blob: 379d273c61c6d1e2bf805e3fd82d2c98cdd9fe7f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:analysis_server/lsp_protocol/protocol.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/analysis_server.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/lsp/constants.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/lsp/handlers/handler_completion.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/linter/lint_names.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/snippets/dart/class_declaration.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/snippets/dart/do_statement.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/snippets/dart/flutter_stateful_widget.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/snippets/dart/flutter_stateful_widget_with_animation.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/snippets/dart/flutter_stateless_widget.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/snippets/dart/for_in_statement.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/snippets/dart/for_statement.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/snippets/dart/function_declaration.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/snippets/dart/if_else_statement.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/snippets/dart/if_statement.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/snippets/dart/main_function.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/snippets/dart/switch_statement.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/snippets/dart/test_definition.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/snippets/dart/test_group_definition.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/snippets/dart/try_catch_statement.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/snippets/dart/while_statement.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/test_utilities/test_code_format.dart';
import 'package:analyzer_plugin/protocol/protocol_common.dart' as plugin;
import 'package:analyzer_plugin/protocol/protocol_generated.dart' as plugin;
import 'package:collection/collection.dart';
import 'package:linter/src/rules.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:test_reflective_loader/test_reflective_loader.dart';
import '../tool/lsp_spec/matchers.dart';
import '../utils/test_code_extensions.dart';
import 'completion.dart';
import 'server_abstract.dart';
void main() {
defineReflectiveSuite(() {
abstract class AbstractCompletionTest extends AbstractLspAnalysisServerTest
with CompletionTestMixin {
AbstractCompletionTest() {
defaultInitializationOptions = {
// Default to a high budget for tests because everything is cold and
// may take longer to return.
'completionBudgetMilliseconds': 50000
void expectDocumentation(CompletionItem completion, Matcher matcher) {
var docs = completion.documentation?.map(
(markup) => markup.value,
(string) => string,
expect(docs, matcher);
void setUp() {
// Completion tests have incomplete code.
failTestOnErrorDiagnostic = false;
class CompletionDocumentationResolutionTest extends AbstractCompletionTest {
late String content;
late final code = TestCode.parse(content);
Future<CompletionItem> getCompletionItem(String label) async {
var completions = await getCompletion(mainFileUri, code.position.position);
return completions.singleWhere((c) => c.label == label);
Future<void> initializeServer() async {
await initialize();
await openFile(mainFileUri, code.code);
await initialAnalysis;
Future<void> test_class() async {
join(projectFolderPath, 'my_class.dart'),
/// Class.
class MyClass {}
content = '''
void f() {
await initializeServer();
var completion = await getCompletionItem('MyClass');
expectDocumentation(completion, isNull);
var resolved = await resolveCompletion(completion);
expectDocumentation(resolved, contains('Class.'));
Future<void> test_class_constructor() async {
join(projectFolderPath, 'my_class.dart'),
class MyClass {
/// Constructor.
content = '''
void f() {
await initializeServer();
var completion = await getCompletionItem('MyClass()');
expectDocumentation(completion, isNull);
var resolved = await resolveCompletion(completion);
expectDocumentation(resolved, contains('Constructor.'));
Future<void> test_class_constructorNamed() async {
join(projectFolderPath, 'my_class.dart'),
class MyClass {
/// Named Constructor.
content = '''
void f() {
await initializeServer();
var completion = await getCompletionItem('MyClass.named()');
expectDocumentation(completion, isNull);
var resolved = await resolveCompletion(completion);
expectDocumentation(resolved, contains('Named Constructor.'));
Future<void> test_enum() async {
join(projectFolderPath, 'my_enum.dart'),
/// Enum.
enum MyEnum {}
content = '''
void f() {
await initializeServer();
var completion = await getCompletionItem('MyEnum');
expectDocumentation(completion, isNull);
var resolved = await resolveCompletion(completion);
expectDocumentation(resolved, contains('Enum.'));
Future<void> test_enum_member() async {
// Function used to provide type context in main file without importing
// the enum.
join(projectFolderPath, 'lib', 'func.dart'),
import 'my_enum.dart';
void enumFunc(MyEnum e) {}
join(projectFolderPath, 'lib', 'my_enum.dart'),
enum MyEnum {
/// Enum Member.
content = '''
import 'func.dart';
void f() {
await initializeServer();
var completion = await getCompletionItem('');
expectDocumentation(completion, isNull);
var resolved = await resolveCompletion(completion);
expectDocumentation(resolved, contains('Enum Member.'));
class CompletionLabelDetailsTest extends AbstractCompletionTest {
late String fileAPath;
Future<void> expectLabels(
String content, {
Uri? completionFileUri,
// Main label of the completion (eg 'myFunc')
required String? label,
// The detail part of the label (shown after label, usually truncated signature)
required String? labelDetail,
// Additional label description (usually the auto-import URI)
required String? labelDescription,
// Filter text (usually same as label, never with `()` or other suffixes)
required String? filterText,
// Main detail (shown in popout, usually full signature)
required String? detail,
// Sometimes resolved detail has a prefix added (eg. "Auto-import from").
String? resolvedDetailPrefix,
}) async {
completionFileUri ??= mainFileUri;
var code = TestCode.parse(content);
await initialize();
await openFile(completionFileUri, code.code);
var completions =
await getCompletion(completionFileUri, code.position.position);
var completion = completions.singleWhereOrNull((c) => c.label == label);
if (completion == null) {
fail('Did not find completion "$label" in completion results:'
'\n ${ => c.label).join('\n ')}');
expect(completion.detail, detail);
expect(completion.filterText, filterText);
// If both fields are expected to be null, expect the whole object to be
// null (to reduce payload size).
if (labelDetail == null && labelDescription == null) {
expect(completion.labelDetails, isNull);
} else {
var labelDetails = completion.labelDetails;
if (labelDetails == null) {
fail('Completion "$label" does not have labelDetails');
expect(labelDetails.detail, labelDetail);
expect(labelDetails.description, labelDescription);
// Verify that resolution does not modify these results.
var resolved = await resolveCompletion(completion);
expect(resolved.label, completion.label);
expect(resolved.filterText, completion.filterText);
resolvedDetailPrefix != null
? '$resolvedDetailPrefix${completion.detail ?? ''}'
: completion.detail,
expect(resolved.labelDetails?.detail, completion.labelDetails?.detail);
void setUp() {
fileAPath = join(projectFolderPath, 'lib', 'a.dart');
// TODO(dantup): Consider enabling this by default for [CompletionTest] and
// changing this class to test support without it (or, subclassing
// CompletionTest and inferring the label when labelDetails are not
// supported).
Future<void> test_constructor_argument() async {
var content = '''
var a = Foo(^);
class Foo {
final int value;
const Foo({required this.value});
await expectLabels(
label: 'value:',
labelDetail: ' int',
labelDescription: null,
filterText: null,
detail: 'int',
Future<void> test_constructor_factory_argument() async {
var content = '''
var a = Foo(^);
class Foo {
final int value;
const Foo._({required this.value});
const factory Foo({required int value}) = Foo._;
await expectLabels(
label: 'value:',
labelDetail: ' int',
labelDescription: null,
filterText: null,
detail: 'int',
Future<void> test_imported_function_returnType_args() async {
newFile(fileAPath, '''
String a(String a, {String b}) {}
var content = '''
import 'a.dart';
void f() {
await expectLabels(content,
label: 'a',
labelDetail: '(…) → String',
labelDescription: null,
filterText: null,
detail: '(String a, {String b}) → String');
Future<void> test_imported_function_returnType_noArgs() async {
newFile(fileAPath, '''
String a() {}
var content = '''
import 'a.dart';
String f() {
await expectLabels(content,
label: 'a',
labelDetail: '() → String',
labelDescription: null,
filterText: null,
detail: '() → String');
Future<void> test_imported_function_void_args() async {
newFile(fileAPath, '''
void a(String a, {String b}) {}
var content = '''
import 'a.dart';
void f() {
await expectLabels(content,
label: 'a',
labelDetail: '(…) → void',
labelDescription: null,
filterText: null,
detail: '(String a, {String b}) → void');
Future<void> test_imported_function_void_noArgs() async {
newFile(fileAPath, '''
void a() {}
var content = '''
import 'a.dart';
void f() {
await expectLabels(content,
label: 'a',
labelDetail: '() → void',
labelDescription: null,
filterText: null,
detail: '() → void');
Future<void> test_local_function_returnType_args() async {
var content = '''
String f(String a, {String b}) {
await expectLabels(content,
label: 'f',
labelDetail: '(…) → String',
labelDescription: null,
filterText: null,
detail: '(String a, {String b}) → String');
Future<void> test_local_function_returnType_noArgs() async {
var content = '''
String f() {
await expectLabels(content,
label: 'f',
labelDetail: '() → String',
labelDescription: null,
filterText: null,
detail: '() → String');
Future<void> test_local_function_void_args() async {
var content = '''
void f(String a, {String b}) {
await expectLabels(content,
label: 'f',
labelDetail: '(…) → void',
labelDescription: null,
filterText: null,
detail: '(String a, {String b}) → void');
Future<void> test_local_function_void_noArgs() async {
var content = '''
void f() {
await expectLabels(content,
label: 'f',
labelDetail: '() → void',
labelDescription: null,
filterText: null,
detail: '() → void');
Future<void> test_local_getter() async {
var content = '''
String a => '';
void f() {
await expectLabels(content,
label: 'a',
labelDetail: '() → String',
labelDescription: null,
filterText: null,
detail: '() → String');
Future<void> test_local_getterAndSetter() async {
var content = '''
set a(String value) {}
String get a => '';
void f() {
await expectLabels(content,
label: 'a',
labelDetail: ' String',
labelDescription: null,
filterText: null,
detail: 'String');
Future<void> test_local_override_annotation_equals() async {
var content = '''
class Base {
class Derived extends Base {
await expectLabels(content,
label: 'override ==',
labelDetail: '(…) → bool',
labelDescription: null,
filterText: null,
detail: '(Object other) → bool');
Future<void> test_local_override_annotation_method() async {
var content = '''
class Base {
String aa(String a) => '';
class Derived extends Base {
await expectLabels(content,
label: 'override aa',
labelDetail: '(…) → String',
labelDescription: null,
filterText: null,
detail: '(String a) → String');
Future<void> test_local_override_name() async {
var content = '''
class Base {
String aa(String a) => '';
class Derived extends Base {
await expectLabels(content,
label: 'aa',
labelDetail: '(…) → String',
labelDescription: null,
filterText: null,
detail: '(String a) → String');
Future<void> test_local_setter() async {
var content = '''
set a(String value) {}
void f() {
await expectLabels(content,
label: 'a',
labelDetail: ' String',
labelDescription: null,
filterText: null,
detail: 'String');
Future<void> test_notImported_function_returnType_args() async {
newFile(fileAPath, '''
String a(String a, {String b}) {}
var content = '''
void f() {
await expectLabels(content,
label: 'a',
labelDetail: '(…) → String',
labelDescription: 'package:test/a.dart',
filterText: null,
detail: '(String a, {String b}) → String',
resolvedDetailPrefix: "Auto import from 'package:test/a.dart'\n\n");
Future<void> test_notImported_function_returnType_noArgs() async {
newFile(fileAPath, '''
String a() {}
var content = '''
String f() {
await expectLabels(content,
label: 'a',
labelDetail: '() → String',
labelDescription: 'package:test/a.dart',
filterText: null,
detail: '() → String',
resolvedDetailPrefix: "Auto import from 'package:test/a.dart'\n\n");
Future<void> test_notImported_function_void_args() async {
newFile(fileAPath, '''
void a(String a, {String b}) {}
var content = '''
void f() {
await expectLabels(content,
label: 'a',
labelDetail: '(…) → void',
labelDescription: 'package:test/a.dart',
filterText: null,
detail: '(String a, {String b}) → void',
resolvedDetailPrefix: "Auto import from 'package:test/a.dart'\n\n");
Future<void> test_notImported_function_void_noArgs() async {
newFile(fileAPath, '''
void a() {}
var content = '''
void f() {
await expectLabels(content,
label: 'a',
labelDetail: '() → void',
labelDescription: 'package:test/a.dart',
filterText: null,
detail: '() → void',
resolvedDetailPrefix: "Auto import from 'package:test/a.dart'\n\n");
Future<void> test_notImported_outsideLib_relativePath() async {
var testMainFilePath = join(projectFolderPath, 'test', 'main.dart');
var testFileAPath = join(projectFolderPath, 'test', 'a.dart');
newFile(testFileAPath, '''
void a(String a, {String b}) {}
var content = '''
void f() {
await expectLabels(content,
completionFileUri: toUri(testMainFilePath),
label: 'a',
labelDetail: '(…) → void',
labelDescription: 'a.dart',
filterText: null,
detail: '(String a, {String b}) → void',
resolvedDetailPrefix: "Auto import from 'a.dart'\n\n");
Future<void> test_nullNotEmpty() async {
var content = '''
bool a = ^
/// expectLabels verifies the whole labelDetails object is null if
/// both fields are expected to be null.
await expectLabels(
label: 'true',
labelDetail: null,
labelDescription: null,
filterText: null,
detail: null,
Future<void> test_record() async {
var content = r'''
void f((int, int) record) {
await expectLabels(content,
label: r'$1',
labelDetail: ' int',
labelDescription: null,
filterText: null,
detail: 'int');
Future<void> test_variable() async {
var content = r'''
void f(int variable) {
await expectLabels(content,
label: 'variable',
labelDetail: ' int',
labelDescription: null,
filterText: null,
detail: 'int');
class CompletionTest extends AbstractCompletionTest {
/// Checks whether the correct types of documentation are returned for
/// completions based on [preference].
Future<void> assertDocumentation(
String? preference, {
required bool includesSummary,
required bool includesFull,
}) async {
var content = '''
/// Summary.
/// Full.
class A {}
await provideConfig(
if (preference != null) 'documentation': preference,
var code = TestCode.parse(content);
await openFile(mainFileUri, code.code);
await initialAnalysis;
var res = await getCompletion(mainFileUri, code.position.position);
var completion = res.singleWhere((c) => c.label == 'A');
if (includesSummary) {
expectDocumentation(completion, contains('Summary.'));
} else {
expectDocumentation(completion, isNot(contains('Summary.')));
if (includesFull) {
expectDocumentation(completion, contains('Full.'));
} else {
expectDocumentation(completion, isNot(contains('Full.')));
/// Checks whether the correct types of documentation are returned during
/// `completionItem/resolve` based on [preference].
Future<void> assertResolvedDocumentation(
String? preference, {
required bool includesSummary,
required bool includesFull,
}) async {
join(projectFolderPath, 'other_file.dart'),
/// Summary.
/// Full.
class InOtherFile {}
var content = '''
void f() {
await provideConfig(
if (preference != null) 'documentation': preference,
var code = TestCode.parse(content);
await openFile(mainFileUri, code.code);
await initialAnalysis;
var res = await getCompletion(mainFileUri, code.position.position);
var completion = res.singleWhere((c) => c.label == 'InOtherFile');
// Expect no docs in original response and correct type of docs added
// during resolve.
expectDocumentation(completion, isNull);
var resolved = await resolveCompletion(completion);
if (includesSummary) {
expectDocumentation(resolved, contains('Summary.'));
} else {
expectDocumentation(resolved, isNot(contains('Summary.')));
if (includesFull) {
expectDocumentation(resolved, contains('Full.'));
} else {
expectDocumentation(resolved, isNot(contains('Full.')));
Future<void> checkCompleteFunctionCallInsertText(
String content,
String completion, {
required String? editText,
InsertTextFormat? insertTextFormat,
}) async {
await provideConfig(initialize, {'completeFunctionCalls': true});
var code = TestCode.parse(content);
await openFile(mainFileUri, code.code);
var res = await getCompletion(mainFileUri, code.position.position);
var item = res.singleWhere(
(c) => c.label == completion,
orElse: () =>
throw 'Did not find $completion in ${ => r.label).toList()}',
expect(item.insertTextFormat, equals(insertTextFormat));
// We always expect `insertText` to be `null` now, as we always use
// `textEdit`.
expect(item.insertText, isNull);
// And the expected text should be in the `textEdit`.
var textEdit = toTextEdit(item.textEdit!);
expect(textEdit.newText, equals(editText));
expect(textEdit.range, equals(code.range.range));
void expectAutoImportCompletion(List<CompletionItem> items, String file) {
(c) => c.detail?.contains("Auto import from '$file'") ?? false),
/// Expect [item] to use the default edit range, inserting the value [text].
void expectUsesDefaultEditRange(CompletionItem item, String text) {
expect(item.textEditText ?? item.label, text);
expect(item.insertText, isNull);
expect(item.textEdit, isNull);
void setUp() {
flutter: true,
Future<void> test_annotation_beforeMember() async {
var content = '''
class B {
int a = 1;
await initialize();
var code = TestCode.parse(content);
await openFile(mainFileUri, code.code);
var completions = await getCompletion(mainFileUri, code.position.position);
var labels = => c.label).toList();
expect(labels, contains('override'));
expect(labels, contains('deprecated'));
expect(labels, contains('Deprecated(…)'));
Future<void> test_annotation_endOfClass() async {
var content = '''
class B {
await initialize();
var code = TestCode.parse(content);
await openFile(mainFileUri, code.code);
var completions = await getCompletion(mainFileUri, code.position.position);
var labels = => c.label).toList();
expect(labels, contains('override'));
expect(labels, contains('deprecated'));
expect(labels, contains('Deprecated(…)'));
Future<void> test_closure() async {
var content = '''
void f({void Function(int a, String b) closure}) {}
void g() {
f(closure: ^);
var expectedContent = '''
void f({void Function(int a, String b) closure}) {}
void g() {
f(closure: (a, b) => ^,);
await verifyCompletions(
expectCompletions: ['(a, b) {}', '(a, b) =>'],
applyEditsFor: '(a, b) =>',
expectedContent: expectedContent,
Future<void> test_closure_requiredNamed() async {
var content = '''
void f({void Function({int a, required String b}) closure}) {}
void g() {
f(closure: ^);
var expectedContent = '''
void f({void Function({int a, required String b}) closure}) {}
void g() {
f(closure: ({a, required b}) => ^,);
await verifyCompletions(
// Display text does not contain 'required' because it makes the
// completion much longer, we just include it in the completion text.
expectCompletions: ['({a, b}) {}', '({a, b}) =>'],
applyEditsFor: '({a, b}) =>',
expectedContent: expectedContent,
Future<void> test_comment() async {
var content = '''
// foo ^
void f() {}
await initialize();
var code = TestCode.parse(content);
await openFile(mainFileUri, code.code);
var res = await getCompletion(mainFileUri, code.position.position);
expect(res, isEmpty);
Future<void> test_comment_endOfFile_withNewline() async {
// Checks for a previous bug where invoking completion inside a comment
// at the end of a file would return results.
var content = '''
// foo ^
await initialize();
var code = TestCode.parse(content);
await openFile(mainFileUri, code.code);
var res = await getCompletion(mainFileUri, code.position.position);
expect(res, isEmpty);
Future<void> test_comment_endOfFile_withoutNewline() async {
// Checks for a previous bug where invoking completion inside a comment
// at the very end of a file with no trailing newline would return results.
var content = '// foo ^';
await initialize();
var code = TestCode.parse(content);
await openFile(mainFileUri, code.code);
var res = await getCompletion(mainFileUri, code.position.position);
expect(res, isEmpty);
Future<void> test_commitCharacter_dynamicRegistration() async {
var registrations = <Registration>[];
// Provide empty config and collect dynamic registrations during
// initialization.
await monitorDynamicRegistrations(
() => provideConfig(initialize, {}),
Registration registration(Method method) =>
registrationForDart(registrations, method);
// By default, there should be no commit characters.
var reg = registration(Method.textDocument_completion);
var options = CompletionRegistrationOptions.fromJson(
reg.registerOptions as Map<String, Object?>);
expect(options.allCommitCharacters, isNull);
// When we change config, we should get a re-registration (unregister then
// register) for completion which now includes the commit characters.
await monitorDynamicReregistration(
() => updateConfig({'previewCommitCharacters': true}),
reg = registration(Method.textDocument_completion);
options = CompletionRegistrationOptions.fromJson(
reg.registerOptions as Map<String, Object?>);
expect(options.allCommitCharacters, equals(dartCompletionCommitCharacters));
Future<void> test_completeFunctionCalls_constructor() =>
class Aaaaa {
Aaaaa(int a);
void f(int aaa) {
var a = new [!Aaa^!]
insertTextFormat: InsertTextFormat.Snippet,
editText: r'Aaaaa(${0:a})',
Future<void> test_completeFunctionCalls_escapesDollarArgs() =>
int myFunction(String a$a, int b, {String c}) {
var a = [!myFu^!]
insertTextFormat: InsertTextFormat.Snippet,
// The dollar should have been escaped.
editText: r'myFunction(${1:a\$a}, ${2:b})',
Future<void> test_completeFunctionCalls_escapesDollarName() =>
int myFunc$tion(String a, int b, {String c}) {
var a = [!myFu^!]
insertTextFormat: InsertTextFormat.Snippet,
// The dollar should have been escaped.
editText: r'myFunc\$tion(${1:a}, ${2:b})',
Future<void> test_completeFunctionCalls_existingArgList_constructor() =>
class Aaaaa {
Aaaaa(int a);
void f(int aaa) {
var a = new [!Aaa^!]()
editText: 'Aaaaa',
Future<void> test_completeFunctionCalls_existingArgList_expression() =>
int myFunction(String a, int b, {String c}) {
var a = [!myFu^!]()
editText: 'myFunction',
Future<void> test_completeFunctionCalls_existingArgList_member_noPrefix() =>
class Aaaaa {
static foo(int a) {}
void f() {
editText: 'foo',
Future<void> test_completeFunctionCalls_existingArgList_namedConstructor() =>
class Aaaaa { a);
void f() {
var a = new Aaaaa.[!foo^!]()
editText: 'foo',
Future<void> test_completeFunctionCalls_existingArgList_statement() =>
void f(int a) {
editText: 'f',
Future<void> test_completeFunctionCalls_existingArgList_suggestionSets() =>
void f(int a) {
editText: 'print',
Future<void> test_completeFunctionCalls_existingPartialArgList() =>
class Aaaaa {
Aaaaa(int a);
void f(int aaa) {
var a = new [!Aaa^!](
editText: 'Aaaaa',
Future<void> test_completeFunctionCalls_expression() =>
int myFunction(String a, int b, {String c}) {
var a = [!myFu^!]
insertTextFormat: InsertTextFormat.Snippet,
editText: r'myFunction(${1:a}, ${2:b})',
Future<void> test_completeFunctionCalls_flutterSetState() async {
// Flutter's setState method has special handling inside SuggestionBuilder
// that already adds in a selection (which overlaps with completeFunctionCalls).
// Ensure we don't end up with two sets of parens/placeholders in this case.
var content = '''
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
class MyWidget extends StatefulWidget {
State<MyWidget> createState() => _MyWidgetState();
class _MyWidgetState extends State<MyWidget> {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return const Placeholder();
await provideConfig(initialize, {'completeFunctionCalls': true});
var code = TestCode.parse(content);
await openFile(mainFileUri, code.code);
var res = await getCompletion(mainFileUri, code.position.position);
var item = res.singleWhere((c) => c.label.startsWith('setState('));
// Usually the label would be "setState(…)" but here it's slightly different
// to indicate a full statement is being inserted.
expect(item.label, equals('setState(() {});'));
// Ensure the snippet comes through in the expected format with the expected
// placeholders.
expect(item.insertTextFormat, equals(InsertTextFormat.Snippet));
expect(item.insertText, isNull);
var textEdit = toTextEdit(item.textEdit!);
expect(textEdit.newText, 'setState(() {\n \$0\n });');
expect(textEdit.range, equals(code.range.range));
Future<void> test_completeFunctionCalls_namedConstructor() =>
class Aaaaa { a);
void f() {
var a = new Aaaaa.[!foo^!]
insertTextFormat: InsertTextFormat.Snippet,
editText: r'foo(${0:a})',
Future<void> test_completeFunctionCalls_noParameters() async {
var content = '''
void myFunction() {}
void f() {
await checkCompleteFunctionCallInsertText(
editText: 'myFunction()',
insertTextFormat: InsertTextFormat.Snippet,
Future<void> test_completeFunctionCalls_optionalParameters() async {
var content = '''
void myFunction({int a}) {}
void f() {
await checkCompleteFunctionCallInsertText(
// With optional params, there should still be parens/tab stop inside.
editText: r'myFunction($0)',
insertTextFormat: InsertTextFormat.Snippet,
Future<void> test_completeFunctionCalls_requiredNamed() async {
var content = '''
void myFunction(String a, int b, {required String c, String d = ''}) {}
void f() {
await provideConfig(initialize, {'completeFunctionCalls': true});
var code = TestCode.parse(content);
await openFile(mainFileUri, code.code);
var res = await getCompletion(mainFileUri, code.position.position);
var item = res.singleWhere((c) => c.label == 'myFunction(…)');
// Ensure the snippet comes through in the expected format with the expected
// placeholders.
expect(item.insertTextFormat, equals(InsertTextFormat.Snippet));
expect(item.insertText, isNull);
var textEdit = toTextEdit(item.textEdit!);
expect(textEdit.newText, r'myFunction(${1:a}, ${2:b}, c: ${3:c})');
expect(textEdit.range, equals(code.range.range));
Future<void> test_completeFunctionCalls_requiredNamed_suggestionSet() async {
var otherFile = join(projectFolderPath, 'lib', 'other.dart');
"void myFunction(String a, int b, {required String c, String d = ''}) {}",
var content = '''
void f() {
await provideConfig(initialize, {'completeFunctionCalls': true});
var code = TestCode.parse(content);
await openFile(mainFileUri, code.code);
await initialAnalysis;
var res = await getCompletion(mainFileUri, code.position.position);
var item = res.singleWhere((c) => c.label == 'myFunction(…)');
// Ensure the snippet comes through in the expected format with the expected
// placeholders.
expect(item.insertTextFormat, equals(InsertTextFormat.Snippet));
expect(item.insertText, isNull);
expect(item.textEdit, isNotNull);
var originalTextEdit = item.textEdit;
// Ensure the item can be resolved and retains the correct textEdit (since
// textEdit may be recomputed during resolve).
var resolved = await resolveCompletion(item);
expect(resolved.insertText, isNull);
expect(resolved.textEdit, originalTextEdit);
var textEdit = toTextEdit(resolved.textEdit!);
expect(textEdit.newText, r'myFunction(${1:a}, ${2:b}, c: ${3:c})');
expect(textEdit.range, equals(code.range.range));
test_completeFunctionCalls_resolve_producesCorrectEditWithoutInsertText() async {
// Ensure our `resolve` call does not rely on the presence of `insertText`
// to compute the correct edits. This is something we did incorrectly in the
// past and broke with
// because the way these are combined in the VS Code LSP client means we are
// not provided both `insertText` and `textEdit` back in the resolve call.
// Now, we never supply `insertText` and always use `textEdit`.
var content = '''
final a = Stri^
/// Helper to verify a completion is as expected.
void expectCorrectCompletion(CompletionItem item) {
// Ensure this completion looks as we'd expect.
expect(item.label, 'String.fromCharCode(…)');
expect(item.insertText, isNull);
item.textEdit!.map((edit) => edit.newText, (edit) => edit.newText),
await provideConfig(initialize, {'completeFunctionCalls': true});
var code = TestCode.parse(content);
await openFile(mainFileUri, code.code);
await initialAnalysis;
var res = await getCompletion(mainFileUri, code.position.position);
var completion =
res.singleWhere((c) => c.label == 'String.fromCharCode(…)');
var resolved = await resolveCompletion(completion);
Future<void> test_completeFunctionCalls_show() async {
var content = '''
import 'dart:math' show mi^
await provideConfig(initialize, {'completeFunctionCalls': true});
var code = TestCode.parse(content);
await openFile(mainFileUri, code.code);
var res = await getCompletion(mainFileUri, code.position.position);
var item = res.singleWhere((c) => c.label == 'min(…)');
// The insert text should be a simple string with no parens/args and
// no need for snippets.
expect(item.insertTextFormat, isNull);
expect(item.insertText, isNull);
var textEdit = toTextEdit(item.textEdit!);
expect(textEdit.newText, r'min');
Future<void> test_completeFunctionCalls_statement() =>
void f(int a) {
insertTextFormat: InsertTextFormat.Snippet,
editText: r'f(${0:a})',
Future<void> test_completeFunctionCalls_suggestionSets() =>
void f(int a) {
insertTextFormat: InsertTextFormat.Snippet,
editText: r'print(${0:object})',
Future<void> test_completionKinds_default() async {
newFile(join(projectFolderPath, 'file.dart'), '');
newFolder(join(projectFolderPath, 'folder'));
var content = "import '^';";
await initialize();
var code = TestCode.parse(content);
await openFile(mainFileUri, code.code);
var res = await getCompletion(mainFileUri, code.position.position);
var file = res.singleWhere((c) => c.label == 'file.dart');
var folder = res.singleWhere((c) => c.label == 'folder/');
var builtin = res.singleWhere((c) => c.label == 'dart:core');
// Default capabilities include File + Module but not Folder.
expect(file.kind, equals(CompletionItemKind.File));
// We fall back to Module if Folder isn't supported.
expect(folder.kind, equals(CompletionItemKind.Module));
expect(builtin.kind, equals(CompletionItemKind.Module));
Future<void> test_completionKinds_imports() async {
// Tell the server we support some specific CompletionItemKinds.
var content = "import '^';";
await initialize();
var code = TestCode.parse(content);
await openFile(mainFileUri, code.code);
var res = await getCompletion(mainFileUri, code.position.position);
var file = res.singleWhere((c) => c.label == 'file.dart');
var folder = res.singleWhere((c) => c.label == 'folder/');
var builtin = res.singleWhere((c) => c.label == 'dart:core');
expect(file.kind, equals(CompletionItemKind.File));
expect(folder.kind, equals(CompletionItemKind.Folder));
expect(builtin.kind, equals(CompletionItemKind.Module));
Future<void> test_completionKinds_supportedSubset() async {
// Tell the server we only support the Field CompletionItemKind.
var content = '''
class MyClass {
String abcdefghij;
void f() {
MyClass a;^
await initialize();
var code = TestCode.parse(content);
await openFile(mainFileUri, code.code);
var res = await getCompletion(mainFileUri, code.position.position);
var kinds = => item.kind).toList();
// Ensure we only get nulls or Fields (the sample code contains Classes).
everyElement(anyOf(isNull, equals(CompletionItemKind.Field))),
Future<void> test_completionTrigger_brace_block() async {
// Brace should not trigger completion if a normal code block.
var content = r'''
main () {^}
await _checkResultsForTriggerCharacters(content, ['{'], isEmpty);
test_completionTrigger_brace_interpolatedStringExpression() async {
// Brace should trigger completion if at the start of an interpolated expression
var content = r'''
var a = '${^';
await _checkResultsForTriggerCharacters(content, [r'{'], isNotEmpty);
Future<void> test_completionTrigger_brace_rawString() async {
// Brace should not trigger completion if in a raw string.
var content = r'''
var a = r'${^';
await _checkResultsForTriggerCharacters(content, [r'{'], isEmpty);
Future<void> test_completionTrigger_brace_string() async {
// Brace should not trigger completion if not at the start of an interpolated
// expression.
var content = r'''
var a = '{^';
await _checkResultsForTriggerCharacters(content, [r'{'], isEmpty);
Future<void> test_completionTrigger_colon_argument() async {
// Colons should trigger completion after argument names.
var content = r'''
void f({int? a}) {
await _checkResultsForTriggerCharacters(content, [r':'], isNotEmpty);
Future<void> test_completionTrigger_colon_case() async {
// Colons should not trigger completion in a switch case.
var content = r'''
void f(int a) {
switch (a) {
await _checkResultsForTriggerCharacters(content, [r':'], isEmpty);
Future<void> test_completionTrigger_colon_default() async {
// Colons should not trigger completion in a switch case.
var content = r'''
void f(int a) {
switch (a) {
await _checkResultsForTriggerCharacters(content, [r':'], isEmpty);
Future<void> test_completionTrigger_colon_import() async {
// Colons should trigger completion after argument names.
var content = r'''
import 'package:^';
await _checkResultsForTriggerCharacters(content, [r':'], isNotEmpty);
Future<void> test_completionTrigger_quotes_endingString() async {
// Completion triggered by a quote ending a string should not return results.
var content = "foo(''^);";
await _checkResultsForTriggerCharacters(content, ["'", '"'], isEmpty);
Future<void> test_completionTrigger_quotes_startingImport() async {
// Completion triggered by a quote for import should return results.
var content = "import '^'";
await _checkResultsForTriggerCharacters(content, ["'", '"'], isNotEmpty);
Future<void> test_completionTrigger_quotes_startingString() async {
// Completion triggered by a quote for normal string should not return results.
var content = "foo('^');";
await _checkResultsForTriggerCharacters(content, ["'", '"'], isEmpty);
Future<void> test_completionTrigger_quotes_terminatingImport() async {
// Completion triggered by a quote ending an import should not return results.
var content = "import ''^";
await _checkResultsForTriggerCharacters(content, ["'", '"'], isEmpty);
Future<void> test_completionTrigger_slash_directivePath() async {
// Slashes should trigger completion when typing in directive paths, eg.
// after typing 'package:foo/' completion should give the next folder segments.
var content = r'''
import 'package:test/^';
await _checkResultsForTriggerCharacters(content, [r'/'], isNotEmpty);
Future<void> test_completionTrigger_slash_divide() async {
// Slashes should not trigger completion when typing in a normal expression.
var content = r'''
var a = 1 /^
await _checkResultsForTriggerCharacters(content, [r'/'], isEmpty);
Future<void> test_completionTriggerKinds_invalidParams() async {
await initialize();
var invalidTriggerKind = CompletionTriggerKind.fromJson(-1);
var request = getCompletion(
Position(line: 0, character: 0),
context: CompletionContext(
triggerKind: invalidTriggerKind, triggerCharacter: 'A'),
await expectLater(
request, throwsA(isResponseError(ErrorCodes.InvalidParams)));
Future<void> test_concurrentRequestsCancellation() async {
// We expect a new completion request to cancel any in-flight request so
// send multiple without awaiting, then check only the last one completes.
var code = TestCode.empty;
await initialize();
await openFile(mainFileUri, code.code);
var position = code.position.position;
// Use a completer to force the requests to overlap without races.
var completer = Completer<void>();
CompletionHandler.delayAfterResolveForTests = completer.future;
try {
var responseFutures = [
getCompletion(mainFileUri, position),
getCompletion(mainFileUri, position),
getCompletion(mainFileUri, position),
// Ensure all requests started, then let them continue.
await pumpEventQueue(times: 5000);
var results = await responseFutures[2];
expect(results, isNotEmpty);
} finally {
CompletionHandler.delayAfterResolveForTests = null;
Future<void> test_dartDocPreference_full() =>
assertDocumentation('full', includesSummary: true, includesFull: true);
Future<void> test_dartDocPreference_none() =>
assertDocumentation('none', includesSummary: false, includesFull: false);
Future<void> test_dartDocPreference_summary() =>
includesSummary: true, includesFull: false);
/// No preference should result in full docs.
Future<void> test_dartDocPreference_unset() =>
assertDocumentation(null, includesSummary: true, includesFull: true);
Future<void> test_filterText_constructorParens() async {
// Constructor parens should not be included in filterText.
var content = '''
class MyClass {}
void f() {
MyClass a = new MyCla^
await initialize();
var code = TestCode.parse(content);
await openFile(mainFileUri, code.code);
var res = await getCompletion(mainFileUri, code.position.position);
expect(res.any((c) => c.label == 'MyClass()'), isTrue);
var item = res.singleWhere((c) => c.label == 'MyClass()');
// filterText is set explicitly because it's not the same as label.
expect(item.filterText, 'MyClass');
// The text in the edit should also not contain the parens.
var textEdit = toTextEdit(item.textEdit!);
expect(textEdit.newText, 'MyClass');
Future<void> test_filterText_override_getter() async {
// Some completions (eg. overrides) have additional text that is not part
// of the label. That text should _not_ appear in filterText as it will
// affect the editors relevance ranking as the user types.
var content = '''
abstract class Person {
String get name;
class Student extends Person {
await initialize();
var code = TestCode.parse(content);
await openFile(mainFileUri, code.code);
var res = await getCompletion(mainFileUri, code.position.position);
var item = res.singleWhere((c) => c.label == 'name => …');
// filterText is set explicitly because it's not the same as label.
expect(item.filterText, 'name');
Future<void> test_filterText_override_method() async {
// Some completions (eg. overrides) have additional text that is not part
// of the label. That text should _not_ appear in filterText as it will
// affect the editors relevance ranking as the user types.
var content = '''
abstract class Base {
void myMethod() {};
class BaseImpl extends Base {
await initialize();
var code = TestCode.parse(content);
await openFile(mainFileUri, code.code);
var res = await getCompletion(mainFileUri, code.position.position);
var item = res.singleWhere((c) => c.label == 'myMethod() { … }');
// filterText is set explicitly because it's not the same as label.
expect(item.filterText, 'myMethod');
Future<void> test_fromPlugin_dartFile() async {
if (!AnalysisServer.supportsPlugins) return;
var code = TestCode.parse('''
void f() {
var x = '';
var pluginResult = plugin.CompletionGetSuggestionsResult(
configureTestPlugin(respondWith: pluginResult);
await initialize();
await openFile(mainFileUri, code.code);
var res = await getCompletion(mainFileUri, code.position.position);
var fromServer = res.singleWhere((c) => c.label == 'x');
var fromPlugin = res.singleWhere((c) => c.label == 'x.toUpperCase()');
expect(fromServer.kind, equals(CompletionItemKind.Variable));
expect(fromPlugin.kind, equals(CompletionItemKind.Method));
Future<void> test_fromPlugin_dartFile_withImports() async {
if (!AnalysisServer.supportsPlugins) return;
var code = TestCode.parse('''
void f() {
var pluginResult = plugin.CompletionGetSuggestionsResult(
libraryUri: 'dart:io',
isNotImported: true,
configureTestPlugin(respondWith: pluginResult);
await initialize();
await openFile(mainFileUri, code.code);
var items = await getCompletion(mainFileUri, code.position.position);
var item = items.singleWhere((c) => c.label == 'fooFromDartIO');
var resolved = await resolveCompletion(item);
// Apply both the main completion edit and the additionalTextEdits atomically.
var newContent = applyTextEdits(
// Ensure the plugin-supplied import was added.
expect(newContent, equals('''
import 'dart:io';
void f() {
Future<void> test_fromPlugin_nonDartFile() async {
if (!AnalysisServer.supportsPlugins) return;
var pluginAnalyzedFilePath = join(projectFolderPath, 'lib', '');
var pluginAnalyzedFileUri = pathContext.toUri(pluginAnalyzedFilePath);
var code = TestCode.parse('''
query: SELECT ^ FROM foo;
var pluginResult = plugin.CompletionGetSuggestionsResult(
configureTestPlugin(respondWith: pluginResult);
await initialize();
await openFile(pluginAnalyzedFileUri, code.code);
var res =
await getCompletion(pluginAnalyzedFileUri, code.position.position);
expect(res, hasLength(1));
var suggestion = res.single;
expect(suggestion.kind, CompletionItemKind.Variable);
expect(suggestion.label, equals('id'));
Future<void> test_fromPlugin_tooSlow() async {
if (!AnalysisServer.supportsPlugins) return;
var code = TestCode.parse('''
void f() {
var x = '';
var pluginResult = plugin.CompletionGetSuggestionsResult(
respondWith: pluginResult,
// Don't respond within an acceptable time
respondAfter: Duration(seconds: 1),
await initialize();
await openFile(mainFileUri, code.code);
var res = await getCompletion(mainFileUri, code.position.position);
var fromServer = res.singleWhere((c) => c.label == 'x');
var fromPlugin = res.singleWhereOrNull((c) => c.label == 'x.toUpperCase()');
// Server results should still be included.
expect(fromServer.kind, equals(CompletionItemKind.Variable));
// Plugin results are not because they didn't arrive in time.
expect(fromPlugin, isNull);
/// Check that narrowing a type from String? to String in a subclass includes
/// the correct narrowed type in the `detail` field.
Future<void> test_getter_narrowedBySubclass() async {
var content = '''
void f(MyItem item) {^
abstract class NullableName {
String? get name;
abstract class NotNullableName implements NullableName {
String get name;
abstract class MyItem implements NotNullableName, NullableName {}
await initialize();
var code = TestCode.parse(content);
await openFile(mainFileUri, code.code);
var res = await getCompletion(mainFileUri, code.position.position);
var name = res.singleWhere((c) => c.label == 'name');
expect(name.detail, equals('String'));
Future<void> test_gettersAndSetters() async {
var content = '''
class MyClass {
String get justGetter => '';
set justSetter(String value) {}
String get getterAndSetter => '';
set getterAndSetter(String value) {}
void f() {
MyClass a;
await initialize();
var code = TestCode.parse(content);
await openFile(mainFileUri, code.code);
var res = await getCompletion(mainFileUri, code.position.position);
var getter = res.singleWhere((c) => c.label == 'justGetter');
var setter = res.singleWhere((c) => c.label == 'justSetter');
var both = res.singleWhere((c) => c.label == 'getterAndSetter');
expect(getter.detail, equals('String'));
expect(setter.detail, equals('String'));
expect(both.detail, equals('String'));
for (var item in [getter, setter, both]) {
expect(item.kind, equals(CompletionItemKind.Property));
Future<void> test_import() async {
var content = '''
import '^';
await initialize();
var code = TestCode.parse(content);
await openFile(mainFileUri, code.code);
var res = await getCompletion(mainFileUri, code.position.position);
expect(res.any((c) => c.label == 'dart:async'), isTrue);
Future<void> test_import_configuration() async {
var content = '''
import 'dart:core' if ( '^';
await initialize();
var code = TestCode.parse(content);
await openFile(mainFileUri, code.code);
var res = await getCompletion(mainFileUri, code.position.position);
expect(res.any((c) => c.label == 'dart:async'), isTrue);
Future<void> test_import_configuration_eof() async {
var content = '''
import 'dart:core' if ( '^
await initialize();
var code = TestCode.parse(content);
await openFile(mainFileUri, code.code);
var res = await getCompletion(mainFileUri, code.position.position);
expect(res.any((c) => c.label == 'dart:async'), isTrue);
Future<void> test_import_configuration_partial() async {
var content = '''
import 'dart:core' if ( 'dart:^';
await initialize();
var code = TestCode.parse(content);
await openFile(mainFileUri, code.code);
var res = await getCompletion(mainFileUri, code.position.position);
expect(res.any((c) => c.label == 'dart:async'), isTrue);
Future<void> test_import_eof() async {
var content = '''
import '^
await initialize();
var code = TestCode.parse(content);
await openFile(mainFileUri, code.code);
var res = await getCompletion(mainFileUri, code.position.position);
expect(res.any((c) => c.label == 'dart:async'), isTrue);
Future<void> test_import_partial() async {
var content = '''
import 'dart:^';
await initialize();
var code = TestCode.parse(content);
await openFile(mainFileUri, code.code);
var res = await getCompletion(mainFileUri, code.position.position);
expect(res.any((c) => c.label == 'dart:async'), isTrue);
Future<void> test_insertReplaceRanges() async {
var content = '''
class MyClass {
String abcdefghij;
void f() {
MyClass a;^def
await initialize();
var code = TestCode.parse(content);
await openFile(mainFileUri, code.code);
var res = await getCompletion(mainFileUri, code.position.position);
expect(res.any((c) => c.label == 'abcdefghij'), isTrue);
var item = res.singleWhere((c) => c.label == 'abcdefghij');
// When using the replacement range, we should get exactly the symbol
// we expect.
var replaced = applyTextEdits(
expect(replaced, contains('a.abcdefghij\n'));
// When using the insert range, we should retain what was after the caret
// ("def" in this case).
var inserted = applyTextEdits(
expect(inserted, contains('a.abcdefghijdef\n'));
Future<void> test_insertTextMode_multiline() async {
var content = '''
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
class _MyWidgetState extends State<MyWidget> {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return const Placeholder();
await initialize();
var code = TestCode.parse(content);
await openFile(mainFileUri, code.code);
var res = await getCompletion(mainFileUri, code.position.position);
var item = res.singleWhere((c) => c.label.startsWith('setState'));
// Multiline completions should always set insertTextMode.asIs.
expect(item.insertText, isNull);
var textEdit = toTextEdit(item.textEdit!);
expect(textEdit.newText, contains('\n'));
expect(item.insertTextMode, equals(InsertTextMode.asIs));
Future<void> test_insertTextMode_singleLine() async {
var content = '''
void foo() {
await initialize();
var code = TestCode.parse(content);
await openFile(mainFileUri, code.code);
var res = await getCompletion(mainFileUri, code.position.position);
var item = res.singleWhere((c) => c.label.startsWith('foo'));
// Single line completions should never set insertTextMode.asIs to
// avoid bloating payload size where it wouldn't matter.
expect(item.insertText, isNull);
var textEdit = toTextEdit(item.textEdit!);
expect(textEdit.newText, isNot(contains('\n')));
expect(item.insertTextMode, isNull);
Future<void> test_insideString() async {
var content = '''
var a = "This is ^a test"
await initialize();
var code = TestCode.parse(content);
await openFile(mainFileUri, code.code);
var res = await getCompletion(mainFileUri, code.position.position);
expect(res, isEmpty);
Future<void> test_isDeprecated_notSupported() async {
var content = '''
class MyClass {
String abcdefghij;
void f() {
MyClass a;^
await initialize();
var code = TestCode.parse(content);
await openFile(mainFileUri, code.code);
var res = await getCompletion(mainFileUri, code.position.position);
var item = res.singleWhere((c) => c.label == 'abcdefghij');
expect(item.deprecated, isNull);
// If the does not say it supports the deprecated flag, we should show
// '(deprecated)' in the details.
expect(item.detail!.toLowerCase(), contains('deprecated'));
Future<void> test_isDeprecated_supportedFlag() async {
var content = '''
class MyClass {
String abcdefghij;
void f() {
MyClass a;^
await initialize();
var code = TestCode.parse(content);
await openFile(mainFileUri, code.code);
var res = await getCompletion(mainFileUri, code.position.position);
var item = res.singleWhere((c) => c.label == 'abcdefghij');
expect(item.deprecated, isTrue);
// If the client says it supports the deprecated flag, we should not show
// deprecated in the details.
expect(item.detail, isNot(contains('deprecated')));
Future<void> test_isDeprecated_supportedTag() async {
var content = '''
class MyClass {
String abcdefghij;
void f() {
MyClass a;^
await initialize();
var code = TestCode.parse(content);
await openFile(mainFileUri, code.code);
var res = await getCompletion(mainFileUri, code.position.position);
var item = res.singleWhere((c) => c.label == 'abcdefghij');
expect(item.tags, contains(CompletionItemTag.Deprecated));
// If the client says it supports the deprecated tag, we should not show
// deprecated in the details.
expect(item.detail, isNot(contains('deprecated')));
Future<void> test_isIncomplete_falseIfAllIncluded() async {
var content = '''
import 'a.dart';
void f() {
A a = A();
var code = TestCode.parse(content);
// Create a class with fields aaa1 to aaa500 in the other file.
join(projectFolderPath, 'lib', 'a.dart'),
'class A {',
for (var i = 1; i <= 500; i++) 'String get aaa$i => "";',
await initialize();
await openFile(mainFileUri, code.code);
await initialAnalysis;
var res = await getCompletionList(mainFileUri, code.position.position);
// Expect everything (hashCode etc. will take it over 500).
expect(res.items, hasLength(greaterThanOrEqualTo(500)));
expect(res.isIncomplete, isFalse);
Future<void> test_isIncomplete_trueIfNotAllIncluded() async {
var content = '''
import 'a.dart';
void f() {
A a = A();
var code = TestCode.parse(content);
// Create a class with fields aaa1 to aaa500 in the other file.
join(projectFolderPath, 'lib', 'a.dart'),
'class A {',
for (var i = 1; i <= 500; i++) ' String get aaa$i => "";',
' String get aaa => "";',
await provideConfig(initialize, {'maxCompletionItems': 200});
await openFile(mainFileUri, code.code);
await initialAnalysis;
var res = await getCompletionList(mainFileUri, code.position.position);
// Should be capped at 200 and marked as incomplete.
expect(res.items, hasLength(200));
expect(res.isIncomplete, isTrue);
// Also ensure 'aaa' is included, since relevance sorting should have
// put it at the top.
expect( => item.label).contains('aaa'), isTrue);
Future<void> test_itemDefaults_editRange() async {
var content = '''
void myFunction() {
var code = TestCode.parse(content);
await initialize();
await openFile(mainFileUri, code.code);
var list = await getCompletionList(mainFileUri, code.position.position);
var item = list.items.singleWhere((c) => c.label.startsWith('myFunction'));
var defaultEditRange = list.itemDefaults!.editRange!.map(
(insertReplace) => throw 'Expected Range, got CompletionItemEditRange',
(range) => range,
// Range covers the ranged marked with [!braces!] in `content`.
expect(defaultEditRange, code.range.range);
// Item should use the default range.
expectUsesDefaultEditRange(item, 'myFunction');
Future<void> test_itemDefaults_editRange_includesNonDefaultItem() async {
// In this code, we will get two completions with different edit ranges:
// - 'b: ' will have a zero-width range because names don't replace args
// - 'a' will replace 'b'
// Therefore we expect 'a' to use the default range (and not have its own)
// but 'b'` to have its own.
// Additionally, because the caret is before the identifier, we will have
// separate default insert/replace ranges.
var content = '''
void f(String a, {String? b}) {
var code = TestCode.parse(content);
await initialize();
await openFile(mainFileUri, code.code);
var list = await getCompletionList(mainFileUri, code.position.position);
var itemA = list.items.singleWhere((c) => c.label == 'a');
var itemB = list.items.singleWhere((c) => c.label == 'b: ');
// Default replace range should span `b`.
var expectedRange = code.range.range;
var defaultEditRange = list.itemDefaults!.editRange!.map(
(insertReplace) => insertReplace,
(range) => throw 'Expected Range, got CompletionItemEditRange',
expect(defaultEditRange.replace, equals(expectedRange));
// Default insert range should be in front of `b`.
Range(start: expectedRange.start, end: expectedRange.start),
// And item A should use that default.
expectUsesDefaultEditRange(itemA, 'a');
// Item B should have its own range, which is a single range for both
// insert and replace that matches the insert range (in front of `b`) of
// the default.
var itemBTextEdit = toTextEdit(itemB.textEdit!);
expect(itemBTextEdit.range, defaultEditRange.insert);
expect(itemBTextEdit.newText, 'b: ');
Future<void> test_itemDefaults_textMode() async {
// We only normally set InsertTextMode on multiline completions (where it
// matters), so ensure there's a multiline completion in the results for
// testing.
var content = '''
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
class _MyWidgetState extends State<MyWidget> {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return const Placeholder();
var code = TestCode.parse(content);
await initialize();
await openFile(mainFileUri, code.code);
var list = await getCompletionList(mainFileUri, code.position.position);
var item = list.items.singleWhere((c) => c.label.startsWith('setState'));
// Default should be set.
expect(list.itemDefaults?.insertTextMode, InsertTextMode.asIs);
// Item should not.
expect(item.insertTextMode, isNull);
/// Exact matches should always be included when completion lists are
/// truncated, even if they ranked poorly.
Future<void> test_maxCompletionItems_doesNotExcludeExactMatches() async {
var content = '''
import 'a.dart';
void f() {
var a = Item^
var code = TestCode.parse(content);
// Create classes `Item1` to `Item20` along with a field named `item`.
// The classes will rank higher in the position above and push
// the field out without an exception to include exact matches.
join(projectFolderPath, 'lib', 'a.dart'),
'String item = "";',
for (var i = 1; i <= 20; i++) 'class Item$i {}',
await provideConfig(initialize, {'maxCompletionItems': 10});
await openFile(mainFileUri, code.code);
await initialAnalysis;
var res = await getCompletionList(mainFileUri, code.position.position);
// We expect 11 items, because the exact match was not in the top 10 and
// was included additionally.
expect(res.items, hasLength(11));
expect(res.isIncomplete, isTrue);
// Ensure the 'Item' field is included.
expect( => item.label),
/// Snippet completions should be kept when maxCompletionItems truncates
/// because they are not ranked like other completions and might be
/// truncated when they are exactly what the user wants.
Future<void> test_maxCompletionItems_doesNotExcludeSnippets() async {
var content = '''
import 'a.dart';
void f() {
var code = TestCode.parse(content);
// Create fields for1 to for20 in the other file.
join(projectFolderPath, 'lib', 'a.dart'),
for (var i = 1; i <= 20; i++) 'String for$i = ' ';',
await provideConfig(initialize, {'maxCompletionItems': 10});
await openFile(mainFileUri, code.code);
await initialAnalysis;
var res = await getCompletionList(mainFileUri, code.position.position);
// Should be capped at 10 and marked as incomplete.
expect(res.items, hasLength(10));
expect(res.isIncomplete, isTrue);
// Ensure the 'for' snippet is included.
.where((item) => item.kind == CompletionItemKind.Snippet)
.map((item) => item.label)
Future<void> test_namedArg_flutterChildren() async {
var content = '''
import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
final a = Flex(c^);
var expectedContent = '''
import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
final a = Flex(children: [^],);
await verifyCompletions(
expectCompletions: ['children: []'],
applyEditsFor: 'children: []',
expectedContent: expectedContent,
Future<void> test_namedArg_flutterChildren_existingValue() async {
// Flutter's widget classes have special handling that adds `[]` after the
// children named arg, but this should not occur if there's already a value
// for this named arg.
var content = '''
import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
final a = Flex(c^: []);
var expectedContent = '''
import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
final a = Flex(children: []);
await verifyCompletions(
expectCompletions: ['children'],
applyEditsFor: 'children',
expectedContent: expectedContent,
Future<void> test_namedArg_insertReplaceRanges() async {
/// Helper to check multiple completions in the same template file.
Future<void> check(
String code,
String expectedLabel, {
required String expectedReplace,
required String expectedInsert,
}) async {
var content = '''
class A { const A({int argOne, int argTwo, String argThree}); }
final varOne = '';
void f() { }
var expectedReplaced = '''
class A { const A({int argOne, int argTwo, String argThree}); }
final varOne = '';
void f() { }
var expectedInserted = '''
class A { const A({int argOne, int argTwo, String argThree}); }
final varOne = '';
void f() { }
await verifyCompletions(
expectCompletions: [expectedLabel],
applyEditsFor: expectedLabel,
verifyInsertReplaceRanges: true,
expectedContent: expectedReplaced,
expectedContentIfInserting: expectedInserted,
// When at the start of the identifier, it will be set as the replacement
// range so we don't expect the ': ,'
await check(
'@A(^argOne: 1)',
expectedReplace: '@A(argTwo: 1)',
expectedInsert: '@A(argTwoargOne: 1)',
// When adding a name to an existing value, it should always insert.
await check(
'argOne: ',
expectedReplace: '@A(argOne: 1)',
expectedInsert: '@A(argOne: 1)',
// When adding a name to an existing variable, it should always insert.
await check(
'@A(argOne: 1, ^varOne)',
'argTwo: ',
expectedReplace: '@A(argOne: 1, argTwo: varOne)',
expectedInsert: '@A(argOne: 1, argTwo: varOne)',
// // Inside the identifier also should be expected to replace.
await check(
'@A(arg^One: 1)',
expectedReplace: '@A(argTwo: 1)',
expectedInsert: '@A(argTwoOne: 1)',
// If there's a space, there's no replacement range so we should still get
// the colon/comma since this is always an insert (and both operations will
// produce the same text).
await check(
'@A(^ argOne: 1)',
'argTwo: ',
expectedReplace: '@A(argTwo: ^, argOne: 1)',
expectedInsert: '@A(argTwo: ^, argOne: 1)',
// Partially typed names in front of values (that aren't considered part of
// the same identifier) should also suggest name labels.
await check(
'''@A(argOne: 1, argTh^'Foo')''',
'argThree: ',
expectedReplace: '''@A(argOne: 1, argThree: 'Foo')''',
expectedInsert: '''@A(argOne: 1, argThree: 'Foo')''',
Future<void> test_namedArg_offsetBeforeCompletionTarget() async {
// This test checks for a previous bug where the completion target was a
// symbol far after the cursor offset (`aaaa` here) and caused the whole
// identifier to be used as the `targetPrefix` which would filter out
// other symbol.
var content = '''
void f() {
aaaa: '',
void myFunction({String aaaa, String aaab, String aaac}) {}
await initialize();
var code = TestCode.parse(content);
await openFile(mainFileUri, code.code);
var res = await getCompletion(mainFileUri, code.position.position);
expect(res.any((c) => c.label == 'aaab: '), isTrue);
Future<void> test_namedArg_plainText() async {
var content = '''
class A { const A({int one}); }
void f() { }
await initialize();
var code = TestCode.parse(content);
await openFile(mainFileUri, code.code);
var res = await getCompletion(mainFileUri, code.position.position);
expect(res.any((c) => c.label == 'one: '), isTrue);
var item = res.singleWhere((c) => c.label == 'one: ');
anyOf(equals(InsertTextFormat.PlainText), isNull));
expect(item.insertText, isNull);
var textEdit = toTextEdit(item.textEdit!);
expect(textEdit.newText, item.label);
var updated = applyTextEdits(
expect(updated, contains('one: '));
Future<void> test_namedArg_snippetStringSelection_endOfString() async {
var content = '''
class A { const A({int one}); }
void f() { }
await initialize();
var code = TestCode.parse(content);
await openFile(mainFileUri, code.code);
var res = await getCompletion(mainFileUri, code.position.position);
expect(res.any((c) => c.label == 'one: '), isTrue);
var item = res.singleWhere((c) => c.label == 'one: ');
// As the selection is the end of the string, there's no need for a snippet
// here. Since the insert text is also the same as the label, it does not
// need to be provided.
expect(item.insertTextFormat, isNull);
expect(item.insertText, isNull);
var textEdit = toTextEdit(item.textEdit!);
expect(textEdit.newText, equals('one: '));
equals(Range(start: code.position.position, end: code.position.position)),
test_namedArgTrailing_snippetStringSelection_insideString() async {
var content = '''
void f({int one, int two}) {
two: 2,
await initialize();
var code = TestCode.parse(content);
await openFile(mainFileUri, code.code);
var res = await getCompletion(mainFileUri, code.position.position);
expect(res.any((c) => c.label == 'one: '), isTrue);
var item = res.singleWhere((c) => c.label == 'one: ');
// Ensure the snippet comes through in the expected format with the expected
// placeholder.
expect(item.insertTextFormat, equals(InsertTextFormat.Snippet));
expect(item.insertText, isNull);
var textEdit = toTextEdit(item.textEdit!);
expect(textEdit.newText, equals(r'one: $0,'));
equals(Range(start: code.position.position, end: code.position.position)),
Future<void> test_nonAnalyzedFile() async {
var readmeFilePath = convertPath(join(projectFolderPath, ''));
newFile(readmeFilePath, '');
await initialize();
var res =
await getCompletion(pathContext.toUri(readmeFilePath), startOfDocPos);
expect(res, isEmpty);
Future<void> test_nullableTypes() async {
var content = '''
String? foo(int? a, [int b = 1]) {}
void f() {
await initialize();
var code = TestCode.parse(content);
await openFile(mainFileUri, code.code);
await initialAnalysis;
var res = await getCompletion(mainFileUri, code.position.position);
var completion = res.singleWhere((c) => c.label.startsWith('foo'));
expect(completion.detail, '(int? a, [int b = 1]) → String?');
Future<void> test_plainText() async {
var content = '''
class MyClass {
String abcdefghij;
void f() {
MyClass a;^
await initialize();
var code = TestCode.parse(content);
await openFile(mainFileUri, code.code);
var res = await getCompletion(mainFileUri, code.position.position);
expect(res.any((c) => c.label == 'abcdefghij'), isTrue);
var item = res.singleWhere((c) => c.label == 'abcdefghij');
anyOf(equals(InsertTextFormat.PlainText), isNull));
expect(item.insertText, anyOf(equals('abcdefghij'), isNull));
var updated = applyTextEdits(
expect(updated, contains('a.abcdefghij'));
Future<void> test_prefixed_enumMember() async {
var content = '''
import 'main.dart' as self;
enum MyEnum {
void main() {
final x = self.MyEnum.^
await initialize();
var code = TestCode.parse(content);
await openFile(mainFileUri, code.code);
var res = await getCompletion(mainFileUri, code.position.position);
expect(res.any((c) => c.label == 'one'), isTrue);
Future<void> test_prefixFilter_endOfSymbol() async {
var content = '''
class UniqueNamedClassForLspOne {}
class UniqueNamedClassForLspTwo {}
class UniqueNamedClassForLspThree {}
void f() {
// Should match only Two and Three
await initialize();
var code = TestCode.parse(content);
await openFile(mainFileUri, code.code);
var res = await getCompletion(mainFileUri, code.position.position);
expect(res.any((c) => c.label == 'UniqueNamedClassForLspOne'), isFalse);
expect(res.any((c) => c.label == 'UniqueNamedClassForLspTwo'), isTrue);
expect(res.any((c) => c.label == 'UniqueNamedClassForLspThree'), isTrue);
Future<void> test_prefixFilter_midSymbol() async {
var content = '''
class UniqueNamedClassForLspOne {}
class UniqueNamedClassForLspTwo {}
class UniqueNamedClassForLspThree {}
void f() {
// Should match only Two and Three
await initialize();
var code = TestCode.parse(content);
await openFile(mainFileUri, code.code);
var res = await getCompletion(mainFileUri, code.position.position);
expect(res.any((c) => c.label == 'UniqueNamedClassForLspOne'), isFalse);
expect(res.any((c) => c.label == 'UniqueNamedClassForLspTwo'), isTrue);
expect(res.any((c) => c.label == 'UniqueNamedClassForLspThree'), isTrue);
Future<void> test_prefixFilter_startOfSymbol() async {
var content = '''
class UniqueNamedClassForLspOne {}
class UniqueNamedClassForLspTwo {}
class UniqueNamedClassForLspThree {}
void f() {
// Should match all three
await initialize();
var code = TestCode.parse(content);
await openFile(mainFileUri, code.code);
var res = await getCompletion(mainFileUri, code.position.position);
expect(res.any((c) => c.label == 'UniqueNamedClassForLspOne'), isTrue);
expect(res.any((c) => c.label == 'UniqueNamedClassForLspTwo'), isTrue);
expect(res.any((c) => c.label == 'UniqueNamedClassForLspThree'), isTrue);
Future<void> test_setters() async {
var content = '''
class MyClass {
set stringSetter(String a) {}
set noArgSetter() {}
set multiArgSetter(a, b) {}
set functionSetter(String Function(int a, int b) foo) {}
void f() {
MyClass a;
await initialize();
var code = TestCode.parse(content);
await openFile(mainFileUri, code.code);
var res = await getCompletion(mainFileUri, code.position.position);
var setters = res
.where((c) => c.label.endsWith('Setter'))
.map((c) => c.detail != null ? '${c.label} (${c.detail})' : c.label)
'stringSetter (String)',
// Because of how we extract the type name, we don't currently support
// this.
Future<void> test_sort_sortsByRelevance() async {
var content = '''
class UniquePrefixABC {}
class UniquePrefixAaBbCc {}
final a = UniquePrefixab^
await verifyCompletions(
expectCompletions: [
// Constructors should all come before the class names, as they have
// higher relevance in this position.
Future<void> test_sort_truncatesByFuzzyScore() async {
var content = '''
class UniquePrefixABC {}
class UniquePrefixAaBbCc {}
final a = UniquePrefixab^
// Enable truncation after 2 items so we can verify which
// items were dropped.
await provideConfig(initialize, {'maxCompletionItems': 2});
await verifyCompletions(
expectNoAdditionalItems: true,
expectCompletions: [
// Although constructors are more relevant, when truncating we will use
// fuzzy score, so the closer matches are kept instead and we'll get
// constructor+class from the closer match.
Future<void> test_unimportedSymbols() async {
join(projectFolderPath, 'other_file.dart'),
/// This class is in another file.
class InOtherFile {}
var content = '''
void f() {
await initialize();
var code = TestCode.parse(content);
await openFile(mainFileUri, code.code);
await initialAnalysis;
var res = await getCompletion(mainFileUri, code.position.position);
// Find the completion for the class in the other file.
var completion = res.singleWhere((c) => c.label == 'InOtherFile');
expect(completion, isNotNull);
expect(completion.textEdit, isNotNull);
var originalTextEdit = completion.textEdit;
// Expect no docs, this is added during resolve.
expectDocumentation(completion, isNull);
// Resolve the completion item (via server) to get any additional edits.
// This is LSP's equiv of getSuggestionDetails() and is invoked by LSP
// clients to populate additional info (in our case, any additional edits
// for inserting the import).
var resolved = await resolveCompletion(completion);
expect(resolved, isNotNull);
// Ensure the detail field was update to show this will auto-import.
startsWith("Auto import from '../other_file.dart'"),
// Ensure the doc comment was added.
expectDocumentation(resolved, equals('This class is in another file.'));
// Ensure the edit did not change.
expect(resolved.textEdit, originalTextEdit);
// There should be no command for this item because it doesn't need imports
// in other files. Same-file completions are in additionalEdits.
expect(resolved.command, isNull);
// Apply both the main completion edit and the additionalTextEdits atomically.
var newContent = applyTextEdits(
// Ensure both edits were made - the completion, and the inserted import.
expect(newContent, equals('''
import '../other_file.dart';
void f() {
Future<void> test_unimportedSymbols_dartDocPreference_full() =>
includesSummary: true, includesFull: true);
Future<void> test_unimportedSymbols_dartDocPreference_none() =>
includesSummary: false, includesFull: false);
Future<void> test_unimportedSymbols_dartDocPreference_summary() =>
includesSummary: true, includesFull: false);
/// No preference should result in full docs.
Future<void> test_unimportedSymbols_dartDocPreference_unset() =>
includesSummary: true, includesFull: true);
test_unimportedSymbols_doesNotDuplicate_importedViaMultipleLibraries() async {
// An item that's already imported through multiple libraries that
// export it should not result in multiple entries.
join(projectFolderPath, 'lib/source_file.dart'),
class MyExportedClass {}
join(projectFolderPath, 'lib/reexport1.dart'),
export 'source_file.dart';
join(projectFolderPath, 'lib/reexport2.dart'),
export 'source_file.dart';
var content = '''
import 'reexport1.dart';
import 'reexport2.dart';
void f() {
await initialize();
var code = TestCode.parse(content);
await openFile(mainFileUri, code.code);
await initialAnalysis;
var res = await getCompletion(mainFileUri, code.position.position);
var completions = res.where((c) => c.label == 'MyExportedClass').toList();
expect(completions, hasLength(1));
test_unimportedSymbols_doesNotDuplicate_importedViaSingleLibrary() async {
// An item that's already imported through a library that exports it
// should not result in multiple entries.
join(projectFolderPath, 'lib/source_file.dart'),
class MyExportedClass {}
join(projectFolderPath, 'lib/reexport1.dart'),
export 'source_file.dart';
join(projectFolderPath, 'lib/reexport2.dart'),
export 'source_file.dart';
var content = '''
import 'reexport1.dart';
void f() {
await initialize();
var code = TestCode.parse(content);
await openFile(mainFileUri, code.code);
await initialAnalysis;
var res = await getCompletion(mainFileUri, code.position.position);
var completions = res.where((c) => c.label == 'MyExportedClass').toList();
expect(completions, hasLength(1));
Future<void> test_unimportedSymbols_doesNotFilterSymbolsWithSameName() async {
// Classes here are not re-exports, so should not be filtered out.
join(projectFolderPath, 'source_file1.dart'),
'class MyDuplicatedClass {}',
join(projectFolderPath, 'source_file2.dart'),
'class MyDuplicatedClass {}',
join(projectFolderPath, 'source_file3.dart'),
'class MyDuplicatedClass {}',
var content = '''
void f() {
await initialize();
var code = TestCode.parse(content);
await openFile(mainFileUri, code.code);
await initialAnalysis;
var res = await getCompletion(mainFileUri, code.position.position);
var completions = res.where((c) => c.label == 'MyDuplicatedClass').toList();
expect(completions, hasLength(3));
// Resolve the completions so we can get the auto-import text.
var resolvedCompletions =
await Future.wait(;
expectAutoImportCompletion(resolvedCompletions, '../source_file1.dart');
expectAutoImportCompletion(resolvedCompletions, '../source_file2.dart');
expectAutoImportCompletion(resolvedCompletions, '../source_file3.dart');
Future<void> test_unimportedSymbols_enumValues() async {
// Enum values only show up in contexts with their types, so we need two
// extra files - one with the Enum definition, and one with a function that
// accepts the Enum type that is imported into the test files.
join(projectFolderPath, 'lib', 'enum.dart'),
enum MyExportedEnum { One, Two }
join(projectFolderPath, 'lib', 'function_x.dart'),
import 'package:test/enum.dart';
void x(MyExportedEnum e) {}
var content = '''
import 'package:test/function_x.dart';
void f() {
await initialize();
var code = TestCode.parse(content);
await openFile(mainFileUri, code.code);
await initialAnalysis;
var res = await getCompletion(mainFileUri, code.position.position);
var enumCompletions =
res.where((c) => c.label.startsWith('MyExportedEnum')).toList();
expect( => c.label),
['MyExportedEnum', 'MyExportedEnum.One', 'MyExportedEnum.Two']));
var completion =
enumCompletions.singleWhere((c) => c.label == 'MyExportedEnum.One');
// Resolve the completion item (via server) to get its edits. This is the
// LSP's equiv of getSuggestionDetails() and is invoked by LSP clients to
// populate additional info (in our case, the additional edits for inserting
// the import).
var resolved = await resolveCompletion(completion);
expect(resolved, isNotNull);
// Ensure the detail field was update to show this will auto-import.
startsWith("Auto import from 'package:test/enum.dart'"),
// Ensure the edit was added on.
expect(resolved.textEdit, isNotNull);
// Apply both the main completion edit and the additionalTextEdits atomically.
var newContent = applyTextEdits(
// Ensure both edits were made - the completion, and the inserted import.
expect(newContent, equals('''
import 'package:test/enum.dart';
import 'package:test/function_x.dart';
void f() {
Future<void> test_unimportedSymbols_enumValuesAlreadyImported() async {
join(projectFolderPath, 'lib', 'enum.dart'),
enum MyExportedEnum { One, Two }
join(projectFolderPath, 'lib', 'reexport1.dart'),
import 'enum.dart';
export 'enum.dart';
void x(MyExportedEnum e) {}
join(projectFolderPath, 'lib', 'reexport2.dart'),
export 'enum.dart';
var content = '''
import 'reexport1.dart';
void f() {
await initialize();
var code = TestCode.parse(content);
await openFile(mainFileUri, code.code);
await initialAnalysis;
var res = await getCompletion(mainFileUri, code.position.position);