blob: 53079e390067afd7c063e15b27fcde8c291f2c07 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include "platform/globals.h"
#include "platform/memory_sanitizer.h"
#if !defined(DEBUG) && !defined(NDEBUG)
#error neither DEBUG nor NDEBUG defined
#elif defined(DEBUG) && defined(NDEBUG)
#error both DEBUG and NDEBUG defined
// TODO(5411406): include sstream for now, once we have a Utils::toString()
// implemented for all the primitive types we can replace the usage of
// sstream by Utils::toString()
#if defined(DEBUG) || defined(TESTING)
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
namespace dart {
class DynamicAssertionHelper {
DynamicAssertionHelper(const char* file, int line)
: file_(file), line_(line) {}
void Print(const char* format,
va_list arguments,
bool will_abort = false) const;
const char* const file_;
const int line_;
class Assert : public DynamicAssertionHelper {
Assert(const char* file, int line) : DynamicAssertionHelper(file, line) {}
DART_NORETURN void Fail(const char* format, ...) const PRINTF_ATTRIBUTE(2, 3);
template <typename T>
T NotNull(const T p);
class Expect : public DynamicAssertionHelper {
Expect(const char* file, int line) : DynamicAssertionHelper(file, line) {}
void Fail(const char* format, ...) const PRINTF_ATTRIBUTE(2, 3);
#if defined(TESTING)
template <typename E, typename A>
void Equals(const E& expected, const A& actual);
template <typename E, typename A>
void NotEquals(const E& not_expected, const A& actual);
template <typename E, typename A, typename T>
void FloatEquals(const E& expected, const A& actual, const T& tol);
void StringEquals(const char* expected, const char* actual);
void IsSubstring(const char* needle, const char* haystack);
void IsNotSubstring(const char* needle, const char* haystack);
template <typename E, typename A>
void LessThan(const E& left, const A& right);
template <typename E, typename A>
void LessEqual(const E& left, const A& right);
template <typename E, typename A>
void GreaterThan(const E& left, const A& right);
template <typename E, typename A>
void GreaterEqual(const E& left, const A& right);
template <typename T>
void NotNull(const T p);
template <typename T>
void Null(const T p);
static bool failed() { return failed_; }
static bool failed_;
template <typename T>
T Assert::NotNull(const T p) {
if (p != NULL) return p;
Fail("expected: not NULL, found NULL");
return NULL;
#if defined(TESTING)
// Only allow the expensive (with respect to code size) assertions
// in testing code.
template <typename E, typename A>
void Expect::Equals(const E& expected, const A& actual) {
if (actual == expected) return;
std::ostringstream ess, ass;
ess << expected;
ass << actual;
std::string es = ess.str(), as = ass.str();
Fail("expected: <%s> but was: <%s>", es.c_str(), as.c_str());
template <typename E, typename A>
void Expect::NotEquals(const E& not_expected, const A& actual) {
if (actual != not_expected) return;
std::ostringstream ness;
ness << not_expected;
std::string nes = ness.str();
Fail("did not expect: <%s>", nes.c_str());
template <typename E, typename A, typename T>
void Expect::FloatEquals(const E& expected, const A& actual, const T& tol) {
if (((expected - tol) <= actual) && (actual <= (expected + tol))) {
std::ostringstream ess, ass, tolss;
ess << expected;
ass << actual;
tolss << tol;
std::string es = ess.str(), as = ass.str(), tols = tolss.str();
Fail("expected: <%s> but was: <%s> (tolerance: <%s>)", es.c_str(), as.c_str(),
static void Escape(std::string& dst, const char* src) {
char c;
while ((c = *src++) != '\0') {
if (c == '\n') {
dst += "\\n\"\n\"";
} else if (c == '\'') {
dst += "\\\'";
} else if (c == '\"') {
dst += "\\\"";
} else if (c == '\\') {
dst += "\\\\";
} else {
dst += c;
inline void Expect::StringEquals(const char* expected, const char* actual) {
if (strcmp(expected, actual) == 0) return;
if (actual == nullptr) {
Fail("expected:\n<\"%s\">\nbut was nullptr", expected);
} else {
if (strcmp(expected, actual) == 0) return;
std::string es, as;
Escape(es, expected);
Escape(as, actual);
Fail("expected:\n<\"%s\">\nbut was:\n<\"%s\">", es.c_str(), as.c_str());
inline void Expect::IsSubstring(const char* needle, const char* haystack) {
if (strstr(haystack, needle) != nullptr) return;
Fail("expected <\"%s\"> to be a substring of <\"%s\">", needle, haystack);
inline void Expect::IsNotSubstring(const char* needle, const char* haystack) {
if (strstr(haystack, needle) == nullptr) return;
Fail("expected <\"%s\"> to not be a substring of <\"%s\">", needle, haystack);
template <typename E, typename A>
void Expect::LessThan(const E& left, const A& right) {
if (left < right) return;
std::ostringstream ess, ass;
ess << left;
ass << right;
std::string es = ess.str(), as = ass.str();
Fail("expected: %s < %s", es.c_str(), as.c_str());
template <typename E, typename A>
void Expect::LessEqual(const E& left, const A& right) {
if (left <= right) return;
std::ostringstream ess, ass;
ess << left;
ass << right;
std::string es = ess.str(), as = ass.str();
Fail("expected: %s <= %s", es.c_str(), as.c_str());
template <typename E, typename A>
void Expect::GreaterThan(const E& left, const A& right) {
if (left > right) return;
std::ostringstream ess, ass;
ess << left;
ass << right;
std::string es = ess.str(), as = ass.str();
Fail("expected: %s > %s", es.c_str(), as.c_str());
template <typename E, typename A>
void Expect::GreaterEqual(const E& left, const A& right) {
if (left >= right) return;
std::ostringstream ess, ass;
ess << left;
ass << right;
std::string es = ess.str(), as = ass.str();
Fail("expected: %s >= %s", es.c_str(), as.c_str());
template <typename T>
void Expect::NotNull(const T p) {
if (p != NULL) return;
Fail("expected: not NULL, found NULL");
template <typename T>
void Expect::Null(const T p) {
if (p == nullptr) return;
Fail("expected: nullptr, found not null pointer");
} // namespace dart
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
#define FATAL(format, ...) \
dart::Assert(__FILE__, __LINE__).Fail(format, __VA_ARGS__);
#define FATAL(format, ...) \
dart::Assert(__FILE__, __LINE__).Fail(format, ##__VA_ARGS__);
// Leaving old non-varargs versions to avoid having to rewrite all uses.
#define FATAL1(format, p1) dart::Assert(__FILE__, __LINE__).Fail(format, (p1))
#define FATAL2(format, p1, p2) \
dart::Assert(__FILE__, __LINE__).Fail(format, (p1), (p2))
#define FATAL3(format, p1, p2, p3) \
dart::Assert(__FILE__, __LINE__).Fail(format, (p1), (p2), (p3))
#define UNIMPLEMENTED() FATAL("unimplemented code")
#define UNREACHABLE() FATAL("unreachable code")
#define OUT_OF_MEMORY() FATAL("Out of memory.")
#if defined(DEBUG)
// DEBUG binaries use assertions in the code.
// Note: We wrap the if statement in a do-while so that we get a compile
// error if there is no semicolon after ASSERT(condition). This
// ensures that we get the same behavior on DEBUG and RELEASE builds.
#define ASSERT(cond) \
do { \
if (!(cond)) dart::Assert(__FILE__, __LINE__).Fail("expected: %s", #cond); \
} while (false)
#define ASSERT_EQUAL(actual, expected) \
do { \
if ((expected) != (actual)) { \
const std::string actual_str = std::to_string(actual); \
const std::string expected_str = std::to_string(expected); \
dart::Assert(__FILE__, __LINE__) \
.Fail("expected \"%s\" = %s, actual \"%s\" = %s", #expected, \
expected_str.c_str(), #actual, actual_str.c_str()); \
} \
} while (false)
// DEBUG_ASSERT allows identifiers in condition to be undeclared in release
// mode.
#define DEBUG_ASSERT(cond) ASSERT(cond)
// Returns 'ptr'; useful for initializer lists:
// class Foo { Foo(int* ptr) : ptr_(ASSERT_NOTNULL(ptr)) ...
#define ASSERT_NOTNULL(ptr) dart::Assert(__FILE__, __LINE__).NotNull((ptr))
#else // if defined(DEBUG)
// In order to avoid variable unused warnings for code that only uses
// a variable in an ASSERT or EXPECT, we make sure to use the macro
// argument.
#define ASSERT(condition) \
do { \
} while (false && (condition))
#define ASSERT_EQUAL(expected, actual) \
do { \
} while (false && (expected) != (actual))
#define DEBUG_ASSERT(cond)
#define ASSERT_NOTNULL(ptr) (ptr)
#endif // if defined(DEBUG)
#define RELEASE_ASSERT(cond) \
do { \
if (!(cond)) dart::Assert(__FILE__, __LINE__).Fail("expected: %s", #cond); \
} while (false)
#define COMPILE_ASSERT(expr) static_assert(expr, "")
#if defined(TESTING)
// EXPECT and FAIL are equivalent to ASSERT and FATAL except that they do not
// cause early termination of the unit test. This allows testing to proceed
// further to be able to report other failures before reporting the overall
// unit tests as failing.
#define EXPECT(condition) \
if (!(condition)) { \
dart::Expect(__FILE__, __LINE__).Fail("expected: %s", #condition); \
#define EXPECT_EQ(expected, actual) \
dart::Expect(__FILE__, __LINE__).Equals((expected), (actual))
#define EXPECT_NE(not_expected, actual) \
dart::Expect(__FILE__, __LINE__).NotEquals((not_expected), (actual))
#define EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(expected, actual, tol) \
dart::Expect(__FILE__, __LINE__).FloatEquals((expected), (actual), (tol))
#define EXPECT_STREQ(expected, actual) \
dart::Expect(__FILE__, __LINE__).StringEquals((expected), (actual))
#define EXPECT_SUBSTRING(needle, haystack) \
dart::Expect(__FILE__, __LINE__).IsSubstring((needle), (haystack))
#define EXPECT_NOTSUBSTRING(needle, haystack) \
dart::Expect(__FILE__, __LINE__).IsNotSubstring((needle), (haystack))
#define EXPECT_LT(left, right) \
dart::Expect(__FILE__, __LINE__).LessThan((left), (right))
#define EXPECT_LE(left, right) \
dart::Expect(__FILE__, __LINE__).LessEqual((left), (right))
#define EXPECT_GT(left, right) \
dart::Expect(__FILE__, __LINE__).GreaterThan((left), (right))
#define EXPECT_GE(left, right) \
dart::Expect(__FILE__, __LINE__).GreaterEqual((left), (right))
#define EXPECT_NOTNULL(ptr) dart::Expect(__FILE__, __LINE__).NotNull((ptr))
#define EXPECT_NULLPTR(ptr) dart::Expect(__FILE__, __LINE__).Null((ptr))
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
#define FAIL(format, ...) \
dart::Expect(__FILE__, __LINE__).Fail(format, __VA_ARGS__);
#define FAIL(format, ...) \
dart::Expect(__FILE__, __LINE__).Fail(format, ##__VA_ARGS__);
// Leaving old non-varargs versions to avoid having to rewrite all uses.
#define FAIL1(format, p1) dart::Expect(__FILE__, __LINE__).Fail(format, (p1))
#define FAIL2(format, p1, p2) \
dart::Expect(__FILE__, __LINE__).Fail(format, (p1), (p2))
#endif // defined(TESTING)