blob: eb4017ed098aebbd2c07246cfc6b81399d974b4a [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
# Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
# for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
# BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
_dart_root = get_path_info(".", "abspath")
declare_args() {
# Whether to build a Legacy SDK using Legacy core libraries.
# TODO(38701): Remove dont_use_nnbd once the NNBD SDK is stable/performant
# and there is no need to build a legacy version of the SDK for comparison
# purposes.
dont_use_nnbd = false
# Absolute path to the .git folder.
# This is used in rules that need to refer to `.git/logs/HEAD` to include
# a hash in the version string. By default the folder is `.git`, but we define
# it as an argument so it can be overriden by users of `git-worktree` (See
# Issue #33619).
# When using git-worktree, you can add
# default_git_folder = "/path/to/main/git/repo/.git/worktrees/name/"
# to out/ReleaseX64/ The path above can be extracted from the `.git`
# file under the git worktree folder.
default_git_folder = "$_dart_root/.git"