blob: 539e3e9053cd80051d19010e313910a63cec7810 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:analysis_server/lsp_protocol/protocol.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/lsp/constants.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:test_reflective_loader/test_reflective_loader.dart';
import '../tool/lsp_spec/matchers.dart';
import 'server_abstract.dart';
void main() {
defineReflectiveSuite(() {
class DocumentSymbolsTest extends AbstractLspAnalysisServerTest {
Future<void> test_enumMember_notSupported() async {
const content = '''
enum Theme {
newFile(mainFilePath, content);
await initialize();
var result = await getDocumentSymbols(mainFileUri);
var symbols =
(docsymbols) => throw 'Expected SymbolInformations, got DocumentSymbols',
(symbolInfos) => symbolInfos,
expect(symbols, hasLength(2));
var themeEnum = symbols[0];
expect(, equals('Theme'));
expect(themeEnum.kind, equals(SymbolKind.Enum));
expect(themeEnum.containerName, isNull);
var enumValue = symbols[1];
expect(, equals('light'));
// EnumMember is not in the original LSP list, so unless the client explicitly
// advertises support, we will fall back to Enum.
expect(enumValue.kind, equals(SymbolKind.Enum));
expect(enumValue.containerName, 'Theme');
Future<void> test_enumMember_supported() async {
setDocumentSymbolKinds([SymbolKind.Enum, SymbolKind.EnumMember]);
const content = '''
enum Theme {
newFile(mainFilePath, content);
await initialize();
var result = await getDocumentSymbols(mainFileUri);
var symbols =
(docsymbols) => throw 'Expected SymbolInformations, got DocumentSymbols',
(symbolInfos) => symbolInfos,
expect(symbols, hasLength(2));
var themeEnum = symbols[0];
expect(, equals('Theme'));
expect(themeEnum.kind, equals(SymbolKind.Enum));
expect(themeEnum.containerName, isNull);
var enumValue = symbols[1];
expect(, equals('light'));
expect(enumValue.kind, equals(SymbolKind.EnumMember));
expect(enumValue.containerName, 'Theme');
Future<void> test_flat() async {
const content = '''
String topLevel = '';
class MyClass {
int myField;
myMethod() {}
extension StringExtensions on String {}
extension on String {}
extension type A(int i) {
static const int foo = 0;
newFile(mainFilePath, content);
await initialize();
var result = await getDocumentSymbols(mainFileUri);
var symbols =
(docsymbols) => throw 'Expected SymbolInformations, got DocumentSymbols',
(symbolInfos) => symbolInfos,
expect(symbols, hasLength(9));
var topLevel = symbols[0];
expect(, equals('topLevel'));
expect(topLevel.kind, equals(SymbolKind.Variable));
expect(topLevel.containerName, isNull);
var myClass = symbols[1];
expect(, equals('MyClass'));
expect(myClass.kind, equals(SymbolKind.Class));
expect(myClass.containerName, isNull);
var field = symbols[2];
expect(, equals('myField'));
expect(field.kind, equals(SymbolKind.Field));
expect(field.containerName, equals(;
var constructor = symbols[3];
expect(, equals('MyClass'));
expect(constructor.kind, equals(SymbolKind.Constructor));
expect(constructor.containerName, equals(;
var method = symbols[4];
expect(, equals('myMethod'));
expect(method.kind, equals(SymbolKind.Method));
expect(method.containerName, equals(;
var namedExtension = symbols[5];
expect(, equals('StringExtensions'));
expect(namedExtension.containerName, isNull);
var unnamedExtension = symbols[6];
expect(, equals('<unnamed extension>'));
expect(unnamedExtension.containerName, isNull);
var extensionTypeA = symbols[7];
expect(, equals('A'));
expect(extensionTypeA.containerName, isNull);
var foo = symbols[8];
expect(, equals('foo'));
expect(foo.containerName, equals('A'));
expect(foo.kind, equals(SymbolKind.Field));
Future<void> test_hierarchical() async {
const content = '''
String topLevel = '';
class MyClass {
int myField;
myMethod() {}
newFile(mainFilePath, content);
await initialize();
var result = await getDocumentSymbols(mainFileUri);
var symbols =
(docsymbols) => docsymbols,
(symbolInfos) => throw 'Expected DocumentSymbols, got SymbolInformations',
expect(symbols, hasLength(2));
var topLevel = symbols[0];
expect(, equals('topLevel'));
expect(topLevel.kind, equals(SymbolKind.Variable));
var myClass = symbols[1];
expect(, equals('MyClass'));
expect(myClass.kind, equals(SymbolKind.Class));
expect(myClass.children, hasLength(3));
var field = myClass.children![0];
expect(, equals('myField'));
expect(field.kind, equals(SymbolKind.Field));
var constructor = myClass.children![1];
expect(, equals('MyClass'));
expect(constructor.kind, equals(SymbolKind.Constructor));
var method = myClass.children![2];
expect(, equals('myMethod'));
expect(method.kind, equals(SymbolKind.Method));
Future<void> test_macroGenerated() async {
const content = '''
import 'macros.dart';
@DeclareInType('void f() {}')
class A {}
newFile(mainFilePath, content);
await initialize();
var result = await getDocumentSymbols(mainFileMacroUri);
var symbols =
(docsymbols) => throw 'Expected SymbolInformations, got DocumentSymbols',
(symbolInfos) => symbolInfos,
expect(symbols, hasLength(2));
var topLevel = symbols[0];
expect(, equals('A'));
expect(topLevel.kind, equals(SymbolKind.Class));
expect(topLevel.containerName, isNull);
var myClass = symbols[1];
expect(, equals('f'));
expect(myClass.kind, equals(SymbolKind.Method));
expect(myClass.containerName, equals('A'));
Future<void> test_noAnalysisRoot_openedFile() async {
// When there are no analysis roots and we open a file, it should be added as
// a temporary root allowing us to service requests for it.
const content = 'class MyClass {}';
newFile(mainFilePath, content);
await initialize(allowEmptyRootUri: true);
await openFile(mainFileUri, content);
var result = await getDocumentSymbols(mainFileUri);
var symbols =
(docsymbols) => throw 'Expected SymbolInformations, got DocumentSymbols',
(symbolInfos) => symbolInfos,
expect(symbols, hasLength(1));
var myClass = symbols[0];
expect(, equals('MyClass'));
expect(myClass.kind, equals(SymbolKind.Class));
expect(myClass.containerName, isNull);
Future<void> test_noAnalysisRoot_unopenedFile() async {
// When there are no analysis roots and we receive requests for a file that
// was not opened, we will reject the file due to not being analyzed.
const content = 'class MyClass {}';
newFile(mainFilePath, content);
await initialize(allowEmptyRootUri: true);
await expectLater(
message: 'File is not being analyzed')));
Future<void> test_nonDartFile() async {
newFile(pubspecFilePath, simplePubspecContent);
await initialize();
var result = await getDocumentSymbols(pubspecFileUri);
// Since the list is empty, it will deserialize into whatever the first
// type is, so just accept both types.
var symbols =
(docsymbols) => docsymbols,
(symbolInfos) => symbolInfos,
expect(symbols, isEmpty);