blob: fb660877d2849b49b395d217cd7179540083f25a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library polymer_expressions.tokenizer;
const int _TAB = 9;
const int _LF = 10;
const int _VTAB = 11;
const int _FF = 12;
const int _CR = 13;
const int _SPACE = 32;
const int _BANG = 33;
const int _DQ = 34;
const int _$ = 36;
const int _PERCENT = 37;
const int _AMPERSAND = 38;
const int _SQ = 39;
const int _OPEN_PAREN = 40;
const int _CLOSE_PAREN = 41;
const int _STAR = 42;
const int _PLUS = 43;
const int _COMMA = 44;
const int _MINUS = 45;
const int _PERIOD = 46;
const int _SLASH = 47;
const int _0 = 48;
const int _9 = 57;
const int _COLON = 58;
const int _LT = 60;
const int _EQ = 61;
const int _GT = 62;
const int _QUESTION = 63;
const int _A = 65;
const int _Z = 90;
const int _OPEN_SQUARE_BRACKET = 91;
const int _BACKSLASH = 92;
const int _CLOSE_SQUARE_BRACKET = 93;
const int _CARET = 94;
const int _US = 95;
const int _a = 97;
const int _f = 102;
const int _n = 110;
const int _r = 114;
const int _t = 116;
const int _v = 118;
const int _z = 122;
const int _OPEN_CURLY_BRACKET = 123;
const int _BAR = 124;
const int _CLOSE_CURLY_BRACKET = 125;
const int _NBSP = 160;
const _TWO_CHAR_OPS = const ['==', '!=', '<=', '>=', '||', '&&'];
const _KEYWORDS = const ['in', 'this'];
const _PRECEDENCE = const {
'!': 0,
':': 0,
',': 0,
')': 0,
']': 0,
'}': 0, // ?
'?': 1,
'||': 2,
'&&': 3,
'|': 4,
'^': 5,
'&': 6,
// equality
'!=': 7,
'==': 7,
// relational
'>=': 8,
'>': 8,
'<=': 8,
'<': 8,
// additive
'+': 9,
'-': 9,
// multiplicative
'%': 10,
'/': 10,
'*': 10,
// postfix
'(': 11,
'[': 11,
'.': 11,
'{': 11, //not sure this is correct
const int STRING_TOKEN = 1;
const int IDENTIFIER_TOKEN = 2;
const int DOT_TOKEN = 3;
const int COMMA_TOKEN = 4;
const int COLON_TOKEN = 5;
const int INTEGER_TOKEN = 6;
const int DECIMAL_TOKEN = 7;
const int OPERATOR_TOKEN = 8;
const int GROUPER_TOKEN = 9;
const int KEYWORD_TOKEN = 10;
bool isWhitespace(int next) => next == _SPACE || next == _TAB || next == _NBSP;
bool isIdentifierOrKeywordStart(int next) => (_a <= next && next <= _z) ||
(_A <= next && next <= _Z) || next == _US || next == _$ || next > 127;
bool isIdentifier(int next) => (_a <= next && next <= _z) ||
(_A <= next && next <= _Z) || (_0 <= next && next <= _9) ||
next == _US || next == _$ || next > 127;
bool isQuote(int next) => next == _DQ || next == _SQ;
bool isNumber(int next) => _0 <= next && next <= _9;
bool isOperator(int next) => _OPERATORS.contains(next);
bool isGrouper(int next) => _GROUPERS.contains(next);
int escape(int c) {
switch (c) {
case _f: return _FF;
case _n: return _LF;
case _r: return _CR;
case _t: return _TAB;
case _v: return _VTAB;
default: return c;
class Token {
final int kind;
final String value;
final int precedence;
Token(this.kind, this.value, [this.precedence = 0]);
String toString() => "($kind, '$value')";
class Tokenizer {
final List<Token> _tokens = <Token>[];
final StringBuffer _sb = new StringBuffer();
final RuneIterator _iterator;
int _next;
Tokenizer(String input) : _iterator = new RuneIterator(input);
_advance() {
_next = _iterator.moveNext() ? _iterator.current : null;
List<Token> tokenize() {
while(_next != null) {
if (isWhitespace(_next)) {
} else if (isQuote(_next)) {
} else if (isIdentifierOrKeywordStart(_next)) {
} else if (isNumber(_next)) {
} else if (_next == _PERIOD) {
} else if (_next == _COMMA) {
} else if (_next == _COLON) {
} else if (isOperator(_next)) {
} else if (isGrouper(_next)) {
} else {
return _tokens;
tokenizeString() {
int quoteChar = _next;
while (_next != quoteChar) {
if (_next == null) throw new ParseException("unterminated string");
if (_next == _BACKSLASH) {
if (_next == null) throw new ParseException("unterminated string");
} else {
_tokens.add(new Token(STRING_TOKEN, _sb.toString()));
tokenizeIdentifierOrKeyword() {
while (_next != null && isIdentifier(_next)) {
var value = _sb.toString();
if (_KEYWORDS.contains(value)) {
_tokens.add(new Token(KEYWORD_TOKEN, value));
} else {
_tokens.add(new Token(IDENTIFIER_TOKEN, value));
tokenizeNumber() {
while (_next != null && isNumber(_next)) {
if (_next == _PERIOD) {
} else {
_tokens.add(new Token(INTEGER_TOKEN, _sb.toString()));
tokenizeDot() {
if (isNumber(_next)) {
} else {
_tokens.add(new Token(DOT_TOKEN, '.', POSTFIX_PRECEDENCE));
tokenizeComma() {
_tokens.add(new Token(COMMA_TOKEN, ','));
tokenizeColon() {
_tokens.add(new Token(COLON_TOKEN, ':'));
tokenizeFraction() {
while (_next != null && isNumber(_next)) {
_tokens.add(new Token(DECIMAL_TOKEN, _sb.toString()));
tokenizeOperator() {
int startChar = _next;
var op;
// check for 2 character operators
if (isOperator(_next)) {
var op2 = new String.fromCharCodes([startChar, _next]);
if (_TWO_CHAR_OPS.contains(op2)) {
op = op2;
} else {
op = new String.fromCharCode(startChar);
} else {
op = new String.fromCharCode(startChar);
_tokens.add(new Token(OPERATOR_TOKEN, op, _PRECEDENCE[op]));
tokenizeGrouper() {
var value = new String.fromCharCode(_next);
_tokens.add(new Token(GROUPER_TOKEN, value, _PRECEDENCE[value]));
class ParseException implements Exception {
final String message;
String toString() => "ParseException: $message";