blob: b1be9e9b7243c101bcc610428c7390f558d8171e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:analysis_server/lsp_protocol/protocol.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/lint/registry.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/test_utilities/package_config_file_builder.dart';
import 'package:analyzer_plugin/protocol/protocol_common.dart' as plugin;
import 'package:analyzer_plugin/protocol/protocol_generated.dart' as plugin;
import 'package:linter/src/rules.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:test_reflective_loader/test_reflective_loader.dart';
import 'server_abstract.dart';
void main() {
defineReflectiveSuite(() {
typedef _VoidCallback = Future<void> Function();
class DiagnosticTest extends AbstractLspAnalysisServerTest {
Future<void> checkPluginErrorsForFile(String pluginAnalyzedFilePath) async {
var pluginAnalyzedUri = pathContext.toUri(pluginAnalyzedFilePath);
newFile(pluginAnalyzedFilePath, '''String a = "Test";
String b = "Test";
await initialize();
var diagnosticsUpdate = waitForDiagnostics(pluginAnalyzedUri);
var pluginError = plugin.AnalysisError(
plugin.Location(pluginAnalyzedFilePath, 0, 6, 1, 1,
endLine: 1, endColumn: 7),
'Test error from plugin',
contextMessages: [
'Related error',
plugin.Location(pluginAnalyzedFilePath, 31, 4, 2, 13,
endLine: 2, endColumn: 17))
var pluginResult =
plugin.AnalysisErrorsParams(pluginAnalyzedFilePath, [pluginError]);
configureTestPlugin(notification: pluginResult.toNotification());
var diagnostics = await diagnosticsUpdate;
expect(diagnostics, hasLength(1));
var err = diagnostics!.first;
expect(err.severity, DiagnosticSeverity.Error);
expect(err.message, equals('Test error from plugin'));
expect(err.code, equals('ERR1'));
expect(err.range.start.line, equals(0));
expect(err.range.start.character, equals(0));
expect(err.range.end.line, equals(0));
expect(err.range.end.character, equals(6));
expect(err.relatedInformation, hasLength(1));
var related = err.relatedInformation![0];
expect(related.message, equals('Related error'));
expect(related.location.range.start.line, equals(1));
expect(related.location.range.start.character, equals(12));
expect(related.location.range.end.line, equals(1));
expect(related.location.range.end.character, equals(16));
void setUp() {
if (Registry.ruleRegistry.isEmpty) {
// These tests deliberately generate diagnostics.
failTestOnErrorDiagnostic = false;
Future<void> test_afterDocumentEdits() async {
const initialContents = 'int a = 1;';
newFile(mainFilePath, initialContents);
await initialize();
await openFile(mainFileUri, initialContents);
await pumpEventQueue(times: 5000);
expect(diagnostics[mainFileUri], isNull);
await replaceFile(222, mainFileUri, 'String a = 1;');
await pumpEventQueue(times: 5000);
expect(diagnostics[mainFileUri], isNotEmpty);
Future<void> test_analysisOptionsFile() async {
newFile(analysisOptionsPath, '''
- invalid_lint_rule_name
var firstDiagnosticsUpdate = waitForDiagnostics(analysisOptionsUri);
await initialize();
var initialDiagnostics = await firstDiagnosticsUpdate;
expect(initialDiagnostics, hasLength(1));
expect(initialDiagnostics!.first.severity, DiagnosticSeverity.Warning);
expect(initialDiagnostics.first.code, 'undefined_lint');
@FailingTest(issue: '')
Future<void> test_analysisOptionsFile_packageInclude() async {
newFile(analysisOptionsPath, '''
include: package:pedantic/analysis_options.yaml
// Verify there's an error for the import.
var firstDiagnosticsUpdate = waitForDiagnostics(analysisOptionsUri);
await initialize();
var initialDiagnostics = await firstDiagnosticsUpdate;
expect(initialDiagnostics, hasLength(1));
expect(initialDiagnostics!.first.severity, DiagnosticSeverity.Warning);
expect(initialDiagnostics.first.code, 'include_file_not_found');
// TODO(scheglov): The server does not handle the file change.
throw 'Times out';
// // Write a package file that allows resolving the include.
// final secondDiagnosticsUpdate = waitForDiagnostics(analysisOptionsUri);
// writeTestPackageConfig(pedantic: true);
// // Ensure the error disappeared.
// final updatedDiagnostics = await secondDiagnosticsUpdate;
// expect(updatedDiagnostics, hasLength(0));
/// Ensure the server can initialize correctly and send diagnostics when the
/// analysis_options file throws errors during parsing.
Future<void> test_analysisOptionsFile_parseError() async {
newFile(analysisOptionsPath, '''
include: package:lints/recommended.yaml
var firstDiagnosticsUpdate = waitForDiagnostics(analysisOptionsUri);
await initialize();
var initialDiagnostics = await firstDiagnosticsUpdate;
var diagnostic = initialDiagnostics!.first;
expect(diagnostic.severity, DiagnosticSeverity.Error);
expect(diagnostic.code, 'parse_error');
expect(diagnostic.message, "Expected ':'.");
Future<void> test_contextMessage() async {
newFile(mainFilePath, '''
void f() {
x = 0;
int? x;
var diagnosticsUpdate = waitForDiagnostics(mainFileUri);
await initialize();
var diagnostics = await diagnosticsUpdate;
expect(diagnostics, hasLength(1));
var diagnostic = diagnostics!.first;
expect(diagnostic.relatedInformation, hasLength(1));
Future<void> test_correction() async {
newFile(mainFilePath, '''
void f() {
x = 0;
var diagnosticsUpdate = waitForDiagnostics(mainFileUri);
await initialize();
var diagnostics = await diagnosticsUpdate;
expect(diagnostics, hasLength(1));
var diagnostic = diagnostics!.first;
expect(diagnostic.message, contains('\nTry'));
Future<void> test_deletedFile() async {
newFile(mainFilePath, 'String a = 1;');
var firstDiagnosticsUpdate = waitForDiagnostics(mainFileUri);
await initialize();
var originalDiagnostics = await firstDiagnosticsUpdate;
expect(originalDiagnostics, hasLength(1));
// Deleting the file should result in an update to remove the diagnostics.
var secondDiagnosticsUpdate = waitForDiagnostics(mainFileUri);
var updatedDiagnostics = await secondDiagnosticsUpdate;
expect(updatedDiagnostics, hasLength(0));
Future<void> test_diagnosticTag_deprecated() async {
var onePackagePath = convertPath('/home/one');
config: PackageConfigFileBuilder()
..add(name: 'one', rootPath: onePackagePath),
newFile(convertPath('$onePackagePath/lib/one.dart'), '''
int? dep;
newFile(mainFilePath, r'''
import 'package:one/one.dart';
void f() => print(dep);
var diagnosticsUpdate = waitForDiagnostics(mainFileUri);
await initialize();
var diagnostics = await diagnosticsUpdate;
expect(diagnostics, hasLength(1));
var diagnostic = diagnostics!.first;
expect(diagnostic.code, equals('deprecated_member_use'));
expect(diagnostic.tags, contains(DiagnosticTag.Deprecated));
Future<void> test_diagnosticTag_notSupported() async {
var onePackagePath = convertPath('/home/one');
config: PackageConfigFileBuilder()
..add(name: 'one', rootPath: onePackagePath),
newFile(convertPath('$onePackagePath/lib/one.dart'), '''
int? dep;
newFile(mainFilePath, r'''
import 'package:one/one.dart';
void f() => print(dep);
var diagnosticsUpdate = waitForDiagnostics(mainFileUri);
await initialize();
var diagnostics = await diagnosticsUpdate;
expect(diagnostics, hasLength(1));
var diagnostic = diagnostics!.first;
expect(diagnostic.code, equals('deprecated_member_use'));
expect(diagnostic.tags, isNull);
Future<void> test_diagnosticTag_unnecessary() async {
newFile(mainFilePath, '''
void f() {
var diagnosticsUpdate = waitForDiagnostics(mainFileUri);
await initialize();
var diagnostics = await diagnosticsUpdate;
expect(diagnostics, hasLength(1));
var diagnostic = diagnostics!.first;
expect(diagnostic.code, equals('dead_code'));
expect(diagnostic.tags, contains(DiagnosticTag.Unnecessary));
Future<void> test_documentationUrl() async {
newFile(mainFilePath, '''
// ignore: unused_import
import 'dart:async' as import; // produces BUILT_IN_IDENTIFIER_IN_DECLARATION
var diagnosticsUpdate = waitForDiagnostics(mainFileUri);
await initialize();
var diagnostics = await diagnosticsUpdate;
expect(diagnostics, hasLength(1));
var diagnostic = diagnostics!.first;
expect(diagnostic.code, equals('built_in_identifier_in_declaration'));
Future<void> test_documentationUrl_notSupported() async {
newFile(mainFilePath, '''
// ignore: unused_import
import 'dart:async' as import; // produces BUILT_IN_IDENTIFIER_IN_DECLARATION
var diagnosticsUpdate = waitForDiagnostics(mainFileUri);
await initialize();
var diagnostics = await diagnosticsUpdate;
expect(diagnostics, hasLength(1));
var diagnostic = diagnostics!.first;
expect(diagnostic.code, equals('built_in_identifier_in_declaration'));
expect(diagnostic.codeDescription, isNull);
Future<void> test_dotFilesExcluded() async {
var dotFolderFilePath =
join(projectFolderPath, '.dart_tool', 'tool_file.dart');
var dotFolderFileUri = pathContext.toUri(dotFolderFilePath);
newFile(dotFolderFilePath, 'String a = 1;');
List<Diagnostic>? diagnostics;
// Record if diagnostics are received, but since we don't expect them
// don't await them.
waitForDiagnostics(dotFolderFileUri).then((d) => diagnostics = d));
// Send a request for a hover.
await initialize();
await getHover(dotFolderFileUri, Position(line: 0, character: 0));
await pumpEventQueue(times: 5000);
// Ensure that as part of responding to getHover, diagnostics were not
// transmitted.
expect(diagnostics, isNull);
/// Verify we don't send a redundant set of empty diagnostics during startup.
Future<void> test_emptyDiagnostics_notInitial() async {
newFile(mainFilePath, 'void f() {}');
var notifications = <PublishDiagnosticsParams>[];
await initialize();
await pumpEventQueue(times: 5000);
expect(notifications.length, isZero);
/// Verify we only send diagnostic updates when a) they're not empty or
/// b) they're empty, but the previous set was not empty.
Future<void> test_emptyDiagnostics_onlyOnce() async {
var notifications = <PublishDiagnosticsParams>[];
await initialize();
await pumpEventQueue(times: 5000);
/// Helper that executes [f] and checks whether it produces a diagnostic
/// update.
Future<void> verifyAction(_VoidCallback f, bool expectUpdate) async {
await f();
await pumpEventQueue(times: 5000);
expect(notifications, hasLength(expectUpdate ? 1 : 0));
Future<void> expectUpdate(_VoidCallback f) => verifyAction(f, true);
Future<void> expectNoUpdate(_VoidCallback f) => verifyAction(f, false);
// New file, 0 diagnostics, sends no notification
await expectNoUpdate(() => openFile(mainFileUri, 'void f() {}'));
// Update, non-empty diagnostic always sends notification
await expectUpdate(() => replaceFile(1, mainFileUri, 'v'));
// Update, non-empty diagnostic always sends notification
await expectUpdate(() => replaceFile(1, mainFileUri, 'g'));
// Update, 1->0 diagnostics, sends notification
await expectUpdate(() => replaceFile(2, mainFileUri, 'void g() {}'));
// Update, 0->0 diagnostics, sends no notification
await expectNoUpdate(() => replaceFile(3, mainFileUri, 'void h() {}'));
Future<void> test_fixDataFile() async {
var fixDataPath = join(projectFolderPath, 'lib', 'fix_data.yaml');
var fixDataUri = pathContext.toUri(fixDataPath);
newFile(fixDataPath, '''
version: latest
var firstDiagnosticsUpdate = waitForDiagnostics(fixDataUri);
await initialize();
var initialDiagnostics = await firstDiagnosticsUpdate;
expect(initialDiagnostics, hasLength(1));
expect(initialDiagnostics!.first.severity, DiagnosticSeverity.Error);
expect(initialDiagnostics.first.code, 'invalid_value');
Future<void> test_fromPlugins_dartFile() async {
await checkPluginErrorsForFile(mainFilePath);
Future<void> test_fromPlugins_dartFile_combined() async {
// Check that if code has both a plugin and a server error, that when the
// plugin produces an error, it comes through _with_ the server-produced
// error.
var serverErrorMessage =
"A value of type 'int' can't be assigned to a variable of type 'String'";
var pluginErrorMessage = 'Test error from plugin';
newFile(mainFilePath, 'String a = 1;');
var initialDiagnosticsFuture = waitForDiagnostics(mainFileUri);
await initialize();
var initialDiagnostics = await initialDiagnosticsFuture;
expect(initialDiagnostics, hasLength(1));
expect(initialDiagnostics!.first.message, contains(serverErrorMessage));
var pluginTriggeredDiagnosticFuture = waitForDiagnostics(mainFileUri);
var pluginError = plugin.AnalysisError(
plugin.Location(mainFilePath, 0, 1, 0, 0, endLine: 0, endColumn: 1),
var pluginResult = plugin.AnalysisErrorsParams(mainFilePath, [pluginError]);
configureTestPlugin(notification: pluginResult.toNotification());
var pluginTriggeredDiagnostics = await pluginTriggeredDiagnosticFuture;
pluginTriggeredDiagnostics!.map((error) => error.message),
/// Test that when server has produced diagnostics for a file and it is
/// subsequently removed, that an update from the plugin does not cause
/// the last diagnostics from the server to re-appear (which happens if the
/// deletion does not clear the servers errors from the ErrorCollector).
Future<void> test_fromPlugins_dartFile_producedAfterFileRemoved() async {
var serverErrorMessage =
"A value of type 'int' can't be assigned to a variable of type 'String'";
var pluginErrorMessage = 'Test error from plugin';
// First, trigger a diagnostic from the server.
newFile(mainFilePath, 'String a = 1;');
var diagnosticsFuture = waitForDiagnostics(mainFileUri);
await initialize();
// Expect only the server diagnostic.
expect((await diagnosticsFuture)!.single.message,
// Delete the file, and expect diagnostics to be cleared.
diagnosticsFuture = waitForDiagnostics(mainFileUri);
expect((await diagnosticsFuture)!, hasLength(0));
// Trigger a plugin diagnostic. In reality, the plugin would probalby
// produce 0 diagnostics after the file is removed, but since the LSP server
// has an optimization to not send empty diagnostics if the last update was
// empty, we wouldn't be able wait for that so we just use a real diagnostic
// (which is still realistic since plugins might have not processed the
// remove yet).
diagnosticsFuture = waitForDiagnostics(mainFileUri);
var pluginError = plugin.AnalysisError(
plugin.Location(mainFilePath, 0, 1, 0, 0, endLine: 0, endColumn: 1),
var pluginResult = plugin.AnalysisErrorsParams(mainFilePath, [pluginError]);
configureTestPlugin(notification: pluginResult.toNotification());
// Wait for the diagnostic updated and ensure it's still empty and no stale
// error has come back.
expect((await diagnosticsFuture)!.single.message, pluginErrorMessage);
Future<void> test_fromPlugins_nonDartFile() async {
await checkPluginErrorsForFile(join(projectFolderPath, 'lib', 'foo.sql'));
Future<void> test_initialAnalysis() async {
newFile(mainFilePath, 'String a = 1;');
var diagnosticsUpdate = waitForDiagnostics(mainFileUri);
await initialize();
var diagnostics = await diagnosticsUpdate;
expect(diagnostics, hasLength(1));
var diagnostic = diagnostics!.first;
expect(diagnostic.code, equals('invalid_assignment'));
expect(diagnostic.range.start.line, equals(0));
expect(diagnostic.range.start.character, equals(11));
expect(diagnostic.range.end.line, equals(0));
expect(diagnostic.range.end.character, equals(12));
/// Ensure lints included from another package work when there are multiple
/// workspace folders.
Future<void> test_lints_includedFromPackage() async {
var rootWorkspacePath = '$packagesRootPath/root';
// Set up a project with an analysis_options that enables a lint.
var lintsPackagePath = '$rootWorkspacePath/my_lints';
newFile('$lintsPackagePath/pubspec.yaml', '''
name: my_lints
newFile('$lintsPackagePath/lib/analysis_options.yaml', '''
- avoid_dynamic_calls
// Set up a project that imports the analysis_options and violates the lint.
var projectPackagePath = '$rootWorkspacePath/my_project';
config: PackageConfigFileBuilder()
..add(name: 'my_lints', rootPath: lintsPackagePath),
newFile('$projectPackagePath/analysis_options.yaml', '''
include: package:my_lints/analysis_options.yaml
- prefer_single_quotes
newFile('$projectPackagePath/main.dart', '''
void f(dynamic a) =>;
// Verify there's an error for the import.
var diagnosticsUpdate =
await initialize(workspaceFolders: [toUri(rootWorkspacePath)]);
var diagnostics = await diagnosticsUpdate;
expect(diagnostics!.single.code, contains('avoid_dynamic_calls'));
Future<void> test_looseFile_withoutPubpsec() async {
await initialize(allowEmptyRootUri: true);
// Opening the file should trigger diagnostics.
var diagnosticsUpdate = waitForDiagnostics(mainFileUri);
await openFile(mainFileUri, 'final a = Bad();');
var diagnostics = await diagnosticsUpdate;
expect(diagnostics, hasLength(1));
var diagnostic = diagnostics!.first;
expect(diagnostic.message, contains("The function 'Bad' isn't defined"));
// Closing the file should remove the diagnostics.
var diagnosticsUpdate = waitForDiagnostics(mainFileUri);
await closeFile(mainFileUri);
var diagnostics = await diagnosticsUpdate;
expect(diagnostics, hasLength(0));
/// Tests that diagnostic ordering is stable when minor changes are made to
/// the file that does not alter the diagnostics besides extending their
/// range and adding to their messages.
Future<void> test_stableOrder() async {
/// Helper to pad out the content in a way that has previously triggered
/// this issue.
String wrappedContent(String content) => '''
void f() {
newFile(analysisOptionsPath, '''
- prefer_typing_uninitialized_variables
strict-inference: true
newFile(mainFilePath, '');
await initialize();
await openFile(mainFileUri, '');
// Collect the initial set of diagnostic to compare against.
var docVersion = 1;
var originalDiagnosticsUpdate = waitForDiagnostics(mainFileUri);
await replaceFile(docVersion++, mainFileUri, wrappedContent('final bar;'));
var originalDiagnostics = await originalDiagnosticsUpdate;
// Helper to update the content and verify the same diagnostics are returned
// in the same order, despite the changes to offset/message altering
// hashcodes.
Future<void> verifyDiagnostics(String content) async {
var diagnosticsUpdate = waitForDiagnostics(mainFileUri);
await replaceFile(docVersion++, mainFileUri, wrappedContent(content));
var diagnostics = await diagnosticsUpdate;
diagnostics!.map((d) => d.code),
originalDiagnostics!.map((d) => d.code),
// These changes do not affect the errors being produced (besides offset/
// message text) but will cause hashcode changes that previously altered the
// returned order.
await verifyDiagnostics('final dbar;');
await verifyDiagnostics('final dybar;');
await verifyDiagnostics('final dynbar;');
await verifyDiagnostics('final dynabar;');
await verifyDiagnostics('final dynambar;');
await verifyDiagnostics('final dynamibar;');
await verifyDiagnostics('final dynamicbar;');
Future<void> test_todos_asWarnings() async {
newFile(analysisOptionsPath, '''
# Increase the severity of TODOs.
todo: warning
fixme: warning
const contents = '''
// TODO: This
// FIXME: This
String a = "";
newFile(mainFilePath, contents);
var firstDiagnosticsUpdate = waitForDiagnostics(mainFileUri);
// Don't set showTodos in config, because they should show even without this
// setting if they are upgraded to warnings/errors.
await initialize();
var initialDiagnostics = await firstDiagnosticsUpdate;
expect(initialDiagnostics, hasLength(2));
expect(initialDiagnostics!.map((d) => d.code).toSet(), {'todo', 'fixme'});
Future<void> test_todos_boolean() async {
// TODOs only show up if there's also some code in the file.
const contents = '''
// TODO: This
// FIXME: This
String a = "";
newFile(mainFilePath, contents);
await provideConfig(
{'showTodos': true},
expect(diagnostics[mainFileUri], hasLength(2));
Future<void> test_todos_disabled() async {
const contents = '''
// TODO: This
String a = "";
newFile(mainFilePath, contents);
// TODOs are disabled by default so we don't need to send any config.
await initialize();
await pumpEventQueue(times: 5000);
expect(diagnostics[mainFileUri], isNull);
Future<void> test_todos_enabledAfterAnalysis() async {
const contents = '''
// TODO: This
String a = "";
await provideConfig(initialize, {});
await openFile(mainFileUri, contents);
await initialAnalysis;
expect(diagnostics[mainFileUri], isNull);
await updateConfig({'showTodos': true});
await waitForAnalysisComplete();
expect(diagnostics[mainFileUri], hasLength(1));
Future<void> test_todos_specific() async {
// TODOs only show up if there's also some code in the file.
const contents = '''
// TODO: This
// HACK: This
// FIXME: This
String a = "";
newFile(mainFilePath, contents);
await provideConfig(
// Include both casings, since this comes from the user we should handle
// either.
'showTodos': ['TODO', 'fixme']
await initialAnalysis;
var initialDiagnostics = diagnostics[mainFileUri]!;
expect(initialDiagnostics, hasLength(2));
expect( => e.code!),
containsAll(['todo', 'fixme']),