blob: f3beff1bec5a330f010ce8283ffa22c91ce8bfc9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:analysis_server/lsp_protocol/protocol.dart';
import 'package:collection/collection.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:test_reflective_loader/test_reflective_loader.dart';
import 'server_abstract.dart';
void main() {
defineReflectiveSuite(() {
class WillRenameFilesTest extends AbstractLspAnalysisServerTest {
bool isWillRenameFilesRegistration(Registration registration) =>
registration.method == Method.workspace_willRenameFiles.toJson();
/// Test that `part`/`part of` that point to each other are updated correctly.
/// Updating each file individually would try to update the other so this will
/// produce conflicting edits if not handled correctly.
Future<void> test_part_partOf() async {
// mainFileUri = lib/main.dart
var mainFileNewUri =
toUri(join(projectFolderPath, 'lib', 'dest1', 'main.dart'));
var otherFileUri =
toUri(join(projectFolderPath, 'lib', 'other', 'other.dart'));
var otherFileNewUri =
toUri(join(projectFolderPath, 'lib', 'dest2', 'other.dart'));
var mainContent = "part 'other/other.dart';";
var otherContent = "part of '../main.dart';";
var expectedContent = '''
>>>>>>>>>> lib/main.dart
part '../dest2/other.dart';<<<<<<<<<<
>>>>>>>>>> lib/other/other.dart
part of '../dest1/main.dart';<<<<<<<<<<
newFile(mainFilePath, mainContent);
newFile(fromUri(otherFileUri), otherContent);
await initialize();
var edit = await onWillRename([
oldUri: mainFileUri.toString(),
newUri: mainFileNewUri.toString(),
oldUri: otherFileUri.toString(),
newUri: otherFileNewUri.toString(),
verifyEdit(edit, expectedContent);
Future<void> test_registration_defaultsEnabled() async {
var registrations = <Registration>[];
await monitorDynamicRegistrations(registrations, initialize);
Future<void> test_registration_disabled() async {
var registrations = <Registration>[];
await provideConfig(
() => monitorDynamicRegistrations(
{'updateImportsOnRename': false},
Future<void> test_registration_disabledThenEnabled() async {
// Start disabled.
await provideConfig(
{'updateImportsOnRename': false},
// Collect any new registrations when enabled.
var registrations = <Registration>[];
await monitorDynamicRegistrations(
() => updateConfig({'updateImportsOnRename': true}),
// Expect that willRenameFiles was included.
Future<void> test_renameFile_updatesImports() async {
var otherFilePath = join(projectFolderPath, 'lib', 'other.dart');
var otherFileUri = toUri(otherFilePath);
var otherFileNewPath = join(projectFolderPath, 'lib', 'other_new.dart');
var otherFileNewUri = toUri(otherFileNewPath);
var mainContent = '''
import 'other.dart';
final a = A();
var otherContent = '''
class A {}
var expectedContent = '''
>>>>>>>>>> lib/main.dart
import 'other_new.dart';
final a = A();
newFile(mainFilePath, mainContent);
newFile(otherFilePath, otherContent);
await initialize();
var edit = await onWillRename([
oldUri: otherFileUri.toString(),
newUri: otherFileNewUri.toString(),
verifyEdit(edit, expectedContent);
Future<void> test_renameFolder_updatesImports() async {
var oldFolderPath = join(projectFolderPath, 'lib', 'folder');
var newFolderPath = join(projectFolderPath, 'lib', 'folder_new');
var otherFilePath = join(oldFolderPath, 'other.dart');
var mainContent = '''
import 'folder/other.dart';
final a = A();
var otherContent = '''
class A {}
var expectedMainContent = '''
>>>>>>>>>> lib/main.dart
import 'folder_new/other.dart';
final a = A();
newFile(mainFilePath, mainContent);
newFile(otherFilePath, otherContent);
await initialize();
var edit = await onWillRename([
oldUri: toUri(oldFolderPath).toString(),
newUri: toUri(newFolderPath).toString(),
verifyEdit(edit, expectedMainContent);
Future<void> test_renameMultipleFiles_updatesImports() async {
/// Helper to build content for a set of files that all import each other
/// using both 'package:' and relative imports.
/// Returns a map where the key is the relative path and the value is the
/// file content.
/// If [fileMapping] is supplied, it will be used to replace the imported
/// paths (so that this method can also be used to build expected content).
Map<String, String> buildFiles(List<String> relativePaths,
[Map<String, String>? fileMapping]) {
var contentMap = <String, String>{};
for (var relativePath in relativePaths) {
var absolutePath = join(projectFolderPath, 'lib',
fileMapping?[relativePath] ?? relativePath);
// Add imports for every other file.
var content = relativePaths
.where((other) => other != relativePath) // Exclude self.
.map((other) => fileMapping?[other] ?? other)
.expand((other) => [
// Create both package + relative imports.
_asRelativeUri(absolutePath, _asAbsolute(other)),
.map((uri) => "import '$uri';")
contentMap[relativePath] = '$content\n';
return contentMap;
// Create a set of files at multiple levels that will references each other
// both by relative and 'package:' import.
// A file from each folder will be moved, and a file from each will remain.
// All files will be moved into the same folder, so the relative paths
// change,
var relativeTestPaths = [
// Sort the files so when we build the expected string, it's in the same
// order that [LspChangeVerifier] produces.
.sorted((a, b) => a.compareTo(b))
// Build a mapping of old -> new paths.
var pathMappings = {
for (final relativeTestPath in relativeTestPaths)
relativeTestPath: relativeTestPath.contains('not_moving')
? relativeTestPath
: convertPath('dest/${pathContext.basename(relativeTestPath)}')
var initialContent = buildFiles(pathMappings.keys.toList());
var expectedContent = buildFiles(pathMappings.keys.toList(), pathMappings);
// Create files with initial content.
for (var MapEntry(key: filePath, value: content)
in initialContent.entries) {
newFile(_asAbsolute(filePath), content);
await initialize();
// Collect edits for the renames.
var edit = await onWillRename([
for (final MapEntry(key: originalPath, value: newPath)
in pathMappings.entries)
oldUri: _asAbsoluteUri(originalPath).toString(),
newUri: _asAbsoluteUri(newPath).toString(),
// Build expected edits in the format the change verifier uses (to avoid
// hard-coding ~100 lines of files/imports here).
var expectedEdits = expectedContent.entries
.expand((entry) => [
'>>>>>>>>>> lib/${_asUriString(entry.key)}\n',
// Verify they match what the content would be using the destination paths.
verifyEdit(edit, expectedEdits);
/// Returns an absolute path relative to the test projects 'lib' folder.
String _asAbsolute(String relativePath) {
return join(projectFolderPath, 'lib', relativePath);
/// Creates an absolute 'file://' URI relative to the test projects 'lib'
/// folder.
Uri _asAbsoluteUri(String relativePath) {
return toUri(_asAbsolute(relativePath));
/// Creates a relative URI (for use in an `import`) to import [to] into
/// [from].
String _asRelativeUri(String from, String to) {
return _asUriString(
pathContext.relative(to, from: pathContext.dirname(from)));
/// Formats a relative path with forward slashes for use as an import.
String _asUriString(String relativePath) {
return relativePath.replaceAll(r'\', '/');