blob: 1dabfb773ca75b620f3f0ea5ae923a75355351e4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Patch file for the dart:async library.
import 'dart:_js_helper' show patch, setTraceForException, ReifyFunctionTypes;
import 'dart:_isolate_helper'
show TimerImpl, global, leaveJsAsync, enterJsAsync;
import 'dart:_foreign_helper' show JS, JSExportName;
import 'dart:_runtime' as dart;
typedef void _Callback();
typedef void _TakeCallback(_Callback callback);
_async<T>(Function() initGenerator) {
var iter;
Object Function(Object) onValue;
Object Function(Object) onError;
onAwait(Object value) {
_Future f;
if (value is _Future) {
f = value;
} else if (value is Future) {
f = new _Future();
_Future._chainForeignFuture(value, f);
} else {
f = new _Future.value(value);
f = JS('', '#', f._thenNoZoneRegistration(onValue, onError));
return f;
onValue = (value) {
var iteratorResult = JS('', '', iter, value);
value = JS('', '#.value', iteratorResult);
return JS('bool', '#.done', iteratorResult) ? value : onAwait(value);
// If the awaited Future throws, we want to convert this to an exception
// thrown from the `yield` point, as if it was thrown there.
// If the exception is not caught inside `gen`, it will emerge here, which
// will send it to anyone listening on this async function's Future<T>.
// In essence, we are giving the code inside the generator a chance to
// use try-catch-finally.
onError = (value) {
var iteratorResult = JS('', '#.throw(#)', iter, value);
value = JS('', '#.value', iteratorResult);
return JS('bool', '#.done', iteratorResult) ? value : onAwait(value);
var zone = Zone.current;
if (zone != Zone.root) {
onValue = zone.registerUnaryCallback(onValue);
onError = zone.registerUnaryCallback(onError);
var asyncFuture = new _Future<T>();
var body = () {
try {
iter = JS('', '#[Symbol.iterator]()', initGenerator());
var iteratorValue = JS('', '', iter);
var value = JS('', '#.value', iteratorValue);
if (JS('bool', '#.done', iteratorValue)) {
// TODO(jmesserly): this is needed to work around unsoundness in our
// allowed cast failures. We have async methods that return a raw Future
// where a Future<T> is expected. If we call:
// asyncFuture._complete(value);
// Then it ends up interpreting these invalid Future<dynamic> as values
// rather than as futures (because complete checks `is Future<T>`).
// For now we inline `_Future._complete` and handle the unsoundness by
// checking against raw future types instead of the Fuutre<T> types.
if (value is Future) {
if (value is _Future) {
_Future._chainCoreFuture(value, asyncFuture);
} else {
_Future._chainForeignFuture(value, asyncFuture);
} else {
asyncFuture._completeWithValue(JS('', '#', value));
} else {
_Future._chainCoreFuture(onAwait(value), asyncFuture);
} catch (e, s) {
if (dart.startAsyncSynchronously) {
scheduleMicrotask(() {
_completeWithErrorCallback(asyncFuture, e, s);
} else {
_completeWithErrorCallback(asyncFuture, e, s);
if (dart.startAsyncSynchronously) {
} else {
return asyncFuture;
class _AsyncRun {
static void _scheduleImmediate(void callback()) {
// Lazily initialized.
static final _TakeCallback _scheduleImmediateClosure =
static _TakeCallback _initializeScheduleImmediate() {
// TODO(rnystrom): Not needed by dev_compiler.
// requiresPreamble();
if (JS('', '#.scheduleImmediate', global) != null) {
return _scheduleImmediateJsOverride;
if (JS('', '#.MutationObserver', global) != null &&
JS('', '#.document', global) != null) {
// Use mutationObservers.
var div = JS('', '#.document.createElement("div")', global);
var span = JS('', '#.document.createElement("span")', global);
_Callback storedCallback;
internalCallback(_) {
var f = storedCallback;
storedCallback = null;
var observer =
JS('', 'new #.MutationObserver(#)', global, internalCallback);
JS('', '#.observe(#, { childList: true })', observer, div);
return (void callback()) {
assert(storedCallback == null);
storedCallback = callback;
// Because of a broken shadow-dom polyfill we have to change the
// children instead a cheap property.
// See
JS('', '#.firstChild ? #.removeChild(#): #.appendChild(#)', div, div,
span, div, span);
} else if (JS('', '#.setImmediate', global) != null) {
return _scheduleImmediateWithSetImmediate;
// TODO(20055): We should use DOM promises when available.
return _scheduleImmediateWithTimer;
static void _scheduleImmediateJsOverride(void callback()) {
internalCallback() {
JS('void', '#.scheduleImmediate(#)', global, internalCallback);
static void _scheduleImmediateWithSetImmediate(void callback()) {
internalCallback() {
JS('void', '#.setImmediate(#)', global, internalCallback);
static void _scheduleImmediateWithTimer(void callback()) {
Timer._createTimer(, callback);
class DeferredLibrary {
Future<Null> load() {
throw 'DeferredLibrary not supported. '
'please use the `import "lib.dart" deferred as lib` syntax.';
class Timer {
static Timer _createTimer(Duration duration, void callback()) {
int milliseconds = duration.inMilliseconds;
if (milliseconds < 0) milliseconds = 0;
return new TimerImpl(milliseconds, callback);
static Timer _createPeriodicTimer(
Duration duration, void callback(Timer timer)) {
int milliseconds = duration.inMilliseconds;
if (milliseconds < 0) milliseconds = 0;
return new TimerImpl.periodic(milliseconds, callback);
void _rethrow(Object error, StackTrace stackTrace) {
setTraceForException(error, stackTrace);