.dart');
expect(hover.containingLibraryPath, testFile);
'Stream<S> Stream.transform<S>(StreamTransformer<int, S> streamTransformer)');
expect(hover.elementKind, 'method');
expect(hover.isDeprecated, isFalse);
// types
'Stream<dynamic> Function(StreamTransformer<int, dynamic>)');
expect(hover.propagatedType, isNull);
// no parameter
expect(hover.parameter, isNull);
test_mixin_declaration() async {
mixin A on B, C implements D, E {}
class B {}
class C {}
class D {}
class E {}
HoverInformation hover = await prepareHover('A');
expect(hover.elementDescription, 'mixin A on B, C implements D, E');
expect(hover.staticType, isNull);
expect(hover.propagatedType, isNull);
test_mixin_reference() async {
mixin A {}
abstract class B {}
class C with A implements B {}
HoverInformation hover = await prepareHover('A i');
expect(hover.elementDescription, 'mixin A');
expect(hover.staticType, isNull);
expect(hover.propagatedType, isNull);
test_noHoverInfo() async {
library my.library;
main() {
// nothing
HoverInformation hover = await prepareHover('nothing');
expect(hover, isNull);
test_parameter_declaration_fieldFormal() async {
class A {
/// The field documentation.
final int fff;
main() {
new A(fff: 42);
HoverInformation hover = await prepareHover('fff});');
expect(hover.containingLibraryName, isNull);
expect(hover.containingLibraryPath, isNull);
expect(hover.containingClassDescription, isNull);
expect(hover.dartdoc, 'The field documentation.');
expect(hover.elementDescription, '{int fff}');
expect(hover.elementKind, 'parameter');
expect(hover.staticType, 'int');
test_parameter_declaration_required() async {
library my.library;
class A {
/// The method documentation.
m(int p) {
HoverInformation hover = await prepareHover('p) {');
// element
expect(hover.containingLibraryName, isNull);
expect(hover.containingLibraryPath, isNull);
expect(hover.containingClassDescription, isNull);
expect(hover.dartdoc, 'The method documentation.');
expect(hover.elementDescription, 'int p');
expect(hover.elementKind, 'parameter');
// types
expect(hover.staticType, 'int');
expect(hover.propagatedType, isNull);
// no parameter
expect(hover.parameter, isNull);
test_parameter_reference_fieldFormal() async {
class A {
/// The field documentation.
final int fff;
main() {
new A(fff: 42);
HoverInformation hover = await prepareHover('fff: 42');
expect(hover.containingLibraryName, isNull);
expect(hover.containingLibraryPath, isNull);
expect(hover.containingClassDescription, isNull);
expect(hover.dartdoc, 'The field documentation.');
expect(hover.elementDescription, '{int fff}');
expect(hover.elementKind, 'parameter');
expect(hover.staticType, 'int');