blob: 2970cf78d6d05b22c941e40495af8393de045b79 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:analysis_server/lsp_protocol/protocol.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/correction/fix_internal.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/test_utilities/test_code_format.dart';
import 'package:collection/collection.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import '../utils/test_code_extensions.dart';
import 'change_verifier.dart';
import 'server_abstract.dart';
abstract class AbstractCodeActionsTest extends AbstractLspAnalysisServerTest {
/// Initializes the server with some basic configuration and expects to find
/// a [CodeAction] with [kind]/[command]/[title].
Future<CodeAction> expectAction(
String content, {
CodeActionKind? kind,
String? command,
String? title,
CodeActionTriggerKind? triggerKind,
String? filePath,
bool openTargetFile = false,
}) async {
filePath ??= mainFilePath;
var code = TestCode.parse(content);
newFile(filePath, code.code);
await initialize();
var fileUri = uriConverter.toClientUri(filePath);
if (openTargetFile) {
await openFile(fileUri, code.code);
var codeActions = await getCodeActions(
position: code.positions.isNotEmpty ? code.position.position : null,
range: code.ranges.isNotEmpty ? code.range.range : null,
triggerKind: triggerKind,
return findAction(codeActions, kind: kind, command: command, title: title)!;
/// Expects that command [commandName] was logged to the analytics manager.
void expectCommandLogged(String commandName) {
/// Initializes the server with some basic configuration and expects not to
/// find a [CodeAction] with [kind]/[command]/[title].
Future<void> expectNoAction(
String content, {
String? filePath,
CodeActionKind? kind,
String? command,
String? title,
ProgressToken? workDoneToken,
}) async {
filePath ??= mainFilePath;
var code = TestCode.parse(content);
newFile(filePath, code.code);
if (workDoneToken != null) {
await initialize();
var codeActions = await getCodeActions(
position: code.positions.isNotEmpty ? code.position.position : null,
range: code.ranges.isNotEmpty ? code.range.range : null,
workDoneToken: workDoneToken,
findAction(codeActions, kind: kind, command: command, title: title),
/// Finds the single action matching [title], [kind] and [command].
/// Throws if zero or more than one actions match.
CodeAction? findAction(List<Either2<Command, CodeAction>> actions,
{String? title, CodeActionKind? kind, String? command}) {
return findActions(actions, title: title, kind: kind, command: command)
List<CodeAction> findActions(List<Either2<Command, CodeAction>> actions,
{String? title, CodeActionKind? kind, String? command}) {
return actions
.map((action) => => null, (action) => action))
.where((action) => title == null || action?.title == title)
.where((action) => kind == null || action?.kind == kind)
(action) => command == null || action?.command?.command == command)
.map((action) {
// Always expect a command (either to execute, or for logging)
assert(action!.command != null);
// Expect an edit if we weren't looking for a command-action.
if (command == null) {
assert(action!.edit != null);
return action;
Either2<Command, CodeAction>? findCommand(
List<Either2<Command, CodeAction>> actions, String commandID,
[String? wantedTitle]) {
for (var codeAction in actions) {
var id =
(cmd) => cmd.command,
(action) => action.command?.command,
var title =
(cmd) => cmd.title,
(action) => action.title,
if (id == commandID && (wantedTitle == null || wantedTitle == title)) {
return codeAction;
return null;
void setUp() {
// Fix tests are likely to have diagnostics that need fixing.
failTestOnErrorDiagnostic = false;
// Some defaults that most tests use. Tests can opt-out by overwriting these
// before initializing.
/// Initializes the server with some basic configuration and expects to find
/// a [CodeAction] with [kind]/[title] that applies edits resulting in
/// [expected].
Future<LspChangeVerifier> verifyActionEdits(
String content,
String expected, {
String? filePath,
CodeActionKind? kind,
String? command,
String? title,
ProgressToken? commandWorkDoneToken,
}) async {
filePath ??= mainFilePath;
// For convenience, if a test doesn't provide an full set of edits
// we assume only a single edit of the file that was being modified.
if (!expected.startsWith(LspChangeVerifier.editMarkerStart)) {
expected = '''
${LspChangeVerifier.editMarkerStart} ${relativePath(filePath)}
var action = await expectAction(
filePath: filePath,
kind: kind,
command: command,
title: title,
// Verify the edits either by executing the command we expected, or
// the edits attached directly to the code action.
if (command != null) {
return await verifyCommandEdits(
workDoneToken: commandWorkDoneToken,
} else {
var edit = action.edit!;
return verifyEdit(edit, expected);