Polymer.dart is a set of comprehensive UI and utility components for building web applications. With Polymer.dart's custom elements, templating, data binding, and other features, you can quickly build structured, encapsulated, client-side web apps.
Polymer.dart is a Dart port of Polymer created and maintained by the Dart team. The Dart team is collaborating with the Polymer team to ensure that polymer.dart elements and polyfills are fully compatible with Polymer.
Polymer.dart replaces Web UI, which has been deprecated.
The Polymer.dart homepage contains a list of features, project status, installation instructions, tips for upgrading from Web UI, and links to other documentation.
See our TodoMVC example by opening up the Dart Editor's Welcome Page and selecting “TodoMVC”.
For more information about Dart, see http://www.dartlang.org/.
When you use this package, you automatically get the polymer_expressions package, which provides an expressive syntax for use with templates.
Add the polymer.dart package to your pubspec.yaml file:
dependencies: polymer: any
Instead of using any
, we recommend using version ranges to avoid getting your project broken on each release. Using a version range lets you upgrade your package at your own pace. You can find the latest version number at https://pub.dartlang.org/packages/polymer.
Install dependencies using the Pub Package Manager.
pub install # Run command line tests and automated end-to-end tests. It needs two # executables on your path: `dart` and `content_shell` (see below # for links to download `content_shell`) test/run.sh
Note: To run browser tests you will need to have content_shell, which can be downloaded prebuilt for Ubuntu Lucid, Windows, or Mac. You can also build it from the Dartium and content_shell sources.
For Linux users all the necessary fonts must be installed see https://code.google.com/p/chromium/wiki/LayoutTestsLinux.
Please file issues in our Issue Tracker or contact us on the Dart Web UI mailing list.
We also have the Web UI development list for discussions about internals of the code, code reviews, etc.