blob: b564ab6cada329dc15c3b18e5e7635dc4ab95a95 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* *Warning*: this library is **internal**, and APIs are subject to change.
* Tracks observable objects for dirty checking and testing purposes.
* It can collect all observed objects, which can be used to trigger predictable
* delivery of all pending changes in a test, including objects allocated
* internally to another library, such as those in `package:mdv`.
library observe.src.dirty_check;
import 'package:logging/logging.dart';
import 'package:observe/observe.dart' show Observable;
/** The number of active observables in the system. */
int get allObservablesCount => _allObservablesCount;
int _allObservablesCount = 0;
List<Observable> _allObservables = null;
bool _delivering = false;
void registerObservable(Observable obj) {
if (_allObservables == null) _allObservables = <Observable>[];
* Synchronously deliver all change records for known observables.
* This will execute [Observable.deliverChanges] on objects that inherit from
* [ObservableMixin].
// Note: this is called performMicrotaskCheckpoint in change_summary.js.
void dirtyCheckObservables() {
if (_delivering) return;
if (_allObservables == null) return;
_delivering = true;
int cycles = 0;
bool anyChanged = false;
List debugLoop = null;
do {
if (cycles == MAX_DIRTY_CHECK_CYCLES) {
debugLoop = [];
var toCheck = _allObservables;
_allObservables = <Observable>[];
anyChanged = false;
for (int i = 0; i < toCheck.length; i++) {
final observer = toCheck[i];
if (observer.hasObservers) {
if (observer.deliverChanges()) {
anyChanged = true;
if (debugLoop != null) debugLoop.add([i, observer]);
} while (cycles < MAX_DIRTY_CHECK_CYCLES && anyChanged);
if (debugLoop != null && anyChanged) {
_logger.warning('Possible loop in Observable.dirtyCheck, stopped '
for (final info in debugLoop) {
_logger.warning('In last iteration Observable changed at index '
'${info[0]}, object: ${info[1]}.');
_allObservablesCount = _allObservables.length;
_delivering = false;
* Log for messages produced at runtime by this library. Logging can be
* configured by accessing Logger.root from the logging library.
final Logger _logger = new Logger('Observable.dirtyCheck');