blob: 0ef59afb5a7eb372e911a41243dd20804632a4d8 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:kernel/ast.dart';
import 'package:kernel/core_types.dart';
import 'package:kernel/type_environment.dart';
import 'package:front_end/src/api_unstable/vm.dart' show isExtensionTypeThis;
import 'package:front_end/src/api_prototype/record_use.dart' as RecordUse;
import 'analysis.dart';
import 'table_selector_assigner.dart';
import 'types.dart';
import 'utils.dart';
import '../../metadata/procedure_attributes.dart';
/// Transform parameters from optional to required when they are always passed,
/// and remove parameters which are never passed or never used.
/// Signatures of static functions are considered on their own. Instance methods
/// are grouped by table selector ID and thus can cover several implementations.
/// Definitions:
/// - A parameter is checked if it requires a runtime check, either because it
/// is covariant or it is non-nullable and sound null safety is not enabled.
/// If sound null safety is not enabled, the analysis currently conservatively
/// assumes that null assertions are enabled. If we add a flag for null
/// assertions to gen_kernel, this flag can form part of the definition.
/// - A parameter is used if it is mentioned in the body (or, for constructors,
/// an initializer) of any implementation, or it is checked. An occurrence as
/// an argument to a call (a use dependency) is only considered a use if the
/// corresponding target parameter is used.
/// - A parameter can be eliminated if either:
/// 1. it is not used,
/// 2. it is never passed and is not written to in any implementation, or
/// 3. it is a constant (though not necessarily the same constant) in every
/// implementation and is neither written to nor checked.
/// - A function is eligible if it is not external and is guaranteed to not be
/// called with an unknown call signature.
/// All eligible signatures are transformed such that they contain, in order:
/// 1. All positional parameters that are always passed and can't be
/// eliminated, as required positional parameters.
/// 2. All named parameters that are always passed and can't be eliminated,
/// as required positional parameters, alphabetically by name.
/// 3. All positional parameters that are not always passed and can't be
/// eliminated, as positional parameters, each one required iff it was
/// originally required.
/// 4. All named parameters that are not always passed and can't be
/// eliminated, as named parameters in alphabetical order.
class SignatureShaker {
final TypeFlowAnalysis typeFlowAnalysis;
final TableSelectorAssigner tableSelectorAssigner;
final Map<Member, _ProcedureInfo> _memberInfo = {};
final Map<int, _ProcedureInfo> _selectorInfo = {};
SignatureShaker(this.typeFlowAnalysis, this.tableSelectorAssigner);
_ProcedureInfo? _infoForMember(Member member) {
if (!(member is Procedure &&
(member.kind == ProcedureKind.Method ||
member.kind == ProcedureKind.Factory) ||
member is Constructor)) {
return null;
if (member.isInstanceMember) {
final selectorId = tableSelectorAssigner.methodOrSetterSelectorId(member);
assert(selectorId != ProcedureAttributesMetadata.kInvalidSelectorId);
return _selectorInfo.putIfAbsent(selectorId, () => _ProcedureInfo());
} else {
return _memberInfo.putIfAbsent(member, () => _ProcedureInfo());
void transformComponent(Component component) {
void _resolveUseDependencies() {
List<_ParameterInfo> worklist = [];
for (_ProcedureInfo info in _memberInfo.values) {
_addUseDependenciesForProcedure(info, worklist);
for (_ProcedureInfo info in _selectorInfo.values) {
_addUseDependenciesForProcedure(info, worklist);
while (worklist.isNotEmpty) {
_ParameterInfo param = worklist.removeLast();
for (_ParameterInfo dependencyParam in param.useDependencies!) {
if (!dependencyParam.isRead) {
dependencyParam.isRead = true;
if (dependencyParam.useDependencies != null) {
void _addUseDependenciesForProcedure(
_ProcedureInfo info, List<_ParameterInfo> worklist) {
for (_ParameterInfo param in info.positional) {
_addUseDependenciesForParameter(param, worklist);
for (_ParameterInfo param in info.named.values) {
_addUseDependenciesForParameter(param, worklist);
void _addUseDependenciesForParameter(
_ParameterInfo param, List<_ParameterInfo> worklist) {
if ((param.isUsed || ! &&
param.useDependencies != null) {
class _ProcedureInfo {
final List<_ParameterInfo> positional = [];
final Map<String, _ParameterInfo> named = {};
int callCount = 0;
bool eligible = true;
_ParameterInfo ensurePositional(int i) {
if (positional.length <= i) {
assert(positional.length == i);
positional.add(_ParameterInfo(this, i));
return positional[i];
_ParameterInfo ensureNamed(String name) {
return named.putIfAbsent(name, () => _ParameterInfo(this, null));
bool transformNeeded(FunctionNode function) {
return positional.any((param) =>
param.canBeEliminated ||
(param.isAlwaysPassed &&
param.index! >= function.requiredParameterCount)) ||
.any((param) => param.canBeEliminated || param.isAlwaysPassed);
class _ParameterInfo {
final _ProcedureInfo info;
final int? index;
int passCount = 0;
bool isRead = false;
bool isWritten = false;
bool isChecked = false;
bool isConstant = true;
/// List of parameter variables which were passed as arguments via this
/// parameter. When this parameter is considered used, all [useDependencies]
/// parameters should be transitively marked as read.
List<_ParameterInfo>? useDependencies = null;
_ParameterInfo(, this.index);
bool get isNamed => index == null;
bool get isUsed => isRead || isWritten || isChecked;
bool get isAlwaysPassed => passCount == info.callCount;
bool get isNeverPassed => passCount == 0;
bool get canBeEliminated =>
(!isUsed || (isNeverPassed || isConstant && !isChecked) && !isWritten);
void observeParameter(
Member member, VariableDeclaration param, SignatureShaker shaker) {
final Type? type = shaker.typeFlowAnalysis.argumentType(member, param);
// A parameter is considered constant if the TFA has inferred it to have a
// constant value in every implementation. The constant value inferred does
// not have to be the same across implementations, as it is specialized in
// each implementation individually.
if (!(type is ConcreteType && type.attributes?.constant != null ||
type is NullableType && type.baseType is EmptyType)) {
isConstant = false;
// Covariant parameters have implicit type checks, which count as reads.
if (param.isCovariantByDeclaration || param.isCovariantByClass) {
isChecked = true;
// Avoid elimination of extension type declaration 'this' parameter
// as it affects equality of tear-off closures.
// The kernel encoding of a `extension type I(J it) { foo() {} }` is
// static method I|foo(lowered final test::J #this) → void {}
// static method I|get#foo(lowered final test::J #this) → () → void
// return () → void => test::I|foo(#this);
// So by not removing `#this` in kernel, the VM scope builder will mark
// it as captured and create a context for the closure. This
// would make distinct tear-off closure instances not equal,
// as required by the spec.
if (member.isExtensionTypeMember && isExtensionTypeThis(param)) {
isChecked = true;
/// Disable signature shaking for annotated methods, to prevent removal of
/// parameters. The consumers of recorded_usages.json expect constant
/// argument values to be present for all parameters.
if (member is Procedure &&
RecordUse.findRecordUseAnnotation(member).isNotEmpty) {
isChecked = true;
class _Collect extends RecursiveVisitor {
final SignatureShaker shaker;
final CoreTypes coreTypes;
/// Parameters of the current function.
final Map<VariableDeclaration, _ParameterInfo> localParameters = {};
/// Set of [VariableGet] nodes corresponding to parameters in the current
/// function which are passed as arguments to eligible calls. They are tracked
/// via [_ParameterInfo.useDependencies] and not marked as read immediately.
final Set<VariableGet> useDependencies = {};
: coreTypes = shaker.typeFlowAnalysis.environment.coreTypes;
void enterFunction(Member member) {
final _ProcedureInfo? info = shaker._infoForMember(member);
if (info == null) return;
final FunctionNode fun = member.function!;
for (int i = 0; i < fun.positionalParameters.length; i++) {
final VariableDeclaration param = fun.positionalParameters[i];
localParameters[param] = info.ensurePositional(i)
..observeParameter(member, param, shaker);
for (VariableDeclaration param in fun.namedParameters) {
localParameters[param] = info.ensureNamed(!)
..observeParameter(member, param, shaker);
if (shaker.typeFlowAnalysis.isCalledDynamically(member) ||
shaker.typeFlowAnalysis.isTearOffTaken(member) ||
.isMemberReferencedFromNativeCode(member) ||
shaker.typeFlowAnalysis.nativeCodeOracle.isRecognized(member) ||
member.isExternal || == '==') {
info.eligible = false;
void visitProcedure(Procedure node) {
void visitConstructor(Constructor node) {
void visitVariableGet(VariableGet node) {
// Variable reads marked as use dependencies are not considered reads
// immediately. Their status as a read or not will be computed after all use
// dependencies have been collected.
localParameters[node.variable]?.isRead |= !useDependencies.contains(node);
void visitVariableSet(VariableSet node) {
localParameters[node.variable]?.isWritten = true;
void addUseDependency(Expression arg, _ParameterInfo param) {
if (arg is VariableGet) {
_ParameterInfo? localParam = localParameters[arg.variable];
if (localParam != null && !localParam.isUsed) {
// This is a parameter passed as an argument. Mark it as a use
// dependency.
var paramUseDependencies = param.useDependencies;
if (paramUseDependencies == null) {
param.useDependencies = paramUseDependencies = [];
void collectCall(Member member, Arguments args) {
final _ProcedureInfo? info = shaker._infoForMember(member);
if (info == null) return;
for (int i = 0; i < args.positional.length; i++) {
_ParameterInfo param = info.ensurePositional(i);
addUseDependency(args.positional[i], param);
for (NamedExpression named in args.named) {
_ParameterInfo param = info.ensureNamed(;
addUseDependency(named.value, param);
void visitInstanceInvocation(InstanceInvocation node) {
collectCall(node.interfaceTarget, node.arguments);
void visitSuperMethodInvocation(SuperMethodInvocation node) {
collectCall(node.interfaceTarget, node.arguments);
void visitStaticInvocation(StaticInvocation node) {
collectCall(, node.arguments);
void visitConstructorInvocation(ConstructorInvocation node) {
collectCall(, node.arguments);
void visitRedirectingInitializer(RedirectingInitializer node) {
collectCall(, node.arguments);
void visitSuperInitializer(SuperInitializer node) {
collectCall(, node.arguments);
class _Transform extends RecursiveVisitor {
final SignatureShaker shaker;
late StaticTypeContext typeContext;
final Map<VariableDeclaration, Constant> eliminatedParams = {};
final Set<VariableDeclaration> unusedParams = {};
final List<LocalInitializer> addedInitializers = [];
void eliminateUsedParameter(
Member member, _ParameterInfo param, VariableDeclaration variable) {
Constant value;
if (param.isConstant) {
Type type = shaker.typeFlowAnalysis.argumentType(member, variable)!;
if (type is ConcreteType) {
value = type.attributes!.constant!;
} else {
assert(type is NullableType && type.baseType is EmptyType);
value = NullConstant();
} else {
value = (variable.initializer as ConstantExpression?)?.constant ??
eliminatedParams[variable] = value;
void transformMemberSignature(Member member) {
typeContext =
StaticTypeContext(member, shaker.typeFlowAnalysis.environment);
final _ProcedureInfo? info = shaker._infoForMember(member);
if (info == null || !info.eligible || info.callCount == 0) return;
final FunctionNode function = member.function!;
if (!info.transformNeeded(function)) return;
final List<VariableDeclaration> positional = [];
final List<VariableDeclaration> named = [];
// 1. All positional parameters that are always passed and can't be
// eliminated, as required positional parameters.
int firstNotAlwaysPassed = function.positionalParameters.length;
for (int i = 0; i < function.positionalParameters.length; i++) {
final _ParameterInfo param = info.positional[i];
if (!param.isAlwaysPassed) {
firstNotAlwaysPassed = i;
final VariableDeclaration variable = function.positionalParameters[i];
if (param.isUsed) {
if (param.canBeEliminated) {
eliminateUsedParameter(member, param, variable);
} else {
variable.initializer = null;
variable.hasDeclaredInitializer = false;
} else {
// 2. All named parameters that are always passed and can't be eliminated,
// as required positional parameters, alphabetically by name.
final List<VariableDeclaration> sortedNamed = function.namedParameters
..sort((var1, var2) =>!.compareTo(!));
for (VariableDeclaration variable in sortedNamed) {
final _ParameterInfo param = info.named[!]!;
if (param.isAlwaysPassed) {
if (param.isUsed) {
if (param.canBeEliminated) {
eliminateUsedParameter(member, param, variable);
} else {
variable.initializer = null;
variable.hasDeclaredInitializer = false;
variable.isRequired = false;
} else {
int requiredParameterCount = positional.length;
// 3. All positional parameters that are not always passed and can't be
// eliminated, as positional parameters, each one required iff it was
// originally required.
for (int i = firstNotAlwaysPassed;
i < function.positionalParameters.length;
i++) {
final _ParameterInfo param = info.positional[i];
final VariableDeclaration variable = function.positionalParameters[i];
if (param.isUsed) {
if (param.canBeEliminated) {
eliminateUsedParameter(member, param, variable);
} else if (!param.isAlwaysPassed) {
if (i < function.requiredParameterCount) {
// The parameter is required, but it is not always passed. This is
// possible if the method is overridden by a method which makes the
// parameter optional.
assert(variable.initializer == null);
} else {
// 4. All named parameters that are not always passed and can't be
// eliminated, as named parameters in alphabetical order.
for (VariableDeclaration variable in sortedNamed) {
final _ParameterInfo param = info.named[!]!;
if (!param.isAlwaysPassed) {
if (param.isUsed) {
if (param.canBeEliminated) {
eliminateUsedParameter(member, param, variable);
} else {
} else {
assert(requiredParameterCount <= positional.length);
function.requiredParameterCount = requiredParameterCount;
function.positionalParameters = positional;
function.namedParameters = named;
void visitVariableGet(VariableGet node) {
Constant? constantValue = eliminatedParams[node.variable];
if (constantValue != null) {
constantValue, constantValue.getType(typeContext)));
void visitConstructor(Constructor node) {
if (addedInitializers.isNotEmpty) {
// Insert hoisted constructor arguments before this/super initializer.
assert(node.initializers.last is RedirectingInitializer ||
node.initializers.last is SuperInitializer);
.insertAll(node.initializers.length - 1, addedInitializers.reversed);
void visitProcedure(Procedure node) {
void visitField(Field node) {
typeContext = StaticTypeContext(node, shaker.typeFlowAnalysis.environment);
static void forEachArgumentRev(Arguments args, _ProcedureInfo info,
void Function(Expression, _ParameterInfo) fun) {
for (int i = args.named.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
final NamedExpression namedExp = args.named[i];
fun(namedExp.value, info.named[]!);
for (int i = args.positional.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
fun(args.positional[i], info.positional[i]);
void transformCall(
Member target, TreeNode call, Expression? receiver, Arguments args) {
final _ProcedureInfo? info = shaker._infoForMember(target);
if (info == null || !info.eligible) return;
bool transformNeeded = false;
bool hoistingNeeded = false;
forEachArgumentRev(args, info, (Expression arg, _ParameterInfo param) {
if (param.canBeEliminated || param.isNamed && param.isAlwaysPassed) {
transformNeeded = true;
if (mayHaveSideEffects(arg)) {
hoistingNeeded = true;
if (!transformNeeded) return;
bool isUnusedParam(Expression exp) {
return exp is VariableGet && unusedParams.contains(exp.variable);
Map<Expression, VariableDeclaration> hoisted = {};
if (hoistingNeeded) {
if (call is Initializer) {
final Constructor constructor = call.parent as Constructor;
forEachArgumentRev(args, info, (Expression arg, _ParameterInfo param) {
if (mayHaveOrSeeSideEffects(arg) && !isUnusedParam(arg)) {
VariableDeclaration argVar = VariableDeclaration(null,
initializer: arg,
type: arg.getStaticType(typeContext),
isFinal: true,
isSynthesized: true);
.add(LocalInitializer(argVar)..parent = constructor);
hoisted[arg] = argVar;
} else {
final TreeNode parent = call.parent!;
Expression current = call as Expression;
forEachArgumentRev(args, info, (Expression arg, _ParameterInfo param) {
if (mayHaveOrSeeSideEffects(arg) && !isUnusedParam(arg)) {
VariableDeclaration argVar = VariableDeclaration(null,
initializer: arg,
type: arg.getStaticType(typeContext),
isFinal: true,
isSynthesized: true);
current = Let(argVar, current);
hoisted[arg] = argVar;
if (receiver != null && mayHaveOrSeeSideEffects(receiver)) {
assert(receiver.parent == call);
final VariableDeclaration receiverVar = VariableDeclaration(null,
initializer: receiver,
type: receiver.getStaticType(typeContext),
isFinal: true,
isSynthesized: true);
current = Let(receiverVar, current);
call.replaceChild(receiver, VariableGet(receiverVar));
parent.replaceChild(call, current);
Expression getMaybeHoistedArg(Expression arg) {
final variable = hoisted[arg];
if (variable == null) return arg;
return VariableGet(variable);
final List<Expression> positional = [];
final List<NamedExpression> named = [];
// 1. All positional parameters that are always passed and can't be
// eliminated, as required positional parameters.
for (int i = 0; i < args.positional.length; i++) {
final _ParameterInfo param = info.positional[i];
final Expression arg = args.positional[i];
if (param.isAlwaysPassed && !param.canBeEliminated) {
// 2. All named parameters that are always passed and can't be eliminated,
// as required positional parameters, alphabetically by name.
final List<NamedExpression> sortedNamed = args.named.toList()
..sort((var1, var2) =>;
for (NamedExpression arg in sortedNamed) {
final _ParameterInfo param = info.named[]!;
if (param.isAlwaysPassed && !param.canBeEliminated) {
// 3. All positional parameters that are not always passed and can't be
// eliminated, as positional parameters, each one required iff it was
// originally required.
for (int i = 0; i < args.positional.length; i++) {
final _ParameterInfo param = info.positional[i];
final Expression arg = args.positional[i];
if (!param.isAlwaysPassed && !param.canBeEliminated) {
// 4. All named parameters that are not always passed and can't be
// eliminated, as named parameters in alphabetical order.
// (Arguments are kept in original order.)
for (NamedExpression arg in args.named) {
final _ParameterInfo param = info.named[]!;
if (!param.isAlwaysPassed && !param.canBeEliminated) {
arg.value = getMaybeHoistedArg(arg.value)..parent = arg;
args.replaceWith(Arguments(positional, named: named, types: args.types));
void visitInstanceInvocation(InstanceInvocation node) {
transformCall(node.interfaceTarget, node, node.receiver, node.arguments);
void visitSuperMethodInvocation(SuperMethodInvocation node) {
transformCall(node.interfaceTarget, node, null, node.arguments);
void visitStaticInvocation(StaticInvocation node) {
transformCall(, node, null, node.arguments);
void visitConstructorInvocation(ConstructorInvocation node) {
transformCall(, node, null, node.arguments);
void visitRedirectingInitializer(RedirectingInitializer node) {
transformCall(, node, null, node.arguments);
void visitSuperInitializer(SuperInitializer node) {
transformCall(, node, null, node.arguments);