blob: c6db96641770e615deafe341615771465e41bd7a [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright (c) 2022, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:kernel/ast.dart';
import 'package:kernel/class_hierarchy.dart' show ClassHierarchy;
import 'package:kernel/core_types.dart';
import 'package:kernel/library_index.dart' show LibraryIndex;
import 'package:kernel/reference_from_index.dart' show ReferenceFromIndex;
import 'package:kernel/target/targets.dart' show DiagnosticReporter;
import 'package:vm/modular/transformations/ffi/abi.dart' show Abi;
import 'package:vm/modular/transformations/ffi/common.dart' show NativeType;
import 'package:vm/modular/transformations/ffi/native.dart'
show FfiNativeTransformer;
import 'abi.dart' show kWasmAbiEnumIndex;
/// Transform `@Native`-annotated functions to convert Dart arguments to
/// Wasm arguments expected by the FFI functions, and convert the Wasm function
/// return value to the Dart value.
/// Add a new `external` procedure for the Wasm import.
/// Example:
/// @Native<Int8 Function(Int8, Int8)>(symbol: "addInt8")
/// external int addInt8(int a, int b);
/// Converted to:
/// external static wasm::WasmI32 addInt8_$import(wasm::WasmI32 a, wasm::WasmI32 b);
/// static int addInt8(int a, int b) =>
/// addInt8_$import(WasmI32::int8FromInt(a), WasmI32::int8FromInt(b)).toIntSigned();
void transformLibraries(
Component component,
CoreTypes coreTypes,
ClassHierarchy hierarchy,
List<Library> libraries,
DiagnosticReporter diagnosticReporter,
ReferenceFromIndex? referenceFromIndex) {
final index = LibraryIndex(component, [
final transformer = WasmFfiNativeTransformer(
index, coreTypes, hierarchy, diagnosticReporter, referenceFromIndex);
class WasmFfiNativeTransformer extends FfiNativeTransformer {
final Class wasmI32Class;
final Class wasmI64Class;
final Class wasmF32Class;
final Class wasmF64Class;
final Class wasmEqRefClass;
final Procedure wasmI32FromInt;
final Procedure wasmI32Int8FromInt;
final Procedure wasmI32Uint8FromInt;
final Procedure wasmI32Int16FromInt;
final Procedure wasmI32Uint16FromInt;
final Procedure wasmI32FromBool;
final Procedure wasmI32ToIntSigned;
final Procedure wasmI32ToIntUnsigned;
final Procedure wasmI32ToBool;
final Procedure wasmI64FromInt;
final Procedure wasmI64ToInt;
final Procedure wasmF32FromDouble;
final Procedure wasmF32ToDouble;
final Procedure wasmF64FromDouble;
final Procedure wasmF64ToDouble;
final Procedure pointerFromAddressI32;
final Field pointerAddressField;
WasmFfiNativeTransformer(super.index, super.coreTypes, super.hierarchy,
super.diagnosticReporter, super.referenceFromIndex)
: wasmI32Class = index.getClass('dart:_wasm', 'WasmI32'),
wasmI64Class = index.getClass('dart:_wasm', 'WasmI64'),
wasmF32Class = index.getClass('dart:_wasm', 'WasmF32'),
wasmF64Class = index.getClass('dart:_wasm', 'WasmF64'),
wasmEqRefClass = index.getClass('dart:_wasm', 'WasmEqRef'),
wasmI32FromInt = index.getProcedure('dart:_wasm', 'WasmI32', 'fromInt'),
wasmI32Int8FromInt =
index.getProcedure('dart:_wasm', 'WasmI32', 'int8FromInt'),
wasmI32Uint8FromInt =
index.getProcedure('dart:_wasm', 'WasmI32', 'uint8FromInt'),
wasmI32Int16FromInt =
index.getProcedure('dart:_wasm', 'WasmI32', 'int16FromInt'),
wasmI32Uint16FromInt =
index.getProcedure('dart:_wasm', 'WasmI32', 'uint16FromInt'),
wasmI32FromBool =
index.getProcedure('dart:_wasm', 'WasmI32', 'fromBool'),
wasmI32ToIntSigned =
index.getProcedure('dart:_wasm', 'WasmI32', 'toIntSigned'),
wasmI32ToIntUnsigned =
index.getProcedure('dart:_wasm', 'WasmI32', 'toIntUnsigned'),
wasmI32ToBool = index.getProcedure('dart:_wasm', 'WasmI32', 'toBool'),
wasmI64ToInt = index.getProcedure('dart:_wasm', 'WasmI64', 'toInt'),
wasmI64FromInt = index.getProcedure('dart:_wasm', 'WasmI64', 'fromInt'),
wasmF32FromDouble =
index.getProcedure('dart:_wasm', 'WasmF32', 'fromDouble'),
wasmF32ToDouble =
index.getProcedure('dart:_wasm', 'WasmF32', 'toDouble'),
wasmF64FromDouble =
index.getProcedure('dart:_wasm', 'WasmF64', 'fromDouble'),
wasmF64ToDouble =
index.getProcedure('dart:_wasm', 'WasmF64', 'toDouble'),
pointerFromAddressI32 =
index.getProcedure('dart:ffi', 'Pointer', '_fromAddressI32'),
pointerAddressField = index.getField('dart:ffi', 'Pointer', '_address');
visitProcedure(Procedure node) {
// Only transform functions that are external and have Native annotation:
// @Native<Double Function(Double)>(symbol: 'Math_sqrt')
// external double _square_root(double x);
final nativeAnnotation = tryGetNativeAnnotationOrWarnOnDuplicates(node);
if (nativeAnnotation == null) {
return node;
final annotationOffset = nativeAnnotation.fileOffset;
final ffiConstant = nativeAnnotation.constant as InstanceConstant;
final ffiFunctionType = ffiConstant.typeArguments.first as FunctionType;
final isLeafField =
final isLeaf = (isLeafField as BoolConstant).value;
final assetField = ffiConstant.fieldValues[nativeAssetField.fieldReference];
final assetName = (assetField is StringConstant)
? assetField
: (currentAsset ?? StringConstant("ffi"));
final nameField = ffiConstant.fieldValues[nativeSymbolField.fieldReference];
final functionName = (nameField is StringConstant)
? nameField
: StringConstant(;
final nativeFunctionName =
// Original function should be external and without body
assert(node.isExternal == true);
assert(node.function.body == null);
final dartFunctionType =
final wrappedDartFunctionType = checkFfiType(
node, dartFunctionType, ffiFunctionType, isLeaf, annotationOffset);
if (wrappedDartFunctionType == null) {
// It's OK to continue because the diagnostics issued will cause
// compilation to fail. By continuing, we can report more diagnostics
// before compilation ends.
return node;
// Create a new extern static procedure for the import. The original
// function will be calling this one with arguments converted to right Wasm
// types, and it will convert the return value to the right Dart type.
final wasmImportName = Name('${}_\$import', currentLibrary);
final wasmImportPragma =
ConstantExpression(InstanceConstant(pragmaClass.reference, [], {
pragmaName.fieldReference: StringConstant("wasm:import"),
pragmaOptions.fieldReference: nativeFunctionName,
// For the imported function arguments, use names in the Dart function but
// types in the FFI declaration
final List<VariableDeclaration> wasmImportProcedureArgs = [];
for (int i = 0; i < ffiFunctionType.positionalParameters.length; i += 1) {
final argWasmType =
if (argWasmType != null) {
type: argWasmType,
isSynthesized: true,
final retWasmType = _convertFfiTypeToWasmType(ffiFunctionType.returnType);
final retWasmType_ = retWasmType ?? VoidType();
final wasmImportProcedure = Procedure(
positionalParameters: wasmImportProcedureArgs,
returnType: retWasmType_),
fileUri: node.fileUri,
isExternal: true,
isStatic: true,
isSynthetic: true)
..fileOffset = node.fileOffset;
// Update the original procedure to call the Wasm import, converting
// arguments and return value
node.isExternal = false;
// Convert arguments
assert(ffiFunctionType.positionalParameters.length ==
final ffiCallArgs = <Expression>[];
for (int i = 0; i < node.function.positionalParameters.length; i += 1) {
final ffiArgumentType = ffiFunctionType.positionalParameters[i];
final ffiValue = _dartValueToFfiValue(
ffiArgumentType, VariableGet(node.function.positionalParameters[i]));
if (ffiValue != null) {
// Convert return value
node.function.body = ReturnStatement(_ffiValueToDartValue(
StaticInvocation(wasmImportProcedure, Arguments(ffiCallArgs))));
return node;
/// Converts a Dart value to the corresponding Wasm FFI value according to
/// emscripten ABI.
/// For example, converts a Dart `int` for an `Uint8` native type to Wasm I32
/// and masks high bits.
/// Unboxes `Pointer` values as `i32`.
/// Returns `null` for [Void] values.
Expression? _dartValueToFfiValue(DartType ffiType, Expression expr) {
final InterfaceType abiType_ =
_getFixedWidthIntegerFromAbiSpecificInteger(ffiType as InterfaceType);
final NativeType abiTypeNativeType = getType(abiType_.classNode)!;
return switch (abiTypeNativeType) {
NativeType.kInt8 =>
StaticInvocation(wasmI32Int8FromInt, Arguments([expr])),
NativeType.kUint8 =>
StaticInvocation(wasmI32Uint8FromInt, Arguments([expr])),
NativeType.kInt16 =>
StaticInvocation(wasmI32Int16FromInt, Arguments([expr])),
NativeType.kUint16 =>
StaticInvocation(wasmI32Uint16FromInt, Arguments([expr])),
NativeType.kInt32 ||
NativeType.kUint32 =>
StaticInvocation(wasmI32FromInt, Arguments([expr])),
NativeType.kInt64 ||
NativeType.kUint64 =>
StaticInvocation(wasmI64FromInt, Arguments([expr])),
NativeType.kFloat =>
StaticInvocation(wasmF32FromDouble, Arguments([expr])),
NativeType.kDouble =>
StaticInvocation(wasmF64FromDouble, Arguments([expr])),
NativeType.kPointer => InstanceGet(
interfaceTarget: pointerAddressField,
resultType: InterfaceType(wasmI32Class, Nullability.nonNullable),
NativeType.kBool => StaticInvocation(wasmI32FromBool, Arguments([expr])),
NativeType.kVoid => null,
_ => throw '_dartValueToFfiValue: $abiTypeNativeType cannot be converted'
/// Converts a Wasm FFI value to the corresponding Dart value according to
/// emscripten ABI.
/// For example, converts an `Bool` native type to Dart bool by checking the
/// Wasm I32 value for the bool: 0 means `false`, non-0 means `true`.
Expression _ffiValueToDartValue(DartType ffiType, Expression expr) {
final InterfaceType ffiType_ =
_getFixedWidthIntegerFromAbiSpecificInteger(ffiType as InterfaceType);
final NativeType nativeType = getType(ffiType_.classNode)!;
Expression instanceInvocation(Procedure converter, Expression receiver) =>
interfaceTarget: converter,
functionType: converter.getterType as FunctionType,
switch (nativeType) {
case NativeType.kInt8:
case NativeType.kInt16:
case NativeType.kInt32:
return instanceInvocation(wasmI32ToIntSigned, expr);
case NativeType.kUint8:
case NativeType.kUint16:
case NativeType.kUint32:
return instanceInvocation(wasmI32ToIntUnsigned, expr);
case NativeType.kPointer:
assert(ffiType_.classNode == pointerClass);
assert(ffiType_.typeArguments.length == 1);
return StaticInvocation(pointerFromAddressI32,
Arguments([expr], types: ffiType_.typeArguments));
case NativeType.kVoid:
return expr;
case NativeType.kUint64:
case NativeType.kInt64:
return instanceInvocation(wasmI64ToInt, expr);
case NativeType.kFloat:
return instanceInvocation(wasmF32ToDouble, expr);
case NativeType.kDouble:
return instanceInvocation(wasmF64ToDouble, expr);
case NativeType.kBool:
return instanceInvocation(wasmI32ToBool, expr);
case NativeType.kHandle:
case NativeType.kNativeDouble:
case NativeType.kNativeFunction:
case NativeType.kNativeInteger:
case NativeType.kNativeType:
case NativeType.kOpaque:
case NativeType.kStruct:
throw '_ffiValueToDartValue: $nativeType cannot be converted';
InterfaceType _getFixedWidthIntegerFromAbiSpecificInteger(
InterfaceType ffiType) {
final MapConstant? abiIntegerMapping =
if (abiIntegerMapping == null) {
// This isn't an ABI specific integer. Just return the type itself
return ffiType;
final Abi wasmAbi = Abi.values[kWasmAbiEnumIndex];
final entry = abiIntegerMapping.entries
.firstWhere((e) => constantAbis[e.key] == wasmAbi);
return (entry.value as InstanceConstant)
.getThisType(coreTypes, Nullability.nonNullable);
/// Converts an FFI type like `InterfaceType(Int8)` to the corresponding Wasm
/// type (`InterfaceType(WasmI32)`) according to emscripten Wasm ABI.
/// Returns `null` for [Void]. Other types are converted to their
/// [InterfaceType]s.
DartType? _convertFfiTypeToWasmType(DartType ffiType) {
if (ffiType is! InterfaceType) {
throw 'Native type is not an interface type: $ffiType';
ffiType = _getFixedWidthIntegerFromAbiSpecificInteger(ffiType);
final NativeType nativeType_ = getType(ffiType.classNode)!;
switch (nativeType_) {
case NativeType.kInt8:
case NativeType.kUint8:
case NativeType.kInt16:
case NativeType.kUint16:
case NativeType.kInt32:
case NativeType.kUint32:
case NativeType.kBool:
case NativeType.kPointer:
return InterfaceType(wasmI32Class, Nullability.nonNullable);
case NativeType.kInt64:
case NativeType.kUint64:
return InterfaceType(wasmI64Class, Nullability.nonNullable);
case NativeType.kFloat:
return InterfaceType(wasmF32Class, Nullability.nonNullable);
case NativeType.kDouble:
return InterfaceType(wasmF64Class, Nullability.nonNullable);
case NativeType.kStruct:
return ffiType;
case NativeType.kVoid:
return null;
case NativeType.kHandle:
case NativeType.kNativeDouble:
case NativeType.kNativeFunction:
case NativeType.kNativeInteger:
case NativeType.kNativeType:
case NativeType.kOpaque:
throw '_convertFfiTypeToWasmType: $nativeType_ cannot be converted';