blob: b078b9aef653578dd41e807547c6d874a0f7672e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library types;
import '../common.dart' show failedAt;
import '../common/tasks.dart' show CompilerTask;
import '../compiler.dart' show Compiler;
import '../elements/entities.dart';
import '../js_backend/inferred_data.dart';
import '../inferrer/type_graph_inferrer.dart' show TypeGraphInferrer;
import '../universe/selector.dart' show Selector;
import '../world.dart' show JClosedWorld;
import 'abstract_value_domain.dart';
/// Results about a single element (e.g. a method, parameter, or field)
/// produced by the global type-inference algorithm.
/// All queries in this class may contain results that assume whole-program
/// closed-world semantics. Any [TypeMask] for an element or node that we return
/// was inferred to be a "guaranteed type", that means, it is a type that we
/// can prove to be correct for all executions of the program. A trivial
/// implementation would return false on all boolean properties (giving no
/// guarantees) and the `subclass of Object or null` type mask for the type
/// based queries (the runtime value could be anything).
abstract class GlobalTypeInferenceElementResult<T> {
/// Whether the method element associated with this result always throws.
bool get throwsAlways;
/// The inferred type when this result belongs to a parameter or field
/// element, null otherwise.
AbstractValue get type;
/// The inferred return type when this result belongs to a function element.
AbstractValue get returnType;
/// Returns the type of a list new expression [node].
AbstractValue typeOfNewList(T node);
/// Returns the type of a list literal [node].
AbstractValue typeOfListLiteral(T node);
/// Returns the type of a send [node].
// TODO(johnniwinther): Rename this.
AbstractValue typeOfSend(T node);
/// Returns the type of the getter in a complex send-set [node], for example,
/// the type of the `a.f` getter in `a.f += b`.
AbstractValue typeOfGetter(T node);
/// Returns the type of the iterator in a [loop].
AbstractValue typeOfIterator(T node);
/// Returns the type of the `moveNext` call of an iterator in a [loop].
AbstractValue typeOfIteratorMoveNext(T node);
/// Returns the type of the `current` getter of an iterator in a [loop].
AbstractValue typeOfIteratorCurrent(T node);
abstract class GlobalTypeInferenceMemberResult<T>
extends GlobalTypeInferenceElementResult<T> {
/// Whether the member associated with this result is only called once in one
/// location in the entire program.
bool get isCalledOnce;
abstract class GlobalTypeInferenceParameterResult<T>
extends GlobalTypeInferenceElementResult<T> {}
abstract class GlobalTypeInferenceElementResultImpl<T>
implements GlobalTypeInferenceElementResult<T> {
// TODO(sigmund): split - stop using _data after inference is done.
final GlobalTypeInferenceElementData<T> _data;
// TODO(sigmund): store relevant data & drop reference to inference engine.
final TypesInferrer<T> _inferrer;
final bool _isJsInterop;
this._data, this._inferrer, this._isJsInterop);
bool get throwsAlways {
AbstractValue mask = this.returnType;
// Always throws if the return type was inferred to be non-null empty.
return mask != null && _inferrer.abstractValueDomain.isEmpty(mask);
AbstractValue typeOfNewList(T node) => _inferrer.getTypeForNewList(node);
AbstractValue typeOfListLiteral(T node) => _inferrer.getTypeForNewList(node);
AbstractValue typeOfSend(T node) => _data?.typeOfSend(node);
AbstractValue typeOfGetter(T node) => _data?.typeOfGetter(node);
AbstractValue typeOfIterator(T node) => _data?.typeOfIterator(node);
AbstractValue typeOfIteratorMoveNext(T node) =>
AbstractValue typeOfIteratorCurrent(T node) =>
class GlobalTypeInferenceMemberResultImpl<T>
extends GlobalTypeInferenceElementResultImpl<T>
implements GlobalTypeInferenceMemberResult<T> {
// TODO(sigmund): delete, store data directly here.
final MemberEntity _owner;
GlobalTypeInferenceElementData data,
TypesInferrer inferrer,
bool isJsInterop)
: super(data, inferrer, isJsInterop);
bool get isCalledOnce => _inferrer.isMemberCalledOnce(_owner);
AbstractValue get returnType => _isJsInterop
? _inferrer.abstractValueDomain.dynamicType
: _inferrer.getReturnTypeOfMember(_owner);
AbstractValue get type => _isJsInterop
? _inferrer.abstractValueDomain.dynamicType
: _inferrer.getTypeOfMember(_owner);
class GlobalTypeInferenceParameterResultImpl<T>
extends GlobalTypeInferenceElementResultImpl<T>
implements GlobalTypeInferenceParameterResult<T> {
// TODO(sigmund): delete, store data directly here.
final Local _owner;
GlobalTypeInferenceParameterResultImpl(this._owner, TypesInferrer inferrer)
: super(null, inferrer, false);
AbstractValue get returnType => _isJsInterop
? _inferrer.abstractValueDomain.dynamicType
: _inferrer.getReturnTypeOfParameter(_owner);
AbstractValue get type => _isJsInterop
? _inferrer.abstractValueDomain.dynamicType
: _inferrer.getTypeOfParameter(_owner);
/// Internal data used during type-inference to store intermediate results about
/// a single element.
abstract class GlobalTypeInferenceElementData<T> {
// TODO(johnniwinther): Remove this. Maybe split by access/invoke.
AbstractValue typeOfSend(T node);
AbstractValue typeOfGetter(T node);
void setTypeMask(T node, AbstractValue mask);
AbstractValue typeOfIterator(T node);
AbstractValue typeOfIteratorMoveNext(T node);
AbstractValue typeOfIteratorCurrent(T node);
void setIteratorTypeMask(T node, AbstractValue mask);
void setMoveNextTypeMask(T node, AbstractValue mask);
void setCurrentTypeMask(T node, AbstractValue mask);
/// API to interact with the global type-inference engine.
abstract class TypesInferrer<T> {
AbstractValueDomain get abstractValueDomain;
void analyzeMain(FunctionEntity element);
AbstractValue getReturnTypeOfMember(MemberEntity element);
AbstractValue getReturnTypeOfParameter(Local element);
AbstractValue getTypeOfMember(MemberEntity element);
AbstractValue getTypeOfParameter(Local element);
AbstractValue getTypeForNewList(T node);
AbstractValue getTypeOfSelector(Selector selector, AbstractValue receiver);
void clear();
bool isMemberCalledOnce(MemberEntity element);
bool isFixedArrayCheckedForGrowable(T node);
GlobalTypeInferenceResults createResults();
/// Results produced by the global type-inference algorithm.
/// All queries in this class may contain results that assume whole-program
/// closed-world semantics. Any [TypeMask] for an element or node that we return
/// was inferred to be a "guaranteed type", that means, it is a type that we
/// can prove to be correct for all executions of the program.
abstract class GlobalTypeInferenceResults<T> {
// TODO(sigmund): store relevant data & drop reference to inference engine.
final TypeGraphInferrer<T> _inferrer;
final JClosedWorld closedWorld;
final Map<MemberEntity, GlobalTypeInferenceMemberResult<T>> _memberResults =
<MemberEntity, GlobalTypeInferenceMemberResult<T>>{};
final Map<Local, GlobalTypeInferenceParameterResult<T>> _parameterResults =
<Local, GlobalTypeInferenceParameterResult<T>>{};
GlobalTypeInferenceResults(this._inferrer, this.closedWorld);
/// Create the [GlobalTypeInferenceMemberResult] object for [member].
GlobalTypeInferenceMemberResult<T> createMemberResult(
TypeGraphInferrer<T> inferrer, MemberEntity member,
{bool isJsInterop: false});
/// Create the [GlobalTypeInferenceParameterResult] object for [parameter].
GlobalTypeInferenceParameterResult<T> createParameterResult(
TypeGraphInferrer<T> inferrer, Local parameter);
// TODO(sigmund,johnniwinther): compute result objects eagerly and make it an
// error to query for results that don't exist.
GlobalTypeInferenceMemberResult<T> resultOfMember(MemberEntity member) {
member is! ConstructorBodyEntity,
"unexpected input: ConstructorBodyElements are created"
" after global type inference, no data is avaiable for them."));
bool isJsInterop = closedWorld.nativeData.isJsInteropMember(member);
return _memberResults.putIfAbsent(member,
() => createMemberResult(_inferrer, member, isJsInterop: isJsInterop));
// TODO(sigmund,johnniwinther): compute result objects eagerly and make it an
// error to query for results that don't exist.
GlobalTypeInferenceElementResult<T> resultOfParameter(Local parameter) {
return _parameterResults.putIfAbsent(
parameter, () => createParameterResult(_inferrer, parameter));
/// Returns the type of a [selector] when applied to a receiver with the given
/// type [mask].
AbstractValue typeOfSelector(Selector selector, AbstractValue mask) =>
_inferrer.getTypeOfSelector(selector, mask);
/// Returns whether a fixed-length constructor call goes through a growable
/// check.
// TODO(sigmund): move into the result of the element containing such
// constructor call.
bool isFixedArrayCheckedForGrowable(T ctorCall) =>
/// Global analysis that infers concrete types.
class GlobalTypeInferenceTask extends CompilerTask {
// TODO(sigmund): rename at the same time as our benchmarking tools.
final String name = 'Type inference';
final Compiler compiler;
/// The [TypeGraphInferrer] used by the global type inference. This should by
/// accessed from outside this class for testing only.
TypeGraphInferrer typesInferrerInternal;
GlobalTypeInferenceResults results;
InferredData inferredData;
GlobalTypeInferenceTask(Compiler compiler)
: compiler = compiler,
/// Runs the global type-inference algorithm once.
void runGlobalTypeInference(FunctionEntity mainElement,
JClosedWorld closedWorld, InferredDataBuilder inferredDataBuilder) {
measure(() {
typesInferrerInternal ??= compiler.backendStrategy.createTypesInferrer(
closedWorld, inferredDataBuilder,
disableTypeInference: compiler.disableTypeInference);
results = typesInferrerInternal.createResults();
inferredData = inferredDataBuilder.close(closedWorld);