blob: a181de3185bf8ae605d1fea1b29cd4a07c0e8e0e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// @dart = 2.9
part of swarmlib;
/// The top-level collection of all sections for a user. */
// TODO(jimhug): This is known as UserData in the server model.
class Sections extends IterableBase<Section> {
final List<Section> _sections;
operator [](int i) => _sections[i];
int get length => _sections.length;
List<String> get sectionTitles => => s.title).toList();
void refresh() {
// TODO(jimhug): http://b/issue?id=5351067
/// Find the Section object that has a given title.
/// This is used to integrate well with [ConveyorView].
Section findSection(String name) {
return CollectionUtils.find(_sections, (sect) => sect.title == name);
// TODO(jimhug): Track down callers!
Iterator<Section> get iterator => _sections.iterator;
// TODO(jimhug): Better support for switching between local dev and server.
static bool get runningFromFile {
return window.location.protocol.startsWith('file:');
static String get home {
// TODO(jmesserly): window.location.origin not available on Safari 4.
// Move this workaround to the DOM code. See bug 5389503.
return '${window.location.protocol}//${}';
// This method is exposed for tests.
static void initializeFromData(String data, void Function(Sections sects) callback) {
final decoder = Decoder(data);
int nSections = decoder.readInt();
final sections = <Section>[];
for (int i = 0; i < nSections; i++) {
static void initializeFromUrl(
bool useCannedData, void Function(Sections sections) callback) {
if (Sections.runningFromFile || useCannedData) {
initializeFromData([''], callback);
} else {
// TODO(jmesserly): display an error if we fail here! Silent failure bad.
.then(EventBatch.wrap((responseText) {
// TODO(jimhug): Nice response if get error back from server.
// TODO(jimhug): Might be more efficient to parse request
// in sections.
initializeFromData(responseText, callback);
Section findSectionById(String id) {
return CollectionUtils.find(_sections, (section) => == id);
/// Given the name of a section, find its index in the set.
int findSectionIndex(String name) {
for (int i = 0; i < _sections.length; i++) {
if (name == _sections[i].title) {
return i;
return -1;
List<Section> get sections => _sections;
// TODO(jmesserly): this should be a property
bool get isEmpty => length == 0;
/// A collection of data sources representing a page in the UI. */
class Section {
final String id;
final String title;
ObservableList<Feed> feeds;
// Public for testing. TODO(jacobr): find a cleaner solution.
Section(, this.title, this.feeds);
void refresh() {
for (final feed in feeds) {
// TODO(jimhug): http://b/issue?id=5351067
static Section decode(Decoder decoder) {
final sectionId = decoder.readString();
final sectionTitle = decoder.readString();
final nSources = decoder.readInt();
final feeds = ObservableList<Feed>();
for (int j = 0; j < nSources; j++) {
return Section(sectionId, sectionTitle, feeds);
Feed findFeed(String id_) {
return CollectionUtils.find(feeds, (feed) => == id_);
/// Provider of a news feed. */
class Feed {
String id;
final String title;
final String iconUrl;
final String description;
ObservableList<Article> articles;
ObservableValue<bool> error; // TODO(jimhug): Check if dead code.
Feed(, this.title, this.iconUrl, {this.description = ''})
: articles = ObservableList<Article>(),
error = ObservableValue<bool>(false);
static Feed decode(Decoder decoder) {
final sourceId = decoder.readString();
final sourceTitle = decoder.readString();
final sourceIcon = decoder.readString();
final feed = Feed(sourceId, sourceTitle, sourceIcon);
final nItems = decoder.readInt();
for (int i = 0; i < nItems; i++) {
feed.articles.add(Article.decodeHeader(feed, decoder));
return feed;
Article findArticle(String id_) {
return CollectionUtils.find(articles, (article) => == id_);
void refresh() {}
/// A single article or posting to display. */
class Article {
final String id;
DateTime date;
final String title;
final String author;
final bool hasThumbnail;
String textBody; // TODO(jimhug): rename to snippet.
final Feed dataSource; // TODO(jimhug): rename to feed.
String _htmlBody;
String srcUrl;
final ObservableValue<bool> unread; // TODO(jimhug): persist to server.
bool error; // TODO(jimhug): Check if this is dead and remove.
Article(this.dataSource,,, this.title,,
this.srcUrl, this.hasThumbnail, this.textBody,
{htmlBody, bool unread = true, this.error = false})
: unread = ObservableValue<bool>(unread),
_htmlBody = htmlBody;
String get htmlBody {
return _htmlBody;
String get dataUri {
return SwarmUri
.replaceAll('%2F', '/')
.replaceAll('%253A', '%3A');
String get thumbUrl {
if (!hasThumbnail) return null;
String home;
if (Sections.runningFromFile) {
home = '';
} else {
home = Sections.home;
// By default images from the real server are cached.
// Bump the version flag if you change the thumbnail size, and you want to
// get the new images. Our server ignores the query params but it gets
// around appengine server side caching and the client side cache.
return 'data/$dataUri.jpg';
// TODO(jimhug): need to return a lazy Observable<String> and also
// add support for preloading.
void _ensureLoaded() {
if (_htmlBody != null) return;
var name = '$dataUri.html';
if (Sections.runningFromFile) {
_htmlBody =[name];
} else {
// TODO(jimhug): Remove this truly evil synchronoush xhr.
final req = HttpRequest();'GET', 'data/$name', async: false);
_htmlBody = req.responseText;
static Article decodeHeader(Feed source, Decoder decoder) {
final id = decoder.readString();
final title = decoder.readString();
final srcUrl = decoder.readString();
final hasThumbnail = decoder.readBool();
final author = decoder.readString();
final dateInSeconds = decoder.readInt();
final snippet = decoder.readString();
final date = DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(dateInSeconds * 1000,
isUtc: true);
return Article(
source, id, date, title, author, srcUrl, hasThumbnail, snippet);