blob: f8ab1a347884b8df2579909020363f5a934d24fc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'package:convert/convert.dart';
import 'package:crypto/crypto.dart';
import 'package:front_end/src/api_prototype/byte_store.dart';
import 'package:front_end/src/api_prototype/file_system.dart';
import 'package:front_end/src/base/api_signature.dart';
import 'package:front_end/src/base/resolve_relative_uri.dart';
import 'package:front_end/src/dependency_walker.dart' as graph;
import 'package:front_end/src/fasta/uri_translator.dart';
import 'package:front_end/src/incremental/format.dart';
import 'package:front_end/src/incremental/unlinked_unit.dart';
import 'package:kernel/target/targets.dart';
/// This function is called for each newly discovered file, and the returned
/// [Future] is awaited before reading the file content.
typedef Future<Null> NewFileFn(Uri uri);
/// Information about a file being compiled, explicitly or implicitly.
/// It provides a consistent view on its properties.
/// The properties are not guaranteed to represent the most recent state
/// of the file system. To update the file to the most recent state, [refresh]
/// should be called.
class FileState {
final FileSystemState _fsState;
/// The absolute URI of the file.
final Uri uri;
/// The UTF8 bytes of the [uri].
final List<int> uriBytes;
/// The resolved URI of the file in the file system.
final Uri fileUri;
bool _exists;
List<int> _content;
List<int> _contentHash;
List<int> _lineStarts;
bool _hasMixinApplication;
List<int> _apiSignature;
List<FileState> _importedLibraries;
List<FileState> _exportedLibraries;
List<FileState> _partFiles;
/// If this file is a part, the [FileState] of its library.
FileState _libraryFile;
Set<FileState> _directReferencedFiles = new Set<FileState>();
List<FileState> _directReferencedLibraries = <FileState>[];
Set<FileState> _transitiveFiles;
List<int> _signature;
/// This flag is set to `true` during the mark phase of garbage collection
/// and set back to `false` for survived instances.
bool _gcMarked = false;
FileState._(this._fsState, this.uri, this.fileUri)
: uriBytes = utf8.encode(uri.toString());
/// The MD5 signature of the file API as a byte array.
/// It depends on all non-comment tokens outside the block bodies.
List<int> get apiSignature => _apiSignature;
/// The content of the file.
List<int> get content => _content;
/// The MD5 hash of the [content].
List<int> get contentHash => _contentHash;
/// Libraries that this library file directly imports or exports.
List<FileState> get directReferencedLibraries => _directReferencedLibraries;
/// Whether the file exists.
bool get exists => _exists;
/// The list of the libraries exported by this library.
List<FileState> get exportedLibraries => _exportedLibraries;
/// Return the [fileUri] string.
String get fileUriStr => fileUri.toString();
int get hashCode => uri.hashCode;
/// Whether the file has a mixin application.
bool get hasMixinApplication => _hasMixinApplication;
/// Whether a unit of the library has a mixin application.
bool get hasMixinApplicationLibrary {
return _hasMixinApplication ||
_partFiles.any((part) => part._hasMixinApplication);
/// The list of the libraries imported by this library.
List<FileState> get importedLibraries => _importedLibraries;
/// Return the line starts in the [content].
List<int> get lineStarts => _lineStarts;
/// The list of files this library file references as parts.
List<FileState> get partFiles => _partFiles;
/// Return the resolution signature of the library. It depends on API
/// signatures of transitive files, and the content of the library files.
List<int> get signature {
if (_signature == null) {
var signatureBuilder = new ApiSignature();
Set<FileState> transitiveFiles = this.transitiveFiles;
// Append API signatures of transitive files.
for (var file in transitiveFiles) {
// Append content hashes of the library and part.
for (var part in partFiles) {
// Finalize the signature.
_signature = signatureBuilder.toByteList();
return _signature;
/// Return the hex string version of [signature].
String get signatureStr => hex.encode(signature);
/// Return topologically sorted cycles of dependencies for this library.
List<LibraryCycle> get topologicalOrder {
var libraryWalker = new _LibraryWalker();
return libraryWalker.topologicallySortedCycles;
/// Return the set of transitive files - the file itself and all of the
/// directly or indirectly referenced files.
Set<FileState> get transitiveFiles {
if (_transitiveFiles == null) {
_transitiveFiles = new Set<FileState>.identity();
void appendReferenced(FileState file) {
if (_transitiveFiles.add(file)) {
return _transitiveFiles;
/// Return the [uri] string.
String get uriStr => uri.toString();
bool operator ==(Object other) {
return other is FileState && other.uri == uri;
/// Read the file content and ensure that all of the file properties are
/// consistent with the read content, including all its dependencies.
/// Return `true` if the API signature changed since the last refresh.
Future<bool> refresh() async {
// Read the content.
try {
FileSystemEntity entry = _fsState.fileSystem.entityForUri(fileUri);
_content = await entry.readAsBytes();
_exists = true;
} catch (_) {
_content = new Uint8List(0);
_exists = false;
// Compute the content hash.
_contentHash = md5.convert(_content).bytes;
// Compute the line starts.
_lineStarts = <int>[0];
for (int i = 0; i < _content.length; i++) {
if (_content[i] == 0x0A) {
_lineStarts.add(i + 1);
// Prepare bytes of the unlinked unit - existing or new.
List<int> unlinkedBytes;
String unlinkedKey = hex.encode(_contentHash) + '.unlinked';
unlinkedBytes = _fsState._byteStore.get(unlinkedKey);
if (unlinkedBytes == null) {
var builder = computeUnlinkedUnit(_fsState._salt, _content);
unlinkedBytes = builder.toBytes();
_fsState._byteStore.put(unlinkedKey, unlinkedBytes);
// Read the unlinked unit.
UnlinkedUnit unlinkedUnit = new UnlinkedUnit(unlinkedBytes);
_hasMixinApplication = unlinkedUnit.hasMixinApplication;
// Prepare API signature.
List<int> newApiSignature = unlinkedUnit.apiSignature;
bool apiSignatureChanged = _apiSignature != null &&
!_equalByteLists(_apiSignature, newApiSignature);
_apiSignature = newApiSignature;
// The resolution signature of the library changed.
(_libraryFile ?? this)._signature = null;
// The existing parts might be not parts anymore.
if (_partFiles != null) {
for (var part in _partFiles) {
part._libraryFile = null;
// Build the graph.
_importedLibraries = <FileState>[];
_exportedLibraries = <FileState>[];
_partFiles = <FileState>[];
FileState coreFile = await _getFileForRelativeUri('dart:core');
// TODO(scheglov) add error handling
if (coreFile != null) {
for (var import_ in unlinkedUnit.imports) {
FileState file = await _getFileForRelativeUri(import_.uri);
if (file != null) {
await _addTargetExtraRequiredLibraries();
for (var export_ in unlinkedUnit.exports) {
FileState file = await _getFileForRelativeUri(export_.uri);
if (file != null) {
for (var part_ in {
FileState file = await _getFileForRelativeUri(part_);
if (file != null) {
file._libraryFile = this;
// Compute referenced files.
var oldDirectReferencedFiles = _directReferencedFiles;
_directReferencedFiles = new Set<FileState>()
_directReferencedLibraries = (new Set<FileState>()
// If the set of directly referenced files of this file is changed,
// then the transitive sets of files that include this file are also
// changed. Reset these transitive sets.
if (_directReferencedFiles.length != oldDirectReferencedFiles.length ||
!_directReferencedFiles.containsAll(oldDirectReferencedFiles)) {
for (var file in _fsState._uriToFile.values) {
if (file._transitiveFiles != null &&
file._transitiveFiles.contains(this)) {
file._transitiveFiles = null;
file._signature = null;
// Return whether the API signature changed.
return apiSignatureChanged;
String toString() {
if (uri.scheme == 'file') return uri.path;
return uri.toString();
/// Fasta unconditionally loads extra libraries based on the target. In order
/// to be able to serve them using the file system view, pretend that all of
/// them were imported into `dart:core`.
/// TODO(scheglov,sigmund): remove this implicit import, instead make fasta
/// and IKG aware of extra code that needs to be loaded.
Future<Null> _addTargetExtraRequiredLibraries() async {
if (uri.toString() != 'dart:core') return;
for (String uri in {
FileState file = await _getFileForRelativeUri(uri);
// TODO(scheglov) add error handling
if (file != null) {
/// Return the [FileState] for the given [relativeUri] or `null` if the URI
/// cannot be parsed, cannot correspond any file, etc.
Future<FileState> _getFileForRelativeUri(String relativeUri) async {
if (relativeUri.isEmpty) return null;
// Resolve the relative URI into absolute.
// The result is either:
// 1) The absolute file URI.
// 2) The absolute non-file URI, e.g. `package:foo/foo.dart`.
Uri absoluteUri;
try {
absoluteUri = resolveRelativeUri(uri, Uri.parse(relativeUri));
} on FormatException {
return null;
return await _fsState.getFile(absoluteUri);
* Return `true` if the given byte lists are equal.
static bool _equalByteLists(List<int> a, List<int> b) {
if (a == null) {
return b == null;
} else if (b == null) {
return false;
if (a.length != b.length) {
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
if (a[i] != b[i]) {
return false;
return true;
/// Information about known file system state.
class FileSystemState {
final ByteStore _byteStore;
final FileSystem fileSystem;
final Target target;
final UriTranslator uriTranslator;
final List<int> _salt;
final NewFileFn _newFileFn;
_FileSystemView _fileSystemView;
/// Mapping from import URIs to corresponding [FileState]s. For example, this
/// may contain an entry for `dart:core`.
final Map<Uri, FileState> _uriToFile = {};
/// Mapping from file URIs to corresponding [FileState]s.
/// This map should only contain URIs understood by [fileSystem], which
/// excludes `package:*` and `dart:*` URIs.
final Map<Uri, FileState> _fileUriToFile = {};
/// The set of absolute URIs with the `dart` scheme that should be skipped.
/// We do this when we use SDK outline instead of compiling SDK sources.
final Set<Uri> skipSdkLibraries = new Set<Uri>();
FileSystemState(this._byteStore, this.fileSystem,,
this.uriTranslator, this._salt, this._newFileFn);
/// Return the [FileSystem] that is backed by this [FileSystemState]. The
/// files in this [FileSystem] always have the same content as the
/// corresponding [FileState]s, thus avoiding race conditions when a file
/// is updated on the actual file system.
FileSystem get fileSystemView {
return _fileSystemView ??= new _FileSystemView(this);
/// The [fileSystem]'s URIs of all files currently tracked by this instance.
Iterable<Uri> get fileUris => _fileUriToFile.keys;
/// Perform mark and sweep garbage collection of [FileState]s.
/// Return [FileState]s that became garbage.
List<FileState> gc(Uri entryPoint) {
void mark(FileState file) {
if (!file._gcMarked) {
file._gcMarked = true;
var file = _uriToFile[entryPoint];
if (file == null) return const [];
var filesToRemove = <FileState>[];
var urisToRemove = new Set<Uri>();
var fileUrisToRemove = new Set<Uri>();
for (var file in _uriToFile.values) {
if (file._gcMarked) {
file._gcMarked = false;
} else {
return filesToRemove;
/// Return the [FileState] for the given [absoluteUri], or `null` if the
/// [absoluteUri] cannot be resolved into a file URI.
/// The returned file has the last known state since it was last refreshed.
Future<FileState> getFile(Uri absoluteUri) async {
// We don't need to process SDK libraries if we have SDK outline.
if (skipSdkLibraries.contains(absoluteUri)) {
return null;
// Resolve the absolute URI into the absolute file URI.
Uri fileUri;
var scheme = absoluteUri.scheme;
if (scheme == 'package' || scheme == 'dart') {
fileUri = uriTranslator.translate(absoluteUri);
if (fileUri == null) return null;
} else {
fileUri = absoluteUri;
FileState file = _uriToFile[absoluteUri];
if (file == null) {
file = new FileState._(this, absoluteUri, fileUri);
_uriToFile[absoluteUri] = file;
_fileUriToFile[fileUri] = file;
// Notify the function about a new file.
if (_newFileFn != null) {
await _newFileFn(fileUri);
// Build the sub-graph of the file.
await file.refresh();
return file;
/// Return the [FileState] for the given [fileUri], or `null` if the
/// [fileUri] does not yet correspond to any referenced [FileState].
FileState getFileByFileUri(Uri fileUri) => _fileUriToFile[fileUri];
/// Return the [FileState] for the given [absoluteUri], or `null` if
/// the file have not yet been created for this URI.
FileState getFileOrNull(Uri absoluteUri) {
return _uriToFile[absoluteUri];
/// List of libraries that reference each other, so form a cycle.
class LibraryCycle {
final List<FileState> libraries = <FileState>[];
/// The cycles this cycle directly depends on.
final Set<LibraryCycle> directDependencies = new Set<LibraryCycle>();
/// The cycles that directly import or export this cycle.
final List<LibraryCycle> directUsers = <LibraryCycle>[];
bool get _isForVm {
return libraries.any((l) => l.uri.toString().endsWith('dart:_vmservice'));
String toString() {
if (_isForVm) {
return '[core + vm]';
return '[' + libraries.join(', ') + ']';
/// [FileSystemState] based implementation of [FileSystem].
/// It provides a consistent view on the known file system state.
class _FileSystemView implements FileSystem {
final FileSystemState fsState;
FileSystemEntity entityForUri(Uri uri) {
FileState file = fsState._fileUriToFile[uri];
return new _FileSystemViewEntry(uri, file);
/// [FileSystemState] based implementation of [FileSystemEntity].
class _FileSystemViewEntry implements FileSystemEntity {
final Uri uri;
final FileState file;
_FileSystemViewEntry(this.uri, this.file);
Future<bool> exists() async => _shouldNotBeQueried();
Future<List<int>> readAsBytes() async {
if (file == null) {
throw new FileSystemException(uri, 'File $uri does not exist.');
return file.content;
Future<String> readAsString() async => _shouldNotBeQueried();
/// [_FileSystemViewEntry] is used by the incremental kernel generator to
/// provide Fasta with a consistent, race condition free view of the files
/// constituting the project. It should only need to be used for reading
/// file contents.
dynamic _shouldNotBeQueried() {
throw new StateError('The method should not be invoked.');
/// Node in [_LibraryWalker].
class _LibraryNode extends graph.Node<_LibraryNode> {
final _LibraryWalker walker;
final FileState file;
bool isEvaluated = false;
_LibraryNode(this.walker, this.file);
List<_LibraryNode> computeDependencies() {
/// Helper that organizes dependencies of a library into topologically
/// sorted [LibraryCycle]s.
class _LibraryWalker extends graph.DependencyWalker<_LibraryNode> {
final nodesOfFiles = <FileState, _LibraryNode>{};
final fileToCycleMap = <FileState, LibraryCycle>{};
final topologicallySortedCycles = <LibraryCycle>[];
void evaluate(_LibraryNode v) {
void evaluateScc(List<_LibraryNode> scc) {
var cycle = new LibraryCycle();
// Compute direct dependencies.
for (var node in scc) {
var file = node.file;
for (var importedLibrary in file.importedLibraries) {
var importedCycle = fileToCycleMap[importedLibrary];
if (importedCycle != null) {
for (var exportedLibrary in file.exportedLibraries) {
var exportedCycle = fileToCycleMap[exportedLibrary];
if (exportedCycle != null) {
// Register this cycle as a direct user of the direct dependencies.
for (var directDependency in cycle.directDependencies) {
// Fill the cycle with libraries.
for (var node in scc) {
node.isEvaluated = true;
fileToCycleMap[node.file] = cycle;
_LibraryNode getNode(FileState file) {
return nodesOfFiles.putIfAbsent(file, () => new _LibraryNode(this, file));