blob: ded9161cb6797b874aa8806e1d84e8669f05afdd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
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/// API used by the library loader to translate internal SDK URIs into file
/// system readable URIs.
abstract class ResolvedUriTranslator {
factory ResolvedUriTranslator(Map<String, Uri> sdkLibraries) =
/// A mapping from dart: library names to their location.
Map<String, Uri> get sdkLibraries;
/// A translator that forwards all methods to an internal
/// [ResolvedUriTranslator].
/// The translator to forward to may be set after the instance is constructed.
/// This is useful for the compiler because some tasks that are instantiated at
/// compiler construction time need a [ResolvedUriTranslator], but the data
/// required to instantiate it cannot be obtained at construction time. So a
/// [ForwardingResolvedUriTranslator] may be passed instead, and the translator
/// to forward to can be set once the required data has been retrieved.
class ForwardingResolvedUriTranslator implements ResolvedUriTranslator {
ResolvedUriTranslator resolvedUriTranslator;
/// Returns `true` if [resolvedUriTranslator] is not `null`.
bool get isSet => resolvedUriTranslator != null;
/// The opposite of [isSet].
bool get isNotSet => resolvedUriTranslator == null;
Map<String, Uri> get sdkLibraries => resolvedUriTranslator.sdkLibraries;
class _ResolvedUriTranslator implements ResolvedUriTranslator {
final Map<String, Uri> _sdkLibraries;
Map<String, Uri> get sdkLibraries => _sdkLibraries;